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3587740 No.3587740 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck you this game is great

Better than 1&3

>> No.3587767

well I managed to finish it
which is something I can't say for I, III, V and VI

>> No.3587774

>le hit yourself the game

>> No.3587789

Two or three people here love it, most people don't like it or are retards >>3587774
le playing terribly because you suck.

>> No.3587791

>hit yourself
>get tons of HP
>meet undeads
>die anyway

>> No.3587864

It is, and I'll always be grateful for it spawning SaGa.
>more than 25 years later, Anons on /vr/ still can't play FF2 right

>> No.3587869

Only a tiny amount of enemies have the blood sword effect, and most of them are bosses

>> No.3587881

This is why it's not popular. Most JRPGs are attackattackattack random battles and then grind for xp. FFII is actually a game you play.

>> No.3587897

You're right, it's actually le cancel targetting the game since the game is also bugged and registers attacks before you actually attack

>> No.3587907

I like the Emperor as a villain. Compared to many of his successors he got shit done. I only played the PSP edition though so I can't say much about hitting yourself as it wasn't something you needed to do in it.

>> No.3587910

I liked how it made me consider my actions
it wasn't much, but it was more thought that I had to dedicate to random battles than in most games

>> No.3587914

every undead has the blood sword effect if I remember correctly (I had shields so it didn't matter kek)

>> No.3587923

You're not making your case any better, but if it makes you feel better to look like a clueless idiot on /vr/, be my guest.

>> No.3588336
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I'm pretty sure it still works, necessary or not, but I'm not sure if that version fixed the evasion penalty glitch from the GBA version or not.

>> No.3588351

I played FF2 and really wanted to like, and do for the most part... but the Tower of Mysidia was the line for me. Dealing with those hordes of Imps casting Confuse was incredibly frustrating, and then you running from battle never works either...

>> No.3588371

Absolutely stunning entry to the series, vast improvement on the first in all their respective iterations

>> No.3588387

did the remakes address this? i never actually played it might want to pick it up. it doesn't have characters right? you just pick four at the start like the first one ?

>> No.3588391

I'm not sure why but I didn't like it. I played FF1 first and I really got into it, but as soon as I finished it and started FF2 I was enjoying it much less and still haven't finished it due to boredom.

>> No.3588671

How is he clueless? He pretty much stated one of the major gamebreaking bugs about the game

Not his fault you're asspained about someone calling your shit game shit.

>> No.3588697
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i agree you nigger its a great story and if u know how to use the battle system to your advantage you can really tear it up

>> No.3588765

I love the SaGa series, but I just couldn't get into FF2. I didn't hate it, I just didn't find anything about the game compelling enough to continue playing it.

I'm much more fond of FF1.