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File: 315 KB, 552x406, bad snip from a niconico video.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3562017 No.3562017 [Reply] [Original]

how would you translate the double congratulations at the top? Would you just omit the double usage, or reuse it in another way? Assuming translation to english here.

>> No.3562020

I'd omit one of them due to redundancy.

>> No.3562043


If the original is westaboo then you can be weeaboo.

>> No.3562045

Translate the Congratulations as Omedetôgozaimasu.

>> No.3562098


I considered this but didn't think it would make sense the way that it does in Japanese. Like, it's normal for them to hear English because it's cool, but aside from something like 'katana' or 'sushi' it's not so normal to hear Japanese stuff in an English thing.

>> No.3562104

Just translate it to Italian: "congratulazioni"

Sort of like how in Sonic Adventure 2 they translated "Adios" to "Sayonara" but less stupid and random.

>> No.3562125

It will please every Evangelion fan.

>> No.3562391

Either omit it, or translate the second one to Well Done!

>> No.3562394

Seconding this. It'd also be more in-character for mario.

>> No.3562398

Something like "Congratulations! You made it!" maybe? what does the sence say, btw? (I dunno any jav)

>> No.3562403


>> No.3562423

>I dunno any jav
MDB-678 is my latest favorite.

>> No.3562430

I shouldn't have searched for that. It only lead to members of the German parliament.

Congratulations. All problems/questions on level 1 have been cleared.

>> No.3562440

Oh my god, the fact that you even have to ask means you're autistic. It doesn't matter.

>> No.3562445

not OP speaking: Man, I've seen so many bad localizations. Asking for ideas on translation problems really isn't a shame.

>> No.3562462

No, but this particular case is so trivial that it is in fact very shameful. If this guy is having a hiccup over whether he should translate redundant phrases or not, he shouldn't be doing it. This guy is one step away from putting keikaku translator notes.

>> No.3562504
File: 1.30 MB, 200x150, Awesome kid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mizuno Asahi
>Uehara Ai

>> No.3562507

You're a fucking idiot, fan-translators have come across the same situation before and talked about it openly, nothing wrong with that in the least.

Quit projecting your own autism onto others and kill yourself my man.

>> No.3562521

No, you kill yourself and take your own life.

>> No.3562530

Is this part of the campaign to drive translations out of /vr/?

>> No.3562916

OP here, I think it's just one bored guy actually.

It's an interesting idea to translate it with Italian equivalent, I like that as it makes a good twist on the original message/intent for the English speaking audience. However, I just don't know if I could see Nintendo proper translating it and putting Italian words in there, even if they are pretty implied as to their meaning. They do like 'mamma mia' and stuff but not much more beyond that and Italian food words. That's why I think "Congratulations! Well done." is probably how they'd do it.

I dunno, it's interesting to postulate on how translations should be done. It helps you to see different sides of the problem which can help with developing a personal style, among other things. Even if it is a minor thing like this screen text.

>> No.3562947

You've done very well/a nice job or some shit like that

>> No.3562953

You'd probably have to cut one of the congratulations just to fit the English translation in the text box.

>> No.3562998
File: 152 KB, 359x414, 1444990062224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't bother translating it at all because nobody plays Mario for the story in the first place.

>> No.3563036

>I wouldn't bother translating it because I can't and don't even know where that pic is from

>> No.3563056
File: 625 KB, 957x960, 1350187647297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh god oh god he's right nobody cares about a turtlephobic plumber

>> No.3563065

I don't know and I'm uncertain.

>> No.3563248

You might be right about that, I'm rather clueless on SNES text insertions though.

>> No.3564281

My dad is a translator for Nintendo he said they would translate it as "Double Conglatulation!"

So there you go.

>> No.3564296

>congratulations in english and japanese
You translate it as rōmaji Japanese at the top and Congratulations underneath, to match the Japanese version having English at the top and Japanese underneath.

Fucking duh.

>> No.3565197

>maximum damage control
Perfect description of your post monolinguallad. Point to the place on the doll where the nasty plumber touched you.

>> No.3565803

Oh sure, because English speakers are so used to seeing some huge OMEDETOUGOZAIMASU in their everyday lives, right? It's not like English has fucking invaded Japanese and is widely used as the "cool language" over there, right?

Going for the italian Congratulations is a nice solution, but I dont think I ever heard Mario say it. What about spanish (maybe also in italian) BRAVO? Gets the different language message and is extensivley used in English.

>> No.3565826

I would cut everything out except "Congratulations!", and I would make it spell that out one character at a time, v...e...r...y ... s...l...o...w...l...y.

>> No.3565839

...I was joking? Pointing out how ridiculous it is to say the same thing in two languages in the JP version? Hello?

The real way to translate it, seriously, is just to say "Congratulations", in English, once. End of discussion.

>> No.3565961

Put Mama Mia. Expresses the emphasis of saying it twice with something Mario would say anyway. Shoehorning another language in just because the Japanese does it is not something I see in a lot of professional localizations.

>> No.3566184

If you only put Congratulations you're omitting some meaning without reason.

>> No.3566208

>What about spanish (maybe also in italian) BRAVO? Gets the different language message and is extensivley used in English.
Only correct solution. Foreign word without sounding weird, same as the original.

>> No.3566485

>Very nice.

>> No.3567778

What game?

>> No.3567896

Mario's Super Picross

>> No.3568836

This. You might need the extra space anyway.

>> No.3568948

No need, Mario is obviously not Japanese so it kinda makes sense for them but not us. Omit the redundancy