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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3533217 No.3533217 [Reply] [Original]

Cool genres that are dead or will never again be mainstream.

RTS with no base building. After Ground Control there hasn't really been one.

>> No.3533234
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>beat 'em ups

>> No.3534502
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>> No.3534510
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Why though, WHY

They're not like zero-replayability stuff like point and click adventures or whatever. They're fun, goddammit

>> No.3534516

Why are beat em ups dead exactly? They were super popular in the 90s from what I've heard but there are almost no retro indie beat em ups. Everyone is too busy making platformers.

>Console and handheld puzzle games

Gone are the days of Tetris, Puyo Puyo, and the like on your Game Boy or SNES. Now you can play hundreds of puzzle game levels for free on your mobile. That makes non f2p puzzle games hard to market unless they're plot heavy like Layton.

>> No.3534547

^ Don't know about retro, but Mother Russia Bleeds came out like last month. Probably the most slav game I've ever seen.

>> No.3534563
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>What is total war
underage pls go

>> No.3534603

Fighters were just cheaper to make because you only needed a couple backgrounds at most

Belt scrollers had looooooong maps and needed plenty of variety as a result

>> No.3534719

Life sims had a surge in the 90s and early 2000s but now the only surviving ones are almost all 10+ year old franchises.

>> No.3534720


>inb4 Raiden, the Darius PSP port and indie shovelware

>> No.3534729
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Tank sims.
Vertical scrolling shooters.
Grid based dungeon crawlers.
Arena FPS.
Actual survival horror
Naval strategy
Text adventure

>> No.3534878

You guys remember MMORPGs? Good times. Ever since they came out with human-level AI they just don't bother making them anymore.

>> No.3535123

>Why are beat em ups dead exactly?

Lot of people don't understand the concept of crowd control and end up just running face first into everything mashing the attack button while also using unlimited continues giving them the idea that they're extremely boring after ten minutes.

>> No.3535216

>Complain most rts are without base building on /v/ nowaday
>Complain rts without base building don't exist anymore on /vr/ nowaday

>> No.3535217

>Why are beat em ups dead exactly?

They're not dead, they've just been assimilated into the action/hack and slash formula like DMC, God Hand and so on, actually, there's still a few more or less classic beat em ups coming out once in a blue moon, see the Phantom Breaker game on Vita.
It's pointless to keep making game with the same old archaic formula for years, remember the 4th and 5th gen when everyone and their mother tried making beat em ups? Well, turns out people got tired of those.

>Gone are the days of Tetris, Puyo Puyo, and the like on your Game Boy or SNES.

Are we living in the same world? Because I'm sure as hell both Vita and 3DS have loads of classic puzzle games like Puyo Puyo, Lumines and so on, if you got a JP PSN account you can also get some real good retro stuff like Mr Driller G, Puyo Puyo games, Puzzle Fighter and the likes.

Seems to me you guys have been living in your own bubble instead of talking about dead genres.

>> No.3535240

>inb4 stuff that completely disproves my retarded post wrong

Wow compelling argument you got there lad.




>> No.3535357


I know Puyo Puyo still exists but these types of puzzle games are becoming harder to market.

>> No.3535364

>Tank sims
Have you tried SABoW anon? Did you like it?

>> No.3535365

I dunno, Puyo Tetris sold well and got good reviews.

>> No.3535368

As much as I like Beat em up games, they do lack proper replay capable content. Most even have such a crap fighting system that by the second stage you have done everything. A few like Mystara or Dragons Crown at least offer different paths or upgrade systems.

That said, OP said they are dead, but that is far from true, it is that their genre changed with the direction of 3d. Fighting force and Dynamite Cop type games existed and still exist and so do Streets of Rage or River City clones, however more common the genre went Dynasty Warriors or Diablo in gameplay style.

>> No.3535370

When no MMO can compete with WoW or Final Fantasy XI/XIV for player base, why make more? Companies either try to out WoW Warcraft, or try something so outrageous and far fetched it barely is an MMO at all.

>> No.3535587

Rousing defense of "indie shovelware" there

>> No.3535606

>It's pointless to keep making game with the same old archaic formula for years, remember the 4th and 5th gen when everyone and their mother tried making beat em ups? Well, turns out people got tired of those.

and yet we're still knee deep in 2d platformers

>> No.3535608

>RTS with no base building. After Ground Control there hasn't really been one.

Haven't you played World in Conflict? It's from the same devs.

>> No.3536119
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arena style multiplayer shooters.

When was the last time a new one averaged over 1000 active players?

>> No.3536150
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Mascot Platformers and Collectathons that aren't a 3D Mario game if Yooka-Laylee fails.

>> No.3536191


>calls someone underage
>mentions a modern series


>> No.3536203

>grid based dungeon crawlers

Galactic Keep is amazing.

>> No.3536217
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2D Metroid games.

>> No.3536361

i loved myth so much, i remember platoon the videogame, goat to be honest (not really but i love those games)
are there any indie modern games like this?

>> No.3536374


Collectathons died with the fall of licensed console games. I'm 20 and grew up on stuff like Battle For Bikini Bottom and Breaking 'Da Rules instead of Banjo and Mario 64. Collectathons were huge in the PS2 era due to licensed games however nowadays most licensed games are mobile, thus collectathons died. They barely make console games aimed at the 12 and under crowd anymore.

I have seen some indie collectathon games though like A Hat In Time and that one with the luchador wolf. I predict a revival as late 90s nostalgia hits and more gamers that grew up on Spyro and Banjo start creating games.

>> No.3536478

>RTS with no base building.

It's actually RTT = real time tactics

Myth is still alive if you feel like going thru the trouble of installing and patching stuff.


>> No.3536492

>muh board redirection meme
triggered as fuck, lol

>> No.3536525


you should probably join the fb group as well if you want to play this

facebook com/groups/mythcommunity

>> No.3536538

>no base RTS

don't go and stay don't go from my WarGame.

>> No.3536575

This desu. If you want collectathons, ps2 is your console. Not retro though.

>> No.3536760

>OP used the word "after"
>Ground Control released in 2000
There's no way to avoid talking about non-retro titles based on OP's criteria.

>> No.3537049 [DELETED] 

>Arena FPS
i tried searching and all i found was that quake and unreal are AFPS but counter strike and doom arent, but i still dont get why its a subgenre, whats the actual difference?

CS and doom are scenarios mimick worldly locations, while unreal are like shootiong arenas, but in the end you are competing in finite maps of about the same scale, what the big deal?!?!

>> No.3537071

>Arena FPS
i tried searching and all i found was that quake and unreal are AFPS but counter strike and doom arent, but i still dont get why its a subgenre, whats the actual difference?

CS and doom are scenarios mimick worldly locations, while unreal are like shootiong arenas, but in the end you are competing in finite maps of about the same scale, what the big deal?!?!

>> No.3537083
File: 37 KB, 500x415, claw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Survival horror reporting in.

>> No.3538036

Good simulation games. All these fake, funny simulators are killing the genre. The 80s and 90s had such good games like Alter Ego. My Little People, Sim City, etc.


Console horror games period. Everything is on PC, be it first person or jrpg.

>> No.3538042

Except Survival Horror is doing super well these days. Alien: Isolation was both a commercial and critical success. There was Amnesia, Slender and its HUNDREDS of versionsn etc

>> No.3538049

Based on the criteria for posts in this thread the OP already fucked up. This thread is for dead genres and as along as there's at least one big franchise putting out games in that genre the genre cannot be called dead.

>> No.3538073


I consider a "dead genre" something that is very unpopular and unmainstream in comparison to the past. Puzzle games on the 3DS still exist but they're nowhere near their prime from before f2p came around.

>> No.3538075

Xbox 360 had a ton of them

>> No.3538078

Twisted Metal styled vehicular combat, PS3 was the nail in the coffin.

>> No.3538552
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>Except Survival Horror is doing super well these days.

It almost doesn't exist anymore. Any action game that has undead enemies is called a survival horror now but a game in the same vein as something like AitD is very rare and non-mainstream.

>> No.3538563

Then you should pick a term other than "dead". Unpopular seems accurate.

Also, free to play has exploded the puzzle game genre, not killed it.

>> No.3538565

It does, just in a different form now. These days, it seems to be mostly half-assed Amnesia and Outlast clones, or walking simulators with jump scares.

>> No.3538625

>It does, just in a different form now.

Yeah, except that first person survival horror existed before the AITD/RE style, existed along side the AITD/RE, and outlived it. The AITD/RE style was just a phase in the history of survival horror, a phase linked to coming around technical rescrictions (which is exactly how they invented using 2D pre-rendered backgroudns with 3D models in AITD).

Hell, the first "real" survival horror (at least the one I consider to be, feel free to disagree), Zombi, was first person.

And saying it's unpopular these days is being in denial: ZombiU, a reboot of that game I just mentionned, was a LAUNCH TITLE on WiiU.

>> No.3538641


It killed handheld and console puzzle games. No one wants to spend $40 on Tetris when they can get Candy Crush for free.

>> No.3538643

Survival/horror was a shit genre anyways, not sure why anyone liked it.

>> No.3538645

That didn't kill the genre though, it just affected one form of it.

>> No.3538649

>I didn't like that thing so I can't understand why anyone anywhere would

Having low emotional intelligence must suck.

>> No.3538779


I don't know what you consider survival horror. Maybe you're confusing it with the horror genre broadly? Survival Horror, as AitD set the stage for, is similar to Point & Click adventure games, but with less scripted action between your avatar and things in the game world, like enemy encounters and movement. The way you're using it, it's like any game where there are monster-like enemies and you're trying to not die could be called survival horror. Do you think Left 4 Dead would be survival horror?

>> No.3540203

Survival horror literally means Resident Evil derivative. It's one of the problems with genre definitions now. They mostly come about because one game is groundbreaking and then once derivatives of it are made, they get called a genre. Alone in the Dark was a horror game. Left 4 Dead is an action game with a horror theme.

>> No.3540249
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rip shooters

>> No.3540551


>It's one of the problems with genre definitions now

To be fair, it's a sub-genre. It should be somewhat specific, being a specific type of horror game. Or, rather for a video game, a specific type of adventure game.

>> No.3540586

Survival Horror = action-adventure with a pre-dominent horror theme.

AitD and all its derivate WAS called action-adventure before Resident Evil came up with the title "survival horror" and established it as a genre.

More specifically, the action would be survival action.

In other words:
- survival action gameplay mechanics
- mixed with adventure gameplay mechanics
- pre-dominent horror theme

The type of camera doesn't fuck matter.
Look at a game like Overblood. It has 3 types of cameras: the AITD style camera angles, a more classic "behind the character" 3rd person camera, and a first person camera.
You can switch camera angles between all three at will. With your logic, the game would be survival horror when using one that camera when not when you switch to other cameras, which doesn't make any sense.

Finally, let's also point out that AITD/RE spawned many "derivates" which are not survival horror. Games like Dino Crisis 2, Vampire Hunter D, Soul Of The Samurai, Onimusha, etc so, that type of cameras and controls, isn't even used only by this sub genre of survival horror.

> Do you think Left 4 Dead would be survival horror?
No because its gameplay mechanics neither are survival action mechanics (or maybe one or two things but very loosely), nor adventure mechanics.

The thing here is that you're trying to imply I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about when you are the one who hasn't even started to think about genre defining.

>To be fair, it's a sub-genre. It should be somewhat specific, being a specific type of horror game.

You're mixing theme and genre here.
The issue with survival horror is that it is an exception, as it uses theme (horror) as part of its definition, while other VG genres are defined solely by gameplay mechanics. This is why some argue they should just be called "action-adventure".
Anyway, as far as VG are concerned, horror is not a genre, it's a theme. Any genre of game can have a horror theme.

>> No.3540592


>You're mixing theme and genre here.

Literally next sentence, "Or, rather for a video game, a specific type of adventure game."

>> No.3540601

>quoting someone while paraphrasing them

>> No.3540621
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>It killed handheld and console puzzle games

The first puzzle and dragon game for 3DS sold 500,000 copies at launch and went on to sell 2 million copies in total.

PAD X isn't quite as bit but it was still the second best selling 3DS title in august.

I seem to recall the PAD MArio crossover game was also the #1 selling 3DS title for a while back in 2015.

>> No.3540627

Have you played it? I heard people talk about it positively but never looked into it. Similar to Puzzle Quest at all?

>> No.3540648
File: 824 KB, 2400x1099, puzzle-dragons-x-boxarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I play puzzle and dragon on te phone as I don't have a DS.

It is a solid series and is not just a simple bejeweled "match 3". it is more of a displacement type of puzzle where you pick an orb and drag it along for as long as the time allows, which lets you set up massive combos.

Your monsters all have skills (bonus damage from rows, extended move time, gravity type attacks, damage shields, etc) and they level up.

It is like pokemon but with lewd girls mixed in with the dragons and monsters. (More lewd on phone version, less on 3DS).

>> No.3540687

Interesting thanks. Adding it to my list.

>> No.3540773

>arena style multiplayer shooters.
Unreal Tournament 4 and Quake Championship literally in developpement.

>> No.3540776

>unlike half assed Alone In the Dark clone

>> No.3540783

Haydee is what you want.

>> No.3540793
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>> No.3540797

you are shitting me.

>> No.3540802

>Grid based dungeon crawlers.
are you high?

>> No.3541225

muh dick

>> No.3541274
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2bad the animu was 4kids.

>> No.3541812

Cine games.

>> No.3541831


They're rare but they still exist


>> No.3541956
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They went out with a bang

>> No.3541962

already out of control at that point

>> No.3541963
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Also sequel is coming this month I think

>> No.3541964
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>> No.3542062

Free movement dungeon crawlers with blob combat

>> No.3542078

You mean, à la Might and Magic 6?

>> No.3542080

Yes. Last game that's even remotely similar that I can think of is wizardry 8.

>> No.3542096

Amnesia? Alien: Isolation?

>> No.3542101


>Alien: Isolation
>survival horror

>> No.3542647

>Resident evil
>not an action game

>> No.3542801


>> No.3542813

Considering that resource management and stealth are major parts of the game (including the invisible resource of how savvy the alien is) I'd definitely call AI a survival horror.

>> No.3543321

Pretty much this. Managing limited resources (not enough bullets to shoot them all, not enough medpacks to engage in every fight, not enough maneuverability to just escape from every enemy) and making some important decisions is a staple of classic survival horror genre, and in some rare cases, like Alien: Isolation, it is implemented properly. Nowadays "survival horror" term is overused and applied to all kind of horror games, including Another Walking With Flashlight simulators and Get Spooked At Sudden Loud Noises And Skeletons Popping Out ones.

>> No.3543568

shit man with the graphics we have today i would love to see a remastered version of Final Fight the multiplayer would be asskicking, but nooooooooooooooooooooo we get faget war games insted

>> No.3543579
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>faget war games
You shut your whore mouth, Red Dragon is fun.