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3665947 No.3665947 [Reply] [Original]

Since I'm in Australia, where most of the CRT's around only have component input rather than SCART, I was wondering if anyone's used the YPbPr SNES cables made by HD Retrovision. Are they as good as SCART? Is there a better brand?

>> No.3666098

looks like you have to go on a mailing list and wait for them to make more

>> No.3666131

If that's a pic, then it's not as good as scart. A good scart connection looks so crisp that it looks digital.

>> No.3666132

I own this and the Sega cables and they're both excellent options for CRTs. Unfortunately, there's no competition and HD Retrovision doesn't produce enough supply to take care of demand.

A SCART to component converter is an excellent alternative until China gets their shit together and makes some knockoffs.

>> No.3666143

>SCART to component converter
I don't know much about these. What's a good example of one? They require power right? Are good ones expensive?

>> No.3666160

I don't actually have a SCART setup since I went with a component switcher so unfortunately I can't give any recommendations there. I think they run about 50 USD for a decent one. My friend just changes out the scart cable when he changes systems and it looks pretty good from what I've seen.

S-video is another good option for SNES that is even cheaper and easier. While the quality won't be quite as good as component, it will still be a marked improvement over composite.

>> No.3666201

it'll look about the same on other SNES consoles that are not the 1-chip variant. RGB on those systems will just look a little better, Nintendo kinda blew it with RGB as they usually do.

>> No.3666204

Probs better off getting a SNES RGB scart cable and a transcoder.

>> No.3666220

this 1-chip business is another thing I'm just learning about now.

So if your SNES is not a 1-chip variant, it will look better via RGB? Can you tell which kind you have by serial number? I have an Australian one

>> No.3666223

I like the idea of a simple plug and play

>> No.3666232
File: 94 KB, 700x399, 1-chip-snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me clarify-
All SNES systems except the 1-chip look pretty bad for an RGB signal. There is nothing you can do about this except maybe mod your console with an RGB amp? Look into it perhaps.
YPbPr is technically a worse signal than RGB, but still good. The retrovision cables take the RGB signal, convert them to a YPbPr signal and that's the result you get.
The only way to tell is to disassemble your SNES and look at its guts, it'll tell you it's a 1-chip SNES - it's printed on the motherboard.
1-chip SNES provides the best RGB signal (although, still not amazing compared to sega consoles!)

>> No.3666240

understood, many thanks
damn, so much to think about. I wouldn't be surprised if i just end up emulating, and having my snes mounted as an ornament or something

>> No.3666248

I don't think the RGB signal is irredeemable or anything, it's just not as good as it should be. The SNES is a system I'd consider emulation-safe, but I'd use a console for emulation like a Wii or something. At the very least if this is your introduction to RGB, try looking into Sega systems some time. The Saturn blows my mind with how good it looks.

>> No.3666263

pretty bad is pushing it. It has a bit of blurryness.
However, ther is a way to pretty much fix it, there's even a proto board.

You can use The Lion King to detect 1/2 chip versions.

>> No.3666268

I have a Wii with component. you mean use Virtual console, or use snes9xgx/retroarch?

was never a big sega guy sorry

>> No.3666305


Seriously though, why hasn't China ripped off the HD retrovision cables and sell them for like 25 bucks each? There would be a lot more demand at that price.

>> No.3666365

The scart to ypbpr component transcoder boxes are hit or miss, though mostly hit. I have owned 2 and one was just terrible, while the other is great. I also have the original transcoder by Cypress.
They're bulkier than the hdretrovision cables but do the same thing.
S video on super Nintendo is actually very good though. I tried rgb on a non-1chip snes and just decided it wasn't worth the extra cost and wiring over s video.
All of my Sega consoles run rgb because they have traditionally shitty composite and s video needs to be added manually, but all my Nintendo units run s video because the jump to rgb is not as noticeable as in Sega consoles.
My opinion....

>> No.3666458

S-Video can't do progressive scan though, right?

>> No.3666468
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yeah sega systems have way better rgb output but snes isn't that bad.

The main reason for these cables is so retro consoles don't look like complete ass on hd screens through composite/rf. Still blurry and not ideal really. If you're using component on a crt then yeah it'll look great and pretty much indistinguishable from scart rgb to the average person. I'm from aus and know it's pretty hard to find a scart tv (if you're still interested look for german and highend brands on gumtree - loewe, grundig, b&o, philips, seimens).

Maybe look into getting a scart-component converter rather than the cable in the op. That way you can use it for all your consoles as well as having the option of using scart rgb later for a crt or framemeister/upscaler. Pretty sure the adapters are lagless as well.

I would also recommend buying a super famicom basing everything on that rather than a pal machine if you want the best experience since ntsc machines have difference scart pinouts etc.

Anyway, goodluck anon

>> No.3666472

you won't get 480p from any retro console pre-dreamcast if that's what you're talking about.
if you're talking about 240p then s-video can

>> No.3666482

>if you're talking about 240p then s-video can
I didn't know that. Thanks

Also as far as I know, most TV's don't natively do 480p, right?

>> No.3666489

no, i thought you wanted a cable to upscale to 480p for a lcd tv or something

>> No.3666493

either works, I use retroarch's snes9xgx core. The stand-alone emulator doesn't allow you to run at 240p for those beautiful scanlines.

>> No.3666496

mostly late CRTs. For consumer models, pretty much all CRTs with YPbPr inputs does 480p. For professional monitors its a bit trickier but generally if they do YPbPr they do 480p, if not, 480i with the Yipper color space is still good.

>> No.3666502

are such TV's equally good at doing 240p, or is there an element of upscaling involved?

>> No.3666512

>buying a cable to do what the system can do already

>> No.3666519
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oh here we go...

>> No.3666548

The better version is called "composite cables"

>> No.3666610

See >>3666519 for appropriate reaction pic

>> No.3666630

don't listen to this dummy, everything he said is completely wrong.

hit up the /crt/ thread

>> No.3666708

This is not true at all. Tons of late 240p/480i SD sets have component inputs and no 480p. They are also extremely common.

Remember OP, certain professional models aside, almost any CRT that does 480p is going to upscale 240p to 480p and cause a world of hurt for old consoles.

>> No.3666712

its almost always the widescreen ones that have digital processing.

>> No.3667434

>i'm a poorausfag who can't find a scart tv. should i get a memecable?
Doesn't matter. Some other abbo on your reservation is gonna steal all your shit no matter what you get.

>> No.3667464


you sound too dumb and unfunny to be racist online.

>> No.3667565

Do SCART switchers/selectors act as component converters as well? Or do they only output SCART?

>> No.3667590
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I still want the cables, just cannot afford them at the price the creators are asking for them just for pure curiosity. I understand it was probably a lot of work to find balanced setting for various models of systems and reencode to the YPbPr colour space. So given the limited audience of people playing on old systems, the creators still would like to earn something back for their work and priced accordingly with the limited supply. I do not foresee the price dropping. It may also not be worth the cost for some Chinese company to reverse engineer the cables to sell at a lower cost to the small finite crowd that want better than component but did not go RGB which has not already bought the cables already.

>> No.3667736

do you have a link? Is it a simple fix?

>> No.3667761

>hit up the /crt/ thread
This. This thread is about half fucked up and what's worse 1/3 of the posts are also half fucked up OP will never figure this shit out from this info.

>> No.3667781

I have the SNES cables. They dont work on my Trinitron Wega HD. Or my LG LCD. Make sure you read the compatability list before getting them.