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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3618498 No.3618498 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here ever had to get rid of their collections? I've been feeling as if my room has been cluttered with games I really have no space to put anything anymore. It's not dirty I have everything shelved and stored but I just have too many games. I was wondering if liquidating my collection and just getting everdrives would be a better option.

>> No.3618504


Nobody has ever gotten rid of their video games.

If you have "clutter" you need to organize, maybe a bit of culling but you don't need to get rid of everything just because you had a fleeting feeling.

>> No.3618512

Nice facebook meme.

>> No.3618523

I don't have any pre gen 6 games because my fucking family couldn't stop being dysfunctional for 10 minutes.

>> No.3618545

Just remember that once you sell it, you'll never get it back at the original price you bought it if you ever want those games back again.

>> No.3618549

Unless you bought it brand new.

>> No.3618808

I did. Had a genesis, NES, SNES, N64, GBA back light, GB colour. I'm sure I'm missing somethings in there. This is going back about 3 years ago or so.

I never collected for value, rather I just wanted games I liked and was happy with my retro corner with CRT. But like you I was sick of giving up so much space plus so I let all my games go and bought flash carts instead. I made profit over all after buying the flash carts as well. All was well.

Eventually I even got sick of having a space dedicated to a CRT and the systems. I already had emulators on a bunch of things and I really couldn't give a fuck about "original hardware is better". Unless your some youtuber who needs some kind of cred for having OG hardware/software then there really isn't a point in going on about emulation being a lesser form of fun, it's not. The game plays as I would want while using a modern screen with cleaner picture and USB controller of my choice. So I got rid of my consoles and flash carts. Nearly all of them including modern ones like Wii, PSP and 360.

Fast forward to now. I have zero regrets in getting rid of these things. In a way it was kind of liberating as physical collections tend to make a slave out of you. I don't miss them nor do I wish I got anything back. As it is I am fine with a computer hooked up to my TV for emulation, I also have a GPD XD for handheld emulation (works great BTW).

Retro collection is a waste of time in my opinion now. I just can't find the appeal in buying machine and games that are 20+ years old nor would I have the patience to keep buying more games and consoles at absurd prices due to how mainstream retro gaming has become. Even the mini NES is a joke to me as I see it for what it is, a shitty emulator in a pretty box.

Gaming in general is no longer a hobby to me, just a source of entertainment. I appreciate having the space more than having old plastic boxes on a shelf that never really get used.

>> No.3618839


But it doesn't end there. Not looking for deals on games irl or online is also nice, I never realized how much time, money and gas I was wasting until I stopped. All of a sudden my savings were rising without effort as the money pit that is retro gaming was now gone.

My home also looks nicer. I'm of the opinion that having some retro collection creates a stigma when visitors came by. Regardless of your opinion, the average grown ass adult will consider these things kids toys, and they are correct as that is what they were created as and marketed to. I also admit that that last statement is subjective to individuals but you would be blind in thinking that the majority looks at a retro game shelf and believes it to be some awesome thing that makes life that much better, they may call it cool but they would never want that in their home.

Even looking at the best known gamers out there with collection. Those super rich individuals could pull it off but they have the resources to convert entire rooms for that hobby without taking a hit to their lifestyles or finances. Also hard to consider the super rich as loser considering they were winners by virtue of becoming super rich. And when I look at youtubers (Pat, AVGN, AlphaOmega, Jared, PBG,......), they tend to come off as losers to me, albeit entertaining losers. And these are people making money off their games and using them as sets. Are you making money off your games?

And on a very superficial level, you would be hard pressed to find a woman who won't think that some massive retro collection is a sign of being immature with an inability to grow up.

At the end of the day it's your choice but choosing to let go of something like retro gaming seems like a no brainer when you can literally carry the same collection and then some in a single USB stick. Nothing to be lost in that situation other then old hunks of plastic that take up space.

>> No.3618849

I don't think your retro game collection is why you have a hard time finding a woman. Maybe try moving out of your mom's house before you start on any serious hobby.

>> No.3618896

I have two kids and a crappy job so I sold every game I owned.

Pokemon stadium 2
Majora's Mask

30 games including
Wind waker
Master quest
Pokemon colosseum 1 2
Killer 7

All my pokemon games

And my wii, wii u and ps3 games.

Made about £350 in all.
All I have left are the consoles.

Now I just reminisce and wonder if my son will play games with me

>> No.3618930
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That was how it started with me. Just selling the stuff I knew I wasn't going to play again. Then I just started paring back more and more until I now just have a Saturn and back up and a few interesting oddities like the Nomad. And honestly I look forward to the day when I have something that can emulate Saturn well and I can finally ditch the CRT it's hooked up to as well.

>> No.3618935

Where do you see mention of not finding women or living in a parents basement? You should stop injecting reflections of your own life into arguments when in reality they are nonsensical moot points.

>> No.3618965
File: 3.99 MB, 4608x2592, 20161115_105124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, you got under my skin. To be honest I'm just sick and tired of dumb ass shits like you parading around the internet with the dumbest of retorts. So let's turn this into a pissing contest.

See pict, not bad for a no-woman getting parent's basement dweller. What do you have, bitch?

>> No.3618972

A pic of your girlfriend would have been more convincing.

>> No.3618978


I rather the money over women

>> No.3618982

Sold off a lot of my collection a few years back as I didnt want it nor did I ever have the urge to play it

Just sell what you will never want to play or have no attachment to

>> No.3618985
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I was just ribbing you, I'm this guy >>3618930 I sold all my stuff too and am happy for it. But I should say that when I met my now wife I still had almost all the gaming stuff I'd built up over the years and it wasn't an issue for her. I used it to get her hooked on games too.

I'm opposite on the money equation though. I only work three days a week so I can spend more time and energy on things I want to. Beyond paying my mortgage and not having to worry about the price of groceries I don't really care how much wealth I accumulate. I know I'm a total weirdo in that department though.

>> No.3619503


>> No.3619748

Luckily you can get them all for free, whenever you want. Sell your collection, capitalize on dumb faggots overpaying for baby games, and grow up. You feel nostalgic just get an emulator.

>> No.3619753

There's no way you don't have a microscopic penis

>> No.3619761

I'm in the process of selling a lot of my collection, and converting to flashcarts and disk drive emulators. The thing which used to hold me back was feelings of attachment, but then I realized that what really counts is the memories I have with the games, not the games themselves.

>> No.3619829

What's a good way to get rid of games?

Ebay sounds like a hassle.
Craigslist makes me nervous.

I could dump them off at a pawn shop and get a horrible price.
But considering I don't have anything super rare and my unwillingness to deal with people, it seems like the best option.

>> No.3619836

eBay isn't as big of a deal if you setup to do it in one shot

Either lot stuff up or auction stuff to all end at the same time.

There's alwas the possibiility of a /bst/ here but mods usually delete it because they're a bunch of fags.

>> No.3619857

were you bullied a lot in high school?

>> No.3620931


this isn't Australia, rotate your fucking picture.