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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3621356 No.3621356 [Reply] [Original]

You fags will argue about anything

>> No.3621364
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Got NES Contra going right now
I had 3 as a kid and loved it
Original NES I had and loved
Super C is tits too

>> No.3621369

This isn't /v/

it wouldn't be arguing, it'd be debating.

Both are fucking awesome, I think hard Corp is easier, but that made it more fun for me. bitching music i love the genesis

>> No.3621370

Both good games. Hard Corps is only playable, or rather on par, once you apply the patch that combines the 3 hit bar with limited continue balance. Otherwise, it's shit and an unnecessary artificial difficulty set for the murricans.

>> No.3621389

Both are great. I think C3 sounds a tad better, but I'm just not big on FM, so that's more personal opinion than fact.

>> No.3621392

There's nothing to argue, konami games in the 90s were fucking awesome.

vidya didn't really get much better than that tbqh.

>> No.3621414

i like both, but i think hard corps has a better overall sense of style and i didn't like the overhead levels in c3

>> No.3621425

Lol wow.

>> No.3621426

Pretty sure World of Warcraft has nothing to do with this discussion or this board.

>> No.3621432


Hard Corps is better. Even Super C is better than Contra 3.

>> No.3621445
File: 29 KB, 300x220, super power robot yokozuna is the name of this boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even like Contra 3 enough to want to finish it, but Hard Corps is one of my favorite games.

They're really completely different games. Contra 3 has actual level design as opposed to Hard Corps just ferrying you from boss to boss with little in between. Hard Corps is also strictly sidescrolling whereas Contras 1-3 all have some sort of gimmick stage that I don't like. Both of these make me like Hard Corps and Shattered Soldier a lot more than any other Contra games. They're the only ones I not only liked enough to finish, but thoroughly enjoyed.

I play as Brownie.

>> No.3621574 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 640x912, tmp_12695-38146-Contra_-_Hard_Corps_(USA)-1-1713402326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardware Corps FUCK YEAR!

>> No.3621576
File: 101 KB, 640x912, tmp_12695-38146-Contra_-_Hard_Corps_(USA)-11221123121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contra Hard Corps!

>> No.3622973

I prefer the boss boss boss style of hard corps but 3 isn't a bad game.

Hard corps does have art by the guy who made kite so that is a plus.

>> No.3622974


Genesis version is FAR better, and i prefer the SNES.

>> No.3622975



they're 2 completely different games

>> No.3622982


OK but genesis Contra hard corps / Probotector is still better.

>> No.3622986

Official Ranking:
Hard Corps > Shattered Soldier > Alien Wars > Uprising > Contra > Super C > Force > Neo > the PSX abortions

Did I forget any?

>> No.3623012

Not retro, but how would you rank Contra 4?

>> No.3623013

You forgot Operation C

>> No.3623019


I respect your opinion.

>> No.3623038

I played C3 the other day and didn't like it much.

I tried Hard Corps today and I loved it, but I could not beat the first level, wtf

I am someone who beated Super C, maybe I'm getting old.

>> No.3623192

I don't get why international versions of Hard Corps removed the 3 hitpoints system. The game was very clearly balanced around it.

>> No.3623210

I don't feel that way at all. Almost everything is very predictable/reactable, you have an invincibility slide, and if that's still not enough, you can just play as Brownie. I think even the international version is one of the easiest Contra games, and the Japanese version is just plain easy.

>> No.3623231

Super C > Hard Corps > NES > Contra III

>> No.3623289

If its so easy, why do I find every other contra easier then?

>> No.3623312

I love 3 and have nostalgia for it, I just played HC recently and I have to say I enjoy it more.

Having 4 unique characters with different weapons, in addition to the branching paths, makes the game much more replayable. Also some of the set pieces are outright insane, it's like they set out to top Treasure after Gunstar Heroes. That being said I do miss the much larger and more interesting levels from 3. HC is definitely lacking in level design.

They're both amazing games worthy of anyone's time.

>> No.3623320

>not arcade
lol, pleb

>> No.3623329

I dunno, but I find every other Contra harder.

>> No.3623506

Anyone else hate the behind view and top down levels in these games. They really kill the pacing and enjoyment of these games for me. The behind view ones are particularly obnoxiously unfun

>> No.3623518
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>oh cool a female character
>sprite looks male

>> No.3623820

Hard Corps beats the living shit out of Contra 3, and I'm saying this as someone who generally prefers the SNES to the Genesis. Contra 3 is alright but it's one of the most massively overrated games of the 16-bit era.