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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 413 KB, 2510x1079, Final_Fantasy_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3618103 No.3618103 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, first time posting here really. I don't have much time for gaming unfortunately, but I find myself with time while I'm on the go. I don't like phone games I have come across, I find them rather mindless. I recently learned of the FF games 1-7 and 9 being on iOS with 1-6 and 4-2 as a $70 bundle (I'm pretty late to the party). I have very limited FF experience under my belt, having only played FFIII on the nintendo ds and FFX on the PS2, and was wondering if it was worth getting the set?

Specific questions I had in mind were:

How do these remakes hold to the originals?
Is it worth getting them for my phone rather than PC/other?
Should I play them in order?
Which is your favorite and why?
Are there any I should avoid?


>> No.3618112

4 through 6 are supposedly notorious for butchering the art style of the original SNES games.

>> No.3618134

At least 1-3 are safe then?
Do you think it's worth it considering this may be the only chance I'll actually play the game?

>> No.3618145


>> No.3618179

Hmm thanks I'll try this out.

>> No.3618191
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1478532896316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

least authentic... normie devices... etc...

>> No.3618216

The fact is I get a "fake" experience or I get no experience at all. I'm not going to lug a tv, SNES, and a controller to work/class. What spare true free time I have I'd rather dedicate to non-gaming activities. Call it being a normie, I call it having responsibilities. Regardless, ofc I'd rather have the authentic experience, I'm not as lucky as you.

>> No.3618479

To be honest, they're different in essence and a bit in story from the originals.
For the most part, they do not compare well enough to the originals; they're different in many aspects (ie. In FF3 for iOS/Android/PC (which is actually a port from the DS remake, same with 4, I think) you start with only one out of four characters, while in the original FF3 all of the four characters are instantly dropped into the game, not to mention that back then they didn't have any specific name, such as "Luneth" or "Refia" or whatever; they were just "Onion Kids".)

The story doesn't differ that much, still some prefer the original games.

Tl;Dr is that you should give them mobile ports/adaptations a go, then of you have the time play the originals just to get the experience.