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/vr/ - Retro Games

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[ERROR] No.3609745[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts about HCG101?

>> No.3609749
File: 31 KB, 654x356, 1478778860153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shit

>> No.3609756

I like it but I'm still seeing grammar mistakes in some of their articles though, been like this for a few years now with no improvement.

>> No.3609761
File: 37 KB, 826x81, quality video game reporting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It turned into an overwhelmingly cringey site long ago.

Pick your poison, bring something back if you want:


The Untold History of Japanese Game Devs however is a pretty awesome series, although of course it's only vaguely affiliated with HG101. Ironically enough it had issues regarding its author and a crazy SJW translator, but thankfully it ditched said translator and continued without her.

>> No.3609767


>> No.3609773

Justin Bieber of gaming sites.

>> No.3609774

I've discovered a general pattern in their articles.

If a game is easy, it's good.
If a game is hard, it's bad.

>> No.3609783


Shitty name, great resource.

Depends on an author (literally everyone can submit an article) but generally articles are of a decent quality.


this is supposed to be officialy purged for quality assurance reasons, it's gone from the alphabetical list and you have to google search to find it

>> No.3609790

I couldn't make it past the Final Fantasy IV thing, does he ever talk about Chrono Trigger?

>> No.3609814 [DELETED] 

It's a joke faggot

Glad vr is a boys only club no sjws allowed. Wouldn't want to read game retrospectives by someone with political opinions in any way different from the boys club groupthink of this place

>> No.3609842

Nice for finding out about games I didn't know about and what systems they were released on. I don't really care what opinions the writer has for a game, unless it agrees with my own, then I just simply nod my head and move on.

>> No.3609863

>I don't really care what opinions the writer has for a game, unless it agrees with my own,

After careful analysis of your post, I have concluded that it's best for you to kill yourself.

>> No.3609882

>avant garde
>>>/mu/ pls.

>> No.3609894
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>> No.3609906

Renaming of my life? I'm quite fine with the name, why change it? Not fascinated at all

>> No.3609926

What's the story about the translator?

>> No.3609928

I know this is probably bait, but

vr isn't a boys only clubs, femanons exist but they don't let their vagina define their entire existence because we're here to talk about retro games.
sjws doesn't equal women (kurt kalata is not a woman, is he? did he come out as trans?)
why the fuck do game retrospectives need to have POLITICAL OPINIONS in them? especially when it comes to retro games since you need to shoehorn current politics into something where it doesn't belong.

2/10 for faggotry, made me reply.

>> No.3609940

It's a lengthy read, but this sums it up pretty well:

Basically the author contacted a game translator and her sister to interpret interviews with Japanese game developers, both sisters start off being really demanding and end up complaining about "not getting questions beforehand" to prepare properly, they open up a blog to defame the author, the author acts like an autist, the sisters contact the gaming media (this was during gamergate) and the media doesn't publish anything about the book. They also imply that the author is sexist during the conversations they have to interpret (because old games = sexism).

Thankfully a volume 2 did manage to get done, which proves that the whole shitfest was just the sisters being unprofessional and not being able to actually translate on the spot.

Their inability to do a proper job is evident when you realize that the translator, Agness Kaku, is the one responsible for the shitty MGS2 translation. When interviewed by HG101 years before this happened, she went on record badmouthing Kojima as a writer. This interview has been "removed until further notice" by HG101.

>> No.3609963

I am constantly amazed by the how bad some pro translators can be at their work, but this is on a whole other level.
Way to ruin your fucking career.

>> No.3609964

>she went on record badmouthing Kojima as a writer

Kaku is borderline crazy, but she was 100% right about Kojima

>> No.3609967

yeah, the translator who wanted to end every codec line with "OVER" knew more than kojima

>> No.3609971

I um. I don't think you know what you're saying. Or the differences between good translations and shitty ones.

>> No.3609974

Shut the fuck up NESfagget, you dont even know what happened, and it's definitely not how that other fagget told it

>> No.3609980

Great site.

>> No.3609982

Great post.

>> No.3609984

>Kojima dicksucking squad is already here

Have you guys finished tertiary education? Do you even know what good writing looks like?

inb4 "b-b-but the japanese version was way better written and there are no plot holes and technobabble endings"

Yeah sure. I've been told the Japanese version of all of the MGS games is even more poorly written.

>> No.3609986

i didn't suck kojima's dick

i just said kaku's writing is even shittier, so fuck you

>> No.3609987
File: 168 KB, 1022x460, because I'm a woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does a shitty translation. over
>people don't like your shitty translation. over
>it's because I'm a woman. over

Agness pls. the link above has tons of e-mails and captures and proof of what happened.

>> No.3609989

No amount of ad-hominem will changed the difference between an accurate translation and a bad one. And I won't take your bait to derail the argument from that fact.

Cry more.

>> No.3609990

I can believe that Kaku is a bad writer who didn't improve it. What I can't believe is that she made it even worse because it's not possible. There's no fucking way any person could make those conversations between Raiden and Rose palatable based on that material.

>> No.3609992

the script was definitely worse because the person who was translating wanted to add "over" to every codec line

it's not rocket science

>There's no fucking way any person could make those conversations between Raiden and Rose palatable based on that material.
there's more than writing or translation here, it's also the way its delivered

>> No.3609994

Some of the information they impart is pretty good. Some of their articles are bare bones and lacking.
I read it with adblock on because the site is somewhat annoying to my machine.

>> No.3610000

I'm a translator, and one of the first things you learn about translating is that you're *supposed* to be invisible. You are trying to help people who speak another language understand what the author said. The author is the center piece, not you, and if *you* are the one overtaking the translation you're doing a shitty job.

Her terms regarding interpreting hours are insane, too. She's extremely unprofessional. Additionally, no interpretation job *ever* gives the interpreter the exact list of what's going to be said. That's the point of interpreting, you do it as it happens. Ideally you are given a brief topic summary about what you're going to be talking about. If her job was to interpret casual video game talk she should have been more than prepared, especially since she works for the video game industry. Her bringing "Japanese culture expectations" on this is utter bullshit as well and a very sad attempt to mask her incompetence.

Kojima may be a bad writer, but she's an extremely incompetent translator.

>> No.3610003

The "over" thing doesn't have anything to do with good or bad writing. It was just a stupid translator decision to suffix each line in a hugely misguided attempt to make it sound more authentically military.

It makes absolutely no difference to the argument that Kojima is a shit writer.

>> No.3610015

>to make it sound more authentically military.
Which would have still been completely wrong. Thanks Hollywood.

>> No.3610024

This is besides the point.

The issue is that a translator doesn't have to add anything that wasn't there to begin with; minus exceptions like puns which don't work in the other language and have to be changed, or localisations.

The very question of "which version is better written" shouldn't even be brought up. Both should be written as well. A translator is a translator, not a writer.

>> No.3610027

Racketboy is better

>> No.3610057

Because of this I will never undo adblock plus or ublock origin for this site. Screw this political nonsense filtering into every damn thing.

>> No.3610065

I really like their articles on Visual Novels, they were a big part of me getting into them. The YU-NO article for instance is essential reading for any fan of the game.

>> No.3610071

Man somebody has a different political opinion and we gotta hate them now?

>> No.3610098

Yes. It's reflective hate.
More specifically I just hate when politics enters things like vidya and so forth. Keep that crap out of my vidya.

>> No.3610121

Interactive websites with lots of input and updates are run by people. People have opinions and the strength of their belief in their opinions can affect their personal lives.

If you want to preach indifference you have to also understand why that's not always possible. Not that I don't agree, but I'm not about to Hate some random ass dude just because he's slinking into grief. Like man really? He's human too. Check those emotions.

>> No.3610136

He shouldn't be putting his politics or anything IRL into his or her shit done as a professional.

>> No.3610138

Sure, but I'm still not going to hate a dude forever even if they do.

>> No.3610146
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The thing is that Kalata and co.'s personal opinions are spilling into completely unrelated things. Most retro games have absolutely nothing to do with modern feminism, and yet several times articles go on tangents calling out stuff as sexist. These tangents are completely out of place and frankly stupid. They would be stupid if they constantly went on tangents about having a foot fetish or something: I'm sure that would influence their personal lives, but why the fuck do we need to read about that when we're reading an article about a retro game?

Not to mention this ideological thing is to the detriment of the site, remember when even the slightest critique against Anita "Jack Thompson" Sarkeesian or the slightest sympathy towards gamergate would get you ridiculed, banned, and your account would have Anita's picture as an avatar?

Regarding his announcement I think everybody would have completely understood if someone close to him had passed away, or he had health issues, or whatever, and therefore chose to rush the updates. That's understandable. But how the fuck is anyone "slinking into grief" over a presidential election result? It's childish, it's stupid, and it's only the most recent tantrum he's throwing in regards to politics. It's his right to be a child and to act stupid and unreasonable, yes, but why do you expect anyone to seriously put up with that kind of bullshit when what we want to read is A SITE ABOUT RETRO GAMES and not some whiny dude's blog?

>> No.3610152

Yeah I stopped eating at that one chicken burger place because they close on Sunday for "Worship", how dare they shove their religion down my throat. The fucking bastards. I hope Colonel Sanders' zombie rapes them all.

>> No.3610164

I must have missed that one chicken burger place training their waiters to quote bible verses as they deliver the food, placing gideon bibles on the trays, and having cross-shaped french fries. Because only if they did that would your stupid comparison would be somewhat on point.

>implying tons of lefties didn't stop eating there already

>> No.3610171

That paragraph on kanji shows that they completely missed the point of his character. He's not gay, he's afraid of people thinking that he's gay because he likes less-than-masculine things like sewing.

>> No.3610176

Good lord this is awful. Point taken, m8.

>> No.3610231

Thanks anon.

>> No.3610436
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It's alright, I mostly thumb through articles to find new shit to play, don't care much for their opinions of the games. Also-

>> No.3611205

They cover lots of really really good games and series'........ but their writing is atrocious. They don't proof their shit before posting, they don't fact check at all, they don't research correctly etc etc etc. The quantity of grammar errors in every fucking paragraph make the articles a chore to read because you have to mentally rewrite them correctly in your head as you read them.
Eventually they did what all (nearly all) American sites and publications did and blew their reputation entirely by getting all political and preachy instead of, you know, writing about fucking video games.
Oh man that CT article, i remember when it dropped. There was a huge shit fight on the forums - even the regular readers weren't having it. I was a regular reader until i read that article.

>> No.3611268

Christ what a shitstorm. Taking a bunch of project backers to court? I don't even know what to say.

>> No.3611278

Any alternatives to HG101?

>> No.3611293

Holy fucking shit can I go 5 seconds without reading "SJW"??? Jesus christ...

>> No.3611297


>> No.3611307


>> No.3611327
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I joined their forum and every thread I went into devolved into posting about how terrible gamers were.

For a site comprised entirely of 30+ year old writers who talk about video games, they sure don't seem to like people who talk about video games very much. They're elitists about not being elitists.

>> No.3611358

>it wasn’t until the PS1 and FFVII boom that JRPGs started getting good. People whined and complained about there not being enough RPGs released in the US during the SNES’s heyday. Trust me. When the SNES is concerned, aside from one or two of them along with Dragon Quest entries, they did us a favor

what a dumbfuck

>> No.3611382

You sound pretty triggered

>> No.3611389

But I don't care about the Sega Saturn!

>> No.3611409
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>> No.3611416 [DELETED] 


>> No.3611445

But vr is shit.

>> No.3611446

>But vr is shit.

And yet you still refuse to vacate.

>> No.3611462

bumping this question for toilet read expansion

>> No.3611464
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>play earthbound
>it renames my life to "death"

>> No.3611520

I like HG101. Every article isn't good but their series retrospectives are a nice introduction to the different versions of a game, and some of their stuff like the Korean indies is very interesting.

>> No.3611553

They tackle under-documented game series pretty thoroughly, but sadly the writing is subpar and the whole thing has become unreadable since they've gone political.
I stopped reading them because of their horrible kusoge articles.
>Ironically enough it had issues regarding its author and a crazy SJW translator, but thankfully it ditched said translator and continued without her.
To be fair Szczepaniak is a nutcase too, and it's pretty evident when you read those (great) books. Still a /vr/ must read.

>> No.3611719
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Isn't Kalata a legitimate cuckhold? As in, he's raising a child that isn't his.

>> No.3611757

Hasn't it always? It's been a long time since I last checked, but I remember their articles for KoF, SMT, and Saga being especially crummy.

>> No.3611810

kek, source?

>> No.3611931

Oh i forgot to ad - most of their screenshots are in the wrong fucking aspect ratio.

>> No.3612002

Their podcasts are pretty nice, and like other anons have said it's a nice way to find out about old games.

Never bothered to look into their forums though since I've sworn those off about a decade ago.

>> No.3612006

Nah this is pretty much all the fault of the socially inept rich british boy who doesn't like work

>> No.3612161

They're a pretty great read while I'm taking a shit.

>> No.3612169

That screenshot is really fucking with my brain. The railing and building makes it look like the left and right half are different screenshots put in one image with a clear line down the middle separating them.

>> No.3612173
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>> No.3612175
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Except, from what I've heard, they took their YU-NO article down due to complaints from their ad-sponsors about NSFW content. Doesn't explain why Dragon Knight and Steam Heart's are still on the site because they're also NSFW tho.

This sucks because I'm guessing that YU-NO article introduced a majority of us to that game. At least we can still view it with Wayback Machine.

>> No.3612178

>being this mad you got work on the 9th and they don't

>> No.3612221

>huuuurrrr people can't put their opinions in stuff they wrote duuurrrr
>huuuurrrrr i'm a triggered moron from /pol/ duuuuurrrrrr
>huuuurrrrr i voted for trump due to ebin memes and will ruin this country duuurrrrrrr
>hurrrrrrr i wish i were dead durrrrrr


>> No.3612235

People who think there's too much politics on the site probably know it from a secondary source and not from reading the articles themselves - there is really not that much of it overall among the wealth of good information.

It's also written by multiple people so that shit is bound to happen, just read the good authors and ignore others.

Kurt lost his cool with GG due to a torrent of tiring fucks who wouldn't stop bothering him on twitter. I don't blame him really, he's a pretty chilled dude otherwise.

>> No.3612237

Kurt Kalata is a faggot.

>> No.3612248
File: 7 KB, 623x191, Quality_HG101_writing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty much every Kurt "Kuck" Kalata article ever written.

>> No.3612250

Fucking pro drump censorship FUCK OFF!


>> No.3612251

He kind of stopped being a "chilled dude" after Gamergate and has been on a crusade ever since. There's no tolerance for opinions on the forums - they basically shut down any thread where people piss him off, despite it usually being someone like neorasa or jdarkside (who share his political views) starting shit.

>> No.3612252

Why does a simple throwaway joke trigger you so much to constantly repost this in every thread that mentions hg101?

>> No.3612257
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Seeing him and the entire HG101 community (what's left of them anyway) being salty over Trump's win was worth it, especially when he tweeted this picture the day of the election.

>> No.3612258
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Bitching about other websites is not retro videogames.

>> No.3612260

I was just sad that I wasn't able to see the asshurt on the forums.

>> No.3612265

Because I'm too lazy to take snapshots of their other examples of shitty writing.

>> No.3612267

I suggest any of jcuckside's walking sim reviews unless you're allergic to bullshit.

>> No.3612324

Man that CT article was horrible.

>> No.3612465
File: 27 KB, 800x213, Hardcore Gaming 101_on_Ghouls_'n_Ghosts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any person who dedicates himself to reviewing walking sims as valid games (rather than making fun of them) is bound to be an obnoxious artfag anyway.

Case in point. Why call themselves "Hardcore" if they're going to bitch about difficulty anyway?

>> No.3612485

>every time I make a HCG thread it gets deleted within 30 minutes
>this one has been up for 2 days
the janitors are fucking useless

Anyway its a shitshow now, I used to read it all the time, but now its filled with bleeding heart SJW pussies

>> No.3612497

A few of my HG101 threads got deleted too in the past. Does /vr/ have more than one janitor? I'm guessing one of them has a bias in favor of them.

>> No.3612509


Care to elaborate on this?

>> No.3612526

I could take a few snapshots if you want, but basically they're just blaming people for being sexist against Hillary for overblowing the email scandal (nevermind the fact that she was practically threatening to go into war with Russia).

Not him, but I remember one of their regulars being argued against the term "gamer" because his college professor claimed

>> No.3612527

>Not him, but I remember one of their regulars being argued against the term "gamer" because his college professor claimed that the word made someone who gambles or some out-of-touch nonsense like that.
*Forgot to finish this sentence

>> No.3612535

Justin Bieber is an amazing artist. Are you stuck in 2006?

>> No.3612541

Some of the articles are pretty good.
Some of the articles are pretty bad.
For a website called "Hardcore Gaming 101" most of the authors seem like they are casual since any game that's not a cakewalk seems to get shit on.

>> No.3612545


This. They writers are bad in pretty much every way of the word, but I like going through it from time to time to find games I might have overlooked or forgotten.

I kind of want to start my own HG101 type site but I know I would never actually get anyone to look at it.

>> No.3612545,1 [INTERNAL] 

Sasuga, janitor-kun