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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3654203 No.3654203 [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ anons think of clone consoles like the FC Twin or Retron Duo? Are they worth it or do they belong in a dump?

>> No.3654212

they are fine if they can play the games you want to play. Just buy the real controllers and have at it.

its also nice, if you're like me, and your old console you've had since u were 4 isnt up with the times of UHD4K and you dont want to spend more money buying converter boxes or have room for a 60ibs CRT or need to replace your snes that a lightening storm raped but dont have an extra $110 laying around.

>> No.3654237

It's better to spend $300 on a laptop and usb controllers. Then you can set up the emulator and everything yourself or at least use different emulators so you won't miss out on any games.

>> No.3654276

Those systems are fine OP. A 50 dollar nes clone which outputs HDMI is soon coming out, and hopefully more clone consoles do the same.

>> No.3654285

clone systems are fine if you can get them very cheap, but often they cost as much or more than a real system does on craigslist. clone nes systems tend to have sound and color distortions that are annoying, whereas snes clones tend to be pretty much perfect in my experience.

>> No.3654301

They're good for a giggle but not much more. The best thing about them is they provide constant entertainment for oldfags and bemusement for babies on /vr/.

>> No.3654323

>Are they worth it or do they belong in a dump?

They're shit. A number of games aren't compatible, the sound pitch is way off, palettes get distorted, the output looks like RF regardless of how you try to clean up the signal, the pins put a death grip on your cartridges and thoroughly scratch cartridges as you push them in or pull them out, and the hardware typically dies within a couple of months.

>> No.3654454

I have that exact console it's been worth every penny of the $6 I spent on it, I'd even have probably paid ten and if you don't have an NES or SNES but you want to dick around with some 2 dollar carts I'd say it's probably even worth the $20 you might be able to find one for. The days of picking up $20 real retro consoles are about gone it's been over a year since I've seen them that cheap.

>> No.3654473

Reason i made the thread was because i picked one up for 10 bucks today. Is pretty cheap considering European prices on this stuff

>> No.3654481

The FC Twin is shit. Neither the NES nor SNES portions work well. You're better off looking for the real systems or even just emulating.

>> No.3654482

They're horse shit.

>> No.3654775

Because youre here, you've got a problem like the rest of us. Stop denying, embrace the autism in you and buy original decks and a 14" pvm. You're going to eventually anyways, may as well just save yourself some money and go straight at it.

>> No.3654792
File: 2.15 MB, 1800x1800, tmp_685-Wii_console852241194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It deserves the dump.

You can find an old used Wii for $30 and slap Homebrew on it, maybe get a classic controller and have every single game for most of the popular consoles.

>> No.3654873


Second this

>> No.3655069

enjoy your 2 frames of emulator lag homo

test it out with smb1 if you don't believe me, it's night and day

>classic controller
lol nevermind, 3 frames

>> No.3655075

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.3655167

>50 doller nes clone which outputs HDMI
Eh, that thing's a $17 nes clone with an $18 composite-to-HDMI converter built into it. You can just buy those two things on Amazon right now.
Only point I can see in spending $50 on that is if you're giving it so someone as a present and are worried they'd be confused if it was two pieces.

>> No.3655330

If you're going to emulate (poorly), why spend money on it?

>> No.3655842

>mad wii emubaby is mad

>> No.3656671


>> Is full of shit

>> No.3656701


Got a link for this thing? Any early reviews yet??

>> No.3656731



>> No.3656781
File: 63 KB, 600x800, 8-Bit-HD-4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit it really is just a famiclone with a dirt cheap hdmi upscaler slapped in it those absolute madmen! I wish I was quick enough on top of trends to do shit like this.

>> No.3656790


I am strangely tempted to buy this. I wonder how it looks on a TV.

>> No.3656829

That's the fifty dollar question bro it just depends on the particular chipset of the upscaler they use so there's no fucking way to tell if it's junk or not. Some of these kind of places just try to get as much junk out the door in their first wave as possible, some ship good stuff in the first small order just to get good reviews then totally cheap out to try to make as much profits as possible on their second much bigger shipment, some just do stupid shit for seemingly random or illogical reasons. You're better off spending your time learning which specific upscaler chipset you want and buying it a la cart.

>> No.3657290

>no fucking way to tell
Sure there is. It's a cheap piece of this made by a shit company. What do you think, these goofs invented a super cheap low lag scaler and kept it a secret? kek

>> No.3657315

The people thinking about buying something like that aren't going for 10/10 and the scaler that's in it could be anywhere from 1/10 to 6/10. You don't need to show off your xrgb-2 in every thread to feel cool.

>> No.3657669

>could be anywhere from 1/10 to 6/10
No it couldn't. It could be anywhere from 0/10 to 1/10. You don't need to show of your insecurities in every thread to feel cool.

>> No.3658887
File: 612 KB, 2592x1944, Or_I_can_double_down_with_the_Advance_adapter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regretted my purchase of one. However, someone on another thread here on /vr/ introduced me to $5-shipped repro cartridges, which may give me some justification for it (I cannot afford everdrives). However, I do need something to play my NES games since I already have a few but the main system died. Furthermore, I do like the two SNES-shaped Genesis controllers it includes (the start and select buttons are not rounded like a real SNES/SFC controller though).

Anons here do have the right to make fun of me for having one of these, but when you're poor a RetroUSB AVS with Everdrive N8 is only a dream. I do feel this video does reflect my opinion on the system well enough: https://youtu.be/i9y12oIwCE0

>> No.3658987

>$5-shipped repro cartridges

Please enlighten me

>> No.3659074

Not that anon and can't vouch for $5 repros, but Aliexpress has 8-10 dollar ones.

Example: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Earthbound-46-pins-16-Bit-Big-Gray-Game-Card-For-USA-NTSC-Game-Player/32702970053.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.37.1HPdwh&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_3_10065_10068_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10060_10061_10062_10056_10055_10054_10059_10099_10078_10079_426_10073_10102_10096_10052_10050_425_10051-10050,searchweb201603_6&btsid=2322dbcd-f8b5-49de-bd17-495e77b68b8f

Earthbound pretty cheap

>> No.3659118

>Rock-30 Games
So you paid way too much?

>> No.3659119

Shit, might grab Wily Wars or something as a cheap repro

Would Earthbound still have the anti piracy stuff in it?

>> No.3659127

This one is out in japan already: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2016/10/theres_another_hdmi-ready_famicom_on_the_way_this_year

But I haven't seen any videos of it in action.

>> No.3659128

I lied it comes out in 3 days

>> No.3659129

I owned the FC twin, I loved the design and name.

However it didn't play certain games like I think it was Donkey Kong country 1 or 3

>> No.3659142

lol paying money for emulators

>> No.3659151

Definitely worth it.

For people like you, who are well beneath belonging in a dump

>> No.3659153

>not understanding the difference between a hardware clone and an emulator
>being on /vr/

What are you even doing?

>> No.3659172

Honestly not sure. I own a flash cart, so yeah.

>> No.3659173
File: 546 KB, 2592x1944, My_only_way_to_play_SegaCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah >>3659074 is right, I was looking at Aliexpress for mostly Genesis repros. Panorama Cotton, Mega Man: The Wily Wars, Battle Mania: Daijinjou, Undeadline, and Twinkle Tale appears to be each all under $5-shipped. I think maybe a side setup with my old CRT TV (it only takes composite and S-video anyway, which is all the Super Retro Trio outputs) is paired well with those cheap repro cartridges.

Yeah, I regret paying $50 for it, but as I said the Genesis controllers shaped like SNES pads are not bad. Plus if I do buy those repro carts, I can have some fun with it.

Sadly, my poverty is what forced me to get my gaming from a dump.

>> No.3659274

It sucks, all emulation sucks. But I'd rather get every single console that easy to emulate on one box for $30 than pay $100 for a shitty emulation on chip "clone console".

>> No.3659505

Looks like homeboy has a review up...


The picture quality looks good? I'm curious about input lag though

>> No.3659509

Nigger, that's just a shit NES on a chip with a composite to HDMI port that does not do HD Native, nor does it removed input latency.

The one that does Native 720p is the AVS.

>> No.3659517

Seems shit, its just a famiclone on a chip, which coulnt emulate most mmc3 games, hence the 80$usd price.

>> No.3659524

It's not emulation, but yeah Famiclones have always struggled with MMC3 games.

>> No.3659537

That vídeo was mediocre shit, rgb 301 do a far better job

>> No.3659964

Right, hardware clones are even worse than a decent emulator.

>> No.3660337

That doesn't change the fact that you were totally wrong about something and now can't come to grips with that fact.