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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 119 KB, 1024x768, Crash-Bandicoot1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3658906 No.3658906 [Reply] [Original]

Am I going fucking insane or is there a 1 or 2 frame input delay? Everything happens a moment after the input.

>PS2 Popstarter
>PSP Popsloader
>PSone Classic

THEY ALL FUCKING DO IT. It has nothing to do with CRT vs non-CRT, because Crash 2 and 3 works perfectly fine on any of those setups. Is the first game just fucked or what?

>> No.3658912 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 650x650, jumping-flash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares? Poochy games are garbage. Play a better PSX platformer instead.

>> No.3658926

Sequels tend to tighten up and polish controls, news at 11

>> No.3658942

Yes but I'm specifically talking about Crash 1's mysterious input delay, nobody seems to acknowledge it so I'm thinking it was just me.

>> No.3658943


One thing is to improve and polish controls, and another different thing is that a game that's considered a "timeless classic" has actually shit controls, no matter if it was the first one.

That kind of input delay is unacceptable for pre-7th gen standards.

>> No.3659224

Doesn't have any input delay for me.

>> No.3659283

Just tried it on epsxe for android, no input lag for me.

>> No.3659293

Are you sure your not just confused by the stiff controls? I mean Crash 1 just doesn't control great.

>> No.3659387

there's no input lag, the game just controls very poorly.

>> No.3659391

no one actually thinks crash is a 'timeless classic'

>> No.3659404


>> No input delay on Android


>> No.3659485

Nobody calls Crash a "timeless classic".

You're thinking of Crash 2.

>> No.3659492



>> No.3659497

his brain works too slow to notice it

>> No.3659984

Spyro > Crash

>> No.3660049

Crash 1 and 2 maybe.

But Warped is a class of it's own

>> No.3660050

warped is incredibly easy and some of the powers hurt the flow of the game

>> No.3660065

Heres an idea,
try in on an actual playstation.
and stop being a faggot

>> No.3660282

warped gave me PTSD with those awful coco levels

>> No.3660314

Maybe Crash is just fucking shit? Ever thought of that

>> No.3660318

Yeah, like you can fucking distinguish 2 frames delay, you dumb retard.

>> No.3660327

>pretending you can notice one frame of delay
I bet you can tell the difference between 29fps and 30fps too

>> No.3660335

One frame?
Lag under 100ms is considered nonexistant. Lag over 200ms begins to be a problem.

>> No.3660339

nah, you just suck man

>> No.3660491

memes are fun

>> No.3660656
File: 144 KB, 300x375, 1478545222222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That list

Every one of those is low-level emulation, some of them outright terrible like Popstarter. Sony's emulators are infamous for having unavoidable lag, play any rhythm game on a PS3 and you'll know. ePSXe/PCSXR are just old as all fuck - try it on something like xebra or mednafen or, better yet, a Playstation.

But to give a shorter answer, Crash 1 does control worse than the others but shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.3660767

Contains trojan
command-line driven piece of shit

no real alternative for epsxe unfortunately

>> No.3660804
File: 65 KB, 625x626, 1459327986583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You really have a hard on for mednafen, don't you Anon?

>> No.3660818 [DELETED] 

no seriously I just tried it
it's an absolute piece of shit made by completely inbred imbeciles

>> No.3660996

>no input lag

>> No.3661000

You are impressively retarded.

>> No.3661620

Are you fucking retarded? Mednafen PSX is the most accurate PSX emulator in existence.

>> No.3661686
File: 142 KB, 816x587, giggle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about being command-line driven

Dumbfuck millennials, everyone.

>> No.3661690



Autistic Gen Xers who can't let go, everyone.

>> No.3661701

The guy that stalks people based on the images they use is calling others autistic? Cute.

>> No.3661704


>uh oh, some people can tell my shitposting because I keep posting the same pics everytime, better cover my ass quick!

Dumb, dumb Gen Xer.

>> No.3661713

What are you hoping to achieve by profiling anons, anyway? Does it amuse you?

>> No.3661718


Yeah, it's not just me though, we're a group of people over at the IRC.

>> No.3661924

Crash 1 is just not a very good game and the controls are just the beginning of it.

It's still satisfying as fuck to play tho

>> No.3662262

>installing trojans
>calling others retarded

>> No.3662319
File: 408 KB, 697x529, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>command-line driven piece of shit
there's a libretro port of mednafen psx

>> No.3662385

There is medgui but the point is, these things should come with proper integrated gui in 2016
Because besides unnecessarily complicating installation, spergs start making multiple forks of same shit and in the end nothing properly works
At least they don't have retarded plugins though

>> No.3662391

>these things should come with proper integrated gui in 2016
Or, people should stop being lazy entitled cunts and take five minutes out of their worthless life to learn how to work a shell.

>> No.3662396

>implying you would notice a 1 frame input delay
old games have shitty frame rates. people didn't start bitching about it until the 60fps meme of the last 3 years.

>> No.3662397

Shell become completely obsolete the moment first mouse was invented

yeah ocarina of time runs at 20fps basically

>> No.3662420

why are you so worried about memeput fag in something you are going to beat anyway? i'd understand if you were a dumb memerunner or a glorious arcade scorer, but there is no excuse to seek maximum advantage in a casual game.

>> No.3662492

>Shell become completely obsolete the moment first mouse was invented

You are a complete tech illiterate retard.

>> No.3662546

>tech illiterate
You are autistic idiot sperg who live in his technonecrophiliac imaginary world where dead stuff like DOS command line is relevant. Stop posting.

>> No.3662551

>inb4 the human eye cant see more than 24fps
60fps is not a meme. 8 bit and 16 bit games for the most part ran at 60fps, it wasn't until the early 3d of the 5th gen that sub 30fps became common, but there was still the odd game running at 60 and we noticed that shit. We didn't know shit about framerate or have the words to describe it other than it felt faster and more responsive, but we always noticed and preferred 60fps over anything else

>> No.3662573

Said like a complete tech illiterate retard.

Maybe you should stick to your faggy "smart"phone because you clearly can't use a computer at all.

>> No.3662618

>Crash 1 is just not a very good game

Said retards.

>> No.3662903

Why are you even bringing up framerate? Crash 2's PAL 25fps had no input delay issues. Stop getting the two mixed up.