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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3666181 No.3666181 [Reply] [Original]

/vr/, Mother or Mother 3?
Which one do you think is better?
I recently played through Mother and wow was it good. I cant decide if I like it more than Mother 3 though.

>> No.3666184

This is only half-retro

>> No.3666185

Mother 3 is like swallowing a grapefruit. A really delicious, nutritious, and satisfying grapefruit.

But you have to swallow it whole.

Mother is just a box of god damn mandarin oranges I tell you what

>> No.3666191

Yeah, sorry it's half-retro. I was considering doing 1 vs EB at first, but I feel like it's been done a lot.

>> No.3666193
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Mother 3 isn't retro

Anyways M3 is technically a supperior game but I guess it depends.

M1 is obviously quite old and pretty bare bones but it has a lot of imagination. There's a purity to it that feels genuine and makes it enjoyable. The sequels were a bit more serious with more story elements and some political satire. M1 is just a good little jrpg even if aged.

Without going too much into it, not retro, M3 is the technically supperior. Gameplay and graphics are greatly improved as expected. The story may be a little much for some people. I feel it has some plotholes and pacing problems but that doesn't detract from the overall game. In the end I still always am moved to tears no matter how many playthroughs later.

It depends on you as a person. Do you preffer the more innocent and imaginative but quite aged adventure or the more modern and emotional game? I know /vr/ has a hate boner for the series but the mother series is my favorite game series. I can't say I like one more then the other, they all appeal to me in different ways.

>> No.3666231

Mother 1 is almost as dark as Mother 3 though.

>> No.3666269

Were there really plotholes in Mother 3? It's been so long since I played it; what were they?

I never understood why so many people on /vr/ try to convince people not to play Mother 1. It's a fantastic game, it's not hard. If you want to appreciate the franchise you should play the first one. There's only thee fucking games.

No way. In Mother 1 you go back to your ordinary life at the end of the game. In Mother 3 you find out literally all of civilization has been destroyed previously, and Nowhere Island is literally the only thing left. You have to fight your own family member who you thought died but simply became a player character for Porkey, the universe's biggest asshole. Then NOTHING exists after that. Then you realize Porkey is a sympathetic character because he's just lonely as shit but has the power of an omniscent all powerful god so he can't understand how to make friends, and his only friend is long dead. In fact, he's always wanted ot be Ness' friend but he couldn't show it any other way than being an asshole because his dad beat him and shit.



Mother 1 is really heart felt and touching, don't get me wrong. But m3 is existential at points.

>> No.3666271

I love how the entire Mother franchise was inspired by old movies. I never realized until I played Mother 1 for the first time. It's basically got the plot and aliens of those old B movies, and a lot of stuff from horror movies as well, and it's a big coming of age story. It feels like it's set in the 50's sometimes.

And Mother 3 has that whole Star Wars thing.

>> No.3666272

Mother 3 tries too hard to be sad.

>> No.3666293

M1 is my favorite of the trilogy, best story, best magicant, best music, best characters.
But the inventory is really not good
I really dislike the chapter system of M3, still a great game and the perfect finale for the series though story wise

>> No.3666309

What the hell does that even mean?

>> No.3666310

Not him but the last battle is very very hamfisted in its writing. Needs to be way more subtle like the prequels were.

>> No.3666420

The first game has those ridiculous random encounters, so it can go fuck itself.

>> No.3666589

Thats the game you casual.

>> No.3666602
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Yeah Mother series has a lot of movie references, but Mother 3 was mainly inspired by Agota Kristof's Claus and Lucas novel trilogy.
Another book that served as heavy inspiration for the series as a whole (and I think mostly, inspiration for the character of Porky) was Sirens of Titan by Vonnegut Jr.

>> No.3666606
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Things like the egg of light (a important plot item that disappears from the plot and basically ignored later on) and leder's speech (seemed pretty rushed) but as I said I don't feel those really bring the game down.
Eh, I never thought that but I get you. I suppose it isn't as subtle as the previous finale but I also feel like it has the emotion to back up the intensity of the situation.
M1 does have some grinding but really I find there are only four real points of grinding
>leaving yoir house for the first time
>entering magicant for the first time
>lloyd joining
>ana joining

>> No.3666640
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I feel Mother 3's final battle is even more subtle than Mother 1 and 2's.

In the previous games, you use the "power of love and friendship" to beat the evil bad guy (who turns out to be more of a baby crying for his surrogate mom than anything else, but still).
On Mother 3, there is no real final enemy. Porky locks himself forever, and all that's left is a cyborg that used to be your brother, you don't really use anything against him (like the singing on Mother 1, or pray in 2), you just endure the battle until Claus' soul gets, uh, exorcised out of the cyborg.

I thought it had some really nice subtle lines, the one that got me the most was "Lucas.. remembered Claus' smell".
It isn't a line of text that seems like it tries to hamfist emotions, it's just a simple line saying he remembered how his brother smelled like, depending on the context it could even be a bit funny, but in this case, it really got me back when I played the game. Remembering the smell of a loved one you haven't seen in years is a really unique feeling and I at least don't remember any other game using that literary resource. I thought it was pretty clever and well done, and very emotional, but without being overdone, it's still subtle.

The thing about Itoi's writting is that he isn't cheesy or overly dramatic, he always still keeps a bit of humor (the Hinawa death scene with "good and bad news" exemplifies this).

Mother 3 was going to be dramatic and very cruel anyway, since it was based on these books: >>3666602
If you've read them, you know it's no happy story, but still I don't feel they ever go overly dark or gritty, there's always a sense of innocence and playfulness that the series is known for.

As for Mother 1, there isn't really any part where you absolutely need to grind, although when Lloyd and Anna join, it's better to go to Magicant immediately (using the Onyx Hook, great item that somehow I missed on my first playthrough), to get them some equip.

>> No.3666697
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No I agree on the final battle. Absolutely brilliant.

The final battle is one of patience, acceptance, and love. It is one of the greatest examples of gameplay effectively telling a story. The final battle has that perfect balance of plot and gameplay. It has so many details it blows my mind. One I love but never hear about is when flint first enters. He'll block the first pk love omega and then talk to claus. Claus pauses for a brief second before he fires the second pk love. Its an amazing subtle detail that I love. That line you mention is also a great line. In another context it could be seen as comical but here it really is emotional as smell is one of our most prominent senses.

>> No.3666751

Well I thought it was awful.

>> No.3666756


It was shit and hamfisted

>> No.3666819
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All 3 Mother games have sort of anti-climatic final bosses, on purpose.
That's kind of the deal with the series, if the final battles were just a super powerful enemy on which you need to use your omega powers that you got late in the game to beat, then it wouldn't have its self-conscious tongue-in-cheek, offbeat tone the games are known for.
Though Mother 2 and 3 have a first stage of the boss fight were you need to fight them, but your PK attacks are still useless.
Also on 2 and 3 you fight Porky, a sort of pre-final boss fight that feels more like a regular boss that Gyiyg/Claus, which are indeed more script-based, or "hamfisted".

>> No.3666825

>I literally cannot see the appeal of literature

>> No.3666840

Mother. The only thing 3 did better was the opportunity of doing more damage by following the music.

Pretty much, but worse than that was the attempts of humor.

I put sex as my favorite thing. It made the battle less stupid somehow.

>> No.3666871


Mother 3 also added the back of the enemy, on Mother 2 enemies only lose 1 turn if caught from behind, but on Mother 3, attacking from behind is key for some enemies (I think there was an armored enemy that could only be attacked from behind).

>> No.3666882

IIRC there was a turtle that would make the fight harder if you attack from behind.

>> No.3666885
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>mother 3 tries too hard to be funny
>put sex as my favorite thing
True pottery

Either way I disagree but whatever.
Are you thinking of the mecha turtle?

Its east to attack from the back but it also attacks you from the back making it more advantagous NOT to attack it from the back. Its a interesting gimmick, wish other enemies had little things like that.

>> No.3666889

MOTHER 1 just isn't very good, it's like a more archaic version of EarthBound, but with like a fraction of it's humor and silliness.

I think it would have been a whole lot better if you didn't get your party members at level 1. Do they seriously expect Ana to survive the trek to Ellay?

>> No.3666906
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These games are frankly vastly different to be compared, especially when you consider they came out 17 years apart.

Mother 1 is very much like DQ1. There is story to it of course, but there are no cutscenes in it, no development, almost no character relationships, and so on. The background story is told through plain text. But, it's interesting enough to explore and fight monsters—the game has a surprisingly open world.

Mother 3, on the other hand, is pretty much a movie-game, with tons of cutscenes and so on, with several "parts" in it, a constantly developing story, theme and narrative. At the same time, it's very linear, with whole areas blocked from your access once you clear them.

I'd rather replay M1 though. First of all, I already know all of the plot in M3, which kinda kills the purpose of replaying it. Second, I like normal battles more than M3's rhythm minigames.

But what really kills M3 for me is the whole obvious "dude capitalism is all fake lmao" moral shoved on player all the time.

>> No.3666912

Its aged but good for what it is. Yeah you could say earthbound is really just "super MOTHER" but I feel it has enough originality to still be worth a playthrough.

>> No.3666915

Literature is outdated.

>> No.3666918

So is everything else

>> No.3666923

Not videogames, they are hip and cool baby!

>> No.3666925
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>> No.3666927

You know its true ironic loliposter, boo ya!

>> No.3666929

>"dude capitalism is all fake lmao" moral shoved on player all the time.

Hah, political discussion on Mother 3 are a classic.
Nobody really seems to agree that Mother 3 is making a critique on capitalism specifically, some people argue it's actually on totalitarism, some people even think it may be a critique on communism.
The only way I could see it making a reference and maybe critique to capitalism was with New Pork City, but that's just a wordplay on Porky himself, and the whole place is like a wacky recreation of various towns from Mother 2, it was fanservice more than a critique to NYC, USA or capitalism.
I don't think there is a moral to take from Mother 3.
Anti-totalitarism or anti-war maybe, would be the moral if there had to be one, I don't think Itoi bothers to think about capitalism or communism, maybe if it was for a joke, but not as a serious thing.

>> No.3666930

>But what really kills M3 for me is the whole obvious "dude capitalism is all fake lmao" moral shoved on player all the time.

People say that a lot and I never saw it
Porky just used money as a way to make his goals easier and to have fun messing with people because its Porky
Dont read into it and you will have a better time, not saying Itoi didnt intent for that to be the message because he is a crazy hippy guy like that but does it matter

>> No.3666947

I think it's more meant to be a reversal of mother and mother 2 where science is admittedly a magical macguffin that can solve any problems that COURAGE can't handle

In Mother 3 science is a runaway force of power that has no conscience of it's own.

New Pork City is an allegory for the american dream, everyone respects and supports the tyranny of the richest most powerful people because they want to be the one in the huge golden luxury tower living in opulence and comfort, but really it's only the people at the very top that ever get to enjoy that. Everyone else is sold the image of that, a literal stand up card board cut out of success, while what they get is unfair compensation for their labor, because all the wealth is being diverted for one asshole to live comfortably.

Earthbound is sort of tongue in cheek about "haha adults are stupid and we cause all the problems sorry please fix the future for us ten year old"

Mother 3 has the complacency and shortsightedness and materialism and selfishness of the adults completely being the cause all the problems that are not being fixed, and the game is like "HEY YOU YOU'RE GROWN UP NOW, and GUESS WHAT. THE WORLD IS REALLY SAD. IT'S NOT AS SAD AS THIS VIDEOGAME BUT IT'S REALLY CLOSE."

We could reverse the income gap and bring social justice and equality and give an actual fair chance to everybody to succeed and change the way things are, but we pretty much just let shit run out of control, and if you're one person who doesn't like it your biggest problem is the majority of people that aren't really doing anything about it.

>> No.3666962

Maybe, but I think it was signaled a bit too much in the game.
> dude TV doesn't show anything and people can't stop watching lmao
> dude everything is made out of cardboard in New Pork City lmao
> dude they ruin the nature lmao

The latter is more like a traditional Japanese thing though. Itoi in one of his interviews said how today nature was constantly clashing with technology and this was one of the central topics of M3 (hence that weird mix of metal and wood in the logo). A message is persistently repeated through the whole game: "We were living in harmony with nature, worked with our hands and felt completely fulfilled, but then those capitalist pigs came, destroyed the harmony, and made everyone selfish and jealous". Too many Japanese anime series/games have perpetuated this story of pure people in harmony with the Earth itself attacked by Shinra/whatever.

On a side note, one more unrelated pet peeve I have with the game is the tear-jerking plot, with how mom dies and all that. I never really like this kind of cliche in general, be it games/movies/cartoons/whatever. But the game even starts from it, and it all felt a bit too corny to me. I never even related to plot in any Japanese media though, too often it turns out as another round of fapping to traditional Japanese values (not that I blame them for it, but obviously I can't relate to them).

>> No.3666970


I really can't see much of what you're interpreting on the games.

The NPC/capitalism comparison is acceptable, but it's still up to personal interpretation, I could also just think it's a city that serves as fan-service for fans of the other games, with lots of references to Mother 2, especially on the theatre, and also shows the demential state of Porky, he's more than just a rich person, he's an ancient space-time traveller who has the personality of a spoiled 10 year old brat. Porky's character has a lot in common with Lord Rumfoord from The Sirens of Titan, I'm sure that's where the idea behind Mother 3 Porky (and late game Earthbound) comes from.
Your read on political references in NPC might not be completely wrong, but still it's your interpretation.

>Earthbound is sort of tongue in cheek about "haha adults are stupid and we cause all the problems sorry please fix the future for us ten year old"

I don't remember anything like this at all.


don't remember anything like this either. Are you talking about the text-only ending after "END?".

>We could reverse the income gap and bring social justice and equality and give an actual fair chance to everybody to succeed and change the way things are, but we pretty much just let shit run out of control, and if you're one person who doesn't like it your biggest problem is the majority of people that aren't really doing anything about it.

Something to think about, but I don't see how it's related to the discussion.

>> No.3666981

>dude TV doesn't show anything and people can't stop watching lmao

That was pretty funny, I don't see how that's a capitalism thing though. Seems more like a 1984 thing (the transmissors in every home, etc). Again, totalitarism. If it was capitalism, there would be bigger models that were more expensive and luxurious than the regular small ones everyone has.

>dude everything is made out of cardboard in New Pork City lmao

the cardboard thing I thought was because NPC isn't a real city but more of a theme park, themed after Porky himself, with lots of references to Mother 2, as I said in the post above, I see it more as "wacky lol so random fanservice" (which was actually effective, I think) rather than a critique on the way Americans live.
>dude they ruin the nature lmao

Rather than Itoi wanting to force any moral, he just wanted the player to feel a sense of disgust by the logo of Mother 3, with woods mixed with metal. He didn't mention anything about being an enviromental activist, or hating capitalism, he just thought mixing something organic with something metallic looks unnatural and that's an effective way to trigger what he wanted people to feel with it, it's not just an ideology or a political view, it's more abstract than that.
Also really nothing wrong if it was actually a call for people to be more conscious about enviromental issues and wild life, that isn't only related to capitalism, communism or whatever, it's a thing that concerns the whole planet.

>> No.3666987

Morals or not, message implied or not I think M3 scenario is the logical and only conclusion of letting Porky run amok with a time machine.

>> No.3666994

you gotta read between the lines man, shigesato itoi is a serious business journalist and author. The stories are constructed like literature, an attempt at a holistic experience where the whole body contributes to different themes and ideas.

What I'm talking about is when you play the game, then replay it looking at all the scenes and content in the context of the entire work.

Like, another example is a different way of looking at new pork city. The buildings being fake stand up cut outs. You the player are actually living in a world surprisingly similar, in that you probably live in a moderate or slightly above or below average level of comfort, with a sort of questionable level of safety or control over your life. There's irl porkies out there perverting the situation for gain, and we sit here and get through our day without rebelling or killing ourselves or turning to chaos because we have these cute pictures, literal flat screens with pictures and lights entertaining us, not -real things-, but -flat pictures and sounds of things-, and we're the exact same as the NPCs in the game, making the same decision, making the same purchase.

That's some fucking rock solid critique of consumerism and the choice we make every time we spend money.

>> No.3667004


Yeah but have you read Itoi's works? Do you know how he thinks? He isn't an anti-capitalism guy.
If anything he's more hippie than anything else, he likes the 60s culture and bands like Grateful Dead.
There may be various critiques to society as a whole in Mother games, maybe not, but I don't think any of them is strictly addressed at capitalism.

>> No.3667023

You're misunderstanding if you think that's what it's about. Capitalism itself isn't the cause of the problem.

This is more like the same problem confronted by the Gautama Buddha in the form of the caste system of ancient India.

>> No.3667025

I think the cardboard city represents Porky's pathetic attempt to relive the past.

I think a major theme of M3 is "you can't relive the past, only embrace the future". Porky is the ultimate nostalgiafag. In M3 he is so desperate to live the "glory" days of his life in M2.

>> No.3667029


That's too borad, I think most japanese people are influenced by the story of Buddha, it could be an unconscious thing on Itoi's part.
I think, if anything, Mother 3 is a message about love, as hippie as that.

>> No.3667030
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That's another way to interpret it, yeah.

>> No.3667708

I really doubt that Itoi would make any kind of Buddhist themes or references by accident. It's basically impossible, the Mother games are extremely deliberate in all of their narrative.

>> No.3667726
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I mean that buddhist culture is ingrained into Japanese people since childhood, much like how our society has other kind of religious cultures like christianity, there's a lot of our everyday thinking that is directly or indirectly influenced by it.

And according to some Itoi interviews, the writing is deliberate but I'm not sure if Itoi cares about a deep narrative, as in political messages. He said he just sat on a room with another guy typing what Itoi said on the computer, and it would show on a projector, so Itoi would see the phrases in hiragana as they would appear in the game. He cared more about the sound of the words together, and it seems he improvised and changed things on the fly a lot. That's how the original N64 version ending and the final GBA M3 ending are supposed to be completely different.

>> No.3667747

Itoi specifically said he changed the ending of Mother 3 when a coworker had a baby and he realized he was being too hard on the players.

You can't have that kind of transformation if you don't have strong feelings about what you're writing in the first place.

He understood that he was creating a dialogue with the player. He was putting things into that conversation with intention and purpose.

In the west, there's a difference between people who were born here and are effected by the bible and the ones who actually read the bible to understand it, regardless of whether they believe in it, there are people who read that shit and take it seriously because they need to understand what people are in order to do what they do.

You can't do what Itoi does without taking culture seriously, he did not get accidentally effected by buddhist philosophy, he 100% read that shit for homework just to put the pieces together for himself. That's what kind of person a real writer is.

>> No.3667756

Im still mad about that, I want the original brutal ending.

>> No.3667773

I reckon it would have just been the same fight, but instead of Hinawa saving Claus, you would have killed Claus are old memories came flooding back. Everyone would have been like "well that sucked, pull the final needle" and it would have just ended, implying Lucas didn't have the purity to save the world. I base this speculation of cut content and how the ending could be exactly the same without the post END? sequence of running around talking to people.

>> No.3667778
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The original had a much crazier ending, with Claus transforming into some sort of metallic angel. Nobody knows for sure how the ending would have been other than speculation based on the unused sprites, which still are too weird to make out something coherent. Doesn't looks like Lucas simply killed Claus.
And nobody knows nothing about the original N64 ending, since apparently the devkit demo wasn't even finished.

>> No.3667783

There is also the sprite of Porky dying

>> No.3667785

You can't change other people just by being aggressive. If you think there's something wrong with other people you have to respect the fact that they're still a human being and something made them turn out that way. Something happened that made them think that way. Everyone has done something stupid, everyone has been deceived and done something selfish, everyone has something inside them that's perverted and weird and gross.

If you start turning a laser of hate onto the world and blame the sins of others for how things are and try to control or educate or manipulate them, you're just starting another fight based on denying what someone else is, and as you hold the world down and try to castrate them out of it you'll just find that same cancer growing in you too. You can't put an end to evil and suffering by hurting people, no matter how disgusting and vile they are. You can't cure them by cauterizing away a part of their soul.

You have to help them stand up taller.

>> No.3667797

I'm guessing the difference is that in the current version, Claus is absolutely dead, and it's just the ghost of him that's stuck.

In the original, he was probably still half alive.

>> No.3667803

Porky literally destroyed every timeline in existence.

And they could have given us multiple endings or something wasnt there a hidden stat in the game called niceness?

>> No.3667831

>Porky literally destroyed every timeline in existence.
The game is pretty clear saying that it was because of people's own sins and wars that the world ended up in the state it's in in Mother 3. Porky is just the one who showed up there to cause trouble because he was bored and sad and angry and he wanted to erase everything to somehow feel like he won.

>> No.3667839

Likely instigated by Porky or maybe that was the last timeline that Porky had yet to fuck up
And then the humans ran to magicant so literally everything is destroyed, there is no world anymore. I cant just say "oh ok Porky you are just misunderstood its all cool Ill be your friend" even if its true I dont care Im going medieval on his fat ass.

Also Porky doesnt just "show up there" he is confined to the nowhere islands/magicant and cant escape, the gods of old (mentioned in M2 in scaraba who also protected earth from aliens in the past) are holding him there.

>> No.3667847

M3 ending has to be the most bullshit moment I've experienced in a video game.

> whad habben :DDD
> eberyone habby :DDD
> do we zhow or dell anydhing :DDD
> no juzd blain dexd :DDD beoble dalging :DDD

I imagine Itoi was sitting and thinking, "Hmmmm! We've experimented with endings before! But how can we surprise the players even more? How can we stay up with the times?". And then a brilliant idea sparked in his head!

"Just fuck my ending up!"

Itoi jumped up from his toilet, an unshat piece of poop still hanging from his butt, and rushed straight to his desk, to write down his amazing idea. That was it! Mother was finished with an open ending, and not even an "ending" at all! How forward thinking and unconventional! Why write anything, let the player do the job!

Itoi smiled, content with himself. He should have done it with every game, he thought. It was so much less work and hassle, he would have so much time for bass fishing. His next game, he thought, would be completely open. You draw the sprites, you write the plot, create the mechanics and so on. A pure genius, whispered Itoi. He knew he had it in himself.

>> No.3667861

>Why write anything, let the player do the job!


>> No.3667871

>Likely instigated by Porky or maybe that was the last timeline that Porky had yet to fuck up
Porky is never shown to be like that. He's just too selfish to care so much what happens to everyone else.

You can't even say he ever genuinely exhibits shadenfreude, most of it is just like, he's trying to get someone to pay attention to him and love him and he doesn't know how. He doesn't even know that's what he wants. He even calls Claus his son, even though Claus's only relation to him is probably that he was given a similar kind of body.

Nobody mentions Porky ever being the cause of the world's end. Instead they claim that mankind had simply ruined things on it's own.

To make Porky the source of all evil is a big mistake, that's like suggesting Hitler strangled every Jew himself. There was an enormous number of people who had to make a lot of mistakes and do a lot of bad things, and a lot of people who had to be complacent and disbelieving in what was happening, and a lot of people who had to do something really insane to create the environment that bred so many people willing to do that. When we shift all the blame onto a single person and make them a symbol, and so then tear them down and claim the problem was fixed, we're just stupidly and ignorantly waiting for the next person who becomes the axis around which all our suffering comes to revolve and we lash and tear at each other some more in another vortex of hate.

Nothing ever implies that Porky was sealed or summoned to the end of time, nor does it make any sense that anyone else would do that for the sake of any good reason, that's proven to be the absolute worst place for him to be and he almost ruins everything by being there.

Nor does anything lead one to the supposition that Nowhere Island is actually Magicant. Magicant was always an extremely personal place in both Mother and Mother 2. It's like an internal dreamspace. Nowhere Island is a god damn quantum singularity.

>> No.3667874

You write like someone whose read a lot of porn.

>> No.3667879

I actually dont like the ending because its NOT open ended.
All that conversations after FIN appears on the screen ruins the whole thing. "yay we are all ok!"
I think an open ending would have really fit the series.
I just think the original brutal ending would have been better, specially given the unused claus battle stuff, I wanted to see that.

>> No.3667882

>Nobody mentions Porky ever being the cause of the world's end,
Im very positive Ledder does, which is why he is confined to the islands, to the end of existence where he cant cause any more harm.

>> No.3667884


I'm guessing the only way Nowhere Islands could be compared to Magicant is with the Magypsies' seashell houses.

>> No.3667890

The ending leaves a lot to your imagination and feels hasty and rushed, completely undermining the climax that was before it. You can imagine anything you want from it.

Is it a fitting conclusion to a saga that was Mother series? I don't think so.

>> No.3667891

Also for me it is magicant no doubt about it, but its fine to have other interpretations, Itoi likes player to come up with their own theories after all.

>> No.3667895

>Im very positive Ledder does, which is why he is confined to the islands, to the end of existence where he cant cause any more harm.
Ledder pretty much says "we did this and erased everyone's memories. we're sorry this is all our fault."

Porky is the source of the current problems, but the way that situation came to be in the first place wasn't him. It was everyone collectively as a society.

>> No.3667904

So you dont believe Porky messed anything up, even though he kidnapped andonuts from its timeline, and ness´ yo-yo (and Ness himself) even though he says he has lived for thousands of years or many more that time does not even apply to him.
He is confined and bored, very very bored.
Also a hint is the vines at the end of the game that cling to his bed, the earth gods trying to get to him
There were more hints I have a huge log of this written somewhere but I dont want to drag this any more and like I said its fine to believe what you want.

>> No.3667909


this other anon seems to see things differently: >>3667879

I personally would like to see the original ending, but I understand Itoi's decision. I still liked the game's ending, and thought the extra ending with the textbox only was actually fitting for the series, since it's known to be unconventional like that.
It still had a detailed ending scene, with cutscenes and all (something new for Mother games, where cutscenes were always with in-game graphics).
The "END?" sequence was more like a secret post-game thing. I imagine a lot of people finished the game and weren't even aware they could move the word around the screen and talk to hidden NPCs.
Many also argue this happy end might actually mean the dragon awakened and killed everyone, and they're all in heaven, hence why Hinawa and Claus are there. I don't remember but I think they never say they're still alive, just that they are all well.

>> No.3667916

>All that conversations after FIN appears on the screen ruins the whole thing. "yay we are all ok!"
Yes, this was my main gripe too. It was just so stupid, for the lack of better world. The fucking world nearly ended, and it's all you get? The resolution to a huge intense drama—the death of a mother, the loss of a brother, the approaching apocalypse—is just like in some bedtime story wrapped up in 5 minutes?

It's not even about being open ended. It was just how dull it was. The only thing lamer would be Lucas waking up from a dream, and everything was back to how it was in prologue. I'd settle for this, at least mother doesn't die

>> No.3667929
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Some interesting quotes from Itoi on the ending.
>Itoi For example, ones that would make you really wonder about the main characters when looking in from the outside.
>Itoi For the N64 version, I was thinking about alternately just not having any dialogue whatsoever for the final battle. I wanted to keep the scene even more vague, and just leave it entirely up to the imagination of the player.
>Itoi Like what happens when the dragon is revived, and whether there was any hope left... it was kind of halfway explained in the ending. This time, too, shares that feeling of doubt about whether there really was hope or not, but everyone seems to be pretty unconcerned in the end. It's a sort of expression of human strength, this time, so it's more positive than the N64 version.
>Itoi Indeed, what would have happened if Claus had pulled it out? I'm sure the same thing would have happened, except that in the end, everything--even the breath of life itself--would go extinct. Even the dragon, too

Personally what I think could've happened was Lucas would have been so overcome with grief that he would pass on evil to the dark dragon and destroy the the world himself.

Another idea is that the game simply ended at the final cutscene, no dialogue from the characters about them being fine.

>> No.3667935

>Many also argue this happy end might actually mean the dragon awakened and killed everyone, and they're all in heaven, hence why Hinawa and Claus are there. I don't remember but I think they never say they're still alive, just that they are all well.
I thought something similar. It was quite eerie, like when in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest the main hero got lobotomized. So, the world got nuked? That's not simply dark, this is outright scary.

>> No.3667945

When does it imply he kidnapped Ness himself?

Everytime you confront Porky, he either talks to you or has a half-serious fight where he mostly just shows off, then doesn't finish it.

Does he really seem that evil? He's just very, very confused. He just doesn't understand.

>> No.3667952

The ending to Mother 3 is fine.

Lucas goes home with his dad and he lives the rest of his life.

Just like you would have to if your mom and your brother died in a car accident.

Life would go on, and that's the ending. Life gets to still happen for someone. That's a happy thing.

>> No.3667956

It's more like the characters were actors in a play and you the player talk to them outside of the story a la Tezuka star system or something, there's an inbetween canon there.

>> No.3667974
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I'm seeing some false info going so let's clear some things up.

Porky did not destroy the original world. Leder explains that humanity did. They knew they would and just ignored it.

Porky's original plan was most likely to attack Ness. Porky has a unhealthy obsession with Ness. As we see in the game we see as he idolizes him (kept his yo-yo, sells his hat and bat in NPC, shows films of him). Ness is the sole person Porky cares about. What makes this interesting is he can't tell if he wants Ness to respect him, fear him, or both. No one understands Porky, especially not Porky.

Porky's parents were definitely a large factor in his overall character. We see his parents are overall scumbags but it's more evident and extreme in the original Japnaese version (his dad hits him and Picky instead of yelling like in the US version.) In the game's ending his parents don't even care he is gone. It is interesting to note in M3 he had robots modeled after his mother.

Porky never planned to attack the Nowhere Islands. While preparing his true scheme he became locked out of other time periods. Once locked out he decided he would use the Nowhere Islands and its people as his source of amusement.

Itoi has said Porky is in the Absolutely Safe Capsule even 5.5 billion years after the events of Mother 3. Truly his fate was awful, maybe even deserving of sympathy.

>> No.3667987

>Itoi has said Porky is in the Absolutely Safe Capsule even 5.5 billion years after the events of Mother 3. Truly his fate was awful, maybe even deserving of sympathy.
I think I might be one of the only people who didn't feel any desire to roll him around or see him suffer, and I generally think it was a mistake to put such a thing in the game. It's very "What do you think of that!?" in like a mean and vengeful way. Like some player would be like "yeah you got what was coming to you!" when that is absolutely not what justice is about.

It just seems extremely childish that someone would be satisfied with that happening to him. You shouldn't be wishing any kind of suffering on anybody.

I think Schadenfreude is a mental illness, it's something very sick that diminishes us as sentient living creatures.

>> No.3667992

You are a pussy.

>> No.3667995
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I agree.

As people we naturally are vengeful, it's a terrible truth. Itoi has said there no true villians in MOTHER, I think the series has a message of acceptance for others.

>> No.3668004

I don't know man I also support capital punishment. I think killing a person who you know will commit crimes is fine, if the crimes are that harmful, but I don't think it's right to take pleasure in their pain. That's really perverted or something, you isolate and villify and dehumanize someone for their actions, then proceed to commit the same actions as them that you deem horrendous just because it's a bad person and that makes it okay or something?

Fundamentally the psychosexual thing happening to the pleasure and reward centers in your brain is the exact same as that "monster", so what does that make you?

If you just wanted to stop them from committing the crimes, you could kill them or lock them up. The point where part of you wants to torture them is the point where you become the same as them, wanting to control and manipulate and use a part of someone else's soul, to make them feel things for your own selfish satisfaction, it's pretty gross. When you start feeling vindicated by proving you're the big man now. You emulate evil. You copy that thing that you hate.

Every time I see it, a person who thinks they're righteous descending to such depravity, it makes me sick. It makes me vomit in lament of justice.

>> No.3668047
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The Mother trilogy is actually a circle. It's kinda crazy

Mother 1 has a organic title with an Earth as the O for mOther.

Ninten beats Giygas, he runs off.

Ninten fights off Giygas for years and one day becomes Buzz Buzz (The legendary warrior that Giygas is after) to warn Ness in Mother 2

Mother 2's logo is now the organic turning metallic (with the Earth now silver for the O on mOther)

End of Mother 2, Giygas is beat and Porky runs off in the timeline.

Mother 3, the logo is now PURE metal with the O completely covered in metal but some organic is fighting back.

Porky trapped in a sphere like Giygas from Mother 1, world ends.

After credits on Mother 3, now Mother logo looks like Mother 1's completely.

The franchise goes full circle with a timeline reboot. Porky is Giygas in the sphere, it's why Giygas talks about Ness over and over in the Mother 2 ending, it's just a warped Porky at that point and why you see Ness' face in the Devil Machine.

A never ending cycle. That is Mother.

>> No.3668052
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..... holy shit

I missed the logo part at the end of Mother 3

>> No.3668056

Itoi has said the wood and metal is meant to create a feeling of unease. They are two things things not meant to be together but are. At the end when you see the all wood logo you it as natural and beautiful.

>> No.3668063
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>> No.3668067

Man even Mother's logos have deep lore

I am freaking out.

>> No.3668078

naturally, people are vengeful and want an eye for an eye. but for Porky to be stuck in there, alive and conscious, for cosmological lengths of time? I think most would agree that this is out of proportion to what he did. I think it's supposed to give you pause and make you question the justice of condemning people for their wrongs.

>> No.3668119

You forgot he got stuck in there out of his own choice. Nobody forced him into super safe mode and he knew what activating that mode would imply.

>> No.3668129

>Nobody forced him into super safe mode
Nobody ever tried to help him either.

>> No.3668153

true, he made the choice, but did he know that he wouldn't be able to escape?

regardless, it's an extreme punishment. Porky's fate goes well beyond just desserts. it leads you to question things like giving criminals a life sentence or sending souls to hell.

>> No.3668156

Who knows, maybe kicking the ball around was trying to help.

>> No.3668157

>it leads you to question things like giving criminals a life sentence or sending souls to hell.
it's pretty scary to me to think that there are people who don't question that on their own

>> No.3668171

people often absorb the ideas and values that happen to surround them. it takes critical thinking to challenge these preconceptions. not only do some people not think critically about what they assume is right, but they actively cling to prejudices out of emotional attachment or societal reinforcement.

therefore, any work that puts preconceived notions to the test is doing something right.

>> No.3668194

To be honest rotting in a prison is a fate worse then death, true criminals like murderers and pedophiles deserve that.

>> No.3668327

I kinda want to create a rom hack of Mother 3 that basically tells Claus' story, but under a veil so you don't realise until the final fight, in which you think you're fighting Gigyas but slowly come to realise it's Lucas. As to explain why Claus fires that final PK Thunder. I know you can say it's just because he knew he should die, but I had the idea in the hack that like how the original game emphasis Lucas' crybabyness, it would emphasis Claus' headstrongness. Every fight would start with "Without a moment's hesitation, Claus attacked!". Basically the final fight would consist of Lucas (really Porky) telling Claus Gigyas is coming and he has to protect himself in this magic sphere the Magypsys gave him (the Absolutely Safety Capsule), and when the (completely textless) fight starts you go through all those cut backgrounds fighting Gigygas, an actual fight too with Claus (losing health unless he attacks because the helmet is shocking him), switching between cut memories and new memories that use removed sprite sets until Claus realises he's wearing a helmet, takes it off and sees Lucas. The battle seems to end but Claus sees an evil aura enemating off Lucas (whether it is the real Gigyas or the remnants of the brainwashing is debatable) and a new fight starts and "Without a moment's hesitation, Claus attacks!".

Also explore ideas like Flint (really Fassad) telling Claus how tired he is, and wishes he could just sleep forever, but his friends won't let him, and segments of Lucas (again Porky) constantly asking Claus if he likes him and never believing you even if you save yes. Also more subtle references like Negative Man being "Hurried Man" who "gets too excited and runs off" if you don't beat him in one turn.

But there aren't really any good Mother 3 hacking tools are there?

>> No.3668331

but do they? does even the worst person deserve the death penalty or life in prison without parole? you're basically saying that they are completely unredeemable. in that case, where do you draw the line? how far do you have to go to cross over from temporary to permanent punishments?

you could make counter-arguments to this. a pedophile's victims are damaged for life, and a person who was murdered can't be brought back. from there, you could argue that permanent consequences demand permanent penalties.

I'm not explicitly taking one side or the other. I'm saying that it's important to question and think critically about stuff like this, rather than blindly accepting the status quo.

>> No.3668341

I think this has nothing to do with Mother 3.

Incidentally, NOT RETRO.

>> No.3668365

it was a tangent, but alright.

>> No.3669275

Bump, this thread is way too interesting to die.

>> No.3669282

haha people are dumb

I think I questioned everything from the moment I was born, and if not I would have died pretty early.

>> No.3669284

Honestly if they're that bad they don't deserve anything. What we deserve is for them to not exist anymore, in which case the death sentence is the way to go.

The reason you don't want to just go executing everyone then, is the fact that maybe they actually didn't do it sometimes.

>> No.3669293

I think you're making up a lot of characterizations that aren't reflected in the games.

>> No.3669456


>> No.3669645

Yeah probably. What exactly do disagree to? probably wasn't going to make it anyway.

>> No.3669653


>> No.3669658



>> No.3669689

Damn dude, I've played them all numerous times, but this is totally right.

>> No.3670317

Yeah but's not true. Why would Porky be Giygas?

>> No.3670831
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If the timeline cycles around then Giegue could be a corruption of porky in MOTHER, and further corrupted in 2; though it does raise some paradoxical questions about 2...

>> No.3671095

Can someone explain this analogy?

>> No.3671096


It's a food analogy, you don't really need to explain or understand it, it's shitposting.

>> No.3671154

I think they're saying M3 is very good but a lot to take in and absorb. M1 is more simple and easier to get.

Food analogies suck though, that's what I gpt out of it.

>> No.3671549

>M1 is more simple and easier to get.
Mother 1 requires an ass load of grinding to make it anywhere in the game.

>> No.3671583

Mother 3 is better and more delicious, but it requires a certain amount of mental fortitude and determination to consume. It will hurt you in the process of eating it even though it's better.

Mother 1 you can just pick it up and start cramming it in. It's delicious, but it's kind of hard to finish the whole box too.

>> No.3671591

That analogy is like swallowing a grapefruit. A really delicious, nutritious, and satisfying grapefruit.

But you have to swallow it whole.

Any other analogy is just a box of god damn mandarin oranges I tell you what

>> No.3671595


re-read your posts and then think again. You're stupid for taking food analogy seriously.

>> No.3671608

Right? It was a throwaway answer to a dumb question that took me like 10 seconds to type out.

They're different games that are similar but should be liked for somewhat different reasons.

I could have said "Mother 3 is better but probably more painful and less fun to play through" but that would have been so boring you know?

>> No.3672846

Can you explain this more in depth? I'm too much of a degenerate to do anything but play videogames.

>> No.3672848
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>. Porky locks himself forever

He just doesn't lock himself up forever. He desired to return to his Mother's womb because he was -that- lonely. Notice how during "The End" sequence he just rocks back and fourth and a character comments on how peaceful he is. The form before that, his spider mech, symbolizes the crib and before that he was just an eternal manchild who could never develop as a person because he became a god through sheer Cartman levels of assholery.

>> No.3672858 [DELETED] 


I feel like Mother 3 was just supposed to be a mashup of all different time periods to showcase how resiliant human beings can be.

It's a post apocalyptic game afterall, and even after the end of the world humans survived. Even afte the SECOND end of hte world humans survived.

Everything came and went, dinosaurs (the dragos), cowboys and indians (flint), modern times (porky modernizing shit) and it all came to an end but we're still alive.

This interview might explain where I'm coming from or maybe I'm pulling a needle out my ass. http://mother3.fobby.net/interview/m3int_08.html

>> No.3672861


This interview gives a lot of context on to what the "moral" or meaning of the story in Mother 3 is. Especially the last part after the image of the Logo.


>> No.3672864

I think we're seeing close to the same events as what was in the final game. The ending is just a really surreal and symbolic way to show that Claus' soul was separated from his machine cyborg self.

Also now that I think about it this is literally what happens during the ending of the game. The dragon resets the earth so the earth can go on for longer (because of Itoi's views in that article I just linked) but it also means it purged the earth of technology until it happens again. It also literally happens in the logo and the ending logo.

Maybe Itoi just wanted a more personal fight rather than a surrealistic horror show like Giygas?

Oh god that's heartwrenching.

I feel like that stat would have had us wake the evil dragon and kill everything instead of reset everything like the ending we got.

>> No.3672867

Oh my god this post made Mother 3 make so much sense for me. The reason the entire island is a mashup of all of humanity's different eras, like dinosaurs and cowyboys and shit is becuase it's the collective memory of everybody who fled there. It's the reason it's an island, and why there are pink seashell houses where the magypsies live. The Maygypsies were those people who lived there in Mother 1 but only a handful survive now.

And I had no idea the old gods were mentioned in scaraba!! Please tell me that you have a screenshot, or script or something. That's so cool. I always wondered how the fuck gods could lock Porkey out of timelines.

>> No.3672872

You know it should be really easy for romhackers to hack the intended ending in the game itself. People have done the ending sequence in a random enemy battle on youtube before. You just need to do that at the end with claus and make the game end on a black screen and have nothing after it.

Or just smash your computer and kill everyone yourself.

>> No.3672880
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Mother 3's entire plot revolves around the fact that there is a sleeping dragon underground and there's a sleeping dragon underground in Mother 1. This is way too uncanny to be a coincidence.

Itoi talks a lot about hope and strength of humans, so with literally the entire Earth destroyed where else would they have to go but Magicant?

That PLUS the Seashells.

There small like the fact that there are Snowmen that look exactly like the ones in Magicant in Mother 2 as well.

It just doesn't make sense for there to be an island that survived the apocalypse. Why would it have done that?

It's full of the memories of everybody who lived there which explains why it has random time period all mashed together. They're all memories of everybody who migrated there.

That's also what Porkey is doing but on a literal level.

The Magyspies are too gay not to be in pink cloud land.

Ness is outside the movie theatre selling baked goods.

>> No.3672883
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That's nothing more then a theory though.

What do you mean it had humanity's different eras? I never got that vide at all.

The gods of Scaraba are not really given much info other then a quick mention in the museum I believe. Really just little flavor text.
The ending we got is the true ending. Its not like they ran out of time, Itoi wilingly decided to change the ending to what we got.

>> No.3672889

I'm sorry I'm piss tired and should not be posting in a serious thread. I just really like the interpretation that Nowhere Islands is Magicant. There's no answer one way or the other and that was very intentional. It's down to what you believe. I just rambled about a bunch more coincidences that I like for this theory too so maybe ignore that, except the bit about the sleeping dragon. I think that's way too uncanny to not be a coincidence.
I think I like it so much because when I went to Magicant in Mother 1 I felt so comforted in Mary's Castle.

>> No.3672890

I was pretty sure it was just a vendor dressed like Ness, like how he has the robots of his mom. He was outside a theater showing movies about Ness after all.

>> No.3672893

>It just seems extremely childish that someone would be satisfied with that happening to him. You shouldn't be wishing any kind of suffering on anybody.

I don't think you understand the meaning of the name Absolutely Safe capsule, and the implication that he was content rolling back and fourth forever.

He's lived so long, and been so lonely, that he figuratively returned to his mother's womb. Your mother's womb is your absolutely safe capsule. It's where you're supposed to be absolutely safe.

It's not something we're meant to derive pleasure from, and Porkey doesn't derive pleasure from it in a way that is supposed to make the player feel anything but pity. It's extremely sad. But people in real life do wish this for themselves, like people who try to become isolated because they can't cope with life, and hermits and shit or severe drug addicts who don't feel shit because they're fucked outof their mind on heroine.

>> No.3672897

Wait so, was the place that happens after The End? the place where Giygas is chiling in Mother 2?

>"To fight against the invaders, we built this pyramid fortress. However, our efforts were futile, and we lost. Nonetheless, our pyramid was protected by the gods of Scaraba. The invaders will be reborn every millennium and will attack again. Even now, the invaders hide beyond time and space and build their evil stronghold. A place out of time is beyond the Dark, and is even further beyond the Lost Underworld."

Mother 2 even talks about the invaders being reborn... I'm not sure if the time frames match up but this is really fucking...holy shit.

>> No.3672901
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Hey your free to believe what you want, if that's how you interpret M3 that's perfectly fine. I think that theory is abit crazy but I could see why you might see that. Definitely an interesting theory at least.

That's the beauty of MOTHER, we can't truly understand it.

>> No.3672904

If anyone's interested in it this thread lists a lot of possible evidence and logic that hints toward Nowhere Islands being Magicant.


The timeline loop thing is fucking with my head too.

>> No.3672925

Mother 3 isn't /vr/

>> No.3672940

Wow, you are a fag. I take pleasure in your miserable life.

>> No.3672962

Yes they do, you bleeding heart. You would pity the man who rapes your mother. Justice needs to be severe.

>> No.3673039


The Claus and Lucas novels are about twin brothers who are left alone to survive on a hostile world at war.
The Sirens of Titan is a sci-fi novel about an aristocrat named Rumfoord and his dog Kazak who got stuck on an weird space metaphysical phenomena that made him be able to exist as an entity all the way between our sun and Betelgeuse, being able to see the past and future, and to materialize on Earth every couple months. He manipulates the life of the hero (or anti-hero) of the book, a careless rich playboy who ends up suffering a lot due to this time-space traveller man, although in reality it's much more than that, the time-traveller man is just having some fun with the innevitable, precisely because he can see the future. Rumfoord reminded me a lot of Porky, and he also befriends an alien.

>> No.3673054

You can beat the game at like level 30, it's a 20 hour game.

>> No.3673084
File: 793 KB, 900x1292, 04585800-a58c-4f0e-9c11-c2e557e3f5ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's important to note the Rumfoord also forced his own childish beliefs and behaviors on the Martian people and saw himself as a prophetic figure. I think those aspects are seen in Porky. Porky in M3 is obsessed with M2 and is desperate to find "fun" again. He may not see himself as a prophet necessarily but he does see himself as above other humans. It may also be looking to much into it but I think Rumfoord and Malachi may be reflected in Porky and Ness a bit.


This article covers a few other inspirations, good read.

>> No.3673236

M1 has zero grind, stop this meme.
High encounter rate =/= grinding

>> No.3673243

>Hey your free to believe what you want, if that's how you interpret M3 that's perfectly fine
dat passive voice

>> No.3673259

>Your mother's womb is your absolutely safe capsule. It's where you're supposed to be absolutely safe.
I never got that feeling about my mom's womb.

>> No.3673275

I don't know man I'm a guy and I don't care about your feelings because I think it diminishes my own identity, but you're there, and you do care how I feel, apparently enough to call me a fag, doesn't that make you a fag to get troubled over a dude? This is some Catch 22 shit right here.

>> No.3673425

Why the fuck does this have 136 replies? You would have to be literally retarded for the thought of Mother 1 even being a passable game to even cross your mind, let alone being better than a masterpiece like Mother 3

Fuck this board

>> No.3673445
File: 297 KB, 1280x1174, 74b6fc83-2236-49a6-a676-9898443a853f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree but that's cool, all I meant. If you thought I was being passive aggressive in my disagreement I wasn't.
M1 is aged sure but it still is unique and a good game. I think if you're a fan of M2 and/or M3 at the least try it.

>> No.3673476

>If you thought I was being passive aggressive in my disagreement I wasn't.
You were being passive in which case I wonder why you said anything at all.

>> No.3673581

MOTHER is a spectacular game, you're seriously on the wrong board if you think it's barely even passable. MOTHER 3 is excellent, but 1 is equally as good if not better.

>> No.3673602

M1 fucklord
Its more retro = its better

>> No.3673835

I did went I was in there... with my penus lol

>> No.3674287

It's not s feeling you get about your mothers womb it's how you felt as a fetus. look up theories on birth trauma and shit this is what the first few alien movies were about. And evangelion uses shit like this to. Hell even that one gundam anime with the apsulus thing as a final boss, 8th ms team or whatever.

>> No.3674326

No I mean my mom is an extremely negative person and being exposed to constant exchanges of verbal abuse and stress meant that from the outset I never had much sense of comfort and security, even when I was in there life was kind of an "oh god why are things like this" experience.

Even now I find the concept of safety to be sort of preposterous.

>> No.3674789

Take it to your blog

>> No.3675103

Sorry anon if I could fit you in my belly I would

>> No.3675687

I'm just talking about how we're not all the same.

You're gonna get burned if you think we're all the same.


>> No.3676828

mother fucker