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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3526024 No.3526024 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw fell for the game collecting meme
>tfw spent thousands on games I can easily emulate for free

>> No.3526035

Translation: OP actually hasn't spent thousands of dollars, but he's angry that games are expensive and in an attempt feel better about just emulating, he made this thread.

Don't worry OP, emulation isn't that bad. I would do the same if I was younger and just "discovered" retro games as opposed to actually have been alive back in the day.

>> No.3526043

I don't really like how you come off on this post but I agree that OP is now trying to collect retro. Nostalgia and hipsters aren't always a good thing.

>> No.3526045
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do they even try anymore

>> No.3526048

It happens. Learn your lesson.

And, more importantly, did you enjoy yourself at the time you were purchasing the games? The raw enjoyment of the experience is important.

But yeah, most of us have turned to emulation since it's very accurate for most systems now and allows for many games to be experienced at a cost of basically time and a reasonable controller.

This is a fact of life: everything changes and you're bound to "regret" decisions you have made. Just try to enjoy everything as it comes and do your best.

>> No.3526053

>spent thousands

Sounds like you have a little ebay problem.

>> No.3526062

Never speak to me or my wife's retro game collection ever again.

>> No.3526079
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>be a life long modest-to-serious video game collector
>have a secret bankroll of thousands I can dip into anytime and still have plenty of trade fodder
still haven't even begun to dip into the video games - magic cards have been enough

>> No.3526127

I want proof, OP. Timestamped pic of your collection.

>> No.3526151
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>tfw you can just sell it all back to nu-male hipster collector faggots at double the price you paid

>> No.3526160


sell that useless trash and join the emulation master race

>> No.3526174

I found Vagrant Story last weekend complete for $3 at the flea market. Wake up early.

>> No.3526338

not if your "flea markets" sell nothing but clothes and food

>> No.3526484

Maybe in your hodunk town, you once woke up early on a weekend to buy ONE game at a good price. The rest of us live in regular cities, all the collections have been bought up

>> No.3526639
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Not the PS2 collections. PS2 collecting is currently a bountiful cornucopia.

>> No.3526664

Primarily because the library is 99% garbage.

>> No.3526690

Meme? Do you even know what that word means? I you didn't want to collect things why did you start? Are you honestly trying to say you somehow never heard of emulators? This sounds mighty suspicious...

>> No.3527760

Just collect Xbox games OP. It has less than 20 games worth owning, but those games are really wonderful, cheap (for the most part) and it still can't be emulated.

>> No.3527769

>tfw angry too bandwagon to have bought games when they were a buck
>tfw angry too retarded to get a job to afford paying less than my dad did for a game
>tfw spent thousands of pennies

>> No.3527841

More like 50% garbage by title, 85% of yard sale/craigslist/facebook group selections, 98% thrift store/flea market/pawn shop selections. This is exactly the proof that people are building collections but feel free to miss yet another boat.

>> No.3527848

>>Buy the few games you 100% couldn't live without. Emulate the rest.

>> No.3528203

which ones?

>> No.3528204

My revised duals came in the mail the other day. Shit was cash.

>> No.3528221

Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden Black
Jet Set Radio Future
Phantom Dust
Phantom Break
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Kingdom Under Fire Crusade
Mechassualt 2
Steel Batallion
Metal Wolf Chaos (expensive FYI)
Voodo Vince
Crimson Skies
Otogi 1
Otogi 2
There's a bunch of racing games that are apparently quite good, but I wouldn't know which to reccomend. I think Project Gotham 2, Sega and GT 2002 are well liked. Those are just exclusives mind you. There are obviously alot of multiplats, and 'Microsoft exclusive' stuff like Halo1/2, KOTOR, Doom 3, Morrowind and Jade Empire.

I'd also reccomend the Xbox versions of Onimusha and Fatal Frame, as they have extra content such as increased difficulty and more enemy types. I think some of the Splinter Cell games have exclusive missions too.

>> No.3528235

>Phantom Break
*Phantom Crash

>> No.3528264


>> No.3528293

>Be me
>Have large collection I've been buying
>Sold off my physical collection over the last year
>Received about £7600~
>Upgrade PC, bank the rest
>Emulate everything in my comfy study using original controllers
>Feels about that same
>Can play all those NTSC exclusives

Seriously how high can retro game prices go? Prices can't go up forever. I thought I'd cash out while while demand for event the obscure and crappy shit is high. It was always about the games for me, but I started collecting when emulation wasn't so good.

I could do flash carts but emulating produces a better picture and I'd rather not fill my study with so much junk. I feel like now I'm 30, I prefer to have a clean uncluttered house too.

>> No.3528313

If your collection is considered "clutter" you need to reorganize it so it's not clutter.

That's one of the biggest fallacies I see posted in terms of people selling off their shit.

If something is organized, it's not clutter. Selling stuff is like a band-aid. You didn't really learn how to organize your things, you just removed a bunch of them from the equation.

>> No.3528338

Soft mod and put them on a single hard drive

>> No.3528638

Where's the fun in that?

>> No.3528658

Better loading times, no longer have to risk breaking down the dvd-rom drive, boot any game you want instantly?

>> No.3528669

>game collecting
just buy the games you like, no matter how popular they are if you're not gonna play them its pointless

>> No.3528687

Just softmod your shit, I've softmodded or bought flashcarts for SNES, Genesis, PS2, Saturn, Xbox (for MAME), DC doesn't even need a softmod if youve got an earlier model, not to mention Wii/GC, and I bought a modded PS3, and combined it ran me around $400 (and only because I forked over the extra money for SD2SNES for X2/X3). Once I get NES and N64 flashcarts, I'll have access to the library of every 3rd-7th generation library for consoles made by Sony/Nintendo/Sega/M$ except Sega CD and 32x. It's a less than ideal solution (burning discs every time you wanna play a PS1/PS2/DC/Saturn game chief among them) but if you're mainly interested in playing games on original hardware without the massive investment it's not hard even if you're a poorfag like me.

>> No.3528692

I was seriously actually considering this shit now that the Dreamcast has shot up ridiculously over the past year. I would just miss stuff like Street Fighter and Soulcalibur. DOA3 and that Mortal Kombat game don't cut it.

How well does it emulate DC?

>> No.3528698

Emulate DC and arcade? Forgot to mention.

Basically if DC emulation on the Xbox is shit, I'm hoping MAME is done well. Is this the case?

>> No.3528745

I don't think a functional DC emulator exists for the thing. Having working emulators of the same generation as the hardware is kinda rare. It emulates most anything pre 6th gen quite well, however it cant output 240 like the Wii can.

>> No.3528753

Actually, I take that back. It looks like it got a Chankast port years back, but I wouldn't count on it being terrible compatable.

>> No.3528773

You want to emulate dreamcast on an original xbox? The dreamcast and xbox were the same generation (some claim half a generation apart), you won't get anything more than a proof of concept with a handful of frames a second.

>> No.3528792

Ah fug. I see it handles MAME fairly well though. I just want my 2D fighters, really.

I was hoping for JSR/JSRF or Shenmue as well hence Xbox looked fairly good for a DC alternative.

>> No.3529371

I imagine it won't struggle with JJBA or SF. SoulCal and other 2.5D/3D fighters might have problems though.

>> No.3529925

>game collecting meme
Is that how bandwagoners see it? Because I'm all for them selling off their collections and moving on to the next "in" thing.

>> No.3529978

>oh no i spent money on things that i can sell for more money i'm ruined
op pls