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3588285 No.3588285 [Reply] [Original]

I tried this game out back in 2012 and I remember making it past the rabite forest and town section before getting distracted and dropping the game, Is this game worth playing still or should I just drop it forever?

>> No.3588296

It's not as tight or enjoyable as the first or second game. I'd recommend playing through Secret of Mana first before you go back to it.

>> No.3588306

>he hasn't gone to the wilderbeast stage yet

>> No.3588314

SoM is shit on by SD3.

If your party makeup was shit then it's going to be shit.

Take Hawk or Kevin (or both) and then Lise and you'll have a way better experience.

Better pacing than SoM. Story isn't a fucking mess like SoM. Better gameplay since it's more about brawling rather than spamming Magic the entire game.

>> No.3588357

As you can tell from this poor attempt at reasoning, OP, this anon here has shown that SoM is certainly the better game, and I'd still recommend you try it first.

>> No.3588419

What? SD3 is literally hold down attack until the enemy is dead to win

>> No.3588493

You mean like how SoM is chain magic until you win?

>> No.3588510
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SD3 is literally masturbate to Riesz until you win.

>> No.3588539


Every permutation with regard to party members and class changing is well fucking worth it. This is the best SNES game. Always thought Terranigma was the best but this is right above it at 1st.

>> No.3588543


Fuck, nigga. This takes me back.

I was obsessed with Angela and Riesz desu.

Duran was my boy, so I named him after me, and I always chose those 2 girls. I beat the game probably 20 times, mostly using that same party.

I remember how I could even fap to their main menu art, crazy how SNES graphics had enough charm to make me rock fucking solid. But I would mostly fap to their concept art or how they look on the game box art.

>> No.3588561
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I could never get Angela to be useful. Damage-dealing magic really wasn't worth much in that game, if I remember right.

Kevin/Riesz/Hawk is where it's at.

>> No.3588601

At least have a healer of some type in the group if you play on hard. But it is good stuff.

>> No.3588819
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It's good for waifus. That's it.

>Damage-dealing magic really wasn't worth much in that game, if I remember right.
Spellcasting chant timer continues even when the menu is up, so you can abuse this to win battles very safely by constantly paushing, if kinda boring since it's slow.

>> No.3588825

The closest there is to a good Mana series game is Final Fantasy Adventure. All the others have major flaws. They're more notable for music and graphics than for being balanced or fun.

>> No.3589024

Who's the chick in the middle and on the right?

>> No.3589061

The middle one isn't actually from SD3 - she's Purim, the main heroine from SD2.

The right is Bigeau from Hawke/Lise path, who kinda looks really different when fanartists draw her.

>> No.3589092

they both have shitty gameplay. You play Mana games for the visuals and music, nothing else.

>> No.3589112

What do you mean major flaws? SoM from snes was prob the best game of my childhood and I don't remember any flaws. I mean the one you have to slay the white dragon in the end with holy powers combined. What flaws?

>> No.3589139


>> No.3589334


I thought they were embellishing Carlie's design for a sec. Slipped my mind since I haven't played SD2 nearly as much as SD3.

>> No.3589423

Bad hit detection, overpowered magic, horrible pacing (you spend the first 3-4 hours of the game in the same small area getting familiar with its layout, then the rest of the game after that is just "go somewhere, get McGuffin, leave and never return"), and excessive grinding.

>> No.3589451
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What's so bad about hit detection? You hit, you see how many damage you did. OP magic? You need to train magic in order to overcome enemies, it's actually underpowered, which leads me to another point: excessive grinding. The only one is to lvl up magic in order to get the elements stronger. You can do it in about half an hour in the same place and that's it,
It's a whole world where you can transpot with cannon or fly with the dragon. The castles are amazing. I put SoM in the same tier of Zelda: a link to the past. Are we talking about the same game?

>> No.3589456

It says Isabella next to her in katakana. Did they change her name in the translation, or something? I haven't played SD3.

>> No.3589461
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>> No.3589502
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I'm talking about Secret of Mana, this one in my picture. Yours is Secret of Mana 2 (aka SD3).

>> No.3589505


>> No.3589510

Yes, it's ok, rly!

>> No.3589513

The only time you'd want to grind up magic is Wood Magic so the final boss isn't tedious. The others will get a lot of exp from magic being the safest method of dispatching things in dungeons/general exploration.

>> No.3589517

SD2 (SoM) is a way better than SD3 (SoM 2). I agree with you.

>> No.3589523

>excessive grinding

It never ceases to amaze me just how bad people manage to be at playing simple RPGs.

>> No.3589528

That doesn't even make sense since the last boss takes only Holy hits. Wisp magic is needed, not Dryad.

>> No.3590083

The whole series is mediocre. Good graphics and sound but the gameplay and writing is average as fuck.

>> No.3590170

>Did they change her name in the translation, or something?
Isabelle's her real name and Bigeau is the one others know her by.

Oh hey, I remember making this.

You can tell because it's a really early area and Angela doesn't have Pink Typhoon in her base class

>> No.3590538
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Its worth it. Its not long and despite what detractors might say not really tedious since dungeon's aren't that long and complicated anyway. Battle system is a bit clunky but you kinda just get used to it pretty fast, its not as clunky as some people make it out to be, it flows fine except for Magic. Its really just the attack cooldown which is pretty whatever, slightly shorter than Secret of Mana's 100% anyways.

Only real problem with the pacing is stuff will start to over level you about mid game, but you don't really need grinding, especially if your rocking Kevin and/or Riesz(Lise on the translated version). As a matter of fact speedruns of the game are literally just those 2, and a 3rd dead body. You can use who you want really, the game isn't hard its just those 2 pretty much make it smooth. If you want to grind, doesn't take long for that either, especially when you start hunting bosses.

Story is ok, nothing offensive but nothing really new either. But it has its appeal, its just charming if basic.

>> No.3590690

I recently replayed this game with the Sin of Mana hack and I enjoyed it a lot more than the first time I played through it. It makes the game much harder, balances the classes better, and changes the equipment to be non-linear. Here's the link to the mod file :


>> No.3590692

>year of our lord 2016, ever installing a fan mod

Oh lawdy have mercy on these retards.

>> No.3590718

If i were you i'd play Sword of mana, it has the best of SD1 and 3

>> No.3592163

Hey OP I've been playing this for these past two days and I gotta say it's really enjoyable except for the backtracking and vague directions they give you sometimes.
I was stuck trying to get to the dwarven underground village because I hadn't talked to a couple of NPCs in the last town who tell you about them making gunpowder.
The paths between one event and the other are sometimes full of side tracks that doesn't really take you anywhere or you're not supposed to be there yet so nothing actually happens and then you have to go BACK to that same place where nothing happened because you now have triggered something that will make something important appear there.

Other than that it's been pretty enjoyable. The boss fights are fun and the characters are likable. I'm using


>> No.3593409

You want to Grind Dryad because she's the one who gives you the Mana Magic spell at the end of the game. You use it on the boy while he's equipped with the sword and then he gets a fully powered Mana sword.

This is (supposedly) the only way to even DAMAGE the Mana Beast.

>> No.3594760
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Not gonna let this thread die until someone posts a Riesz that I don't have.

>> No.3594957

>people enjoying vidya in any shape or form

Problem anon?

>> No.3595045

>excessive grinding
You know you don't have to unlock every weapon technique on every character, right?

I enjoy doing it though.

>> No.3595050

That patch also fixes game bugs like crits and evasion. Do you really prefer playing an unfinished game because "muh vanilla experience"?

>> No.3596231
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>> No.3596670
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>> No.3596780

This game's multiplayer is the shit.
Even better with the 3-Player patch.

>> No.3596797

There's a three player patch?!

Also, question. Did I screw up by starting with Hawk/Lise/Carlie? Now I don't know if I want to play as Demon/Angela/X or Kevin/Carlie/X because I hear their stories are easier. Is the black rabite(iirc) worth fighting?

>> No.3596805

Thanks autocorrect. "Denim", not Demon.

>> No.3596810


Why is she so PERFECT

>> No.3596820
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Just play as whoever you want, anon.
I used Lise/Angela/Carlie
Any time I played through again, I always had Lise and Angela, because my dick.
Also why I always use the girl in Legend of Mana.

>> No.3597324

Sd3 is fun but I think I spoiled myself for playing it before I played secret of mana because I always drop SoM before finishing it

Sd3 is more physical dependant where you wanna hit shit with weapons rather then chaining spells together, mainly because bosses will auto counter full screen techs with highly damaging shit immediately.

Party composition isn't really important neither is class changing because the game is easy enough to get through with any comp. Certain bosses are tougher than others and depending on who you play, you can get a different final boss, which some are tougher than others.

All in all its a fun game I recommend anyone who likes RPGs to at least try out

>> No.3597350

So I played Sword of Mana recently, even though I enjoyed it, I feel the game has some problems with the weapon/armor crafting thing.

What do you guys think of of Sword of Mana? I also intend to play Secret of Mana and Seiken 3.

>> No.3597404
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>> No.3597458
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There is never a wrong time to go Hawk/Lise. Just make Hawk Dark and Lise Light and you have the 2 most synergzied people in the game. Carlie can go Dark Dark but that makes Hawk redundant. Just make her whatever you want.

Duran/Angela is really about the same as Hawk/Lise, it's just Dragon's Hole isnt as cool as Dark Castle, and it trades harder minions for harder bosses (Lise + Debuffer trivializes everything anyway). Kevin/Carlie is noticeably easier and their final dungeon is made of ass and lame. Black Rabite isn't really worth fighting since its more tedious than difficult, also a giant middle finger to Angela doesnt help.

Kevin is also busted as shit, so there's that for him.

>> No.3597496
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I played this game just for Riesz. She's perfect.
Angela and Carlie are fine too.

>> No.3597605

>looks pretty
>fixes none of the issues from the second game
>removes 3P coop (probably cus it sucked anyways
Glad this didn't come to America. Just would have been disappointed.
>people revere it nonthless

>> No.3597673

Why is this song so catchy?

>> No.3597860
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>> No.3597864
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>> No.3597871
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>> No.3599632

Tried Sword of Mana

Could simply not get into it. Something felt very off and I can't explain what

>> No.3599913

why no love for Angelica?

>> No.3600829

Combat is pretty clunky, but it was something I got only because I mashed attack most of times with emulation fastfoward on. If it wasn't for that I probably wouldn't have bothered finishsing it too.
Also it helped that I used a faq to see the classes thing, because some of the weapons are literal dogshit.

>> No.3600830

Even so, I think Sword of Mana is better than the Seiken Densetsu 1 remake thing for the Vita. Just from seeing a gameplay video of that you can tell it is slow as fuck.

>> No.3601278
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Angela gets some love. She's alright. Granted not anywhere near as much as Riesz but thats reasons, not that it really harms Angela.

One problem might be is when your primary character conflict is pretty much mommy issues it kind of a boner kill. Being the weakest character in whats really a brawler doesn't help either.

>> No.3601306

I liked it. I hope there is a new Mana game with classes you can choose, that was cool.

And have more enemies than just dark guys, like the dragons.

>> No.3601481

On a strict objective level, I suppose Angela still gets more fanart than more obscure characters that only get like 2 total in their lifetime.

That being said, I wish there was more good aggressive Angela X Duran or Lise because I'm not warped enough for the standard rape doujins

>> No.3601492
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>finally kill Genova after getting killed like 5 times
>use some of my limited items to increase my damage
>right after that I need to kill two other mini bosses that spam unblockable shit

>> No.3601871

Once you class change it gets a lot better

Also, who else has played it co-op? I finally did my last run and it was amazing.

>kevin and duran under human control
>able to build classes around each other's weak points

Only issue is everything getting messed up when a party member is unconscious and the game autoswitches.

>> No.3601897

Duran is literally worthless.

Every single thing that sets him apart (Access to all sabers in Dark class) is available from the Black Market. The only thing going for him is that he's the 3rd highest damage dealer in the game.

His light class is bugged and his shields don't work, and single target holy light isn't worth it. If you second class change to Paladin saint saber is worth it for maybe one or two fights, but you would've just been better off going dark-dark for more damage since like I said, you can get allt he sabers in item form.

>> No.3601918

I disagree. I went Lord and his good bulk/healing made him pretty helpful for getting through most areas. The Lord Shield does work(the only shield that has a function, unfortunately) and he can cure statuses/multitarget heal. While I'd say Kevin and Hawk are better, Duran's certainly a solid pick just because of his survivability and attack power combined with his potential for sabers and support/healing.

worst character in the game is angela because physical damage is king. Even then, SD3 is more about the overall team paths than individual characters. I had Hawk on debuffs, Kevin on damage, and Duran for healing/extra power when needed. Worked out pretty well.

>> No.3601920

the entire game is broken, if you just going to use the useful characters, you will literally use the same team every playthrough, and that amounts to basically kevin, riesz, hawk

kevin in general may as well just be cheating because of how many bugs he has associated with him, and how his best class is also a healer and you can bug his werewolf form to do max damage with every hit, so really who gives a shit if duran is only so so, when everyone uses kevin and trivializes the game regardless of party comp

>> No.3601921

Confident the single best party in the game is



>Matters less, but dark-dark or light-light is fine

Lise for buffs/debuffs. Nightblade because highest attack power, and deadly weapon is a flat -10% or something max health (so it can break the 999 damage cap easily on final boss), deathhand kevin has best attack power, and moon saber, which is HP drain so you can sustain your attacks.

9 of each healing itme is more than enough to get through every boss battle.

>> No.3601940

Lise is Light-Dark. Having both Lise and Hawk dark is redundant, and Lise's light classes are good, while Hawk's are situational but mostly shit. Starlancer beats Vanadies just for the fact buffing 2-3 times is way faster than buffing 6-9 times, Maduin also has good uses.

Kevin it really doesn't matter at all. He punches things and dies. You go light if you want some kind of healing and pressure point or go Dark for a bit more power. Doesn't matter with him, he hits retardedly hard anyways.

>> No.3602013

>The only thing going for him is that he's the 3rd highest damage dealer in the game.
Well, there are 3 party slots...

>> No.3602182

Riesz is comparable to him, and has better utility with party buffs or enemy debuffs vs. his sabers.

I'll probably fire this up and pick the shit party, then burn through a second playthrough with the god party

>> No.3602768

either way, black market can do buffs/sabers. Hawk himself has the debuffs, so really it boils down to preference.

>> No.3602925

Riesz also has debuffs. Honestly they're kind of better with her since despite not doing negligible damage (Lets be honest, no one does Hawk's debuffs for damage), they also do not proc counters off enemies, and she gets them way sooner than Hawk does(he doesn't even get the most important debuff quite late into Ninja).

Hawk is in the god team simply for Double Attacks and Deadly Weapon, both of which are OP as shit. Its Dark Dark with him which is why Riesz always goes Light so you don't need to drag a bunch of buff items around constantly, just too practical and efficient.

Duran's main issue is he only has Sabers, so no Healing or Shield(singular, theres only 1 shield that actually does anything). He hits harder than Riesz, but not to any real big degree, even in Duelist. He's honestly not that much tankier than she is either, better on the physical end for sure, but far the other way around for magic.

>> No.3602935

I played SoM by myself and got bored of it pretty quick.

Then I played it multiplayer with a friend. It was a delightful experience. We also enjoyed SD3.

Do it multiplayer co-op, OP. That's where the game shines.

>> No.3604949

Think this will ever go outside japan in the future?

>> No.3604971

Oh I didn't realize I accidentally picked the two best characters when starting.

>> No.3605052

I think his sword has longer attack range, but that might be wrong.

>> No.3606993

I say!

Dat ass isn't doing a lot of damage. Angela probably should have used her bewbs.

>> No.3607026

I can pickup som any time of the week and destroy it in a day. I can't get past the first 5 minutes of this damn game as much as I really want to

>> No.3608104

Angela X Riesz is something that isnt made that much since the 2 barely speak to each other in the story.

Thats honestly SD3's biggest problem. Outside the few moments of Angela teasing Duran and Riesz and Hawkeye's moments, there really isn't that much interaction between the group.

>> No.3610693

Neither did I when I first started. Kinda funny too, since both their AI's did pretty good work. I tried putting Duran as AI and he was braindead retarded. Happens to this day for some reason.

>> No.3611163

It also caps max stats per class, which pads 5 hours of worthless grind. It's one step forward, two steps back.
Original game: 6 hour game
Sin of Mana: 15 hour game, same amount of content
It's retarded.

>> No.3611262

>Played Secret of Mana
>Finished it yesterday
>Total Clear: 13 hours

Did not give 2 shits about weapons. Got all magic on the sprite to at least level 7, Luna got to level 8 because I spammed the shit out of MP absorb, Dryad got to level 8 because Burst is non-elemental afaik and enemies just aren't resistant to it.

Grinded Girls magic in wind palace, Lumina got to 8 to crush the ever living dogshit out of Buffy and Lich, and grinded Undine to 4 for healing throughout the game, ended up at 7.

Easy as fuck. The only places I struggled were Mech Rider 3 because I didn't have cups of wishes and sprite and girl died, but I found a ninja gauntlet or whatever so the boy was only taking 5 damage a hit, just took awhile.

Once you get magic it becomes a breeze.

SD3 is next after I do Life is strange

>> No.3611282

>It also caps max stats per class
Please elaborate

>> No.3611359

How does that need elaboration?

It's most likely exactly what it sounds like.

If you set a max of 16 per stat, you can't exceed 16. It prevents you from dumping points into useful stats like str, and con and forces you to dump stats into less useful stuff like int or wisdom on fighters like kevin.

That's all there is to it.

Class changes have always given you a huge boost to stats, which is partially why second class change is so overkill. It's akin to gaining like 20 levels.

>> No.3611383

I remember the original having stat caps too though, how does the mod screw around with how those caps worked?

>> No.3611510

How the hell do you run this with the English patch? I can patch the Japanese version and have it take effect but it seems like the game screws up regardless of whether you apply the English patch before or after.