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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 148 KB, 636x657, 1457419132322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3564430 No.3564430 [Reply] [Original]

>fighting game
>player select screen starts with the generic martial arts guy

>annoying underage girl is the most game breaking party member

>> No.3564432 [DELETED] 

mhm. sage

>> No.3564439

>generic martial arts guy

You mean "generic shoto guy"

>> No.3564454

>OP is a dumb frogposter

>> No.3564462
File: 43 KB, 664x599, 664px-Green_lex_luthor_about_to_beat_some_ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate that frog

>> No.3564468

Hi, Hillary.

>> No.3564472

>annoying underage girl is the most game breaking party member
name one time this has been true in the history of everything
I'll wait

>> No.3564473

This, in my experience the underage girl has been worthless or next to it, and I'll never use her.

>> No.3564510

Blow your brains out, faggot. Pepe has been a shitty meme for a while now.

>> No.3564517

Well Melia was pretty OP in Xenoblade but she wasn't that annoying, and I was too pleb to use that style of support character

>> No.3564518

You mean, he was shitty when he was sadfrog, now that he's a symbol of the alt-right and an egyptian god, he's become actually great.

>> No.3564580

sage :(

>> No.3564720

But he's OUR meme. Right, guys? :^)

>> No.3564923

Melia is cute and the best girl who doesn't deserve all the shit that happens to her.

>> No.3564939

>fighting game
>stage with a semi truck in background

>> No.3565526


>> No.3566421
File: 54 KB, 125x185, 9800.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the retarded OP and I wouldn't call her game breaking, but Athena is usually pretty damn great.

>> No.3566962
File: 47 KB, 640x480, streets-of-rage-3-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke's on you OP, Blaze isn't underage at all

>> No.3566984

>Streets of Rage
>fighting game


>> No.3567000

>Its a game
>You fight fools
>Its not a fighting game

>> No.3567103
File: 112 KB, 651x1000, 200px-Ff6relmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>annoying underage girl is the most game breaking party member
>name one time this has been true in the history of everything

>> No.3567140

There are several characters in FF6 who are more powerful than her.

>> No.3567156

She's honestly not that annoying and she's only game breaking in the literal sense with the sketch bug.

>> No.3567228


>> No.3567241

>racist asshole from /pol/
>starts a shitposting thread with a neo nazi icon

>> No.3567249

>Blow your brains out, f*ggot


>> No.3567250

>neo nazi icon
literally what

>> No.3567560

>90s platformer
>mascot with attitude

I am surprised so few retraux platformers don't use this trope, ironically or not.

>> No.3567584

haha i love memes

>> No.3568281

/pol thinks they own pepe now. Yes, they've become even more retarded. Shocking isn't it?

>> No.3568298
File: 69 KB, 300x264, 1399767524736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of /vr/, get out of 4chan, get off the internet, get out of my house, get out of my country!

>> No.3569926

>streets of rage

>> No.3570038

>streets of rage
overrated shit

>> No.3570268

The issue is Xenoblade had horrendous companion AI. It can't handle tanking with Reyn/Dunban at all, so I was constantly ripping aggro away if I tried playing DPS. Had to spend 80% of the game as the tank as a result. Then it became clear that the AI also can't fucking handle using Melia either and only seemed competent at pulling off positional attacks with Shulk and the rest. Shame too, because Melia seems like she's really fun to use.

>> No.3570272

It's for the better. It now being a hate symbol will make it drop off in popularity with normalfags.

>> No.3570276
File: 165 KB, 350x465, Aht.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3570285

Had to reverse image search to figure out who that was.
>Radiant Historia
Holy shit that game was bad.

>> No.3570287

Most people seem to go into this game thinking you need a tank/healer/DPS setup. But what you really need is a setup that is good as hell at doing topple-locking.

Dunban/Shulk while you play as Melia.

The game just cannot deal with the buttraping it causes.

>> No.3570304

>Holy shit that game was bad.
What? Please elaborate on your shit taste.

>> No.3570390

a-are those panties

>> No.3571191

a-are you underage?

>> No.3571195

Oi oi, it wasn't a -great- game but it certainly was not bad.

No, it's a tiny skirt, Aht's a satyr.

>> No.3571229
File: 46 KB, 500x350, Meru-Info.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch from Legend of Dragoon.

>> No.3572109

>tfw Meru and a bunch of other JRPG jailbait crushes used to be way older than you now it'd be creepy if you tried getting with her

This getting old shit is for the birds

>> No.3572130

Her polygonal model was hideous