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File: 25 KB, 405x300, Umihara+Kawase++2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
354607 No.354607[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, let's have another Umihara Kawase thread for no particular reason other than the new 3DS game getting a gameplay trailer for us to drool over.

>> No.354638

Whaa!? There is a trailer?

>> No.354687

Ah, how thoughtless of me. I forgot to include the link to the newly updated official website that some may have not seen yet.

Now we can get some discussion going!

>> No.354745
File: 26 KB, 431x515, umiha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my goodness

>> No.354996


They are really going all out with this one.

I like how you can now apparently damage the Tadpole boss on your own instead of having to wait it out.

>> No.355021
File: 330 KB, 600x800, umihara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me it's going to have a level editor and you can share them, rate them, etc. Does 3DS actually have any networking? I don't know dick about it.

I guess if this comes out here I might have to buy a 3DS, there's SMTIV also. Is there region locking on the 3DS? Is that a stupid question?

>> No.355072

Sadly, the 3DS is the first handheld Nintendo has region locked. I don't want to think about how slim the chances are of this game ever coming to the west.

>> No.355619


I think all that's known for the online gameplay is that you can compete with other people's times and download their replays.

>> No.355714
File: 110 KB, 509x382, Sayonara Umihara Kawase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know whether I like the idea of extra characters or not, and about the fact that boss battles seem to be, well, battles.

Also, just to remind that this archive exists and will be updated when more resources are found.


>> No.355740

>Sadly, the 3DS is the first handheld Nintendo has region locked.
DSi was region locked as well, but only for DSi stuff.

>> No.355873
File: 455 KB, 920x673, character_chara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trailer music sounds awesome. The new characters also seem to fit the overall look.

>> No.355983

I'm currently playing the snes version on my psp. This shit is hard.

>> No.356013

oh man this game looks more intense and more fun. I wonder if the characters have any differences. I hope this gets released here in the U.S.
if it does, day one purchase.

>> No.356024
File: 124 KB, 256x224, anigif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And shit will get harder as you go on, but there's nothing like starting to get good at this series.

>> No.356030
File: 62 KB, 576x1686, 355204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that, I pre-ordered the game already and I intend to get Japanese 3DS just for this shit.

>> No.356205

Same here.

>> No.356780
File: 41 KB, 400x240, l_515d8b08505ab[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man. That is one violent fish. Famitsu site: http://www.famitsu.com/news/201304/04031465.html

>> No.356804

Fucking Famitsum always plastering their logos everywhere. Oh well, these images will be available later on other news sites without those markings.

>> No.356816

0, get ready to import a 3DS as well.

>> No.356863
File: 31 KB, 905x441, kawasemap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nine years old
>has B-cups

Damn it Japan

>> No.356982

nah, 35 wasn't that hard.
though that may be just because I got there from 25 with one life and was sweating my ass off not to fuck it up

>> No.357009

So how do you read 横山埜鼓?

Yokoyama Yako?

>> No.357029

Yokosan Notsuzumi

But it may any of the kanji possibilities until there some sort of official confirmation.

>> No.357163



>> No.357430

Why did they have to use models in the newest game? They look so bad.

>> No.357738

Yeah, I loved the Paper Mario aesthetic of Shun.

>> No.358269

Whoa, yeah, it does look bad. Wtf. Never mind, I'll go back to my PS1, thankyouverymuch.

>> No.358321
File: 117 KB, 237x493, 5gg4g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


B-but lolis!

>> No.358341

Damn it japan, stop forcing me to learn Japanese.

>> No.358352

>pig disgusting 3D loli's
no thank you

>> No.358358

doesn't qualify if they're 3D, yo.

Nice chara art, but if the ingame model is shit then fuck me. >>356780 That seriously looks like shit, I can't believe they wouldn't do nice 2D with a shitload of frames. Looks like ass, like a bad Dreamcast game honestly.

>> No.358371

There's absolutely no japanese needed to play this game.

>> No.358478

dat ahoge

>> No.358480


Please stop shitting up this thread, you don't sound like the types who care much about gameplay so Umihara Kawase was never for you to begin with.

>> No.358535

Nigga, wait til I get home from work. I have played the shit out of Umihara. Don't be judging just because our opinions differ. Why would I be playing Umihara? It's not an animu moe paradise, it's the Bionic Commando game I never knew I wanted.

>> No.358571
File: 46 KB, 790x753, 8299739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not an animu moe paradise, it's the Bionic Commando game I never knew I wanted.

Why can't it be both?

>> No.358598
File: 167 KB, 600x600, um1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it is or can be. I was just rustled that >>358480 couldn't deal with opinions.

>> No.358641


I agree with your opinion that the 3D looks like shit. However, I fail to see any reason why whining over it is excusable considering another sequel is something nobody could have seen coming

>> No.358697

I heard a rumor that if you 100% beat Umihara Kawase (every level, every exit), without cheating, Kawase herself will appear in a dream and congratulate you.

Any truth to the rumor? I guess tonight I find out!

>> No.359209


I can't figure out what goals I need to meet to unlock the art on the DS game...

>> No.359315

It's just that the game looks like it was made by amateurs. I can't believe a company is presenting this as a near-finished product when it looks like a student made tribute at best. Visuals should never be prioritized over gameplay, but I want a quality video game that developers spent time polishing.

>> No.359963

>It's just that the game looks like it was made by amateurs
Amateurs wouldn't be able to make game like this. Did you even see the physics?

>> No.360143

>that kid

>> No.361242

I'll translate the achievements when I get home.

>> No.361415


A big thank you in advance, I've been dying to know this myself.

>> No.361720

Illustration Gallery
①「海腹川背・旬」で幕間イラストを閲覧 See the inbetween level illustration
②「海腹川背・旬」で幕間イラストを閲覧 same
③「海腹川背・旬」で幕間イラストを閲覧 same
④「海腹川背・旬」で幕間イラストを閲覧 same
⑤「海腹川背・旬」で幕間イラストを閲覧 same
⑥「海腹川背・旬」で10フィールド到達 reach 10 fields
⑦「海腹川背・旬」で20フィールド到達 reach 20 fields
⑧「海腹川背・旬」で30フィールド到達 reach 30 fields
⑨「海腹川背・旬」で40フィールド到達 reach 40 fields
⑩「海腹川背・旬」で50フィールド到達 reach 50 fields
⑪「海腹川背・旬」のいか戦で全てのいかを捕獲 catch all the squids during the boss battle (can be done in F24 orF40)
⑫「海腹川背・旬」で全てのドアをクリア finish all fields
⑬「海腹川背・旬」でフィールド0にもどる return to F0 (from F56)
⑭「海腹川背・旬」のおたまじゃくし戦で全ての子蛙を捕獲 catch all the frogs that toadpole shits during the boss battle
⑮「海腹川背・旬」で全フィールド到達 reach all fields
⑯「海腹川背・旬」で全てのリュックを捕獲 get all the pink backpacks
⑰「海腹川背・旬」をノーミスでクリア finish the game without dying
⑱「海腹川背・旬」で体に小鳥を3羽同時にとめる have at least 3 birds be at you (just stay in F20 on the first platform next to the rock where you started and wait for a while. the birds will automatically sit on you)
⑲「海腹川背」をクリア finish Umihara Kawase
⑳「海腹川背・旬」でふぐを2回だけ飛ばしてクリア finish the game while hurting fish max twice (this may be wrong so if anyone has got better translation feel free to correct me)

All of these apply to Umihara Kawase Shun except ⑲

>> No.361785

Sound Gallery
① タイトル曲 なし -
② ゲームオーバー なし -
③ 海腹川背・旬「多摩川」 「海腹川背・旬」で15フィールド到達 reach 15 fields
④ 海腹川背・旬「磯」 「海腹川背・旬」で25フィールド到達 reach 25 fields
⑤ 海腹川背・旬「長瀞」 「海腹川背・旬」で35フィールド到達 reach 35 fields
⑥ 海腹川背・旬「浜」 「海腹川背・旬」で45フィールド到達 reach 45 fields
⑦ 海腹川背「川・下流」 「海腹川背・旬」フィールド0を15秒以内にクリア finish F0 in 15 seconds
⑧ 海腹川背「川・上流」 「海腹川背・旬」フィールド0を10秒以内にクリア finish F0 in 10 seconds (*cough cough* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOsc94qHGz8))
⑨ 海腹川背「川・渓流」 「海腹川背・旬」でさめが投げるコバンザメを空中で直接捕獲 catch midair the small fish that shark "throws" at you
⑩ 海腹川背「海・磯」 「海腹川背・旬」でバケツから出たとびうおを3匹とも捕獲 catch the three small fish that jump from the small bucket
⑪ 海腹川背「海・大海原」 「海腹川背・旬」で1度も足を着かずに2画面以上昇る move at least 2 screens up without touching the ground (would be much appreciated if anyone knew where you can actually do this)
⑫ 海腹川背「海・波止場」 「海腹川背・旬」で敵にルアーをかけたまま2画面以上移動して捕獲 move 2 to screens with fish hooked on your lure (pretty easy to do in F0)
⑬ 「ときめきが目を覚ましてる」 「海腹川背・旬」をクリア finish Umihara Kawase Shun
⑭ 「空の青さ」 「おさかな図鑑」をコンプリート finish the fish encyclopedia

And that's about it.

>> No.362241

Neat. May I copypaste this into the MediaFire archives?

>> No.362315


>> No.362318

Is there a way to turn off the notification signs in the first few levels of the DS version of Umihara Kawase?

>> No.362326

Yes, go to options and change the third option.

>> No.362335

Thank you.

>> No.362338
File: 221 KB, 600x600, 6722388 - かわせさん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

>> No.362898

>⑱「海腹川背・旬」で体に小鳥を3羽同時にとめる have at least 3 birds be at you
OMG, this is the very last thing I haven't done in Shun, holy shit it's been years.

>> No.362998
File: 155 KB, 458x415, 1364696788825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit, you are a god.

>> No.363038

UK-3DS rope seems alot springier.
Have to say I'm not happy about them keeping the 3D level effect.

>> No.363106

Well that's just you. I'm eager to see how the characters differ from each other, and the 3D is fine.

>> No.363136

The game does seem a bit floatier than normal.

>> No.363181

Fuck squids.

>> No.363195

It's pretty obvious that the new game's going to be a fair bit easier than before.

... But considering how ludicrous Shun was, I have no complaints about that. I doubt I'll ever clear all the exits. ;_;

>> No.363206
File: 70 KB, 1188x1680, Nokko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harder or not, I'm glad to see that we got slew of new stage hazards, especially the spring mat. Then how Emiko and Nokko will play. Nokko's confirmed to have time slowing powers.

>> No.363212
File: 62 KB, 1188x1680, Emiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Emiko is mai musume.

>> No.364947
File: 42 KB, 300x400, 34098191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you remember where you did the ⑪ 海腹川背「海・大海原」achievement?
I thought it would work in 44 but the last jump is downright impossible

>> No.365698

Sorry, like I said, it's been years since I've played it. I haven't even got my PS1 or 2 out since I moved into my house a few years ago.

>> No.365707

Please add this into the mediafire folder so I can look it up later. Plz plz plz.

>> No.365728

>how ludicrous Shun was
Oh come on. If you're an Umihara fan you should be able to actually play the damn game.

>> No.365797

Shun has a shorter rope, that's really hard to get used to when you've been playing the SNES game.

>> No.365892


Where exactly did I say the difficulty prevented me from playing it? I'm roughly 20 fields away from completion.

>> No.365983

Don't forget, 100% completion means every door, not just beating every field.

>> No.365997

Ok, my bad. Shouldn't have been so aggro. I started with Shun and only played the SNES a bit on emu.

Even though I have the cart. Just in storage somewhere.

>> No.366151
File: 3 KB, 258x179, iji face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>owns the cart
>has only played it a little bit

>> No.369513
File: 81 KB, 768x870, 1365116283515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for delicious Umihara

>> No.369827

It's there, and I also updated the Pixiv pack with new images.

>> No.372460

>move at least 2 screens up without touching the ground (would be much appreciated if anyone knew where you can actually do this)

I think there are a handful of fields tall enough to do this, but off the top of my head, F5 would be easiest.

>> No.372510
File: 36 KB, 425x577, Beach_Boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I need to see her with Beach Boy.

>> No.373627
File: 369 KB, 600x800, 15228104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.374390


Because it has a hook too and she could use it too and fuck it Stands are awesome.

>> No.374509

What are you, twelve?

>> No.374606


Let's not do that today.

>> No.374631

The last time somebody suggested something that stupid, like how awesome would it be of Spock was a Jedi, was fucking ten.

>> No.374681


At least Beach Boy is a fishing hook which fits a little. But if you don't think it'd work, that's fine, too.

>> No.374703

Mixing two different things that have no relevancy with each other is like fucking a bull; doing it wrong.

>> No.374718


Well, let's drop it, then.

>> No.375000

>finish the game while hurting fish max twice

Sounds like a pacifist run to me. I'm sure you can hook anything you want so long as they don't end up in your backpack.

>> No.378402
File: 53 KB, 720x480, eGV0eXcyMTI=_o_test-sfc-umihara-kawase[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been following these threads for a while now. Finally played the Super Famicom game for the first time today. Really fun stuff!

>> No.378420

> new 3DS game
> /vr/ - Retro Games
> new
> Retro

>> No.380053

The only thing I don't like in the SFC title is the gray background graphics. Shun got it right with more colourful approach.

>> No.382128

Really? I kinda like the "dreary" atmosphere, it makes it really stand out among other SNES games.

>> No.382180

It really doesn't. A lot of SNES games have similar palette, which almost plagued Japanese titles.

>> No.382380
File: 18 KB, 512x448, UmiharaKawaseJ011[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're supposed to be like old photographs. It feels like the creator put a lot of his childhood/life experiences into designing the game, which is nice. You don't see that very often anymore.

>> No.382824


>> No.383079

Ys V has very dreary look, similar to this.

It's not about the background thou, it's the lack of any sort of vivid colours. All the colours, like the greens and blues there, are very subdued and dull. It's like during late fall, just before the snow sets in.