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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 121 KB, 951x611, sega_v_s_nintendo_by_supersonicdude91-d39es6n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
355989 No.355989 [Reply] [Original]

Sega Vs. Nintendo. Which is better? I'm personally going Nintendo for my love of the SNES and N64. What does /vr/ think?

>> No.356012


>> No.356006

>people ever thought sega was better

>> No.356032

Why would you make a shitty thread OP?

>> No.356059

Why do you gag on black cocks faggot? This has everything to do with vintage gaming, so yeah, up your buddy.

>> No.356064

>picking sides and missing out on a ton of good games
>the 90's


>> No.356070

no need to get so upset, kid. it's a shitty thread because it's no contest.

>> No.356080

Are we allowed to weigh in where the two companies are today?

>> No.356082

This again? Jesus Christ.

>> No.356098

Turbografx for life.

>> No.356101


>> No.356110
File: 20 KB, 320x240, YoshisStory_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to love this game as a kid. 2D game with old school nintendo-tier quality controls, the levels are exuberant and creative, almost artistic. Everything on it was so unique, too bad they never released any other platform game like it.

>> No.356114

Why would somebody voluntarily miss out on an entire library of games because of faggot fanboyness? That's not /vr/

>> No.356153


I just wish it wasn't so easy. I wanted a hard mode or something because I really enjoyed playing it.

>> No.356167

Agreed, great game.

The music is kinda weird, but I liked it.

>> No.356176

Pretty great game, but the controls were god awful

>> No.356185

I like both systems, but I will go out and say that Mario is by far the superior mascot character.

>> No.356201

I love the Sega Genesis and Sega games more than Nintendo

However Nintendo is overall better

Both are fucking awesome

>> No.356203

If I had to pick one it would be Nintendo. They've just made so many more things worth playing.

>> No.356240 [SPOILER] 
File: 31 KB, 180x210, Bonk_1276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose NEC

>> No.356342


>> No.356345

console war is over you can most likely afford both now or even emulate them

>> No.356513

third. ed.

>> No.356732

Nintendo is obviously better, but there is some strange charm in Sega that i cant describe...

>> No.356790

Both of them had good shit on their consoles, but Nintendo ended up beating them on every gen. Especially 5 and 3.

>> No.356820

There's nothing to compare, Nintendo had the best system (SNES) and the better games

>> No.356837

pretty much shit
Gigantic power drains, cannot compete with Nintendium

Sonic 1>Mario 1
Sonic 2>Mario Bros 2
Mario 3> Sonic 3
Knuckles ??????

SNES was better than master system, and though amazing, the Dreamcast cant compete at all with the 64

>> No.356869

>SNES was better than master system

That's...quite a generational gap.

>> No.356881

>the Dreamcast cant compete at all with the 64

Which had the better version of Vigilante 8 2nd Offense?

You COMPLETELY lost me with your comment.

>> No.356885

Yay. Another pointless console war thread pushing actual topics off the board. Kill yourselves. Or go back to /v/. Whichever.

>> No.356890

Also had a better version of Mortal Kombat 4.

>> No.356905

Also, superior Hydro Thunder and Rush 2049

>> No.356961

Sega and Nintendo's rivalry is what gave the extra publicity boost that console gaming needed to be successful beyond Atari standards. Any kid with a 2600 would've quickly swapped it for any graphically-advanced arcade cabinet. The fan-base of both franchises pushed them to compete for supremacy, leading to the creation of memorable characters and unique gameplay mechanics that couldn't be utilized by previous home consoles. Through trial and error both Nintendo and Sega re-invented how we played video games. Though Nintendo may be the bigger company now, 20 years ago Sega was just as huge.

tl;dr I grew up with a Playstation.

>> No.359289

SEGA was cool but come on, NINTENDOMINATION

>> No.359337

I used to be a nintendo fan back in the day. Then I grew up and stopped caring about console wars and started hating Nintendo and it's autistic fans that are stuck in their childhood forever.

>> No.359343

>comparing an snes with a master system
You should go to bed, you have high school in the morning

>> No.359348

Sega made the better consoles, Nintendo made the better handhelds.

>> No.359349

NES/SMS/SNES/GEN are all ~ equal for me.

Nintendo easily wins out on everything else.

There were no winners in N64/Saturn.

>> No.359354

>itt: nintendrone central

Sega is just misunderstood

>> No.359894

NES/FC vs SMS - nintendo by far
arcades - sega by far
SNES/SFC vs GEN/MD - nintendo by a little bit
GB/GBC vs GG - nintendo by far
N64 vs Saturn - nintendo by a little bit

>> No.359908

Oh boy, it's our daily Sega vs Nintendo thread.../vr/ is getting old already

>> No.359943

Did you make that image in MS Paint? It's fucking atrocious. How does someone fuck up on such a level?

>> No.359975


>implying thinking one company's product is better than the other means using one product exclusively.

Are you serious? How else would we be able to come to a decision?

>> No.360074

nintendo is "better" but sega is more creative.

>> No.360159

>Why would somebody voluntarily miss out on an entire library of games because of faggot fanboyness? That's not /vr/

Well as children in 90's we didn't have the money to buy our own systems. Our parents would in most cases only buy one system, not the other. So fanboyism was encouraged.

>> No.361965


>> No.363548

Both have games I enjoy so I dont care for the console wars... and all those systems deliver on differnt levels.

>> No.363563

But by now you're an adult, and you realize that great games existed on all platforms, so there's no more need to be a fanboy and start retarded VS threads on 4chan.

>> No.363614

If I had to pick just one, I'd probably go with Sega. It's still a hard choice though.

>> No.363858

Don't make me choose, I was a spoiled child so I had SNES, Sega Saturn, and N64. I loved all of them in their own special way. But if I had to choose I'd pick Nintendo solely because I love the SNES.

>> No.363895

Hard for me to say. I grew up on the Game Boy Color and Genesis/Dreamcast, but I'd have to say Sega.

>> No.363957

Sega was so meaningless that people don't even know the difference between a master system and a megadrive.
Some games were nice though.

>> No.364027
File: 124 KB, 553x646, climbing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best consoles for each generation

3rd generation = NES
4th generation = SNES
5th generation = PSX
6th generation = PS2
7th generation = All are shit

I see no Sega console

>> No.366242

Sega Master System was superior hardware, NES had more games.