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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3563281 No.3563281 [Reply] [Original]

This was the third wheel of fourth gen, and unlike the later generations that had three active game consoles, it did not seem like the Turbografx had any generation defining games. I have large libraries for both the SNES and Genesis/Mega Drive, but I only own five titles for the Turbo (via the Wii VC).

Most of the games for this console seem to be shmups, a genre I suck at.

What games on the Turbo stack up with the best of the two 16-bit titans? I have played Star Parodier, Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, Detana Twin Bee, Bomberman 94, and Ys Book 1 and 2. They are all fun games. Star Parodier is a great beginner level shmup, probably the genre's equivalent of Super Mario RPG. Rondo of Blood is easily within the Top 3 installments in the Castlevania franchise. Bomberman 94 is a great fun multiplayer game, and probably the best game in the series of the fourth generation. Ys Book 1 and 2 was probably one of the first (if not the first) game to actually show the potential of the CD-format in regards to gaming and has a great soundtrack (composed by Yuzo Koshiro no less).

Is there any other Turbo titles on the Wii's VC that are also great (excluding shmups)?

>> No.3563324

I had a TG16 growing up as well as the Genesis and Super Nintendo, I honestly liked each sysytem about as equally. The Bonks Adventure games are pretty fun, I thought they were as good as Sonic or Mario desu. The Devils Crush and Alien Crush pinball games are the best pinball games on 16bit, easily. Bloody Wolf is a great run'n'gun game in the vein of the Contra games but more realistic. Also even though you said you didn't like games like it, Blazing Lazers I cannot rec. enough, it is my favorite space shooter from that era..

>> No.3563330

Get New Adventure Island

>> No.3563394

I have looked into it. What makes it special over other Adventure Island games? It seems like a cookie cutter installment.

Are the Bonk games really exceptional when stacked against the likes of the original 2D Marios (the NES trilogy + World), the NES and SNES Kirby games, the DKC trilogy, Yoshi's Island, and the Mega Drive/Genesis Sonic games.

>> No.3563810

Bonk 1 is pretty fun, Bonk 2 is fantastic, Bonk 3 is pedestrian.

>> No.3563867

Do you know Japanese? Like the Saturn, most of the worthwhile titles are Japan-only, because like the Saturn, the console was a bit of a flop in the West.

>> No.3563875

what titles

>> No.3563895

Dungeon Explorer
Dragon's Curse
Ninja Spirit

>> No.3563954
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OP here. I heard most of the Turbografx games on the Wii Virtual Console actually have resolution and audio problems. Is this true?

I heard the later ones released did not have this problem though. It might explain why I did not see any problems with any of the Turbo games I picked up.

>> No.3564889

No one?

>> No.3564909

No, it's not.

>> No.3564927

Well i suppose they've only got themselves to blame when they left the best game in japan.

>> No.3565141

The best tennis game ever made was on the PCE. At least until Virtua Tennis, it indeed was the best.

I've played 'em all. Final Match Tennis is simply the best. Way better than its sequels on the SNES and PSX to boot.

>> No.3565340

TG was the 4th wheel champ. It went SFC, PCE, MD, all the rest.

Careful there. Post like that are likely to stir up the monolingual basement trolls who insist that anything they can't read can't be good. And they're like bedbugs. Once they infest a thread the best option is to just move.

>> No.3565569

This console was like Chrono Trigger to me, in that I've seen it mentioned here and there in different sites and one day I finally decided to check it out

It does seem like it has a lot of shoot em ups, there is also the nuetopias

>> No.3565724
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>> No.3567619

Lots of great games, especially the CD based stuff. Legendary Axe was great as well.

>> No.3567856

>implying TG and PCE are any different

>> No.3568348

>being too retarded to know they are
>b-b-but they're the same in muh emulator

>> No.3568397


>> No.3569152

>being even more retarded than i though
>being too retarded to count pins

>> No.3569831

I've been looking to get into Rainbow Islands and related series for a long time now. Tried Parasol Stars, but it was a single-screen arcade action—not my cup of tea exactly. Are there any installments which play more like console platformers, i.e. SMB, Kirby and so on?

>> No.3569841
File: 316 KB, 640x480, PC-Engine-Turbo-Duo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my PC-Engine Duo recapped and what should i play next?

>> No.3569862

Bonze Adventure
Liquid Kids
NewZealand Story

>> No.3569867


And are there any Rainbow Islands platformers? I can find surprisingly little info on the series, I thought HG101 would have an article on it.

>> No.3570485

What games on the Turbo stack up with the best of the two 16-bit titans?

There's a decent amount of killer PCE games

>Rondo of Blood
>Ys IV
>Legend of Xanadu I and II (translations will be released soon)
>New Adventure Island
>Soldier Blade
>Ninja Spirit
>Liquid Kids
>River City Ransom (remake)
>Blazing Lazers/Gunhed
>Bonk 2
>Air Zonk
>Wonder Boy III Dragon Trap (60 fps and battery save)
>Galaga 88
>SonSon II
>Parasol Stars
>Ninja Gaiden (slightly easier remake, purists hate it)

Download and Override are the two highest quality "easy" shooters on the system

>> No.3570498

Legendary Axe 1 is great. It has its faults, but the best thing about it is the combat. It requires specific tactics for each enemy and the fully charged strike is one of the most satisfying attacks in gaming history.

>> No.3570689
File: 30 KB, 420x280, 1426813756655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't like shmups
>"not seem like the Turbografx had any generation defining games"
>had the GOTY of the year 1989
>lists one of the best videogames ever created (RoB)

Ur a faget

>> No.3571678

The final boss was so threatening and cool :)

Take castlevania's final boss and make him fill the screen

>> No.3571683

You mention this a lot on here

Could you explain why? I know final match tennis has a cult following in France but that's about it

>> No.3571945

Sure. They're all platformers. Just not the kind of platformers that you want. kek. There's no scrolling games in the series.

>> No.3571983

>There's no scrolling games in the series.
Oh well… I was really hoping for something like it.

It's a case of a series I love for the looks, but the gameplay is just not for me.