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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3650732 No.3650732 [Reply] [Original]

The main IC used in the Framemeister is being discontinued February next year. Press F to pay respects.

>> No.3650752

Which does not matter for any of these reasons:

- they have enough of them produced already for a few more years
- they can do a revised board with a different IC that is functionally identical
- they can do an entirely new model

alternatively they can just end production and double prices; retro hipsters would still buy it because its only competition is the $25 Chinese CGA2VGA boxes.

>> No.3650914

Don't forget about the ossc.
Definitely giving the framemeister a run for its money.
Btw have you seen how much better the picture quality on the cga2vga boards is now? Can't believe how much time people have devoted to making them better now. Custom firmware, figuring out alot of the graphical glitches and its problems, it's crazy.

>> No.3651450

Good riddance

>> No.3651471

Hate to have a "got mine" attitude but I already own a framemeister and all the necessary scart cords, so I'm not too worried. Honestly though, it's a pretty specific piece of hardware, I have to imagine a good chunk of the people that would have use of the device either already have one or will be able to get one of the remaining stock.

Honestly I wish there were more of a middleground between this and the cheaper options, feel like there could be some compromises to make it more affordable while not being complete dog shit.

>> No.3651475

It's trivial to swap components, friendo

>> No.3652342

ohes noes! hipsters will have to overpay for a different chipset!

>> No.3652369

I was using a CGA to VGA board for a while, it's definitely not a strong competitor to the XRGB but at the price range it's far better than others options.

>> No.3652413

>ohes noes! hipsters will have to overpay for a different chipset!

It's more like the hi-fi "audiophile" version of a retro gamer.

>muh $6000 cables are shielded against sunspots that could hurt the authentic analog signals coming from muh turntable

They are playing these old games with far higher spec equipment than anyone had back in the day (even the developers). They want the most "authentic" looking pixels and scanlans even though genuine gamers were using shit cables and low end RCA televisions.

It is an illness.

>> No.3652637

>Don't forget about the ossc.

Vapourware is not competition. Maybe once they can start making more than 1 per month, it'll count.

>> No.3653529

Congratulations. You just beat some kid this morning who won the most retarded thread of the week title.
Do you know what the OS in OSSC stands for? Do you know what it means?

>> No.3653548

>Vapourware is not competition. Maybe once they can start making more than 1 per month, it'll count.
How is it vaporware? you can literally have your own PCB fabricated and make your own and make it yourself. You have the definitive source for the project.
Then again, if you're this retarded I don't think I want to trust you with a soldering iron or reflow oven if you're this fucking stupid, the rest of the assisted living complex you live in may burn down.

>> No.3653553

It would certainly be 'more' open source if marqs published Gerber files so people could order PCBs manufactured. Props to him for not keeping software and firmware secretly.
But actually getting OSSC is easy. You can buy a PCB and build it, or subscribe to mailing list and order one. I subscribed in October and had no problems with buying November batch

>> No.3653782

I bet you use RF because muh authentic experience.

>> No.3654252

It would be even 'more more' open source if they would come to your house to assemble an install it. kek.

>> No.3654371

Still don't really see the point to these things. Why spend hundreds of dollars to play old games on a new TV? It looks like it's being emulated anyways.

>> No.3654383

>you can literally have your own PCB fabricated and make your own and make it yourself.

I don't give a shit about that.
I want to buy this thing, plug it in, and play games.

But you can't actually buy this shit from anywhere, so it might as well not exist.

>> No.3654654

Sometimes there are things in life you can't buy with your moms iphone.

>> No.3654661

No lag on an HDTV (I assume, I don't own one)

>> No.3654732

Thanks for sharing your uninformed opinion. It has made the whole world a better place. I wish more people would do that here. Oh...

>> No.3654743

Thank god I already got mine. Fucking love that thing.

>> No.3654754

>Why spend hundreds of dollars to play old games on a new TV?
So you can use your old physical media on new tvs. This way you do not have to have a huge CRT around. Lots of customization options for your picture with it as well.

>> No.3654765

Can buy a full blown pc for the same price and get the same input delay and emulate.

>> No.3655089

Some people will buy a nes/Genesis/turbografx/etc and plug the rf/composite cable into their huge LCD/plasma/etc and be fine with the image quality.
Other people would look at their system hooked up to their 4K tv or whatever and be unhappy with the image quality.
So all these devices are for people that want their video game systems to look the best they can on modern displays.

>> No.3655095

Why is it half the price to pre-order it from Solaris as opposed to anywhere else? Is it just because it's released in batches and the previous batch's price goes up and up?

>> No.3655164

If you're already wasting space keeping dinosaur-era tech why would you not just have an old TV so you can hook all the systems up in 5 seconds? And if you want to play these games on a modern display, why wouldn't you just built a little emulation PC and hook it up to your TV through HDMI?

>> No.3655307

Probably something like that. It was 33k yen on Amazon.co.jp when I bought mine a couple of months ago, but now it's only third-party sellers starting at 53k.

Emulators have really bad lag, like 3-5 frames depending on the system. Plus some people don't actually like CRTs. I'm one of them.

>> No.3655843

His mommy won't let him have a CRT