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360217 No.360217 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, lately I've been feeling the itch. I'm not quit sure what to do about my situation though: I still run ZSNES(now and forever) for my games, and back in the day throwing the scanline filter on plus some fuzzy interpolation was enough to get a 'near as possible' feel to playing on a CRT screen. Of course this was back when I still had a 4:3 monitor. Now with my 16:9 shit just doesn't ever look the same anymore and the scanline+ interpolation mix I used to use doesn't even help. The black bars on either side bug the shit out of me(will never play shit stretched)

I just don't wan't to play SoM and Seiken 3 again and have the experience be ruined by living in the future. Are there (ironically) any better, more modern alternatives to ZSNES that look halfway decent on newer screens? I know the black bars will have to be there but fuk I just want decent filters again at least

>> No.360659

Something I find that helps is to get an old 4:3 monitor and put it off to the side of your main monitors. You can find them on craigslist or Goodwill for like $20 now. I got a pair of sweet Dell 21" UXGA for $30 each (had to buy power supplies for them though). You could even go for a CRT monitor off to the side.

Alternately, a flash cart (EverCart, PowerPak, SD2SNES, etc) and actual SNES is probably what you'll ultimately want, along with a CRT monitor or good TV.

>> No.360987

There are tens of thousands of CRT monitors out there with no home. There's office buildings with rooms literally full of dozens these things collecting dust. People actually destroy them for fun because they just have no value anymore. I myself have 2 CRT TVs and 4 CRT monitors up on craigslist that nobody has wanted even though they are fucking listed as free.

tldr; are you even trying fag

>> No.361005
File: 38 KB, 372x399, 1364844693714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If every adult over the age of 20 today in the US has at one point in time bought 1 new CRT television, that's over 150 million television sets. Nobody knows how many were recycled, buried, or stored. That's 60 years of mass production we're dealing with.

>> No.361007
File: 119 KB, 400x291, secretofevermorebox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should play this game, OP

>> No.361034



>> No.361096

SNES9x or higen with proper filters should be what you're looking for, although emulators will never be like the real thing. On a side note everyone needs to drop ZSNES and stop being lazy.

>> No.361101 [DELETED] 

Zsnes is the worst you fucking underage pleb

>> No.361108
File: 38 KB, 1202x1164, 1364556901354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snes9x is your friend.
Now go download Secret of Evermore.

>> No.361112

>>but that's like, your opinion, man
Seriously, you fucking fanboy faggots need to accept that not everyone likes what you do. You are cancer on every fucking board.

>> No.361162

my post was deleted but point still stands that Zsnes is shitty and butchers your games.

>> No.361204

>This guy

I'm neither of the guys you tore a chunk out of, but they're both right. There's nothing fanboy about pointing out how shit ZSNES is. It's been proven a million times over that it's emulation is sub-par in comparison to more modern emulator releases. If OP tried say, Bsnes, Snes9X, hell even Retroarch running a Bsnes core, or similar they'd never go back to ZSNES.

Anyone who sticks round that piece of crap, honestly doesn't realise what they're missing. But for some, I guess ignorance is bliss.

Oh and before you try to lambast me, I used to use ZSNES myself years ago, and felt such a tool when I actually tried a proper emulator. I'd never go back to it, I can say that much.

>> No.361240

Looking to drop zsnes, have an i5-2500k and an AMD 6950, 8gb ram. What is best for my system?

(Also if you want to go by the same system specs these are my other emulators, I have no idea what I'm doing)
Kega Fusion
Magic Engine

>> No.361249

BSNES has best compatibility.
If a game doesn't load, use the convertor packed in with it.

>> No.361257

On googling bsnes it says it's now higan? Should I go for an older release or just with higan?

>> No.361295

Both play SNES games just as well, the only difference is that Higan can also play games from other consoles

>> No.361349

Okay, I went for bsnes. Is there any way to transfer saves from ZSNES?

>> No.361387

I recommend people to stay away from ZSNES as well, but let's refrain from calling it shit. It's an outdated emulator, nothing more. Back in the day, it didn't get better than ZSNES. It literally was the best SNES emulator until 2007, the year it got its last update.

Now? It's hilariously old and inaccurate in comparison to even Snes9x, which can actually faithfully reproduce the SNES APU. Let's not even bring up bsnes/Higan. But ZSNES gave me many hours of joy in the days when it was the hot shit. I guess it's for that reason it's still installed on my computer, even though I've since moved on to RetroArch with the bsnes Balanced core. It will always hold a special place in my mind.

>> No.361418

Play SD3 with your girlfriend if possible. We ran as Hawk, Lise and Carlie. That saga contends for a spot as literally the best hours of my life.

>> No.361442


Yeah it only blew every other snes emu away for like 10 years

>> No.361473

For some reason I get much clearer sound with zsnes. It also seems to support all my smw hacks better. Should I try Bsnes?

>> No.361487

>I don't understand comparative observations.

It's called an opinion based on actual knowledge, not just knee jerk reaction and parroting other anons.

Yes ZSNES *was* good, but now? It's shit in comparison with modern alternatives, that doesn't mean it used to be shit during it's impressive lifespan. Now who sounds fanboyish?

>> No.364192

>much clearer sound

Are you sure it's not just you being used to how it sounds? The SNES sounded different because ZSNES did not properly emulate its APU.

As for romhacks, that isn't surprising. Most were made with ZSNES and its inaccuracies in mind rather than being made to work in real hardware. Snes9x might support some of them, but many will not work on bsnes.

>> No.367101

Fuck no, the hit detection in this game manages to be worse than Secret of Mana