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3660114 No.3660114 [Reply] [Original]

Affordable alternative fucking when?!

>> No.3660115


>> No.3660118

Just buy a used dvdo. Or whatever that new one is with an assortment or letters. That one.

>> No.3660120

gbs 8200

>> No.3660142

This is the correct answer, but you'll need RGB mods for certain consoles.

Too bad the good DVDO scalers are pretty hard to find these days.

>> No.3660151

It seems pretty cool, other than
>no 1080p
>apparent compatibility issues with SNES, the main thing I need it for
Where is the official site for buying these?
Will they improve with firmware?

>> No.3660173

Enjoy waiting in line for months.

The SNES support can't really improve with firmware because it's a side effect of trying to minimize input lag, combined with picky TVs and the SNES's funky sync signal. You can pass the output to a second scaler to correct the timing, but that will add some lag (though the total lag might still be less than a Framemeister depending on your setup). From what I've read it's mostly just an issue with certain Sony TVs.

Like with other things, you get what you pay for. You want an easy setup that just werks with all your consoles and will do 1080p? Pony up.

>> No.3660178

I got one within a couple of weeks of pre-order anon.

Makes a mockery of Nintendo and their NES Classic "shortages"

>> No.3660183

You had good timing, then. That batch is sold out now, who knows when the next one will be ready.

>> No.3660185

get a crt

>> No.3660187

>From what I've read it's mostly just an issue with certain Sony TVs
Ah, so it probably works fine with 95% of tv's then?

>You want an easy setup that just werks with all your consoles and will do 1080p? Pony up
I get that, it's just that the Framemeister seems arbitrarily expensive

Price wise, looks like OSCC is at the limit of what I'd be willing to pay. I can live with 720p for now, but is 1080p something that the creator is working toward?

>> No.3660197

I think you can technically do 1080p now, but almost no TVs accept the signal. Some PC monitors do, I think? Some TVs don't even work with the 720p mode. The OSSC is mainly intended for fast, cheap 480p. It's technically a scan doubler/converter, not a real scaler like the XRGB-mini.

>> No.3660205

>tfw framemeister + OSSC
480P finally looks decent

>> No.3660206

>Ah, so it probably works fine with 95% of tv's then?
Probably most. PC monitors should be fine.
>I get that, it's just that the Framemeister seems arbitrarily expensive
It's not arbitrary, it's low-volume and built using decent components. If you want cheap, buy one of those $50 Chinese HDMI converters and revel in your 100ms of input lag.
>is 1080p something that the creator is working toward?
You can't do 1080p in a very compatible way without a frame buffer, but there's an experimental linex4 mode apparently.

>> No.3660225

>The OSSC is mainly intended for fast, cheap 480p
I see, well I already have a Wii; that outputs SNES at 480p right? So that would scale similarly on a hdtv?

>> No.3660237

Does Wii do 480p for VC games? I thought it was 240p or 480i only.

>> No.3660251

I'm sure N64 VC is 480p, don't know about SNES

>> No.3660558
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You can't afford $15?

>> No.3660571


OSSC will not be a legit alternative until it actually becomes available.

>> No.3660579

There is your answer. The gbs8200 is 20$ and is much better than a lot of the alternatives for the price.
Not to mention the strong aftermarket and fan support these things have.

>> No.3660587
File: 55 KB, 249x238, fasntig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek are you serious? This is a quarter to a half of the price of what upscalers used to be. Upscalers are not for children and poorfags. Best to stick with CRT's if the framemeister is too much for you. I wouldn't bother with the cheaper upscalers as they are all shit with massive input lag and poor picture. With upscalers you get what you pay for. No exceptions so far.

>> No.3661201

It seems like the framemeister has recently gotten more expensive. Now over $400. Is this because they're discontinuing, or is there some other reason for a temporary price spike?

>> No.3661456

They've been having supply problems, so it's out of stock at most places right now. The remaining sellers are jacking the price as a result. They said there would be another batch in February and they'll have enough stock of the main IC to keep producing them for at least a year, so the prices might come back down, or they might stay high since they've already announced it would be discontinued.

>> No.3661506

I genuinely prefer CRT's to upscalers anyways.

I do not understand wanting upscalers. CRT's will -always- look better than upscaled on HDTV for anything that was base composite.

There's something about it... more depth of colour, deeper blacks, higher contrast. Same thing if you want lightgun games you need a retarded setup for doing it on an HD TV.

You don't even need a PVM. Even a crappy composite only CRT looks better than an LCD.

I do not understand people wanting to push for RGB for things that just werent meant for it. I don't get it for a second.

>> No.3661509

This. If anything, the Framemeister IS the exception, as its scaling is as good or better than previous scalers costing several times as much, all while having pretty minimal lag.

>> No.3661516

How do you even use an OSSC?

>> No.3661517

Those are fantastic for static/still images, but when you start moving the backgrounds smear together. It's really apparent in sidescrollers.

>> No.3661520

The 50 dollar converter I have produces no input lag, just a shit picture when moving like this anon talked about

>> No.3661529

Different strokes. Personally, I don't understand people who prefer playing on noisy, blurry, flickery CRT TVs with tiny fishbowl screens, but to each his own.

>> No.3661532

point taken, but you can't buy a new crt

any crt you get second had will serve for the remainder of its life, and then what? Hope to find another barely used crt?

an upscaler gives you the sense that your console is a bit more future-proof

>> No.3661589


Stop begging your parents and get a job, you faggot.

>> No.3661598

Since your a poorbaby I guess that'd be some time in the 70's. When you could pick up a decent old TV for a few bucks at a garage sale. Obviously people with enough money to buy a few mcburgers had em before that.
Enjoy being dumb and underage while it lasts kiddo. You'll spend most of your life as an intelligent adult. jk. You'll probably always be dumb and immature.

>> No.3661724

>like $400 to upscale pretty much anything
>not affordable
What? Normally I'd agree with you but this is a board where retards will pay over $100 just for some shitty game because it's CIB so they can put it on a shelf and feel special. The Framemeister seems pretty affordable considering what it does, shit like this used to cost double or triple.

>> No.3661846

That's a shame, but OP only asked for an affordable alternative. Sometimes you get what you pay for. At $15 shipped, I would think it is affordable, as that is only a few meals from Taco Bell, and it does the same job.

>> No.3661861

how do i sell $500 golden ethernet and hdmi cables

>> No.3661954
File: 527 KB, 2592x1944, Full_retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not found much info on the framemeister's HDMI processing ability to convert the OSSC's off-spec 720P to 1080P. The only way I was able to view the OSSC's line double of 480P to 960P was through my PC CRT monitor (and I don't like the look), no other screen I have accepts such an oddball resolution (line 4x of 240 sound like the same as the OSSC's off-spec 960P). Since I cannot afford everdrives, I cannot use the 240P test suite, and I'd like to know how things fare with the OSSC fed through the framemeister. Everyone talks about the framemeister's 240P RGB processing, but I have no clue on how the framemeister does with HDMI inputs not set to passthrough.

>> No.3661986

I'll try it and let you know once I get my hands on an OSSC, though I don't know what the benefit of that setup would be for 240p content. Might as well just feed it straight into the Framemeister and let it do a line x4 or x5 scale to 1080p. Might be cool for 480p content though, since the Framemeister isn't particularly good at handling 480p input on its own.

>> No.3661989

buy 10 dollar tv from goodwill. plug game into it. play game.

>> No.3662932

Has anyone here tried any of these?


>> No.3662953

>Has anyone tried any of these
>home of the autismbux

What do you fucking think?

>> No.3663212

CRT tv's won't last forever so it's god to have a reliable safety net in the future.

>> No.3663280

Why do so many people assume that CRTs are any less reliable than the consoles themselves?

Like it or not the future of "authentic" retro gaming in the long term is accurate emulation combined with accurate shaders output to high resolution fixed-pixel displays.

>> No.3663612

If only there were millions of unused unwanted CRTs just laying around. kek

>> No.3663639

I doubt it. And there's still the fact that they don't make new ones anymore, hence i'm inclined to agree with >>3663280

>> No.3663751

Once CRTs are not trash status anymore and actually quite rare to find some company will make new ones. That's how it always worked.

>> No.3663820

But what kind?

I'd wager 12 or 14 inchers with both VGA and component and S-video would be a good offering, but supporting two different frequencies could get difficult.

>> No.3663825

1. Lying. Not laying.
2. There aren't.

>> No.3663956

>The 50 dollar converter I have produces no input lag
Can you actually prove that it induces no lag, or do you mean "I can't tell there is any lag" because if it's the second one fuck you.

>> No.3664129
File: 17 KB, 280x209, Spectra-box2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it's done more efficiently, straight up fed out as the target signal, like the dreamcast outputting VGA.

For example, a Canopus witchdoctor for outputting voodoo video to TV.

SBC have already been outputting analog, so an odroid with S-video or VGA, and an 86duinno video card with component-video and HDMI.

>> No.3664328

I doubt it, they're a big complicated piece of electronics, the shipping alone for something that heavy would make it unlikely to sell.

>> No.3664339

An emulator. They're free and the end result looks and performs better.

>> No.3664763

The 3rd batch is due in so the next 500-so should be getting e-mails, Also now there is an audio upgrade board too for the OSSC. Very cool that it is continuing to get upgrades.

So for those on the waiting list around 800-1300, you should be up next. I also read that the value added tax is not applied to those outside the EU, so now it is £126.50 (Brexit advantage?).

>> No.3665471

>I doubt it
I don't. I've traveled outside the middle class suburb you live in. Even to 3rd world countries where shelves are still full of CRTs. Which don't exist because they're no longer made. kek

See above about the world outside your middle class suburb.