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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 483 KB, 850x1202, IMG_3585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3599090 No.3599090[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any retro games with foot fetishes?

>> No.3599096

Patrician taste.

>> No.3599264

He's not bad, he doesn't deserve all the money Patreon nets him.

>> No.3599548
File: 116 KB, 1219x654, tr2__wreck_of_maria_doria_by_red8ull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not quite sure what you mean? But I did enjoy it, when Lara abandoned her shoes for the duration of the Maria doria-segment in TR2. :3

>> No.3599561
File: 10 KB, 259x194, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/ feet

>> No.3599567
File: 46 KB, 600x800, Mai_Shiranui5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3599569
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>> No.3599847

>He's not bad, he doesn't deserve all the money Patreon nets him.
Who does? Most Patreon people are overpaided. Jessica "Slutty low-effort cosplay" Nigri gets 30k a month for dressing up like slutty versions of female game characters.

>> No.3599853


Please tell me you're joking.

>> No.3599908
File: 368 KB, 1914x1085, jessicagraphtreon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please tell me you're joking.
I wish I was, anon.

She's hidden it now for some reason, but graphtreon still picks up the amount a patron receives even if they hide it. It's actually gone up another $4k the last time I checked, too.

Human stupidity is infinite.

>> No.3599934

more like first worlders stupidity is infinite

>> No.3599941

>*unsheathes katana*
>Don't talk trash about my queen !

>> No.3599943
File: 23 KB, 370x493, 370px-Jessica_Nigri's_Fanbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(forgot pic)

>> No.3599949


>> No.3600228
File: 329 KB, 360x500, 38882-Pocahontas_(USA)-1457505936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here.

>> No.3600243

>mentioning overpaid patreons
>not mentioning sakimichan

27 GRAND per term (1-2 terms a MONTH)
So basically she could be getting 50 GRAND A MONTH for shitting out fanart.

Although Nigri is a complete waste of skin and is more offensive, the amount sakimi makes is mindblowing. I thought all the money was in furries not deviantart plebs.

>> No.3600287

The amount of money that Nigri and Sakimi-chan make on patreon fucking disgusts me.

I can't even glance at their work without instantly thinking about how abhorrently overpaid they are. It makes me want to vomit.

>I thought all the money was in furries not deviantart plebs.

It was, until patreon became popular.

>> No.3600321

>not mentioning sakimichan
I never bothered to look up on her, mainly because all her fanart has the exact same face.

>50 GRAND A MONTH for shitting out fanart.

What a world we live in. I would have assumed she got next to nothing for the generic crap she puts out, but I guess I judged wrong.

Waifuism was a mistake.

>> No.3600591

ITT: Jelly anons

>> No.3601459

i looked it up and sakim at least makes some drawings, they are even coloured

the jessica girl seems to only put on some fancy underwar and take photos, damn im jelly.

i feel like my past two years of internship were such a waste, i could had spent the last few years learning how to computer draw and be making the same cash a doctor makes but in american dolars, and i would have time to browse imageboards again and browse the deep in search of new fetishes

i am a failure, fuck this gay earth

>> No.3601461

>that dip at the beginning of October
heh heh good, now that whore can get a real jo-
>that rise towards the end
Holy shit, what happened?!

>> No.3601518
File: 12 KB, 400x263, 1459925997226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Nigiri bitch is so ugly I can't understand what people see in her, really.
Her efforts at cosplaying at average at best and she ruins it with her ugly ass jew face. Fuck that cunt.

>> No.3601556

/pol/ is that way

>> No.3601596

Getting a bit triggered are we, anon?

The simple truth is that no one should be getting a CEO's salary for dressing up like a whore. It has nothing to do with /pol/. Nigri is a fucking hack, and does the most low-effort shit for the highest return possible, and it's pure lunacy, through and through.

>> No.3602060

>chun li
>not knowing Akiman has thigh fetish

>> No.3602236

>thigh fetish
no such thing, its not a fetish if its a feature directly linked to natural instinctive sexual attraction

>> No.3602240

you never read his interview then

>> No.3602379


You know Reiq just traces other people's porn pictures, right?

>> No.3602402

>You know Reiq just traces other people's porn pictures, right?
I do. But he can still be patrician at times. Overpaid though, as that other anon said.

>> No.3602442

this word means nothing
just like 'taste'

>> No.3602463

90% of 4chan is just buzzwords, lad. It's effectively a Huxley-esque hivemind, with that same reduced vocabulary to boot, which is ironic considering the general fear here of totalitarianism.

>> No.3602469

I've learned that the less you use your expanded vocabulary the more you lose it. Maybe I'm just projecting but after 6 years in the Navy my vocabulary has.... devolved for lack of a better word.

>> No.3602471

Hope you're not implying CEOs deserve their pay.

>> No.3602475

Of course not. That's what makes it doubly offensive.

Definitely. Languages are a "use it or lose it" thing, innately, and if you don't bother to actively improve it (or hang around people who do), then it will never expand, or potentially even degrade. It's why I still write down any new word I come across when I'm reading, because if I don't I simply won't expand my vocab.

>> No.3602762


No, the fact that he traces other people's images is the complete opposite of patrician. It's hack and the sign of a bad artist.

>> No.3602808

Young guys today are desperate and thirsty as fuck. They throw their money away at any piece of ass that has some promise of putting out. Women exploit this. Not justifying it, just saying how it do.

>> No.3603051

I wish jess was my gf

>> No.3604891

your fault for being afraid to be branded some equivalent to language elitist by your navy peers, instead of enriching their vocabulary involuntarily and without showing off (quick, you have 5 secinds to name a word for "showing off")


>>>/gnu/ leave communists
do you anons boycott theater, industrialized food and even avoid produce from big chains, only shopping at farmers market, becuase the opposite of that is contributing to multinationals with highly paid CEOs and enabling them to choke the small providers.

only way you cant escape is with the essential services: water/electricity/satination, and with the basic: postage/telecommunications/electronics

>> No.3605280

Grand dad?

>> No.3606229



No thanks, I don't need every pic framed with male dicks.

>> No.3606903

>The simple truth is that no one should be getting a CEO's salary for dressing up like a whore
I don't see why not, if a whore is in high demand, why should she not sell herself accordingly? It would be foolish of her not to.

>> No.3606905
File: 547 KB, 500x477, marx quote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3607595

It's morally bankrupt and it sends women back even further in terms of decades. Lots of people struggle to survive and she makes a killing from having no skills or knowledge.

You're right though that it's not her I should really be complaining about; she put her stuff before a paywall and, unlike most internet nobodies, was actually somehow able to make money out of it. Really, it's the dumb as fuck guys who pay her I should be annoyed with. It's not so much that she makes money off of it, it's just the disproportionate amount. But most of these internet sorts are overpaid as it is, as we said earlier in the thread.

Don't you have an election to be crying over?

>> No.3607983

>It's morally bankrupt and it sends women back even further in terms of decades
If you say so. Personally I think it's her body, her choice, she's an adult and I think she should be treated as such.

>and she makes a killing from having no skills or knowledge
But she has the asset of her body, which has value. Nothing immoral about that. Models are desired for their looks, as are prostitutes and pornstars (who actually require some degree of skill).

>But most of these internet sorts are overpaid as it is
I guess? But that's on the 'customer' more than anything. If people don't have the sense to not overpay, well that's really their own fault. If that's what people want to pay, that's what they'll do.

Also a lot of these are genuinely very good things, for all the panhandlers and charlatans on Patreon and other donation/crowdfunding services, there's a lot of great shit too.
There's YouTube channels and other content creators who now have the funding to produce their niche content, thanks to likeminded people willing to give a few dollars a month (which adds up even if you barely have a thousand people supporting you). I've watched small scale special interest channels grow exponentially in quality and output because of the advent of Patreon, simply because now the author has the funding and logistics to have better equipment as well as traveling and covering costs, to go around America (and other places in the world) to do videos on things he really wants to show his audience, and which the audience wants to see.

This is great because it allows niche content to flourish without the need for sponsorship, allowing a niche audience to get their niche content at higher quality (or, existing at all), without having to make compromises or relying on fickle (sometimes degrading) advertising, all at a really low burden to the audience itself (since most of the individuals just give a little bit at a time, which adds up)

>> No.3608038 [SPOILER] 
File: 368 KB, 2542x2915, 1478647449669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never play video games with a cute girl with amazing feet

>> No.3608043

Those are boyfeet, but I'm not complaining.

>> No.3608046

Please tell me you're trolling...

>> No.3608050
File: 575 KB, 1000x707, gameboycolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw waifu likes vidya and has cute feet

>> No.3608091 [DELETED] 


>> No.3608093
File: 3 KB, 130x148, ccc_44659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3608169 [DELETED] 
File: 332 KB, 1080x1280, 1478129680185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3608176
File: 332 KB, 1080x1280, 1478129680185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girlfriend showing off her feet when your playing 2 player
>she wins everytime

>> No.3608180

>Doesn't know how to wear shoes properly

She's clearly just better at games than you.

>> No.3608183

He's not. Those are ugly as fuck.

>> No.3608184

I've fapped to these feet before...I fapped to a guy?

>> No.3608193
File: 64 KB, 407x573, nakoruru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to fap to this picture when I was 12, saw it on a magazine.

>> No.3608247
File: 67 KB, 440x700, tumblr_m6lgjjTLrh1r98mc7o3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3608502
File: 43 KB, 216x216, not-sure-if-trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit this is not /b/!

>> No.3608536

She should spend some of that money on a toupee.

>> No.3608632

It's also not 2010

>> No.3610956


>> No.3612460

If even half the rumors about her are true, I'm very sad that she makes that.

>> No.3614838
File: 48 KB, 490x490, tmp_8264-tumblr_o6j3uhvAfk1vtrx1io1_500-1210380392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>foot fetish

>> No.3614865

Nice buzzwords.
Yes it is a fetish since tights aren't genitalia.

>> No.3616678

>people pay money for porn!

elsewhere on this board
>just spent $180 on these 3 games! did I do gud?

>> No.3617826

Sakimi's grasp of anatomy is so fucking bad as well, half the faces and bodies he draw are wonky as fuck.

>> No.3618295


Holy fucking shit how do I get into this money party?

>> No.3618318

filter, report and hide

>> No.3618330

Step 1
>Be girl
Step 2
>Implants, but deny getting them like the Holocaust
Step 3
>Make shitty cosplay of characters
>But make sure you always have the tits out, regardless of how covered up the character is like every single cosplay she's done

There truly is an easy mode in life, and it's being born female.

>> No.3618338

I'm pretty much a 27 year old loli, I wonder how much I could make cosplaying Etna.

>> No.3618431

Any other patreons making a killing by doing stuff that's actually useful for society?

>> No.3618457

so much for /vr/ having good moderation

>> No.3618548

A fair bit of artists and youtube channels are pretty fair and reasonable in how they use Patreon. By no means all, of course.

Where'd you get that fucking idea? /vr/ has had almost no mod presence in the last three years.

>> No.3618551

i just got an obvious bait thread deleted

the fact that this lasted so much as 25 posts is an abomination and is likely derived from people not using the report button like they should

>> No.3618567

What kind of content does patreon accept? Is it just for artists?

>> No.3618603
File: 665 KB, 568x800, jinxie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it can be near anything, but the ones that seem actually successful appear to be those which produce content for an audience.

Stuff like:
>"give me a buck or two a month and it'll help me make more of the content you like" (this is by far how the best niche youtube channels are supported by the use of patreon)
>you get to see the content a bit earlier than other people
>content not allowed on tumblr or youtube can be hosted there (tumblr doesn't allow some porn, for instance)

Some seem to play at exclusivity, as in "You can only access this content if you pay", but it doesn't seem to be as successful a model (and often it ends up getting leaked anyway). I think Sakimichan does this.
I'm largely lukewarm towards her art (she often takes sloppy shortcuts and tries to cover it up with a lot of polish, which usually ends up glaring), but I do like how she draws this character sometimes.
Of course, I don't pay for her, so I don't have any reason to feel wronged when I look at a flawed product.

All in all, Patreon is like KickStarter to me, it can be a good asset to let niche content develop, or content in general, but there's risks and danger involved, and most of what's on there is trash, but you value it for the gems, not the silt.

>> No.3618606

>but the ones that seem actually successful appear to be those which produce content for an audience.
I should expand on this, some people basically use Patreon for panhandling.
This usually doesn't work that well.

>> No.3618609


Yeah I usually cringe when a bunch of people start holding their content for ransom.

>> No.3618614

By panhandling, I mean people who don't actually produce anything and beg for money
>guize i have it so hard right now/i'm oppressed pls gib free muney ):

>> No.3618623

... But how could that possibly fly?

>> No.3618625 [DELETED] 

Oh hey janny I just saw you deleted a post in the doom thread

Maybe you can kill this obvious, thinly veiled /v/shit thread too? Do the few rational people remaining on /vr/ a solid.

>> No.3618627 [DELETED] 

And ban your annoying ass while they're at it.

>> No.3618630 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 414x600, nuclear butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are not allowed to call out shit moderation for what it is

>> No.3618631 [DELETED] 

Exactly. If I was the mod I'd permaban shitposters such as yourself and leave this thread intact.

>> No.3618635 [DELETED] 

Me too, tbhfam.

>> No.3618636 [DELETED] 

At least stop trying to pretend you're another person, or even human at all, OP.

>> No.3618638 [DELETED] 

Poor buttpained faggot, its ok now. Show us where the feet thread touched you.

>> No.3618641 [DELETED] 

Certainly not on his dick, I doubt he'd be this cranky after a good footjob.

>> No.3618649 [DELETED] 

I want /tv/ to leave

>> No.3618656 [DELETED] 
File: 370 KB, 856x675, 53f27e5a554740cbc32dcf5f52b87999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I trigger you?

>> No.3618658 [DELETED] 

good god it gets worse

By the way mods, thanks for coming, now finish the fucking job.

>> No.3618659 [DELETED] 

Stop giving him work to do.

>> No.3618662
File: 159 KB, 800x802, 8120764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you shouldn't be so mad.

>> No.3618663

It doesn't, those people are lucky to get maybe a handful of dollars in total on that kind of venture, and a lot of the time it's them supporting each other (usually tumblr types).

>> No.3618665 [DELETED] 

If you want me out so bad, why don't you pull the trigger already, shitmod? Fucking /sthg/ up beyond belief wasn't enough so now you start fucking over /vr/ as well?

>> No.3618668
File: 182 KB, 800x1132, maximum-dong-engage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting my favorite 3rd strike girls

>> No.3618673

Do bloggers get to profit off of patreon? I never see it mentioned among those circles. Creative writing? Technical writing?

Anything "niche" ?

>> No.3618682

I honestly don't know if writers do that or not. I don't see why they couldn't.