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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 192 KB, 250x355, Contra_-_Hard_Corps_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3569780 No.3569780 [Reply] [Original]

>that game you really like that you cannot convince any of your friends to play, and if they do play it, they don't like it

Post 'em.

>> No.3569787

My friends temble at my will, if I demand they play a game they play it

If I tell them they enjoyed it, they enjoy it

>> No.3569818

All fighting games

My friends are all normies who only like FPS and co op multiplayer games

>> No.3569828

It seems like everyone who has no experience with the genre thinks every fighting game is about doing insanely precise infinite combos all the time and has no desire to even try something on Fightcade. It's upsetting.

>> No.3569891

Pretty much anything that isn't some AAA shooter or sports game is impossible for me to get most of my friends to play.
One of my friends will play Mortal Kombat with me, but that's about it (Not to brag but I'll wipe the floor with him too, so he rarely wants to play it.)

>> No.3569909

Yeah, to normies I think it seems to skill based...and even to a lot of gamers, the fanbase and competitive nature puts them off cause they fear being told they suck or something....it stinks

>One of my friends will play Mortal Kombat with me, but that's about it (Not to brag but I'll wipe the floor with him too, so he rarely wants to play it.)

Funny enough, same thing here....if I get friends to ever play any fighter it's MK, cause they think the rest is "chink shit" or something and much like you, rarely want to play and get pissed when they lose

>> No.3569948
File: 34 KB, 334x400, Nox_(video_game_-_box_art).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one or two people to try the co-op mode, but everyone seemed too intimidated by the quality of players online to try anything competitive.

I only find fighting games fun when my opponent is somewhere near the same skill level as me. Unfortunately, finding such an opponent always proves to be a herculean task that just isn't worth the effort. It seems like every single person online is either playing the game for the first time and just mashing buttons, or is an enthusiast who has been playing fighting games non-stop since the release of Street Fighter 2.

As such I accepted that I will never be good at a fighting game and pretty much gave up on the genre entirely.

>> No.3569979

>playing the game for the first time and just mashing buttons
Help them learn

>or is an enthusiast who has been playing fighting games non-stop since the release of Street Fighter 2.
I find lots of people I play who are way better then me often try to help me out, not by letting me win or something but trying to teach me

>> No.3570006

Convince them isn't difficult, especially when playing it together, it's convincing them to do it again after a playthrough.
It seems like the whole concept of replay value is going over people's heads as time goes by.

>> No.3570103

Get new friends with better taste.

>> No.3570110

>Chink shit
>anybody actually saying that unironically
You and the boys from the VA still talk about the Marianas turkey shoot?
Top Kek, any shitters who play MK for anything more than the laughable violence are only kidding themselves.

>> No.3570164


>having friends

I wish normal fags would get off my /vr/

>> No.3570183
File: 51 KB, 320x224, move-carefully-to-avoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite none of them, but I've always had a hard time finding other Ecco the Dolphin fans. Most people either think it looks like a casual relaxing art game so they never try it, or they think it's a casual relaxing art game so they do play it and then hate the game for octo slapping them.

>> No.3570194

Anything that isn't Smash.

Luckily I just found out that my younger cousin is into old school fighters and is interested in beat 'em ups and shmups, but getting to play with a friend on the couch is just a bit more satisfying than over Fightcade.

>> No.3571619
File: 32 KB, 260x226, Real%20Bout%20Fatal%20Fury%20Special[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't even get this one with my KOF buddies

RB2 just feels like "RBS: Everyone is Nerfed Edition" to me, not sure why that one seems to be better remembered

This is the worst, I get that people have their preferences and they're different breeds of game but the only way to convince a Smash player to touch a different game is at gun point

>> No.3571706
File: 103 KB, 600x413, terraniggasheartout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually gotten a lot of people to play it but they all quit at around Grecliff. One powerful soul made it past Grecliff and quit at Zue.

>> No.3571716
File: 499 KB, 1169x1600, Castlevania_II_-_Simon's_Quest_(gamebox).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every one I talk to hates Castlevania 2
I love this game but no one else does apparently

>> No.3573260
File: 229 KB, 752x856, 1471285351091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my best friend only plays modern shit like Rocket League and Fifa