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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3524314 No.3524314 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck did this game get to be so expensive?

Christ, according to pricecharting it's worth almost double the price of EarthBound. The cart alone is worth almost $300. What the fuck is that? It's not like it's significantly less common than other late-era GBC titles, why is this shit allowed?

>> No.3524316

Shantae's hot.

>> No.3524319

Yeah, but $300 hot?

>> No.3524321
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, 1446843368041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen her?

Her original sprites are a legacy themselves.

>> No.3524325
File: 111 KB, 670x1150, 13500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, they're really good, but I haven't been able to fap to 8-bit sprites since discovering the internet.

>> No.3524513

Not that anon, but I've never been able to fap to 8-bit sprites until I played Shantae a few years ago. That's how powerful her genie magic is.

>> No.3524560

Someone declared it the most technically impressive game on the gbc so now every neckbeard and autist must own it.

And i assume it sold like shit on release.

>> No.3524563

>How the fuck did this game get to be so expensive?
Jesus Christ do some fucking research.
The god damned wiki article tells you how many copies were printed. Do you need us to chew your fucking mashed potatoes too?

Why is Earthbound your benchmark?

>And i assume it sold like shit on release.
You could stop making assumptions and get an accurate print number if you did a fucking google search too, moron.

>> No.3524578


go back to /v/

>> No.3524596

>You could stop making assumptions
But i'm right though, as usual.

>> No.3524597

>I don't like my laziness being pointed out, so instead of going back to where I came from, I'll tell you to go there instead

>> No.3524682

This. And there were like 10 copies sold.

>dat ass wiggle tho

>> No.3524685

>How the fuck did this game get to be so expensive?
>why is this shit allowed?

Because people pay it. If everyone refused to pay these prices they would drop however there's so many collector-fags now that they basically ruined everyone's chances at owning fantastic games at decent prices

>> No.3524685,1 [INTERNAL] 

I mean, I'd fucking pay for it.

>> No.3524740


No one has a problem with people pointing out laziness, it's the needless aggression which we both know YOU are aware of and you're just acting up like a petulent child.

>> No.3524862

it was like one of the last GB games released, in fucking 2002!

i have seen copies but never grabbed it with the last CIB new copy at GS back in 2006. i had a choice between that or CIB mint copies of FFL2 and FFA both being the same price as Shantae at 14.99.

i noticed the Capcom logo on it, remembered that the Capcom Zeldas were good and said i'd pick it up later.

i never did, but no one knew it was good. it looked like a fucking girl game and really, who was going to pick that up without reading reviews and based on that generic box art?

>> No.3524865

not really, you just need to find someone who sells at good prices

like i do

if i was looking to get rid of shantae, i'd do 175 to a good home. scalpers and resellers pay 299, fuck you.

>> No.3524880
File: 181 KB, 900x1271, tron_bonne_by_roastedstix-d7jx127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it looked like a fucking girl game
Nobody bought The Misadventures of Tron Bonne for the same reason, and now it's one of the most expensive PSX games.

>> No.3524908

I've had $300 hookers that weren't half as hot as Shantae.

>> No.3524910

>the most technically impressive game on the gbc

The New Addams Family

>> No.3524915

>not buying three hundred $1 hookers instead

>> No.3524940

same with the ad in magazines too
it just didn't look good in shots since i have seen my share of girl games and they all sucked, why would Shantae have been any different back in 2002 when everyone was buying a GBA?

>> No.3524961


>> No.3524967



>> No.3524972

>the only thing memorable about the game was his tech advance for a GBC game
>somehow the game managed to survive 15 years later to fapbait

>> No.3525147
File: 134 KB, 1920x1280, finger-422529_1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Duh, I'm a retard who can't understandd people have differant opinions about a game I don't like because I'm a shallow minded perv who jerks off to rule 34 all day.

>> No.3525167

>contains a waifu
>neckbears will pay 300 dollars for it

Really not hard to understand at all.

>> No.3525213

Dear god this thread turned to shit fast.

>> No.3525265


Shantae is your average 90's platformer and with each installment the devs have focused more on how to make good graphics and lewds for neckbeards and less level design and gameplay. If you just cant deal with that is not my problem.

>> No.3525283

That's funny because Pirate's Curse has probably the best gameplay yet in the series.

>> No.3525293

it's fine
it's not spectacular
but with each new game it gets better gameplay wise and the story is just simple like any Saturday morning cartoon
anyone who hates this game simply because of shantae and pulls out the "waifu" card is a try-hard that needs to choke on their fedora

that's all.

>> No.3525310

>Why is Earthbound your benchmark?
Not him, but that's the go-to game to compare things to whenever people talk about overpriced games.

>> No.3525316

all this bitching about prices and you can just get a flashcart and not have to carry around a bunch of old cartridges with you.

The only peole that bitch about the prices of games that are compatible with flashcarts are collectorfags too, they're just poor collectorfags.

>> No.3525319

You can get a fully working $7 repro of this game on aliexpress.

>> No.3525323

I've seen pretty good-looking repros of this on chinabay, including manual and all. Looked really nice but I still felt the price was pretty expensive, asking 75 bucks for a repro.

Getting a repro or a flashcart is the only sensible way of getting this game now.

>> No.3525328

>girl MC
>girl game
good damn it you 'muricans piss me off. (even if it was in the past)

To really drive something home as a girl game it needs really shitty girl-comics box art and, for bonus points, horses.
Shantae & Tron Bonne has neither.

>> No.3525443

or just buy the repro from aliexpress for six bux. No box or manual and the cart looks obvious chink bootleg, but hey, its cheap.

>> No.3525460

that or just but it on the 3DS eshop

>> No.3526642
File: 278 KB, 1064x510, Survival Kids box art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
