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3563620 No.3563620 [Reply] [Original]

Setting up a surround sound system and realized that some SNES games and some N64 games take advantage of this.

I know Ocarina of Time specifically has a sound option you can switch to surround.

I keep reading conflicting reports about needing "dolby pro-logic" and other shit I don't understand.

Does anyone on here know if this receiver will handle N64 surround?


My N64 is using RGB.

>> No.3563650

Your receiver has Dolby Pro-Logic IIz, an enhanced and improved version of Dolby Pro-Logic.

The extra channels are encoded in the regular analog stereo signals that are sent through the composite cables, but if the receiver (e.g. your TV) doesn't support Pro Logic it will just play the stereo left/right channels and ignore the others. If you hook it up the a Pro Logic receiver it will be able to decode the extra channels.

Once decoded you had left and right stereo, a center channel, and a very limited mono rear channel. Pretty impressive for the time. The Water Temple was a great place to check it out as you would hear falling water all around you from the rear channels.

While most AV preamps can decode Dolby Pro Logic today, it is not considered the best format for surround sound, as there are both lossless and lossy codec, such as Dolby TrueHD, DTS Master Audio and even Dolby Digital that do a better job with surround effects, specifically providing less compression to the sound and allowing discrete audio for each of the 7.1 channels in a system.

>> No.3563652

So the N64 will give me surround sound even if the receiver only has Dolby Pro-Logic IIz?

>> No.3563721

yes any DPL and up receiver can handle retro surround.

>> No.3563771

Yeah, anything new should handle it just fine.

It's kind of cool to think of the N64 in surround sound.

>> No.3563785

I have an N64 and SNES with an av receiver and 5.1 speakers. Some games do it much better than others. DPL2 in 6th gen does a much better job but DPL is still pretty damn cool.

>> No.3563790

Xbox even had discrete, real time surround sound.
Win 9x games also have surround formats but it can be tricky running them on newer systems.

>> No.3564265

I know Wii and Wii U also have good surround sound with games like Smash Bros.

Gamecube as well.