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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3556995 No.3556995 [Reply] [Original]

Y'all ever play Drakkhen?

I played it, years ago, and I adored the feel and atmosphere of the game. It feels so eerie and alien.

Are there any other games that have a similar sort of eerie, alien, somehow lonely atmosphere?

>> No.3557042

I haven't played Drakkhen, but I remember not understanding how the game was played when I first tried it as a kid.

I did however play its supposed sequel which was Dragon View, I believe. It was amazing but the emulator glitched on me. It's definitely a game I'd buy if it was ever re-released.

Reading this thread makes me want to give Drakkhen another try.

>> No.3557047

I mean I only played Drakkhen once*

>> No.3557049

I remember playing Dragon View after I got through Drakkhen. IIRC I was just disappointed by it.

I mean, don't get me wrong, Dragon View's not necessarily a bad game, but it just lacked all of the charm, the atmosphere, the feel of Drakkhen. It just felt like a generic JRPG that happened to have an overworld mode that mimicked Drakkhen.

>> No.3557258


>> No.3558385

Archives here we come!

>> No.3558547

>play drakken as a kid
>no idea what the fuck is going on
>play drakken as an adult
>kinda sorta get it
>get through the castle
>told to go east
>get lost
>flying wolf head comes out of the sky
>back to castle
>come across a puddle of water
I will not trouble your trip to the archive.

>> No.3558987

This game is weird shit, I love it

>> No.3559093

oh its that 7/11 game

>> No.3559318


Is that the game where you play that women who can fly a dragon?

>> No.3559324

Quake, Daggerfall

>> No.3559327

Game Grumps was fun once.

>> No.3561629

I don't understand why this game gets the hate that it does. Sure I had to have my mom call the Nintendo Power hotline twice for me to beat it, but I've played much worse games.

>> No.3561645

No that's Drakan.