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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.00 MB, 971x1113, 0!DailyPupThread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
352679 No.352679 [Reply] [Original]

What did you buy/sell/trade today, /vr/?

>> No.352827
File: 139 KB, 640x872, X-Men-2-Clone-Wars-Sega-Genesis-Box-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked this up today.

Can't wait to fire up some 2p with my friend who collects comics.

>> No.354354

CBFD, $15 at the thrift shop.

>> No.354371

I bought Jurrasic Park for the Master System for £1

>> No.354598

Nothing, but not for lack of trying. I went to a big rummage sale this morning. There was FUCK all in the way of the vidya. Sim Earth and a few horrible titles I cannot recall. A few CRT televisions, but nothing great.

There's another one in the next town tomorrow. I'll try that one, but eh.

>> No.354681

Atomic Purple Game Boy Color for too damn much

>> No.354707

A Gameboy battery (DMG-03) with good cells for $1
By the way, what would be a reasonable price for an NES with one controller, no power supply, and a copy of SM3? I want to buy my friend's, but I don't want to rip him off

>> No.354731

You lucky nigger

>> No.355135


>> No.355281

Alright, thanks

>> No.355484
File: 161 KB, 1200x900, nintendo-game-cube_pokemon_XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I consider this a good day for buying.

>> No.355532

nothing really, I thought about getting Farcry 1 for Xbox but left it, just picked up the latest edition of Retro Gamer Magazine and had a good read

>> No.355672

Just bought a refurbished Game Gear off ebay as well as the Master System adaptor. I've got loads of Handhelds and SEGA systems, but never got round to getting a Game Gear before.

>> No.356782
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I'm going to a flea market on Saturday and don't own any consoles older than a PS1 (have Nintendo handhelds like the GBC though), what should I expect to pay for the consoles? I currently think around $30 for NES, SNES, Genesis, I don't know any others' prices.

>> No.356818

>gothic original: 1.99
>final fantasy VIII: 7.99
>syphon filter 2: 2.99
>xenosaga episode 1+ cinematic DVD: 10.99
>resistance fall of man: 4.99
Just go a ps1 and ps3 so bear with me.

Oh, and also, I have to ask...did I get a good deal on xenosaga?

>> No.356836

Managed to snag a backwards compatible PS3 for £99. Need to get a controller though. Now to dig out my old games.

>> No.356842

>did I get a good deal on xenosaga?
Maybe overpaid by a few bucks but it is a good game. Try and get the third one, it's a damn fine RPG. Second one is just... average.

>> No.356857

Thanks. I do like how I got the LIMITED EDITION MOVIE DVD HURR though. I looked online and saw it selling for 50+ bucks. I laughed heartily.

>> No.356909
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>I do like how I got the LIMITED EDITION MOVIE DVD HURR though.

Oh, that's kinda cool.

>> No.357107

trying to hunt down a GBAsp ags-101 model (near perfect screen ). no luck. Willing to trade for a near mint GBAMicro

>> No.357394


Is 30 bucks a good deal for a blue game gear with Sonic Chaos, Sonic 2, & The Lion King?

>> No.357437

Ask for $12-15

>> No.357471

Alright. Gracias.

>> No.358265
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I just bought Doom64 off ebay, I have been meaning to find it at the flea market but no such luck.

>> No.358493
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>> No.358558

nice intelivision boxes.

>> No.358586

Factory sealed and everything. Too bad Intellivision games are worth nothing. I paid $3 each for em.

>> No.358626

not him but I paid 9$, and 3$ shipping

I shopped around, I feel pretty comfortable with it

>> No.358610

for how much
Don't say something overpriced.

>> No.358617

same for me! waiting on it to get here.

>> No.358659

I paid $7 plus $3 shipping.

>> No.358698

>3$ shipping
I live in atlantic canada and anything from the states will have around a 20$ shipping tacked onto it
I don't even get this

>> No.358710

Customs is a bitch, dude.

>> No.358726

as a fellow canadian, you have it nice. you ave no fucking idea how hard it is to transfer firearm related items canada <--> US

>> No.358825

SNES Game Genie at Goodwill for $2

>> No.358890

Man I should check my goodwill, not sure if they have old console games or not.

>> No.359956

Goodwill is not as good as mom and pop thrift stores. I have barely found anything at goodwill, but once found a sealed pictionary for the NES at a mom and pop thrift. Just my experiences.

>> No.361215



>> No.362242
File: 211 KB, 1080x720, Bild 2013-04-05 kl. 16.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the N64 controller alongside with Goldeneye for $18.5
Super Mario World for $24
Dr. Mario + Puzzle league (used but with box + manual) for $8
Bought the GBA SP + Pokémon Ruby for $15.5
Traded Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon for Yoshi's Island
Traded damaged cartridge of Pokémon Red for Tetris
How did I do?

>> No.362258
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Anyway, pickings are slim in my area. The 2600 games came from a local game shop that's cooler than the other side of the pillow, and the controllers were from a rummage sale at a church in a town a few miles away.

>> No.362530

>n64 controller + goldeneye
>Gameboy SP w/ Ruby
>Yoshi's island trade
Pretty good
>Pokemon trade

You lucked out with the gameboy though.

>> No.362595

I didn't really luck out, I know a guy who buys tons of retro shit and then sells it off for dirt-cheap.
Picked up a Playstation for $14 from the same guy some time ago. He's got a PS2 with tons of sweet-ass games that I'm talking him into selling

>> No.362717

>Playstation for $14

But Goodwill sells those for like $8.

>> No.363392

I live in the middle of nowhere so the only goodwills/thrift shops/etc around sell old womens clothes and usually overprice video games

>> No.363509
File: 93 KB, 1024x768, 456789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got pick related off eBay.
And if currency converters are to be believed I payed 24.30€ + shipping

>> No.363515

My friend gave me Super metroid for $3, Can't wait to spend 20+ hours figuring out the routes.

>> No.363787
File: 413 KB, 1000x563, Picture 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goldeneye - $15
Shadows of the Empire - $2
Rogue Squadron - $5
Episode 1 Racer - $5

All from a local thrift store. This is from what they had out on display. The owner said he has a big bag of Pokemon and Mario N64 games that he is bringing in for me to check out tomorrow that he normally sells on Ebay. Hopefully he with have both Pokemon Stadium games.

>> No.363971
File: 53 KB, 148x150, grimms_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 days ago, decide that I want to own a copy of Gunstar Heroes for the Genesis
>check prices on eBay, decide the shipping costs put it above what I want to pay
>put an ad up on Kijiji, offering to pay $30-40 for it, because that's how much it usually goes for on eBay before S&H
>get a reply from pic related saying he'd sell it to me for $40 with the box
>send him an e-mail asking him a couple questions about the game, then head to work
>get home 8 hours later
>check e-mail
>the guy basically says, "I know I said I'd sell it to you for $40 before, and I don't want to be a douche, but I just found out I could easily get more money for this"
>"Not only am I going to up my price to $50, but I'll also put it up on Kijiji in case anyone else wants it"
>check Kijiji, find his ad
>see this exact quote at the end of his ad: "GOOD LUCK FINDING THIS ANYWHERE OTHER THAN EBAY!"
>all caps
>decide to go and check eBay
>find and immediately purchase a cart-only copy for $35
>free shipping
>Devon 's face when he missed out on making an easy $40

When I checked eBay, I also saw a Japanese copy going for $50, with box and manual. It's free shipping, in case anyone here is interested.

>> No.364001

>>n64 controller + goldeneye
Not the guy you're replying to, but that wouldn't be a bad price where I live. People around here routinely sell used N64 controllers for $20, on their own.

>> No.364208

I've tried out the controller now, the stick is in p. good condition!

>> No.364247
File: 216 KB, 1308x718, muh little tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the best, but it's mine. $7.50 at Salvation Army taxes in. So worth it. It's 1999 forever in here, now.

>> No.364251
File: 847 KB, 2592x1446, mega drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

35€ (~45$) for everything.
Need to get a better cable for output.

Not a steal, but I think it's a fair price

>> No.364279

That's a great price. Jelly.

>> No.364880

I bought a NES, one controller, and Super mario 3 for $20. I still need a power supply. Will 12v work?
And what's with the tray not going down? Is there a way to fix that?

>> No.364914

Can't beat a babka

>> No.365076

Open it and see what's wrong with the tray. If I remember correctly you can open up NES with a usual screwdriver and not some gamebit.

And if you already have it open clean it.

>> No.365104
File: 1.82 MB, 2048x1536, 20130405_172318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't realize Space Harrier II was Megadrive until I got it home, but being that it was a launch title there should be no issues playing it on a NTSC system

>> No.365118


'Want that game.


>> No.365121

I did clean it. It seems it warps a little bit when there's pressure on the front end. I unscrewed it a bit to relieve the pressure, and it clicks again, but as soon as I put the top back on it didn't click down.

>> No.365147


>dat jurassic park
that specific fucking game gave me more nightmares than the movies did

>> No.365280

Fuck yeah, Rampage.


>> No.365292


Clone wars is an under-rated and fantastic game.
The difficulty curve is exponential, however. It starts out fairly easy and gets battletoads hard toward the end. Ending is underwhelming though.

>> No.365741

Picked up a Game Boy Pocket for £13. I'm not sure if it's a great price for it. It came in it's box with all the manual guff and it's in great condition.

I'm having hard luck finding anything without using the internet in the UK, at least the snow is melted so the car boot sales can begin.

>> No.365784

Max, is this your thread, you little shit

I vaguely remember you PSing this photo..

>> No.365958
File: 1.16 MB, 2048x1536, 20130405_143258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these today, excellent.

>> No.366031

525 yen? Is that like 5 dollars Canadian/American ? Are you actually in japan right now? Fuck I want a complete jap copy

>> No.366145

that gameboy is hard to find or at least in demand. Not that you would sell it because it looks so fucking awesome

>> No.366175

this and then got
>misadventures of tron bonne: 20 bucks used, garage sale
>syphon filter: 2$
>SNES game genie" 4 bucks (prong broken, can probably fix)
>mosin nagant 91/30: 115$

Did I do good?

>> No.366213

>well preserved games cib
>only five bucks
the conduct of Nippon land, I tell you

>> No.366237

That's pretty fucken rad. I got a free one but it only has the coaxial input in the back for cable and not the three coloured wires. The only one I found at a thrift store was 18inch for 35$ and it was black and white and I said fuck that and ended up finding a decent sized one at my parents that same day.

>> No.366246

doesn't that just enrage you, all the games on eBay are CIB great condition for like 20$ when just the cart for a game like secret of mana NTSC is 60$ with the label torn off. Why are the japanese so much nicer to their things

>> No.366274

It would have been more expensive there
they respect things they own

>> No.366281

games/animus in nippon are cray cray expensive

>> No.366303

Final fantasy tactics for ps1
Ssx tricky metal gear 2 and parappa 2 for ps2. Almost picked up some Atari games for a buck each but I passed cause I don't have an Atari. Spent 20 usd total. Pretty happy about that. Also got to chat with a really cool guy about metal gear. Great day at the second hand stores

>> No.366349

Oh also saw some insane prices

Boxed nes soccer for 170 nes with no cables or controllers for 80 phantasy star for 110

Some decent deals I passed on were metal gear box set for 18 metal gear solid for 6 final fantasy 7 for 8

That metal gear guy was probably 350 lbs and waddled but was so fun to talk about mg with him. Made my day

>> No.366350

I can get Rokkumon Ecks for like 1/4 of the price

>> No.366385
File: 484 KB, 2000x1500, 100_0960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This came in the mail today.

>> No.366415

I never find shit at goodwill, seriously. The last like five times I've been there the only pre-PS2 game I've even SEEN is a copy of Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat for Playstation for four bucks.
I really hate RTS games, but I got it anyway because I didn't want the trip to be wasted.

>> No.366469

I've gotten tons of good shit at Goodwill. 13 Atari games for 50 cents each, 8 PS1 games for 50 cents each (5 were Squaresoft), various controllers, Bust-a-move 2, an ST Key, and a memory card all for Saturn at $2 each. There have also been many more times when I came up with nothing. You just have to keep trying.

>> No.366482

I've essentially given up on finding CIB cartridge games (that aren't from Sega consoles, of course).
It's a lot cheaper and a lot less frustrating to just buy universal game cases and print out covers/manuals, if the autism compels you.

>> No.366498

Found a copy of Mischief Makers for $6. Been looking for it for a while so I'm pretty happy.

>> No.366503

I actually find better stuff more regularly at pawn shops than thrift shops. I know goodwill sells stuff online, and I have the feeling the one near me does that with any games they get. I do go there all the time, but I really never find any pre-ps2 games.

>> No.366504
File: 70 KB, 640x640, civilization2psx1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, for $15.
What does /vr/ reckon?
Good deal?
I couldn't find many on eBay to try and determine a price.

>> No.366509

>playing civ II
>on the psx
I didn't even know there was a PSX version.

>> No.366515
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>> No.366519

My local pawn shop has literally buckets of Atari 2600 games. Like holy shit, you could build a house out of how many 2600 games they have. They're all a quarter each. Too bad I'm not interested in the 2600. Anyone have any idea why they possibly have so much? No way anyone is going to buy any of them in this town.

>> No.366517

At least you've actually SEEN A GAME at a goodwill.

>> No.366540

I've found a few things at pawn shops, but in my experience, they are usually over priced. The best deal I've ever gotten at a pawn shop was Metal Gear Solid and Soul Reaver for $1 each.

>> No.366551

Yep, goodwill seems pretty shitty.

I think it depends on where you live, though, because people in these threads have claimed to get some great stuff at goodwill.
I will say that, when I got that warhammer game, I also found a complete Japanese DVD set of the original Love Hina series for only five bucks.
People tend to sell their collections all at once at pawn shops. This is why I love to visit them.

>> No.366562

yes my fellow /vr/man.
The nostalg' is flowing hard.

>> No.366581

I feel sketchy going into a pawn shop. I don't think I even have a proper one anywhere near me. Just those cash for gold and jewelry places

>> No.366719
File: 486 KB, 1162x1132, 2013-04-05 20.35.47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to a local flea market today and picked these up for $45 total. Not really any fantastic deals but the prices were fair. I'd been looking for a boxed Space Quest II for over 15 years now. Never even heard of Sorcerian before but, hey, it's a Falcom game so it must be at least worth checking out.

Dark Wizard was also in fantastic condition. Has that little foam piece and everything. Been meaning to try it out after I heard the incredible orchestral music.

>> No.366741

Those are pretty nice finds for a flea market. I've never seen any Sega CD games at one before.

>> No.366778

It's one of those in-door flea markets with mostly vendors, one that particularly has video games. Kind of like a mom-n-pop store.

>> No.366801
File: 21 KB, 355x404, darkwing_duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, trying to collect all the disney/capcom NES games

>> No.366830

mind just giving me that game?

you know, just because

>> No.366863
File: 941 KB, 2617x1963, CameraZOOM-20130405173310222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the 5200 today at an estate sale for $9
Got everything else for $13 at the thrift store.

>> No.366869
File: 103 KB, 640x480, goodwill3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister picked these up for me from a local goodwill. Not retro games, but retro related.

>> No.366874
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>> No.366882
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I was pretty happy to see this.

>> No.366898
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>> No.366913
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Fuck the police for lyfe.

>> No.366919
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Why the fuck not tier purchase.

>> No.366931

Does the controller still work?

>> No.366974
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>> No.366978

gb2 your thread

>> No.367004

I deleted the thread when someone redirected me here. I had no idea there was a daily pickup thread. Thanks.

>> No.367014

I can only assume. it was pretty much brand new. The controllers had never been removed from box, but it is missing the power adapter so I have to find a 11.5v cord to test it.

>> No.367434
File: 38 KB, 450x450, snes_ctr_famicomstyle_TTX-450x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got 2 of these today, one for use and one to turn into a belt buckle.

>> No.367517

back to le ruddit, hipster shit!
just kidding. I don't care what you do.

>> No.367634

Holy fuck, you're just gonna screw up a...
wait, it's off brand, nevahmind.

>> No.368059
File: 153 KB, 252x252, 6b47741d-125a-4cbe-97be-664e24c2a62d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy fuck, you're just gonna screw up a...
>wait, it's off brand, nevahmind.
Why would I ever do such a thing to a Pal controller?

>> No.369987
File: 487 KB, 1200x900, IMG_7193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this at the record store today. $4. I was actually keeping an eye out for a copy, if you can believe that. Haven't played it since 1990. Fuck it, I am going to get past the electric seaweed this time!!!

>> No.369996

The funny part is that the seaweed is only the beginning of the pain.

>> No.370000 [DELETED] 

Those are not CIB, if by that you mean "new". The sleeves are just for protection.

>> No.370001

Paperboy 2 for the Game Boy for $5

cartridge looks brand new..still fucking hate the series

>> No.370067
File: 329 KB, 1800x1350, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this today at an anime convention for 15 bucks. I can't read moon, but I'm guessing I can figure it out well enough from playing the English version.

>> No.370103

thats what matters. I go through N64 controllers like its nothing from all the mario party and SSB I play with my friends.

>> No.370118

>that shit button quality
I'm so happy I beat my dog off of my old controller now, It may have bite marks, but its better than any of that shit.

>> No.370138

>I beat my dog off

>> No.370429


Oh god, those controllers.

You will not enjoy using them. The system is technically capable for the time period and has several great games, but the controllers for it ruined everything.

>> No.372961
File: 1.60 MB, 2560x1920, 20130405_165542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought both for $20. Figured it was worth it just to say I own them.

>> No.373438
File: 333 KB, 1326x894, gannises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the Genesis today for $15 and the games for $1. They took a bit of coaxing but they seem to work fine now. Is that normal or are they near eol?

>> No.373887

Are those borders for arcade machines?

>> No.374543


You fucked up. Still a good deal, though.

>> No.374585

Oh man, /vr/.
Oh man. It's finally time around here. Tomorrow's the day, 65 degrees and maybe some rain but only in the afternoon.
First flea market visit of the season. The pain of seeing these threads and not being able to pick anything up myself is finally over.

>> No.374589

Buy a genesis model 1 av cable off amazon like I did.Forget the coaxial converter or whatever, it's shit.

>> No.374630
File: 59 KB, 630x426, itsalwaysbattletoads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flea market $5....the bottom is bent up too. I think I got a fair deal considering how shitty and beat up it is.

>> No.374670

Shit at least it should clean up well

>> No.374716
File: 778 KB, 2000x1500, 100_0967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found Pokemon Sapphire and Golden Sun for 41 cents at Goodwill today. I included the receipt for shits and giggles. It's kind of hard to make out, though.

>> No.374836

Wow, that is excellent, good job.

>> No.374861

my retro game store has it for 3 dollars perfect condition should I get it?

>> No.374921

fucking mechassault is amazing.

>> No.375028
File: 283 KB, 832x935, first_haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my first time actually getting anything. Went to a yard sale and a resale shop (I think that's the same thing as a pawn shop?) Ignoring the the keyboard and the pretty notebook:

Yard sale did not get retro, but got the two PSP games for $3 each.

In the Shop I Dungeon Keeper, Lords of the Realm II, and Pod for 50 cents each. That felt like it was decent. The other two PC discs were the same price. I thought "The Third Dimension" would be a game but it is educational software. The other disc is a collection of (probably) shitty games. Got it for the novelty.

Sim City 2000 was $3, as was Top Gun. Overpaid on Top Gun, but I was excited to see NES games at all (and the rest were just Mario + Duck Hunt over and over) so I said "fuck it".

D-Did I do well?

>> No.375046

In the Shop I found*
Probably other mistakes too, sorry.

>> No.375042

Nice find on the PSP games.

>> No.375071

Is it any different? Thanks, this is my first real 'retro' console.

Yeah I'm not really too into RF but I don't think I want to drop the money on that. If I see it in a store around me I will, I have a few of them with "RETROZ" areas.

>> No.375109

>Is it any different?

The HDG version has a better sound chip.

>> No.375118

Oh shit, I remember pod. That game was hard as hell, and I never could win a race, but I miss it somehow.

>> No.375125

(Replying to my own post here)

Upon googling I found that this FCC differentiates between two of the revisions. I have the FJ8USASEGA id, what does that mean?

>> No.375157

I am so pissed

I got up early this morning to go check some local sales and I got sick

I went out at like 12 noon and one sale said they had a NES and I was an hour late getting to it

>> No.375165

shit son

I wish I had a good will near me

>> No.375178

>I went out at like 12 noon
there's your problem

>> No.375192
File: 33 KB, 334x290, 1312017137602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was fucking sicker then a dog

I know that's my problem

>> No.375207

Well make sure you don't get ill kiddo

>> No.375213

Why is that weird? I'm not him but I went out at like 1:30 in the afternoon and I overhead the yard sale owner say he was closing up in about an hour. Why do they close so early?

Niggers gotta cut me slack, I go to sleep at five in the morning...

>> No.375227

early bird gets the worm
it also sucks to sit outside all day have people going though everything but not buying anything

>> No.375228
File: 41 KB, 177x143, 1318469901950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 25

and thanks for the advice.

>> No.375234

also, I'm going to try to go to a flea market tomorrow. Apparently there's a guy with a trailer full of old video games that comes each month.

I'm just hoping that he's not over priced to hell and back

>> No.375272

He probably is. People specializing in video games are the last place you want to look usually.

You go early. You're there when the event starts.
Why? Because if you're not, I am, and I just bought all the good games.

>> No.375295

>Because if you're not, I am, and I just bought all the good games.
Are you a god?

>> No.375302

Its not like I have a choice

I'm trying to break into the retro business and I need some supplies, especially a NES I can flip

>> No.375325

Hyperbole, friend. The point, of course, is that you go out in the early afternoon, you're browsing a garage sale that others have already been to hours ago, including the people who are after video games.

And don't kid yourself, there are people after video games.

>> No.375386

What is a general good time to go when the yard sale has no advertised time? Like, this one just said "Yard Sale Saturday" with no specifications on when it started or ended.

>> No.375402

>Like, this one just said "Yard Sale Saturday" with no specifications on when it started or ended.
Then that person is an idiot. I almost never see something like that.

>> No.375424


>> No.375425
File: 602 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_0916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this. Seems to be a daily planner for gamestop managers. This thing has to be rare. Anyone have info on it?

>> No.375435

8 or 9. Possibly 7.

>> No.375452

this has bunch of notes and financial records. The gamestop that came from made average of 2000 dollars in sales a day.

>> No.375536

Go to gamestop and try to sell it

>> No.375809

>tfw my NES GBA SP got stolen a couple of years ago
Along with my SNES, N64, Genesis, NDS Lite, and Playstation along with nearly all of my games

>> No.376048


>> No.376138
File: 60 KB, 955x360, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to gamestop to look for gamecube / ps2 games. They no longer carry them. The clerk told me about a local game store in our town I didn't even know existed..

Went there, lots and lots of old games ranging from every console, complete shock! I picked up these 3 turok games for $4 a piece, I think I did pretty good.

They're in great shape, only one of them had to be cleaned a little because it was dirty and some of the edges were corroded.

Bonus is doom 64, it arrived in the mail today from ebay, works great. All in all a good day.

>> No.376184 [DELETED] 

nice! I saw this same post on le reddits!

I like it!

>> No.376462
File: 341 KB, 1034x801, 7th april snes-nes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hadn't found any /vr/ stuff for awhile got lucky and got all this for $10 today at a garage sale

>> No.376904

Very good, can't beat that price. It's all working I assume?

>> No.377071

Haven't tested the snes yet but it is in great condition i don't see why it shouldn't

>> No.377104

Cheers man, I'm jealous. It does look to be in great condition.

>> No.377225

You're in Europe I take it.

>> No.377249

no Australia

>> No.378020

Today I bought Spider-man for the N64.It will be a gift for my younger brother, we used to play it a lot when we were kids.
Sad part of it, the guy that sold it to me (nice guy, total bro) is a collector and now has to give up some of his stuff for money because his father is sick. Really made me sad. The cart is in amazing condition, doesn't have the box and manuaL, but you can see if was taken good care of.

Didn't snap a pic because my brother keeps coming in my room and I'm afraid he might see it.

>> No.378079

AGS-001 Flame Red Gameboy SP with box (great condition), charger and all booklets intact inside of original sleeve. the console itself is decent, couple scratches--nothing too bad, and included Super Puzzle Fighter II and Wario Ware Inc. (no boxes though)..all for $50

not bad, wished the asian guy would of at least knocked off $10

>> No.378196

+1 for being an awesome sibling and giving me feels.

>> No.378240

I read this as Superman for the n64.. If that was the case I was gonna say you're the worst type of person..

>> No.378332

A system and Wario for 50 bucks? you got a fucken steal my friend

>> No.378782

Thanks man. I'm going to come home from school on monday, lurk my brother away from his room, turn on Spider-man, and then give him some crap as a gift, just for the shits and giggles. Then he will return to his room and *BAM* Spider-man, motherfucker.

It would actually be an awesome ruse, but you gotta give a real nice gift to compensate it, lol

>> No.379247

Today was poop from a butt. I sniped an MVS adapter for my Neo Geo, bought a Super Gameboy for $15, and bought some parts for my Nerf Vulcan (ammo box and another belt). I still need the handle for it. Also bought a VCD card for my Saturn(s) and a USB adapter widget for Saturn pads to go along with my PSX USB adapter dealy.