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File: 8 KB, 320x224, metropolis_zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3665909 No.3665909 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: casual filters

>> No.3665925

You don't know what casual means, do you?

You should say "noob filter" you fucking newfag.

>> No.3665935


Lol, dick head

>> No.3665948

This thing is frustrating

>> No.3665976

I can't beat that game but after a couple decades I made it to the airplane part (with an emulator)

>> No.3665995
File: 18 KB, 256x224, IMG_3213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, forgot the pic

>> No.3666146

That's the original resolution and unfiltered.

>> No.3666349
File: 31 KB, 254x199, FF4PSP_Demon_Wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3666350
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>> No.3666656
File: 21 KB, 320x240, 1473300693501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the lethal water on either side of the starting point didn't kill you, this motherfucker sure will. Of course, you aren't even supposed to fight him yet.

>> No.3666658
File: 83 KB, 256x232, 1480816373397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many casuals turned the game off as soon as they lost this fight?

>> No.3666661


Imagine someone throwing paint on the Mona Lisa because they thought it looked "too old".

>> No.3666662

What a cutie! What game is he from?

>> No.3666665

It's how the sculptor intended him.

>> No.3666687


First of all, nobody's damaging a historical piece of art by applying filters to a game during playback. A more suitable analogy here would be to look at the Mona Lisa through a certain type of glasses.

Secondly, the Mona Lisa's development didn't suffer from lack of technical advancement. We still use brushes and paint today. So to improve the analogy once more, we could say it's like adding color to an originally black and white picture or movie.

Thirdly, the graphics of a video game are not (always) a primary aspect of its artistic value. So depending on the game, the picture or movie that has color added to it post-hoc may be something like a documentary, where the visuals aren't part of its artistic value.

So there. Stop making ridiculous analogies. Depending on the game, using a filter to turn the pixels into smoother graphics may be a perfectly legitimate way to improve the game's graphics. HqX works great in DQ1, FF1, and LoZ from what I've seen so far, all of which have utterly nasty graphics otherwise.

>> No.3666696

>What game is he from?

King's Field II (or KF1 outside Japan)

>> No.3666701

I don't have a problem with filters and I mostly agree with you you, but you're wrong on this point

>Secondly, the Mona Lisa's development didn't suffer from lack of technical advancement. We still use brushes and paint today. So to improve the analogy once more, we could say it's like adding color to an originally black and white picture or movie.

Pigments and other media have changed and improved tremendously over the centuries. For example, life like portraiture only became possible on a wide spread basis due to advancements in pigments post renaissance.

>> No.3666710

Thanks anon, the more you know.

I should've known desu. I heard industry-grade steel nowadays is also a thousand times better than any alloys they had in the past, including the fabled Damascus.

>> No.3666740


I don't think many casuals have played FF 2

>> No.3666743 [DELETED] 


>> No.3666757

Where did he say that? Final Fantasy 2 was never a popular Final Fantasy game in the west, it really is unlikely a casual gamer would pick it up.

>> No.3666769

This frozen mammoth looks like he came straight from Space Harrier

>> No.3666772

It's a poor example of "casual filter". It's mostly memorization, with some of those praying mantises conveniently placed in your way.

>> No.3666786 [DELETED] 


>> No.3666797

>First of all, I'm not an autist, and let me explain why with a massive tangent

>> No.3666807

You're right, all arguments should be shallow and brief, anything less than a one sentence ad hominem is Autistic. Maybe you'd be better suited to twitter?

>> No.3666808

Bitch slapped right into the drink many times by this rascal.

>> No.3666836

you sound like a faggot

>> No.3666838

Maybe one day we'll another Adventure Island

>> No.3666895

No we won't. The most talented people are either making AAA games or their passion projects. I severely doubt anyone with passion for gaming has thought "hmm lets make a new game like Adventure Island." Shit and mediocre developers probably have butI don't want a shit or mediocre Adventure Island. I have doubts about any franchise that has been dead for more than a decade ever getting a good entry ever again never mind surpassing the old installments unless the original creators/team pour their heart and soul into it

>> No.3666907
File: 40 KB, 655x497, 098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao xD fuck him

>> No.3667010

Memorization's the only way to define something which requires skill, in single-player games anyway. If you don't need to memorize, the game is probably too easy.

>> No.3667012
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3667126

That's not a casual filter so much as it is the worst part of the game.
I suppose it's where a casual emulating it with save states would stop playing.

>> No.3667128

>The US education system in action

>> No.3667132


>> No.3667138

Nah, rote memorization is more of an Asian thing.

>> No.3668079

Isn't that like the third to last level though? Seems a bit late for that.

>> No.3668114

if you're using save states why would you stop playing? you're basically invincible.

>> No.3668178
File: 22 KB, 320x224, SWIM SLOWLY PAST EIGHT ARMS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3668180

This is a good post. Nice work anon.

>> No.3668190 [DELETED] 


Don't mind me, I'm just trying to find post related.

>> No.3668581
File: 102 KB, 758x696, 1326402159531.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-you too

>> No.3669853

>tfw never had a problem with metropolis zone

>> No.3669865
File: 12 KB, 320x196, sandopolis2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3669871



There's no excuse to use filters. Just use a real CRT or just deal with stretched LCD images.

>> No.3670024

It's really not that hard, it just has two projectile based enemies placed in locations that fuck you over if you're moving too fast without paying attention because you can't simply roll or jump into them like damn near any other enemy in the game.

>> No.3670092
File: 213 KB, 420x359, protoman laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saying "noob"

>> No.3670285


Not at all. I played through it after a decade and you can wing it all.

>> No.3670402

it's just really annoying

>you can usually run past stars without worry, but only usually
>if you get knocked off a ledge in some spots, the crab will just keep you from getting back on because the hitbox for the arm is retarded
>suddenly, mantis in the middle of the road

also, how the fuck is it a casual filter when it's right at the ass-end of the game

>> No.3670417


Fuck you.

Driver 2 was better anyway...

>> No.3670434
File: 29 KB, 500x507, Sonic 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3670489

By the time I get to Metropolis Zone I hate the game and just want it to end so I'm not playing my best

>> No.3670504

Yeah well what you say is what you eat, pussy

>> No.3672824

>7 years old
>spent 3 months over many weekends playing sonic 2 trying to beat it
>eventually hit a dead end where i continously always hit game overs at metropolis zone act 2
>finally get to the end strip of act 2 with 1 life left eager to face the boss and finally break through the level that held me back for so long
>act 3

i actually managed to beat act 3 on my first try but died immediately after when i spin dashed at the start of sky chase zone on accident

>> No.3672827

You think you're cool? You sound like a fucking hermit that just graduated high school. In this fucking world all that matters is other people's opinion about you, nothing else. I don't hate myself or feel insecure at all, I'm fit, I'm tall, I'm built, I lift daily, and I have a beautiful girlfriend of two years who also takes care of herself. Sex with a fit girl is god damn amazing, those fucks in porn only care about how big their breasts are and tire out after five minutes. Sex lasts an average of thirty minutes for us, constant pounding and everlasting endurance on both ends.

We also didn't meet at a bar/gym or any of those shitty places where you need to get high off working out or drunk to find another opposite sex, we met on a hiking trail and decided to stick around for each other. It's truly pathetic and sad to see so many of you fucks whinge on the internet just because you are insecure about yourself not fitting in, I work out to make myself acceptable in society, and to potential protect and help those I care about. I know that is the true meaning for our human civilization, to be accepted into other people's lives