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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3549801 No.3549801 [Reply] [Original]

Haha, for 'some' reason, a thread i created to discuss SotN, which barely resembles the one created for AlttP, was removed. I don't want to think that some moderator went full retard, so i'll think it was because of some strange bug and create it again.

The controls, the setting, the music, the retro feel... Can we all admit that this game is perfect?

>> No.3549812

There is already a SOTN thread and another CV thread. And your attempt at forced meme is not funny. Fuck off.

>> No.3549835
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>There is already a SOTN thread
Actually there isn't
>and another CV thread
That never stopped creating new threads about different games of the same franchise
>And your attempt at forced meme is not funny
Do you want to close 4chan?

Are you the one they call 'australia-kun', or maybe you don't enjoy games with exploration and rpg features? Sotn is quite different from classic CV, which is the only thing that gets ever discussed here.

>> No.3549839

I fucking love Symphony of the Night. A lot of the music is good. The repetition in the second half of the game is kind of annoying, though.

The entire genre is basically my crack.

>> No.3549851

The music is fantastic, probably the first game 'feature' that hooks you. What do you think of the saturn version? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRmpU0RZOdU

>> No.3549857

Cotm was my first Metroidvania. Tried to get into SoTN and i just cant.

>> No.3549869
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>mfw walking out of the room right when I finally got a schmoo to drop the Crisaegrim

>> No.3549884

Mods deleted it because it's a shitposting bait thread, just like the Halo thread.

>> No.3549891

>Classicvanias can't handle different tastes.
Not my problem. Just ignore the thread, there is even a feature for that
Doesn't take that much. There is a room in which slashing and returning takes like 1.5 seconds. Not even a minute until you get it.

>> No.3549925

You think that's bad? I once walked out right when Heaven's Sword dropped, with no ring of Arcana or luck potion.

>> No.3550542

>the retro feel
Define this

>> No.3550678

SotN is one of my favorite games of all time, but it's far from perfect.
>tons of empty corridors with a couple of pushover enemies
>enemy placement in general is super messy
>balance is a joke even if you purposefully avoid ridiculously OP weapons like Crissaegrim
>99% of the items you pick up are complete junk