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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3596324 No.3596324 [Reply] [Original]

ITT underrated classics

>> No.3596339
File: 52 KB, 640x480, Budokan - The Martial Spirit (Unl) [c][!]006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Somone on /vr/ other than me mentions Budokan

This is a momentous occasion! Budokan is a strange and wonderful game. I wish there was an offshoot of fighters that took it's ideas and kept working with them.

>> No.3596352

Wasn't this just Karateka? Awesome game on 8 bit computers, strange and wonderful on 7800 and Famicom... Wasn't it kind of dated by Genesis?

>> No.3596356

No Karateka is almost like a primitive beat em up. Budokan is a very different game and much closer to what we think of as fighters now.

Also still very worth playing. It's got a very unique control style. Get a rom and give it a go.

>> No.3596364

Bushido Blade could be called a spiritual successor to it.

>> No.3596367

Meh. Check out Joy Mech Fight on Famicom

>> No.3596374

Only in theme. They're not similar gameplay wise. The interesting thing about Budokan is the way it handles damage. You have a ki meter and a stamina one. Stamina is basically your health but you get slower and weaker as it goes down. Ki is your attack and some moves strengthen it while others lower it.

The main game is like a fighting tournament but each round you pick which weapon you want to go in with and you can only use each weapon so many times so you need to think about what to use when. Kind of crude, doesn't work perfectly but it's really interesting to play.

Bushido Blade was a kick ass game in it's own right though.

>> No.3596380

Joy Mech Fight is much more a typical fighter modeled after SF.

>> No.3596550


You are retarded, kid.

>Dated by Genesis
Like I dated your mom. >>>/v/ >>>/out

>> No.3596642

>Electronic Arts
it's weird that I see this on an old cart and have positive associations

>> No.3596649

Mein Negers. I loved Budokan but sadly my pirate copy of the game always crashed when I tried to enter the championship.

Bō master race.

>> No.3596657
File: 1.27 MB, 720x568, 2016-10-30_16-17-03.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3596680


This game was frustrating as a kid but I still played it quite a bit on an apple 2gs.

>> No.3596690


This is a board for retro games, not retro insults

>> No.3596772

Is this basically Takeshi's Castle: The Game?

>> No.3596852

There's Kengo Master Of Bushido on PS2. Not retro, but I've seen this game compared to it. Not sure how accurate that is, haven't played either.

>> No.3597305

Maybe so, but completely understandable. EA once understood its customer base, and wasn't a money grubbing pile of shit. Damn shame...

>> No.3597309
File: 3.07 MB, 1528x2100, 2374539-genesis_starflight_eu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The PC versions of it are hard to play

>> No.3597924

Was anyone ever able to beat the tournament? The CPU opponents on the PC version at least always cheated like mad by regenerating health and ki much faster than you, to the point where the last opponents became untouchable.

>> No.3597930
File: 4 KB, 320x200, panza-kick-boxing_moves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish there was an offshoot of fighters that took it's ideas and kept working with them.

>> No.3597943
File: 6 KB, 640x400, 4dbmcga_008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4D Sports Boxing

>> No.3597959

I wish I knew about this version earlier. I tried playing the PC version but the interface was so painfully bad I gave up and read the plot summary. It would have been better to switch to the Genesis version instead.

>> No.3597990

You'd really think that swimming in knee deep water would be covered by ninja training

>> No.3597993

Seeking knowledge not acknowledging the jetset
Silver papers of the sound within my Budokan headset

>> No.3598015

I loved this game.

>> No.3598093

Let's go old school DOS:
Sword of the Samurai
Covert Action

>> No.3598139
File: 20 KB, 640x400, tfwngf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sword of the Samurai

>> No.3598196


>> No.3598569

How does Hyperspeed and Lightspeed compare to that game?

>> No.3600679

>I wish I was installing microwave ovens
>Custom kitchen deliveries