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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 8 KB, 124x123, Zsnes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3637438 No.3637438 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We trigger /vr/

pic related: my emulator of choice.

>> No.3637463

Mine too if its compatible enough with the rom

>> No.3637469

I mean I use it too. Cause laziness.

>> No.3637470


yyyyeah...how is that triggering again?

>> No.3637473

Just suggest it in any emulation thread. You'll see.

>> No.3637480

There is an emulation thread and someone mentioned it. No one looked triggered.

>> No.3637504

Point is, Zsnes is fine. The people that have a problem with it usually make themselves look like tools. My own experience with it has always been positive. Never have I had a problem with it. If a rom didn't work, I found a different copy and it ran just fine.

>> No.3637505


>> No.3637509

but thats a superior emulator

>> No.3637517

I play games I enjoyed during my youth for fun.

>> No.3637528

I mean you know. I was here all summer.

>> No.3637842

I like ZSnes.

But i rarely use emulation

>> No.3637870

Literally the only reason you're going to want an accurate emulator is for speedrunning, and if you're speedrunning, why aren't you just using actual hardware?

>> No.3637878

Retro games can age. A great game has a niche, something that it does better than everyone else. As more games copy it, its niche becomes smaller and smaller until it becomes completely outclassed, and there's nothing it does that other games don't do better.

In fact, all retro games have aged. Badly, in most cases. There's really no reason to play Super Mario Bros when New Super Mario Bros exists, or Ocarina of Time when its sequels exist.

>> No.3637884
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I don't browse 4chan without a filter.

>> No.3637886

There's no need to learn Japanese. All good retro games are already translated in a form superior to the Japanese version.

>> No.3638075

Good for you, OP. It's not my or anyone else's problem that games will run with additional glitches or even worse, that the emulator will crash because of emulation bugs. It'll only be an annoyance for yourself, not to me or others who're using Bsnes or Snes9X and even the ones I named here aren't always the best for the occasion.

What, did you expect me to insult you or to take your bait?

>> No.3638083

You know you're meant to update your shit, right?

>> No.3638101

You liking it isn't what triggers people. It's claiming blatantly false shit like it being superior to snes9x or bsnes that drives this board into a frenzy. But even so I haven't seen much fighting over zsnes since like a year after this board was made, much easier to just spam /tv/ and /pol/ memes now that the mods don't give a fuck.

>> No.3638108
File: 1.10 MB, 371x209, mememan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3638113

Yeah, you're right, I should update Zsnes!

Oh wait, their last update was 10 years ago. Welp, guess we're stuck like that.

This. Maybe some people just make too much of a deal in discussions but the blatant shitposting from other boards that are even worse than /v/ (which isn't that terrible nowadays IMO) makes me wonder why I'm still here at times. Good thing there can be some interesting discussions at times as long as it isn't about old shitposting topics like "dur brand X is better than brand Y" or "original hardware or bust".

>> No.3638128

>New Super Mario Bros

Wahp, wahp!
Wahp, wahp, wahp, wahp!
Wahp, WAHP, wahp!

>> No.3638145

>There's really no reason to play Super Mario Bros when New Super Mario Bros exists

Super Mario Bros. is a fast-paced action arcade style platformer with tight controls that feel good when you play. New Super Mario Bros. are long, drawn-out, tedious floaty platformers with slippery controls that take forever to beat a level. Except for Super Luigi U. At least as far as the tedious part goes, the controls are even more slippery.

Super Mario Bros. is a 10 out of 10 game.

The New Super Mario Bros. games range between 5 and 7 out of 10.

>> No.3638162

/vr/ doesn't really give a fuck on what you use, unless you start being an obnoxious faggot about it.

/v/ on the other hand...

>> No.3638250

Your post wasn't funny, stop trying so hard

>> No.3638792
File: 269 KB, 1100x941, 1473444085278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why not have the best UI and the best accuracy?

>> No.3638979
File: 83 KB, 1652x1234, tumblr_772959134781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /Vr,

Me and my wife were playing Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest on our Retron™ 5 the other day and she said it reminded her of games like Shovel Knight and UNDERTALE. She explained how graphics and gameplay were similar and we tried to define what retro is. For her it's style, for me it's age. I think the board should define retro once and for all in a non arbritary manner.

So now that the dust has settled, if we're going by age we should consider six gen retro. Dreamcast is already allowed so we should do the same for GBA and PS2. I mean it's all or nothing, some people would feel the PSX is not retro because it brought cutscenes to gaming, PS2 is no different, it's old enough and its games have already aged, otherwise they wouldn't remake them for modern consoles.

If we're going by style, then we should be able to talk about games like UNDERTALE here, because it's retro styled. I mean look at it on that CRT, it's how me and my wife play it. What do you think?

>> No.3638993

... but you're wrong though, retard.

You're willfully ignoring the artistic differences and how that might affect how people perceive the game, for one.

Not to mention how they differ in physics, mechanics, and level design.

NSMB is not a replacement for SMV and I feel dumb for even dignifying what (you) said.

>> No.3639005

This post got me. You win the thread.

>> No.3639041
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PS1 games may have been alright at the time but they are completely unplayable in 2016 due to their bad graphics, framerate issues, and bad draw distance. Same shit goes for the Sega Saturn, N64 gets a pass though because there are some seriously revolutionary games on that thing.

>> No.3639049
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>> No.3639058

Ikaruga is the best shmup ever made.

>> No.3639074

The NES library is almost pure shit, even most of the "good" ones because they rely on trial and error artificial difficulty bullshit that would never be accepted a few generations later and for good reason.

>> No.3639117

The sega Saturn was the worst console that sega has ever produced.

>> No.3639123 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 484x484, mgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A more overrated and poorly aged retro game does not exist than this.

>> No.3639128

10/10 i'm mad as fuck

>> No.3639132
File: 238 KB, 400x350, kektastrophe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3639134

2d was the cancer era of gaming history. glad it's over.

>> No.3639138

Super Nintendo was the start of casualisation for Nintendo, real hardcore gamers moved onto PC Engine and Mega Drive instead.

>> No.3639161
File: 13 KB, 500x500, 1478932755469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people tell me to use Higan
>it requires super duper special roms

Yeah, I totally want to do that instead of "google *game*" and have it running in 2 seconds

>> No.3639192
File: 53 KB, 612x380, teh laura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think video games are a waste of time and money and you should all invest in a Kindle.

>> No.3639201
File: 53 KB, 500x375, 1465356210103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"google *game*"
Not having the entire romsets of pre-5th gen consoles

>> No.3639224

>not using retroarchs bsnes core
>unironically supporting byuu by using his mememulator

>> No.3639231

[your favorite game] aged horribly.

>> No.3639235

>There are people who spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on outdated hardware and software
>These people then proceed to act superior about doing so, despite having essentially pissed money down the drain

Yeah, a Kindle sounds nice.

>> No.3639264

Hey, if you order one on Cyber Monday you can get the most basic model for like $50.

Pirating books is super easy. I have like nine hundred books on mine, and most of 'em are straight from TPB.

>> No.3639286
File: 54 KB, 361x440, time for belt scrollers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3639375
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I have never played Doom and have no plans to ever do so.

>> No.3639379


That worked fine with every game I played except Top Gear.

>> No.3639469

>/v/ on the other hand...
STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE describes most of /v/

>> No.3639613

It's acceptable if you're playing on a Pentium II running 98SE. I don't see any reason to use it other than nostalgia or just for messing around on ancient hardware. I mean it was an amazing emulator for its time but modern systems can run much more accurate emus.

Speaking of which, has ZMZ ever been updated?

>> No.3639632

Pretty much this its just outdated and far superior emulators have come along.

>Speaking of which, has ZMZ ever been updated?
Has not received an update since 2013 as far as I am aware.

>> No.3640483

Now thinking about it I haven't seen that guy in about a week. Did he give up or have mods started cracking down on shitposting for the one time they do every year?