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File: 4 KB, 160x128, What is this, an image for Minishes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3638828 No.3638828 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus tap dancing christ. I played Ages hard back in 2002 and never touched it since finishing it and I had forgotten the layouts of the dungeons and puzzles and jesus fucking christ what the fuck. I have not been this god damn stumped since the Ice Dungeon in ALttP.

God fuck I never played Seasons because I got so burnt out on Zelda because of Ages.

And fuck that "rhythm" goron part.

>> No.3638834

>I have not been this god damn stumped since the Ice Dungeon in ALttP.
>not going to Misery Mire and getting the block cane, then going back to the Ice Dungeon

>> No.3638908

I hate that dungeon, too. But Oracle of Seasons is much easier imo, give it a try.

>> No.3638917

>Jabu Jabu's belly
I remember that shit in OOT. I remember thinking "I can't wait to get out of this weird place and get to that next dungeon". Then, about halfway through it dawned on me that this was the next dungeon. Was not happy.

>> No.3639262

Seasons is a lot saner game. Ages have more interesting characters, but Seasons is a better game overall.

>> No.3639293 [DELETED] 

>back in 2002

Everything discussed on /vr/ must be 1999 or prior fuck off.


>> No.3639328 [DELETED] 

Eat shit and die fag

>> No.3639330 [DELETED] 


>> No.3639335
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>> No.3639336

>thinks banter is political
Back to the reddit, retard.

>> No.3639337 [DELETED] 



We don't tolerate hate speech here.

>> No.3639343 [DELETED] 

What the **** did you say to me??

>> No.3639348 [DELETED] 


>> No.3639654

I coincidentally just started playing the Oracle games again (beat Ages, currently on Seasons) and yeah, Jabu Jabu's Belly is easily the most pain in the ass dungeon in the game. That being said, Ages is the worse of the two games because moving between time takes fucking forever. It's like a ten second transition one way and it just eats up time. Season, you just swing the stick and boom! Season changes. Not so in Ages. Link has to play his stupid harp and then has his little wavy transition and it makes the whole thing take much longer than it has any right to. Especially up in the bullshit Goron mountains since you have to warp virtually every time you go outside if you want to get anywhere. I guess that's why they called it "Oracle of Ages".

>> No.3640546

This is what everyone does AFTER the first time.

But the first time is fucking excruciating.

>> No.3640549

Yeah that dungeon is a giant pain every time I played it. It's way worse than the Water Temple because you're still changing the water levels, but getting around is always a giant pain in the ass. And then the boss is a joke.

>> No.3640554

no it's not.

I'll admit, it's a tricky puzzle, but the clues are all there. real men play through the ice palace without the cane.

>> No.3640775

seasons is more about combat
ages is more about puzzles

>> No.3641551

I think Seasons has more interesting puzzles because of the items they're built around such as the magnetic glove, the seasons rod, the cape, etc . Surely it isn't as puzzle-heavy as Ages, but more doesn't mean better.

>> No.3642017

Seasons is better anyway... maybe

>> No.3642178
File: 87 KB, 500x453, tumblr_n9h5hgdggs1tg33qoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oracle of Ages was just suffering all throughout, it made me stop complaining about Zelda games having shitty retard puzzles that only consisted of "push button, open door".

The invisible floor room at the Great Fairy's home
Deserted Island trading chain to get all of your shit back
All the bullshit you need to do to get the mermaid tail
All the bullshit you need to do after you get the mermaid tail
The burning village
The entirety of the final fungeon, especially the fucking WARP PANELS floor

Those are the ones I remember most because they fucking threw me around like a used cumrag, I hated it.
My favorite/the most bullshit puzzle in the entire game was the one small throwaway statement that Veran makes somewhere in the middle of the game after you snuck around the castle and get taken away by guards, the one where she states "I hate mystery seeds!" which was actually extremely important and not mentioned anywhere else in the game that you were actually supposed to remember because that's her weakness for the final boss fight.
I look back at the game and I wonder how I was able to actually enjoy it as a kid.

>> No.3642243

Is that some sort of reverse sequence breaking?

>> No.3642247

In the 2d games, the distinction between overworld and dungeon is very clear-cut. In the 3d games not so much, i.e. in oot a dungeon can look like any place.

>> No.3642250

So it I take a screenshot of a retro game, I have to go to /v/ to make a thread about that game, you mongrel?

>> No.3642251

This all is just one fucking dungeon?

>> No.3642258

Dunno. It was never an issue to me, but if you feel better now that you could vent by making a paragraph's worth rant about it, ok.

>> No.3642262

>And then the boss is a joke.
Tbqh the Oracle dungeon bosses weren't memorable enough to even remember them much.

>> No.3642268

>he hasn't played Turok 2

those levels took fucking forever

>> No.3642285

>He doesn't remebmer T2

A remaster of it for pc would get all of my cash even if it still had n64 graphics

>> No.3642295

what about 3?

>> No.3642432

Given that Misery Mire is dungeon 6 and the Ice Palace is 5, no.

>> No.3642862

Except for the mermaid tail part, all of the puzzles you listed weren't that difficult. Sure Ages is probably the Zelda game with most complex puzzles, but even then it doesn't take much to beat it. I thought Goron Dance and the whole shit you went through to access the 6th dungeon to be harder.

>> No.3642872

Why was seeds of evil studio so sadistic?

>> No.3642875
File: 5 KB, 304x224, icepath1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Areas like this

>> No.3642910

Is that the one with a gazillion floors and water level to change all the time? Because fuck that hard.

>> No.3642954

I've always thought Zelda games were too simple both in terms puzzles and combat (and also story).
By that I mean, they have great systems with potential, but never have any depth and take advantage of the potential and possibilities.

Now I know why. Because of the casual playerbase. Jesus fuck.

Thank god for games like Alundra which are "Zelda with depth".

>> No.3643029
File: 244 KB, 550x550, 1478891619761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finished this in gold when I was only 6
>people actually consider this hard
they actually nerfed that ice puzzle in crystal because 80 iq mongoloids couldn't figure it out

>> No.3643056

The also nerfed the ice dungeon in Zelda 3 on the GBA so that all the backtracking (or, alternatively, returning with a cane of Somaria) isn't necessary anymore
>because 80 iq mongoloids couldn't figure it out

>> No.3643063

Are these games really on par with Zelda as far as quality goes?

>> No.3643478

>Zelda with depth
I played a few levels of the first one and it seemed more like
>Zelda with beat-em-up mechanics and easier dungeons

>> No.3643508

>Now I know why. Because of the casual playerbase. Jesus fuck.

Basically this. Zelda as a franchise is a breadwinner, same with Mario. It prints money, which is why it seemed unlikely to ever grow above what it always was. If you play them subsequently, one after the other, then they can be pretty enjoyable, but picking up one to play once in a while is never a dramatically satisfying experience.

Breath of the Wild actually looks very interesting though, and is much more of a gamble on Nintendo's part. Then again, they're really hurting for market share right now.

>> No.3643521

Those are fun

>> No.3643528

Developing games for casuals usually guarantees better sales so no wonder they're simple. I wish we could get more Zeldas like the GBC duo every now and then, but that's very unlikely to happen.

>> No.3643531

Any minigame in Majora's Mask

>> No.3643536
File: 40 KB, 768x672, castlevania3-spot1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3643554

Skyward Sword and ALBW were both great

>> No.3643559

Skyward Sword had great parts but too many flaws to merit playing more than once or twice. ALBW was awesome

>> No.3643581

I agree, but you should watch out. Them are fightin' words around here.

>> No.3643587

So many casuals in this thread

>> No.3643606

I'm glad that that level is optional.

Worst shit in the franchise.

>> No.3643612

only Landstalker and the first Alundra

>> No.3644413

Seasons is WAAAAAAY more combat oriented than ages. Also, the color palette is varied instead of blue and brown, so you feel like both games arre for entirely different systems.

>> No.3644415

>Deserted Island trading chain to get all of your shit back
easily the most annoying thing in the entirety of the legned of zelda, period.

>> No.3644648

Play the first Alundra. Alundra 2 isn't nearly as good though.

>beat-em-up mechanics
I'm sorry what? Also yeah, the first dungeons are the easiest. Go wonder.

If you haven't played it Four Swords on GC is actually all right and has some a bit tougher puzzles and combat. I think they figured that since the game is supposed to play multiplayer, one player out of the bunch is bound to figure out harder puzzles; and more players at once means tougher combat.
Only thing is, it is supposed to be played in multiplayer; but you can give it a chance in SP anyway.

I since there is another Four Swords on GBA or DS but I don't know about that one. I don't even know if it's a different game.

>> No.3644663
File: 3 KB, 160x144, 631974-the-legend-of-zelda-oracle-of-ages-game-boy-color-screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is better to play first, Seasons or Ages? I played both a long time ago but I barely remember them.

Anyone ever linked both games for the extra stuff? Is it worth it?

>> No.3644671

Wasn't Four Swords bundled with Minish Cap or LttP for the gba?

>> No.3644676

I just looked it up. There are two different Four Swords. There is the one on GC, the one I was talking about, and the one on GBA bundled with LttP. That one is more of a mini game, shorter, with only a few dungeons. It got re-released on DSiware with a "single player" mode.

>> No.3644765

Seasons First, easier of the two games. Ages will probably cause you to take a few breaks from the genre

>> No.3644821

I linked it way back when. You get a boss battle with Ganon and Twnirova out of it, that's all I remember.

>> No.3644837

Kind of like signpost maze in LA.

>> No.3644914

There's a bunch of codes for Mirror Shields and extra health and shit you have to find in one game and use in the other or something as well. Useless in the game you've finished and makes the game you're still playing easymode

>> No.3644915

DSiWare or 3DS? I have the 3DS one, it was free for a limited period for Zelda's 25th Anniversary. I think it had some other extra features too, a bunch of nostalgia dungeons. Pretty dope.

>> No.3645112
File: 4 KB, 160x144, Legend of Zelda, The - Oracle of Seasons (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3645283

>Seasons is WAAAAAAY more combat oriented than ages
Seasons is WAAAAAAY better than ages.

>> No.3645287

ALBW was great. Couldn't agree with Skyward Sword though, it was so dull it nearly killed my interest in the series.

>> No.3645346

>reverse sequence breaking

is that just playing the game normally?

>> No.3645348

>Which is better to play first, Seasons or Ages? I played both a long time ago but I barely remember them.

If you play Ages first, then the Pirate Captain gets closure. On the other hand, there is one square on the Ages map that you can't access unless you do Seasons first.

>> No.3645364

I think that means "Go into a later place to get stuff that'll help in an earlier place"

>> No.3645768

I would rather Zelda keep the simple puzzles or get rid of them entirely since puzzles waste your time, especially on replays.

>> No.3647037

>No mention of tokay or the part with Patch
Am I surrounded by saints right now?

>> No.3648273

No you just missed the post with an image of Tokay

>> No.3648402

Doesn't matter which game you play first, just pick one.

You should be playing through unlinked Seasons, unlinked Ages, linked Seasons, and linked Ages games anyway. Experiencing both games linked and unlinked is the best way.

>> No.3649294
File: 4 KB, 160x144, Legend of Zelda, The - Oracle of Seasons (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3649414

>I have not been this god damn stumped since the Ice Dungeon in ALttP.
>by anything in Zelda
I've got bad news for you

>> No.3649423

Seasons is "action-centric" which is why the puzzles are easier than in Ages, but I think they throw more enemies at you as a result. Either way, combat in 2D Zelda isn't much of a challenge.

>> No.3649427

Yeah I beat it in Silver as well,but only through trial and error and sheer luck.
Ice puzzles are always infuriating with grid movement.

>> No.3649432

I've done it properly once just to say I can, but it certainly wasn't on my first time.

>> No.3649508
File: 3 KB, 160x144, Legend of Zelda, The - Oracle of Seasons (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dick balls

>> No.3650860
File: 2.25 MB, 2087x2651, Alundra-Kline'sNightmare[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3651459

I admit this part made me quit the game the first time I played it, but I was a casual fuck back then.
Since then I've learnt to appreciate the greatness of this game.

>> No.3652129

I've started playing Ages after Seasons, and it's so much better, Seasons doesn't even compare.

>> No.3652727

I dont feel like starting a new thread to ask.

But this linked/code stuff in seasons/ages is confusing.

I finished Ages, now moving onto Seasons with a code, lots of references to my time in Ages and looked online for these code things and cant find shit in Ages.

I am getting all sorts of code things and shit in Seasons, but I cannot find any of the code givers in Ages.

Do I seriously need to finish Seasons and replay Ages to do all these codes?

>> No.3652958

You take the codes you get in your linked game to Farore in your unlinked game to activate them.

After that you either get a code from Farore to use in your linked game or have to find the relevant character in your unlinked game to get the code for your linked game. It's been a while.

>> No.3653524

>but I cannot find any of the code givers in Ages.

I'm the one here doing the contrary (played Seasons first, now doing Ages by using the code given at the end of Seasons) and I don't think you're going to find any code in the first unlinked game, my Seasons which was unlinked, only gave me the one code to use when you start ages.

However I'm getting codes to play in my finished Seasons game, I think it's just a way to give it extra replay value and some bonuses once you're done with the game.


>> No.3654626

>Do I seriously need to finish Seasons and replay Ages to do all these codes?
No, once you finish Seasons you will get a Labrynthia code. write down the code, snap in Ages, insert code you got for finishing Seasons and bam, all code givers will activate.

I think anyways, been like 15 or so years

>> No.3654671

Many of the code givers won't appear until completing several dungeons, however. They don't let you get the Master Sword and the Biggoron Sword right off the bat.

>> No.3655060

Alright. You have Ages done and did the 20 character code thing for Seasons.

As you go through Seasons you will get little 5 character codes from people, write them down.

Pop in Ages, head to Nayrue and tell her the codes you got from Seasons and the NPC you need to tell the code to will appear in Ages.

Head to the NPC, they will upgrade or give you an items. Sometimes there is a minigame, sometimes there is not.

When you finish with the NPC in Ages you SHOULD get ANOTHER Code to use back in Seasons. Write down the code you just got in Ages.

Pop back in Seasons, use the code you got from Ages.

>> No.3655271
File: 8 KB, 480x432, 025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bullshit pillars.

>> No.3655574

Oh god is that the one where you have to bounce the ball around in Link's Awakening?

>> No.3655661
File: 78 KB, 800x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related in Ages Heroe's Cave is definitely the worst of the trilogy

>> No.3655730

>A remaster of it for pc would get all of my cash even if it still had n64 graphics

It is, same studio who did the excellent Turok 1 remaster.


>> No.3655734

Yup the game only had 6 levels and they made them long as fuck.

>> No.3655831


>> No.3656260
File: 6 KB, 160x144, Legend of Zelda, The - Oracle of Ages (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)_14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3658130

Just played both loops

>> No.3658504

"Trouble with the trolley eh?"

Also that fucking second lizard egg quest.

>> No.3658792

I replayed Turok 2 twice on normal and hard difficulty and I actually had no problem with any of the levels, except the last one where I missed one crystal.

They surprisingly have a pretty good flow that you should follow and not fight. Especially level 6; 3/4 of the level are locked off starting the level. You do the first quarter, the next one opens, you clear that, another opens rinse repeat. Actually really awesome to have huge levels.

>> No.3658989
File: 151 KB, 500x766, 1449373563989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend a gorillion hours trying to change the colors
>One red tile left

>> No.3659321

>you need to use the Cane of Somaria


>> No.3659342
File: 24 KB, 500x465, 1350870385073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking love these types of puzzles

>> No.3659914

This particular one in Hero's Cave is bullshit because you need to use items to help you complete it even though none of the other puzzles of the same type in the game do, and even though you can enter the room before acquiring said item.

>> No.3661652

Goddamn, Din is pure sex.

>> No.3661656
File: 269 KB, 520x676, Din_(Oracle_of_Seasons).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.3661685

I'm glad someone else struggled with a lot of the puzzles in ages. I thought I was just retarded. I probably still am.

>> No.3662613
File: 643 KB, 1024x774, 778b4921215fb9d25698da132b4ef152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finished ages
>20 character code to seasons
>had fucking fun in seasons compared to ages bullshit
>the code stuff was not too bad and kinda cool
>realize I was retarded all those years thinking I needed a second GBC and a connecting cable to get the "true" ending
>that learning curve with twinrova
>phase 1 where you have to hit the elemental balls back to the opposite sister with your sword but they keep moving the fuck around
>an image of a goron with thousands of rupees around him appears in my mind and says "remember..."
>whack the bitch
>oh but wait, phase 2 fucking no where it tells you to hit her with seeds after a few sword spins
>fighting Ganon with 3 hearts because twinrovas horse shit
>round 2
>lose 3 whole hearts to twinrova this time around for both phases
>take down ganon with sword spins and perma pegasus seeds and jumping once in awhile
>ending goes by
>banishing a 15 year old demon inside of me because ages burnt me out so hard when I was 15 or 16 when it first came out and lost interest in handheld zelda for awhile

>> No.3662628

I don't get people complaining about having to use mystery seeds. It's easy, try everything you got.

If anything the rock bosses with arms, in Ages, was the hardest to figure out. That or Ganon, the fact that only charged swing attacks can harm him (unless you have a lvl3 sword, which just doesn't happen on a first playthrough afaik), or the fact that control are reversed at some point.

As for hearts, with a potion it shoudl be more than enough, but there is a ring that restores hearts if you're running. So you can just run around during Twinrova last phase and make sure you're at full heart before fighting Ganon. During the Ganon, moving will also restores some hearts. Didn't even need the potion because of this.

>> No.3664037

You forgot one important but tiny little detail.


>> No.3664096

Seasons has Subrosian dance or something, although admittedly that's not as frustrating.

>> No.3664646

And its not even required I dont think. I remember using the magical boomerang in the dungeon you get it in but.. eh

>> No.3666432
File: 9 KB, 256x224, digger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This came to mind.
It's not difficult, just tedious.

>> No.3666652


Was this a shitty fan translation? I'd hate to think any official attempt to localize that game could be that terrible.

>> No.3667595

That dungeon and the Mermaid's dungeon were complex. OoA had the difficult dungeons out of the oracle games.

>> No.3669323

I love them too.

>> No.3669776

It was probably just a joke.