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3563043 No.3563043 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this? Got a copy of it today, I'm loving it so far. Looks like SoTN but plays like the original Castlevania. I like it.

>> No.3563048

Inferior to Rondo of Blood in most ways; the controls are stiff, the enemy placement and level design are bullshit, and only one playable character.

>> No.3563051

controls are the same as rondo, fuck off

also maria is for casuals

>> No.3563052


This is the most common opinion on this game, but I actually think it can be viewed as an addendum to Rondo, rather than "le bad port" meme.
The controls are just what you'd expect from a classicvania. The enemy placement and enemy design is challenging (unlike Rondo which for the most part is too easy) and has a bunch of new bosses that are fun to fight. Also replay value because of different paths. No playable loli though, but you can rescue her (and it's a lot harder than rescuing her on Rondo).

If you never played Rondo, you should play it before this one. But if you liked it, then you should go back to Dracula X.
A solid entry in the series that's strangely a bit underrated.

>> No.3563086

They "feel" noticeably different. Richter walks slower, has a much more stiff jump, etc. And sure, Maria is easier, but playing as her lets you explore levels more thoroughly and gives replay value to the game overall.

>The enemy placement and enemy design is challenging (unlike Rondo which for the most part is too easy) and has a bunch of new bosses that are fun to fight.
There's challenging design, and then there's bullshit like placing spear guards - who have RIDICULOUS reach and can deflect thrown items, no less - near staircases and platform edges. The game is a major step back from all control and level design improvements that the other 16-bit titles brought to the table.

>> No.3563174
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>can deflect thrown items

Use Holy Water. Or the flame whip which has a RIDICULOUS reach.

I think you're exaggerating, Castlevania 1 and III have a lot more "bullshit" moments than Dracula X does.
Also, Castlevania isn't known for having fast walk controls, and the jump feels alright to me.

>> No.3563239

the control is the same right down to the moon walking, back flip, and extended whip but the physics are off and collision is wonky.

>> No.3563253

Examples of physics and collision issues? Played it a few times and didnt notice anything wrong

>> No.3563276

Can't use it when they're above you. The clocktower level was hell because of that.

>> No.3563295

Say what you want but Rondo is a huge clusterfuck in terms of level design, enemies, music and other stuff, it's like a fangame. Dracula X looks more polished with well placed music and gothic styled stages.

>> No.3564278

t. contrarian faggot

>> No.3564289
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One of the features that Rondo introduced was being able to jump while on stairs. Just jump and use your whip efficiently and it won't be as hard.
I had a tougher time with the medusa heads.

>> No.3564295

Love how kids are so narrow-minded and deny reality to justify the garbage they played.

>> No.3564307


If you think either Rondo or Dracula X are garbage, you're fooling yourself. Both are great, with their own flaws but still great above the average games.

But what can you do, Castlevania /vr/ threads are just like that.

>> No.3564792

Dracula X is probably the Castlevania sequel that best captures the feel and gameplay of the original NES game. I honestly prefer the overall straightforward design of it.

How much did you end up paying for It? I sold my boxed copy awhile back for around $250. I kinda miss having it but I needed the cash at the time.

>> No.3564807

Just emulate the fucking thing.

>> No.3564935

Dracula X isn't even the same game as Rondo.

>> No.3564942

Which ones directly tie into SOTN?

Bloodlines, and what else? Alucard didn't know who Richter was but knew the Belmonts

>> No.3564954
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Castlevania 3

>> No.3564956

Why do all the roms come with a cheat menu

>> No.3564959

dracula-kun is alucard's adventures as a kid

>> No.3564995

Rondo=5years later=> SOTN =Years/Decades later=> OOE = Decades later => Bloodlines
>Now games that directly tie-in with SOTN
Rondo is the closest one, Castlevania 3 has Alucard and on SOTN you fight the fake versions of the other protagonists, Aria of Sorrow/Dawn of Sorrow because Alucard is there.
>Games that are loosely-tied in.
Curse of Darkness because Trevor is there
Bloodlines only because Eric has the Alucard Spear (the only relation i could find)
PoR because the spirit of the whip is Richter

>> No.3565000

Where do you download those? all the ones that i download don't have one.

>> No.3567482

What is the exact deal with Lecarde family owning Alucard's spear? Are there any subtle hints or straight answers on the possibility of Alucard creating an offspring before his slumber to make sure that there will be family strong enough to keep Dracula in check while Belmont family stays dormant?

>> No.3567506

It's sort of vaguely implied that Sonia banged Alucard and the rest of the Belmont's are descendents of Dracula. But that's Legends which is retconned anyway.

>> No.3567516

disagree. chronicles is the pinnacle of the original nes feel. rondo is my favorite vania, but it's much closer to the nu-vanias than the old.

>> No.3567520

Okay then, but games not considered canon by IGA aside, even if we assume that best SOTN ending is the right one and that Maria stopped Alucard from going into the slumber and banged him (Alucard directly said before that the cursed bloodline should end with him, hinting he had no prior children), what were Lecardes doing before the 20th century? Neither Alucard nor them are even mentioned during OoE events, Belmonts are dispersed, and Ecclesia is called the last hope of humanity. I guess initially devs really didn't care about coherent whole picture and timeline while adding next games in random eras, then tried to shoddily patch it together to find a good excuse for the lack of Belmonts in Rondo.

>> No.3567532

the belmont's were ostracized from normal society because of how powerful they are

simon is a fucking legend, presumably a scary dude. strong as fuck, over 6ft tall and can jump over his own height, wields a magical whip and proficient with a bunch of other weapons. part of rondo's plot was richter being uncertain if he could live up to the legend

>> No.3567547

Sorry, I meant lack of Belmonts in Bloodlines, not Rondo. What I meant was that there was some sort of prophecy that forbade any Belmont living after Richter to even touch the Vampire Killer until the times of Julius. Which means that between 1796 and 1999 the humanity had to struggle and come up with different ways of defeating Dracula (Ecclesia, Lecarde family, Morris family...). It was never explained what was that prophecy about though and what would happen if Belmonts would disregard it and join they fray anyway.

>> No.3567572

well partly this was IGA's attempt to connect castlevania to bram stoker's dracula by introducing the morris family as descendants of the belmonts. but because john isn't a pure-blood belmont, using the whip causes him to lose strength and causes him to die at the end. it's similar to the curse dracula puts on simon in castlevania 2 - it's there because then there can be a plot, and john morris dies in the book after stabbing dracula, allowing harker to cut off his head