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File: 77 KB, 393x269, Secret_of_Mana_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
366682 No.366682 [Reply] [Original]

I never played this game but I keep seeing it mentioned recently. What's the general consensus on this game? Play or Pass?

>> No.366706

Play. Although the magic casting system can be a little tedious. Ring system slows down the game quite a bit.

>> No.366731

If you're going co-op with a bud, play.

If not, pass.

>> No.366752

>that camera.

also where do I save

>> No.366757

If you're into JRPGs, play it. If you're not, play if you plan on doing co-op. Otherwise, do a coin toss or something.

>> No.367146

Broken AI, broken magic, broken enemies that can trap you...generally, the whole game is broken as fuck. I struggled along trying to play it as long as I could and just pretty much gave up in the last area. When I got to a cave where there was literally three enemies that just swarm you the minute you enter the cave and knock you on the ground.

Still have the same file for the game, just got tired of 'tricking' the AI to let me actually win battles.

tl;dr: Play Seiken Densetsu 3 instead. They fixed nearly everything broken in Secret of Mana. As well as having characters you can choose, classes to choose and better graphics.

>> No.367170

Second that.
Only the classes system wasn't really good.

>> No.367281

But it's not a JRPG. The whole reason it was so fantastic then and now is because it's not a bunch of menus stapled together.

>When I got to a cave where there was literally three enemies that just swarm you the minute you enter the cave and knock you on the ground.

How do you get through so much of the game while being so bad at it? No enemy is quicker on the draw with magic than the player.

>> No.367304

One of my favorite games.

>> No.367379

I want to play this but everybody else on the internet is more interested in playing generic-five-year-old-MMO/RTS #23526689 than doing emulator netplay

>> No.367405
File: 353 KB, 1060x727, facepalm_homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he thinks JRPG is a genre
>he thinks JRPG means 'bunch of menus'

Being an ARPG doesn't keep it from being made in Japan. And if anything, its a fusion of a turn based and Action game. It stops the gameplay whenever you want to use magic or items, just like something such as FFXII.

>> No.367418

Play with two friends, otherwise I'm not sure its worth it. Playing with bros makes it super fun though.

>> No.367439

>he considers every game focusing on rpg elements coming out of japan a jrpg
>still uses the term as if it actually means anything
Do you like any japanese game with rpg elements ever created? then you'd like this!

>> No.367516
File: 32 KB, 640x480, smile_haruka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I was wrong
>I know, I'll deflect by claiming JRPG doesn't mean anything anymore!

Problem is, it invalidates your own point just as hard as mine.

>> No.367536

you're the one whose made its meaning so vague using the term means almost nothing. I was just repeating what you were implying.

>> No.367535

I really enjoy it, it has great music, and art. The better parts of the story seem to have been lost in the translation though. Definitely a play if you have a bro or two.

>> No.367547

Also I was saying your reasoning was incorrect because it leads into absurdity. Not that I was agreeing with your definition of jrpg.

>> No.367642

It's disgusting. You eat chocolade and wear stupid hats for armor. The cuteness in this game is outstanding and I hated it. Then the gameplay is to straight forward. Walk a bit meet Boss...walk a bit me meet boss....not much in betwen. Overall still one of the best SNES RPG but there were not many anyway!

>> No.367661

was this ironic

>> No.367801

Loved it, really enjoy playing through it.
Play it OP, if you don't like it by the time that giant thing a ma what appears in the sky and you attack it, feel free to put it down.
Those drums n hi hats, mrph.
Anytime someone is faster then you, you gotta magic up, son.

>> No.368071
File: 25 KB, 313x350, 1252490074595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You eat chocolade and wear stupid hats for armor.

This is how I'm going to describe the game from now on.

>> No.368110


Magic system sucks to grind if you don't kow what you're doing.

Random non-spoiler note - if you are in an area where your weapons are not drawn, do not use that area to grind spells, even defensive ones, because the "to next level" grind rate is HALVED. Go heal, then go an area where your weapons are out and you'll be able to cast your ass off for full leveling.

>> No.368205


play it for the music at least

>> No.368227

I personally thought the class system wasn't too bad. Gave it good replay value at least, plus there weren't any other games around that time which did it quite like they did (if i remember correctly, it's been a while).

That said, has anyone played any of the recent SoM games for DS? I played one and it was pretty poor, random dungeons and detached sort of grinding feeling. was there more than one released?

>> No.368232


10/10 best new post

>> No.368248
File: 47 KB, 1024x896, get it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play Seiken Densetsu 3 instead
I followed your advice, and shit, you weren't kidding when you said they fixed SoM.
This game is fucking awesome so far.

>> No.368295


Gets even better my negro. Game's a masterpiece.

>> No.368315

As far as I know the newer oM series have all been fairly disappoint.

>> No.368336


I'd have liked the class system a lot more if it wasn't 'You finally grinded the items for the tier 3 classes? Enjoy it while it lasts, just 15 minutes of game left.'

>> No.368345

Oh no, don't get me wrong, the concept of class was cool, but the execution wasn't. They simply changed the color pallet of the characters, and most of the time you wish they could look like they originaly was.

>> No.368382

>Seiken Densetsu 3
>3 different endings
>3 different bosses
>story changes depending on which 3 combinations you use.
I'm running around 4 games at the same time.

>> No.368403
File: 343 KB, 816x480, 12307643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they didn't touched their hair and their body color, it would be fine, even if it was just the same sprite. But no they had to fuck everything.

>> No.368410

>Seiken Densetsu 3
Why didnt they brought that game to the west? Such a great sequel. And secret of mana itself was fairly successful. I dont understand those japanese.

Soundtrack for this thread:

>> No.368631

Even today no one knows.

>> No.369163

Unless the hair color changed they shouldn't have changed that at the least.

>> No.369196


>Not choosing Robin Hood, the Werewolf and the sexy mage.

Restart now please.

>> No.369229

>Not choosing an all female squad.

>> No.369227
File: 18 KB, 256x224, Seiken Densetsu 3 (Japan) [En by LNF+Neill Corlett+SoM2Freak v1.01]000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but being a werebeast sounds cool

>> No.369260

>Why didnt they brought that game to the west?
Because Secret of Evermore was developed instead.

>> No.369268 [SPOILER] 
File: 80 KB, 1012x672, SD3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By the way do you know what type of class changes you're going to be doing? If not you could screw yourself when it comes to the second part of the game.

Who is your third party member?

>> No.369278

Fun note with SD3, with some careful editing you can give players other player's spells

>> No.369293
File: 148 KB, 500x500, 20728966_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kevin makes the game really easy; but he is fun as fuck to use.

>> No.369346


>> No.369373 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 518x335, ninjawolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just makes him even more unfair

>> No.369397

Either have Carlie go light and have Duran go dark, or visa versa. Angelia does good on almost any class

>> No.369424

It's impossible to screw yourself in SD3. Even if you intentionally take the worst possible team and class combos you'll still be able to win.

>> No.369478

Do you think so? I think I would be really pissed if I didn't had someone to heal the team.
>Find gold save point
>lol, that won't restore your items

>> No.369493


Do you want him to fail against the evil rabbit?

>> No.369520

Is there any evidence that the two are connected at all?

Also, there's a fanslation of SD3 and SoE is great, so as unpopular as this may be, even if that's true, I'm glad they made Secret of Evermore instead.

>> No.369602

Considering that

1. You can carry 99 of every item in your bag + 9 of ten different items in your active inventory
2. Items are dirt cheap

I do not see how you could possibly run out of them even if you play a team with no healing or buff spells whatsoever.

>> No.369621

I enjoyed SoM more, but SD3 was still quite good.

SoM is not a broken game. the game actually moves smoother than SD3.

>> No.369641
File: 22 KB, 256x224, we did it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to

>> No.369819 [DELETED] 

>Playing ghost level
>get to part where character turns into ghost
>Play as regular person
>Everytime it gets to the point where the person thinks about switching everyone runs.
>Do it while playing Angela
>Soon as the rest of the group hears that it could be switched they run from her because they don't trust her not to grab them.

>> No.369929

>not stocking up on Poto oil

>> No.369959

>Third partner is Carlie
>Still don't have it
What happened? Isn't Carlie in the first dungeon, before any boss?

>> No.369975




>> No.370923
File: 24 KB, 292x400, neko[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he so purrrrfect?!?

>> No.370967

>they fixed SoM

>shitty slow-ass combat even worse than SoM
>pretty much no story after Wendel
>later on you can die instantly by walking into the wrong screen LOL SPLIT IMAGE NINJA TECHNIQUE U DED

>> No.372525


I forgot who I picked, I didn't know the game's path ran you by the other characters, so I thought I picked carlie. I have the Amazoness in my party now