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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 151 KB, 771x906, Steam Switch Emulator SteamOS v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3603605 No.3603605 [Reply] [Original]

How does /vr/ feel about emulation?

>> No.3603619

Is that Pandora? All I can say is, it was too slow to reach its intended market. Cellphones or Tablets plugged into a keyboard is so much cheaper, and they have better specs.

>> No.3603683

>How does /vr/ feel about emulation?
Without it, I'd be pretty much fucked.

>> No.3603776

It's better than nothing. Real hardware and a flash cart is the way to go if at all possible.

>> No.3604103

>When you emulate, you are stealing the food from ebay's game scalpers mouths

They are doing god's work, son.

>> No.3604108

>that blatant gpd win photoshop
>that horribly small trackpoint

>> No.3604146

The best way to enjoy most games.

There's an argument for original hardware + flashcart, but I don't really want to fuck around with cables and aging, failing machines just to play with no save states, frameskips or any of the other luxuries emulation can afford you.

>> No.3604162

This may not be /vr/ related but there's some shit like playing DQ VIII or VP2 at 6x native that simply looks amazing.

>> No.3604163

I find it's a good way to discover games I most probably wouldn't have touched otherwise. I think most old games I have, I played for the first time on an emulator.

Also it's brilliant for being able to play those stupidly rare/expensive games that I most likely won't buy.

>> No.3604183
File: 529 KB, 1680x1600, BBX15-TOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, what is the deal with that powervr SGX544 chip popping up in these nixey things? It doesn't support desktop openGL, unlike the 540, 535, 545 and 554, AFAIK. Does it have any sort of open drivers or something? I understand it's very closely related to the Intel GMA 500 or 600 GPU that was used with Pentium 3s or something, which did have open drivers made for it from scratch, but that was just for basic 2d!

>> No.3604216
File: 337 KB, 800x600, Pyra_Anthrazit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>image of device obviously more intended for ports

Ironically, this makes it less bad than another generic thread as intended.

(unless you're talking dosbox, and for portable dos games, you'd probably want something vortex86 or bobcat based)

>> No.3604379

the GPD win actually is an x86 machine, using the intel atom X7 z8750, probably this one will be the last machine of its type ever.

is far different from the pandora and other similar machines, specially since it uses full windows.

>> No.3604395

Too bad. I really want one but actually strong enough to play videogames. I've seen videos of the GPD Win and it's not good enough.

>> No.3604404

It's stealing. Anyone who says any different is just trying to rationalize being a criminal.

Bring on the hate.

>> No.3604464
File: 105 KB, 480x730, LOL bobcats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the last machine of its type ever.
Ummm, saywhu?

>> No.3604526

I'm surprised no idiot has popped up to assert a PSP is the best emulation device yet.

I've not owned a console since the Dreamcast (oh... I did own a GameCube once, with one game -Phantasy Star Online). Since then it's been emulation. I have a fake Saturn joypad and micro USB adaptor, for my Shield tablet. It's wonderful. I can pretend to be a kid again and play all those games I couldn't afford back then (including the entire Neo Geo back catalogue).

I'll be honest though, a lot of 16-bit games are pretty crummy. The Final Fantasy games are unbearably linear, I felt like someone was trying to force me to read a shitty fantasy story they'd written instead of letting me play a game. Phantasy Star 4 was good. I really enjoyed FFTA as well. Couldn't get into Landstalker but will try again someday. Mother was intriguing but also horribly old and slow. Streets of Rage 2 is still amazing.

I think emulation really reduces your tolerance for crappy games. Since you've no investment in a free downloaded software, if it doesn't grab your interest in about 120 seconds, you feel no qualms about deleting it.

>> No.3604543

It's garbage that only underaged faggots who wanna look cool do. Either play on real hardware or gtfo!

>> No.3604552
File: 202 KB, 1000x636, herrmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idiot. See: >>3604216

>> No.3604560

>How does /vr/ feel about emulation?

It has it's pros and it's cons.

Obviously it's awesome to have things like save states, built in cheats and audio video options.

However, some emulators pervert the way an original game is played, and devices like Raspberry Pi can cause significant input lag, which ruins the whole retro gaming experience.

>I'm surprised no idiot has popped up to assert a PSP is the best emulation device yet.

Because it's not. Not even by a long shot. The Android portable scene has long surpassed the PSP. Several years ago in fact.

Now if someone hacks the Vita we might have a whole new ball game.

>> No.3604919

>Now if someone hacks the Vita we might have a whole new ball game.
No we don't. It's horribly underpowered.

>> No.3604921

AMD's version may have a somewhat higher TDP, but that's based on maximum rather than typical heat/consumption and includes a pretty solid GPU. AMD may also be willing to use a triple core configuration if it proves strangely practical.

>> No.3604934

Intel has dropped the Atom tablet series (aka the ultra portable low power series), with Cherry Trail being the last release. Core M series is to replace it IIRC.

>> No.3604940

vita has been hacked. We have full vita piracy, as well as emulators being released (ie shit like Retroarch, Genesis emulation, etc)

>> No.3604968

What's obligating them, let alone manufacturers in general, to use intel CPUs?

>> No.3604980

Intel CPUs generally perform better and have power efficiency on par with AMD, whose CPUs are lagging behind Intel's. Also AMD has botched various launches of new CPU architectures, the most infamous being Bulldozer, but they have a new CPU architecture coming out named Zen that's supposed to be a massive catchup to the latest Skylake/Kaby Lake Intel CPU's. For these reasons, even though Intel's CPUs wholesale are more expensive than AMDs, they're more popular for performance. However, the tablet Atom series is one of Intel's semi-successful series, in that the CPU line didn't sell well in its intended form (ie tablet and netbook computers), but found a niche in computers-on-a-stick (stuff like the Intel Compute Stick, ASUS' Zen Stick) and mini-PC boxes (sorta like the Intel NUC, but made by generic Chinese manufacturers). It wasn't a super profitable line, so Intel decided to pull the plug.

>> No.3605002

If you have a standard D-pad why is the left track mouse indented with a shitty D-Pad?

>> No.3605009

Did they ever finished shipping all the units preordered a few years back ?

>> No.3605136

It's fake.

>> No.3605151

why? you're hipster trash and you know it.

>> No.3605159

Enjoy your input lag, scrub.

>> No.3605170

No reason for everyone to be crying in agony about atom disappearing, as if puma cores wouldn't be decent substitutes.

>> No.3605252

pretty much. Atom was Intel's bottom of the barrel processors performance wise, but they did have great ultra-low power consumption (something like 2.5 watts). If you can find a compute stick on sale, they make great little emulation sticks.

>> No.3605276

That's not a GPD WIN though (in OP), I mean it started as one but looks like somebody seriously fucked it over in photoshop. I just got my WIN Friday as I was a supporter on the IGG campaign. I didn't have a lot of hope for it so fortunately I'm not too disappointed with all the driver crashes, over heating, random shutdowns, mushy controls, and just all around shitty chinese quality. I took a chance as an early adopter and knew the odds but it still sucks to have wasted $300 on this piece of shit. To anyone considering ordering one, please don't. Just do a little research and check out how bad it is from users posts. Any questions, just ask.

>> No.3605282

>windows 10

Test fucking discarded. WTF did they expect.

>> No.3605283

Core M is on its way out too though as it's literally 10x the price of an atom and nobody wants it when you could get U series i chip for around the same money. Supposedly Intel will make an announcement next year on the successor to the atom.

>> No.3605286

From what I gather its 50/50 chance of getting a perfectly fine unit that works out of the box with no crashes, and an unsalvageable shit that overheats and crashes 3-5 min into any game. Also have you tried opening yours to see if your heatsink is covered in film?

>> No.3605292

If you actually read it, they found that Win10 is pretty efficient in terms of input lag. They tested Ubuntu as well and it was worse than Win10, though still better than RetroPie.

>> No.3605294

From what I've seen way less than 50% work right out of the box without at least some tinkering. Also the crashes happen immediately during 3D games, I mean within seconds, so those at least aren't due to heat. As far as heat goes though, the heatsink film itself isn't really the problem, it's this weird pad they've put between heatsink and chip that doesn't conduct heat into the sink. It needs to be removed, replaced with a proper copper shim, and reseated. I will probably give it a try as soon as my credit card chargeback completes. It's a shame because this thing could have been brilliant if it wasn't for the chinking involved. Oh and mine is a Z8700 model, which is a whole other issue that still leaves me with a bad taste.

>> No.3605303

Isnt default win drivers for generic devices get input at fairly low frequency?

Demand refund or replacement then.

>> No.3605490

People are jumping too eagerly onto x86 compatibility when the hardware isn't going to handle unoptimized ports very well, the heat issues alone would take some serious artistry to solve with a form-factor that small.

I'm just glad that the Pyra is coming along well and solving a lot of the problems the Pandora had. The Pyra will obviously have a smaller pool of games, but all of them will be passing through the hands of a developer who will at least try to tune it to run on the hardware and inputs available. That has always made for a better experiences when it comes to the constraints of handheld gaming.

>> No.3605497

Wanna sell it?
I'd just use it for porn.

>> No.3605516
File: 355 KB, 1600x1200, Keybini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go both ways

>> No.3605730

Trust me, you don't wanna by this thing. Nothing but headaches

>> No.3605801

>No Numlock.

>> No.3605808 [DELETED] 

emulation is for LAZY DEADBEAT MOOCHERS and CHEAP CHARLIE MOMMY LOVERS who want to get something for nothing, and who are too lazy and dumb to hook up and clean or maintain old consoles, so it's perfect for me.

>> No.3606052

I prefer the real console with a flash cart because I just like shutting off my computer sometimes and spending 2 hours sitting on the floor playing my NES but I don't have a problem with PC emulation. Not as good as the real thing but for most of us it's the only way to play a lot of games we didn't buy as kids. The controller options are my only real problem, I've been using a PS2 controller to play SNES games for like 7 years now and on some level it feels wrong.

>> No.3606115
File: 912 KB, 1836x3264, 1458577138529[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Map it however you want it. My Cherry mechanical keyboard does but it also doesn't fit in my pants with my phone, my keys, and my huge cock.

>> No.3606932

Please tell me
More about your negative experience, I was considering buying one of these and need to know more. Thanks

>> No.3606940

I listed the problems I've had so far. GPD opened a thread to address problems here http://boards.dingoonity.org/gpd-devices/the-problem-of-your-gpd-win/ if you want to research. My advice is wait a few months to see if they address the issues before pulling the trigger

>> No.3607094

Emulation is great. But not on those fucking meme devices in your pic.

>> No.3607113

That's literally an x86 umpc with a gamepad.

>> No.3607139

Depends on what your looking to play. Emulation can beat the original hardware (purists wont ever admit this, but they are driven by feels instead of reals)

Snes, nes, genny, etc all have emulators that surpass the original hardware.

n64 does not.

Most emulators will upscale like a framemeister without issue, have filters (ew), let you remap controls and use any controller you like. And have mod support without the need of a flash cart, and ofc free games, and gay shit like state saving.

Whats the negatives? Bit of input delay which honestly is unnoticeable for most people.

tl;dr If you're still buying real hardware and real games, you're stupid.

>> No.3607193

Depends on what your looking to play. Emulation can beat the original hardware (purists wont ever admit this, but they are driven by feels instead of reals)

Snes, nes, genny, etc all have emulators that surpass the original hardware.

n64 does not.

Most emulators will upscale like a framemeister without issue, have filters (ew), let you remap controls and use any controller you like. And have mod support without the need of a flash cart, and ofc free games, and gay shit like state saving.

Whats the negatives? Bit of input delay which honestly is unnoticeable for most people.

tl;dr If you're still buying real hardware and real games, you're stupid.

>> No.3607435

The emulation scene is critical to preserving old hardware and games by trying to understand and document them as much as possible while they still physically exist.

The sad inevitable reality is that the number of working hardware units will dwindle with time as they break down and spare parts grow scarce.

Without emulation, there would be far fewer opportunities for the general population to continue experiencing these old games now and in the future.

>> No.3607438
File: 204 KB, 1000x750, eccoDSCF7588 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being able to play the games I love anywhere I please? I think it's pretty damn great.

>> No.3607490

Its given me a opportunity to try what I want and pick the carts I want to actually buy for my mega drive. Also good for playing games I can barely find like Contra: Hard Corps (Probotector) for example.

>> No.3609731

Renewed my love in mine when I modded it, but the lack of a proper video output still kills me tho'