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File: 95 KB, 1275x1650, bloody tears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
360909 No.360909[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Give me one good reason why 'Bloody Tears' isn't the greatest song in the history of NES gaming.

Also, the most remixable: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AFqYeXKK3I


>> No.360923

because vampire killer

>> No.360936


Have a listen to this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA9MeM0niKo

>> No.360948

I might not be original but for me the best NES song this the wily castle theme of MM2


>> No.360983 [DELETED] 


Because Guile's theme, Guile's themes goes with anything.

>> No.360991
File: 941 KB, 849x849, 1336812704519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It certainly is one of the best vidya songs I've ever heard

>mfw one of my old internet aliases was vladytears

>> No.361013 [DELETED] 


>> No.361029
File: 109 KB, 150x150, 1343779880077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bloody Tears


>MM2 Wily Theme

Really can't beat perfection. Many songs come close, but none will ever top that, and megaman has a fuckton of good music.


>> No.361027

Because Wicked Child


>> No.361053


>> No.361069

I do a great version of it on this 80s keyboard that I own.

>> No.361102

Was this really necessary? Is the original really in b-moll?

>> No.361104

Personally I think Blaster Master's soundtrack is the best one overall on the NES.
Although yeah, Bloody Tears is probably my single favorite NES tune.

>> No.361142


>> No.361148

Because Tim Follin


>> No.361384

It's always one or the other Follin isn't it?

>> No.361389


>> No.361402

I think this arrange makes the case for the other songs on that game.

Speaking of which, 5 is so underrated.

>> No.361408

Personally I prefer Riddle. That fucking intro.

>> No.361409
File: 47 KB, 495x343, Final_Fantasy_Mystic_Quest_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've lost before even knowing it.

This is the best SNES song. You goddamn simpleton. Learn to retro before you post.


>> No.361424

Good song though.

>> No.361429


It's not even comparable.

It doesn't convey desperation the same way.

Again a fine song for the song for the sound chip regardless.

>> No.361459

>That horrible SNES horn sound
>Dat canned guitar
Link related, Sega does again what Nintendon't

>> No.361475


>> No.361479
File: 101 KB, 256x189, Mega_Man_X_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are correct, what about storm eagle for 2nd place?

>> No.361498
File: 410 KB, 1725x4422, WhatAHorribleNight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shitty arrangement, OP.

>> No.361502

It's a great song.

>> No.361538

I leik this

>> No.361547

The level 1 song was better in my humble opinion


>> No.361560
File: 27 KB, 241x217, everybody 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, gentlemen, let's stop this bickering.

We all know the entire internet has already named a champion:


No other song ever came close

>> No.361565


Champion of NES music

>> No.361591

top 3 easily

This one kicks asses too


>> No.361618
File: 97 KB, 450x321, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toot toot! C64 comin' thru!


OP, never had an NES when I was little, but Castlevania music is definitely at the very damned top.

>> No.361621 [DELETED] 


I'm going to die and I want to see the world burn. Not sure which stage this falls under in the denial, bargaining, despair, acceptance process.

>> No.361627

fuck off back to /v/.. or /a/ or /jp/, any of those shitholes as long as you get the fuck out

>> No.361642

>We all know

we do.

>> No.361659

SID music is so fucking awesome.


Now imagine if it had 8 sound channels like the designers were originally trying for

>> No.361670

I have a feeling 'y'all might like this.

>> No.361672

It always annoys me no one every mentions POKEY. It had 4 channels (though most composers combined the last two). It had a distinct sound and had some nice compositions. The atari version of the ninja tune is superior to SID's.


>> No.361692

Follin strikes gold again!
>Implying you wouldn't have nightmares hearing this when only 5 years old.
Also this:
Close to the arcade original track, but lovingly injected with more awesome.

>> No.361710

I like POKEY, though you have to admit that 8-bit pitch resolution is a hell of a limitation. Still, I love the waveforms, and the detuned sound that you often end up with can be kind of cool. You also can get some really amazing results when you've got dual POKEYs, such as the following:


>> No.361741

classy, nicely done

>> No.361743

Love grayscale. And POKEY when it's not a lazy port from sid can be awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_geyCilmFk

>> No.361750

The better a system you give Tim Follin, the more powerful he becomes. Shame he's no longer doing video game music.


Ah well, he had a great run with composing. I mean, he was the greatest composer for two whole generations, until Alexander Brandon came around.

>> No.361767

>The better a system you give Tim Follin, the more powerful he becomes.

I respectfully disagree. While his Amiga work isn't bad, his Commodore 64 and NES work surpasses it, and I have the feeling he himself would agree.

>Follin noted Ghouls'n Ghosts on the Commodore 64 as his favorite work,[2][7] though the game was a known entity, unlike many of Follin's early projects. Software Creations programmer Steve Ruddy, who created the music driver for the game (with design input from Follin)[17][18] recalled Follin describing a wide array of imagery for the title theme.[17] For the Ghouls'n Ghosts soundtrack, Follin retained parts of Tamayo Kawamoto's original arcade soundtrack within most tracks, only to transition into his own ideas for other portions of those tracks.[7] Similar circumstances resulted in Follin's soundtrack for Bionic Commando.[1]

>> No.361775

To expand on that:

>Follin has found it difficult to listen to works he created, feeling them outdated by the time they were completed.[18] Follin disliked working with the Atari ST[3] and the ZX Spectrum's AY chip, feeling the NES had more character. While not feeling very successful composing music for the Amiga, Follin enjoyed working on soundtracks for the SNES and Commodore 64. He described writing for the C64's SID chip as "playing an instrument in its own right,"[8] appreciating the analog sound it produced, despite having only three channels to work with.[2][3] Follin also recalled the SNES's Spider-Man/X-Men: Arcade's Revenge being fun due to the inclusion of cheesy '70s guitar synths and brass synths.[7]

>> No.361801

>He described writing for the C64's SID chip as "playing an instrument in its own right,"

You could say the same thing about the Mega Drive's YM2612. Too bad he only ever did one soundtrack for MD and the game was never released.


>> No.361802

I guess you're right then, I just really like the sound he produced with the Amiga, although perhaps his work on the NES is unsurpassed. It's just so unique compared to every other game, every track he produced was like a progressive rock-fueled thunderstorm for that system, whereas other composers, especially japanese ones, focused on beeps boops and twings and twangs.

>> No.361997

I'd love for him and Yuzo Koshiro to have a mash up one day, but that'll never happen.