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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3579572 No.3579572 [Reply] [Original]


Remove your nostalgia googles, this is the truth

>> No.3579575


what does nostalgia have to do with anything when your order is completely random chronologically? we all grew up with different consoles and therefore will be nostalgic for different things. pointless statement.

>> No.3579582

not random, it's a quality order

>> No.3579596


>> No.3579597

>le "Wii was bad" meme

>> No.3579608


>le "'Wii was bad' is just a meme" meme

cool argument man here have it back you fucking homo

>> No.3579647
File: 34 KB, 249x228, 1399946607799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the American SNES design

>> No.3579654

Can't find much wrong with this list. Pretty solid.

>> No.3579660

Wii gave us
Wii had great genre-changing games such as
If it was not for Wii we wouldn't have

N64 is overrated, but it was still miles better than any post-2000s Nintendo console


>> No.3579664

Wii gave us motion control done right
Play Red steel 2 or Skyward sword faggot

>> No.3579665

You know I never really hear people praising the N64 that high except for people who grew up with it as their only console that gen.

Really the only problem with it was the game library. Everybody had the same dozen and a change of games that were worth a damn over it's lifespan. Because that was all there was

>> No.3579668

Motion control was so popular that nobody ever wanted to deal with it again. Great gimmick.

>> No.3579669


>> No.3579670

lol no

>> No.3579672

>if it's not popular it's not good
Great hivemind

>> No.3579676

Why yes, if we're ranking consoles, yes that is indeed true. Individualism only goes so far bro.

>> No.3579678

This is accurate. I'd probably put NES slightly > than SNES but it's hard for me to take the goggles off.

>> No.3579679

The only reason I don't is because of the large volumes of shit that was also on the NES. The SNES is how a console should be. More of the same but better. More bits, better sound, a more diverse game library, and (to an extent) even the library was the same but better.

Now while I do prefer Castlevania III far over Super Castlevania IV I can appreciate them both, hence why I agree with that anons "="

>> No.3579683

N64 was ass. He's right on that.
Wii, Wii U, GC? Who cares.
SNES>NES>N64> Not Retro imo

>> No.3579694


I only ever emulated the Snes as a teenager. The graphic capability, game depth, and overall library still amaze me to this day. It's only real rival would be gba/NDS.

Own a GC/Wii/Wii U while I love my gamecube it and the other systems are simply not as interesting save a handful of games (especially the Wii U).

I think if Nintendo ever made a system again that was on par with w/e gen it's in would just die because cross-platform killed consoles for me.

>> No.3579702

>Red steel 2

> Skyward sword
Great jokes dude. I mean, something that actually had impact on the industry. Wiimote's impact was like a fart in the water. Because maybe, just maybe, it was just a gimmick, and dual analogs actually worked fine.

>> No.3579712

Red Steel 1 is shit
The sequel is a great game for everyone, you never play the game

>> No.3579717

>Wiimote's impact was like a fart in the water

Yes, it's not as if the Playstation Move existed, or the Kinect, or VR motion controls.

>> No.3579729

It had some good games but you can't deny that it probally has the most shovelware together with PC

>> No.3579732
File: 90 KB, 650x342, move-vs-kinect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wiimote's impact was like a fart in the water

>> No.3579739

Not getting your points. he's saying that the wiimote was not impactful to the gaming world. Then you included more shit that wasn't impactful to the gaming world.

Should we next list the Gameboy Camera, Playstation Eye, the Powerglove, R.O.B etc. The wiimote has had no lasting effects on the gaming world, and in fact we've moved so far away from motion controls that I doubt they'll ever rear their ugly heads ever again. Thank. God.

>> No.3579740

what is Eyetoy?

>> No.3579743

>Thank. God.
I bet you're a fatass

>> No.3579745

>The wiimote has had no lasting effects on the gaming world, and in fact we've moved so far away from motion controls that I doubt they'll ever rear their ugly heads ever again

How many units of Wii and Kinect have to sell before for it to count as impactful?

By the way, motion controls are well and truly alive as part of VR.

>what is Eyetoy?

The point isn't about technology, it's about influence. There's no way in a million years Microsoft would have released Kinect if it wasn't for the Wii. In fact, they openly said the Kinect was their answer to the Wii.

>> No.3579752

Microsoft even made the Kinect 2.0 for the Xbone

>> No.3579757

>as part of VR
I'll let you re-read this statement a few times. Though to be fair, if VR ever catches on or fails as another gimmick will be a test left to time.

>count as impactful
So impactful that the Wii U did away with motion controls altogether and kinect exclusives have vanished off the earth.

I'd be lying if I said that motion controls didn't sell the Wii, they did.But after that initial factor ran it's course for being different it didn't have much meat left to it.

Listen, I stood outside in the cold for 11 hours to buy my little bro a Wii. So I get it. I really do. But if we're talking about lasting impact? Well you tell me. Just how successful was the Xbone because of the inclusion of the Kinect.

>> No.3579759 [DELETED] 

VR literally requires motion controls, they aren't going anywhere. Everyone is jerking off about the 'future' of gaming, and the Wii did it a decade ago.

>> No.3579760

It's a first time I'm hearing about it, and probably the last as you're the only person here who claims the game was of any importance.

Even Nintendo realized WiiMote was a gimmick, so they simply scrapped it and jumped to a new gimmick with Wii U and now Switch.

The rest of the industry went the way of online and incremental hardware updates, ignoring Nintendo going loony.

>How many units of Wii and Kinect have to sell before for it to count as impactful?
We're talking about games, not toys. Neither Kinect nor Wii created new genres or opened new possibilities for the old ones. No big game series seriously went in that direction.

>> No.3579762

>VR literally requires motion controls
How many people do you know have bought into VR anything.
Don't worry
I'll wait.

>> No.3579765

I bet you're so fit thanks to your Wii balance board

>> No.3579767



sorry OP, yours is wrong

>> No.3579768

Everybody stop fighting! Can't we just unify under a "N64 sucks ass" flag with the rest of the argument being filed under not retro?

>> No.3579771

>wii U that high
There's what? 13 games on it even worth owning. 13 whole games for the low low price of 300 (350 deluxe) USD. And most of those games don't even require that stupid ass gamepad.

One job. Put Crystal Chronicles on it with netplay. One job and they couldn't do it.

>> No.3579772
File: 73 KB, 600x563, 1458676093495.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SNES that low

>> No.3579780

Those 13 games are some of the best I've ever played though, I won't go into more detail because not retro
16-bit era is seriously overrated, especially on /vr/. Definitely indicative of the general age of posters here.

>> No.3579783

>the best I've ever played
On a scale of 1-23 how old are you.

>> No.3579786


Haven't played the WiiU.

>> No.3579791

SNES > NES > GC > N64 > Wii > WiiU > Switch

>> No.3579798

>Xenoblade chronicles X and Bayonetta 2 aren't two of the best games ever made

>> No.3579801

yeah, and all that does is:
1. voice commands
2. become a dance kiosk in front of ms stores at the mall

>> No.3579803

Youre a dumbass

>> No.3579807


>> No.3579808
File: 145 KB, 800x1074, bestwaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the console with the best Zelda ever made isn't better than the N64

>> No.3579810

>I'll let you re-read this statement a few times

Is the problem with the word "part of". That's stupid as fuck though. Everything in video games is part of a display. VR is just a display.

>So impactful that the Wii U did away with motion controls altogether

Uh...you do realize that the Wiimote is an official accessory for the Wii U right? Only one Gamepad works for the Wii U at any one time. How the hell do you think multiplayer works?

>But if we're talking about lasting impact?

You know, by this logic I could argue that 2D consoles had no lasting impact because they don't make them anymore.

>Neither Kinect nor Wii created new genres or opened new possibilities for the old ones

You're looking at this completely wrong. The whole idea Nintendo brought out motion controls wasn't to make new genres or new possibilities for old ones. It was to make existing genres more accessible. That was it.

>No big game series seriously went in that direction.

Zelda's not a big game series now?

>> No.3579816

This is probably the most accurate. Think how many timeless classics have the Wii/Wii U spawned? How many of them will be remembered 20 years from now? How many will be price gouged by hipsters and collectors like NES/SNES/N64 and soon GC games?

I can think of Splatoon...and that's it.

>> No.3579817

Not that dude but are you fucking serious? Skyward Sword wasn't a great Zelda game but the combat was amazing and the controls felt really good and intuitive. I seriously don't get how autistic one has to be for the
>skyward sword has terrible controls meme

>> No.3579821

Back to /v/.

>> No.3579824

There are plenty of hidden gems on Wii. In fact, what will make them so valuable one day is uninformed idiots like you who still think the Wii doesn't have anything good.

>> No.3579825

>ever made
Ends abruptly as fuck. The end game can be broken in about 17 different ways. The progression is still horrendous. The combat is still mediocre.

Bayonetta 2 is a good game though. Bayonetta 2 alone is not better than the entire library of the SNES, NES, or the GC, and is certainly not worth 400 USD.

>> No.3579830
File: 41 KB, 256x360, Fragile_Dreams_US_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga

Like this game

>> No.3579831

Xenoblade is probably the only one that comes to mind and that's been price gouged since it came out.

List some actual fondly remembered titles in the vein of SMB/SM64, ALttP/OoT, Chrono Trigger, Goldeneye, Melee, etc. Nobody in the future is going to buy a system based solely on "hidden gems." People want the consoles and games they grew up with, and then they'll look for "hidden gems" they might have missed out on.

>> No.3579835

>What are SMG and SMG2?
>What's Bayo 2?
>What's SS?
>What's Muramasa?
>What's the Punch Out remake?
>What are Xenoblades?
And I'm not even counting games that just make sense on the Wii, like RE4 or Pikmin.

>> No.3579838

By the way, I'm not saying the Wii doesn't have anything good, I'm saying what the Wii has, has already been done on the consoles it came before it and there was nothing groundbreaking.

>Punch Out remake
Alright I agree with that one, it was pretty fun.

>> No.3579839

Keep polishing those goggles faggot, Galaxy beats the shit out of SM64.

>> No.3579840

Tell me how you could actually aim/slash/punch with your controller before.

>> No.3579842

>I'm saying what the Wii has, has already been done on the consoles it came before it and there was nothing groundbreaking.

Name something that was groundbreaking on 360 or PS3

>> No.3579843

It's not a bad gimmick but the big problem was that the wiimotes were fucking dogshit that weren't even specced to human motion, combined with faulty bluetooth, and poor technology choices they ended up being hilariously bad. Nintendo knew it too, it's why they designed games to rely heavily on macro motion or straight out ignoring the motion and do auto assists. It was simply too unreliable and where they decided to actually use the actual motion the games would have to use the calibrate near constantly.

PSMove on the other hand was basically rock solid in comparison and had none of the issues of the wiimote. 3D remotes aren't bad in theory and are basically required for some types of games but they're don't really add anything to classic styled games which still make up the majority share of games and for good reason.

>> No.3579845

Galaxy was terrible. SM64 was significantly better. You have to be terrible at games to think otherwise.

>> No.3579847

Nothing because those consoles fucking sucked. But he said "before it". A statement I'm sure has been lost on you.

>> No.3579848

I agree but is it going to be worth any money in the future? They sold 150 million Wiis, they're not ever going up in price.

SM64 was probably a bad example since it'll always be cheap as hell due to 11mil copies sold.

Abso-fucking-lutely nothing, what a joke to imply I think those were good consoles. I'm insulted that you think I'm a 7th gen dudebro fag when I simply don't think the Wii is going to have the same collector's market the older Nintendo consoles do.

>> No.3579849

With dual analogs. Worked really well too. Funny how that worked.

>> No.3579852

Galaxy 2 was pretty good.

>> No.3579856

Is he asking how to swing your sword in different directions like Skyward without wiimote? Because OoT supported all the same general direction attacks as well as spin attack and did it more accurately and faster.

>> No.3579857

He's trying to grasp at what waggle controls could do that you couldn't do with an analog stick.

>> No.3579861

Generally speaking, there's nothing you could do in VR that couldn't be done on a regular monitor and like a camera to track your head.

>> No.3579862

Comparing output to input for 500 Alex.

>> No.3579869

That is an accurate post.

>> No.3579870

Two sides of the same coin famalam.

>> No.3579872

>input and output is the same thing
It's time to stop posting

>> No.3579875

Fuck you, it's just a more immersive experience. Yeah you could have black maps, maybe it would even improve performance, but guess what? It would fucking suck. Analogs don't suck, but swinging a "sword" when you want to swing a sword is a really nice experience once in a while (especially at the time they came out, an era of clones and standardization).

>> No.3579879

>Fuck you, it's just a more immersive experience.
It was less immersive than basically every other Zelda because the controls were so shoddy. Using an analog stick to control is more immersive because what you want to do in the game more or less happens when you do it on the controller, unlike Skyward which kills immersion when it simply doesn't take input correctly or at all or takes input when there's not even any to be had.

>> No.3579885

>it's just a more immersive experience.
Yeah I certainly felt like I was right there, let me tell you.

Those dropped inputs with that janky ass capture sure felt like I MYSELF was Link

>> No.3579892

So you're just comparing monetary value instead of the actual quality of the library? What?

>> No.3579902

>64 that low when f zero x exists
Umm excuse me sweetie :p

>> No.3579903

I never had that problem. I would probably feel mad if I did though.

>> No.3580065

It was literally the question I raised in my first post; how many of these Wii games are going to be seen as timeless classics? How many will be priced gouged by hipsters like NES, SNES, N64 and GC games? See >>3579816

Although it seems like a question of quality vs value, it's not, I'm asking if the Wii will have the same cult-like following of previous Nintendo consoles. I don't personally think it will.

>> No.3580080

Move Famicom on top and switch WiiU with N64.

>> No.3580095

Just to let you know, when 5th generation started, SNES games were widely viewed as incredibly tired, old hat and completely depreciated in value.

>> No.3580098

remember to report and hide stealth-/v/ threads.

>> No.3580101

It's weird to agree so completely with a post other than one total and complete disagreement. NES is by far the best Nintendo console and could be a contender for GOAT if not for PS2's backward compatibility

>> No.3580102

thanks for the opinion.

>> No.3580112

pure objectively, did N64 have any good game besides Super Mario 64?

>> No.3580116

>NES is by far the best Nintendo console
Imagine being this delusional.

>> No.3580129

For the time? OoT, MM and the Rare shooters were all great.

Since then? There's a few games, stuff like Goemon, Mischief Makers, Paper Mario holds up imo, Ogre Battle.

>> No.3580134

They aren't.

>> No.3580135

I'm getting sad imaging your world where the FC/NES isn't the greatest console of all time.

>> No.3580231

SNES>GC>N64>>>>>>>Wii>Wii U
I will keep them on thank you.

>> No.3580245


not retro you ass clown

>> No.3580248


>> No.3580249

The whole point of op post is that the N64 SUCKSSSSS

>> No.3580259

>WiiU > Wii
>GC > Wii
Fucking moron

>> No.3580316

NES > SNES > Wii >>>>>>>>>>>>> N64 > GC > Wii U

>> No.3580323

>le "le "Wii was bad" is just a meme" meme" meme

>> No.3580342

>Implying the NES isn't the only Nintendo console to ever completely dominate the market
>Implying that total market domination doesn't automatically go hand in hand with the widest and deepest library