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3491153 No.3491153 [Reply] [Original]

What is best Wario Land game and why is it the one on Virtual Boy?

>> No.3491181

I don't know you tell me

>> No.3491190

VBWL a best. I wish someone would do a re-make at the very least.

Also I like SML3 more than WL2, really.

>> No.3491192

shitty way to start a thread around here

>> No.3491193

It's Wario Land 4

>> No.3491196

Still waiting for the anon to explain why he thought it was shit.

>> No.3491214
File: 109 KB, 644x624, 2016-09-11 23.52.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we talk about how much of a cunt Mario is in the original land series?

Especially if you factor in that Mario vs. Wario comic.

>> No.3491221

D'oh I missed!

>> No.3491236

Who is Wario exactly? I mean,is he Marios cousin? An alternate universe Mario? A deformed clone? And for that matter what about Waluigi?

>> No.3491242

He really has no origin. He just hates mario and likes money. It isn't clear if they are even related.

>> No.3491265

The two stories I've heard are he's Marios unloved cousin or one of Santas elves that went rogue.

>> No.3491448

Because some baby just watched an LP?

>> No.3491635

This. Came in to point out Wario Land games are just Super Mario Land games.

>> No.3491639

Is wario jewish?

>> No.3491847

>he's too stupid to emulate the game

>> No.3491874 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3491903

My sources say he's a Sicilian mobster.

>> No.3492871
File: 28 KB, 250x249, Warioland3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a perfect game. This is the definitive platforming experience on the market right now. Not only is it perfect, but it built upon everything that made the previous game great, which is rare to see nowadays. Usually in games your character can be killed... Not here.. Not Wario Land 3. When people think of "2D collectathons" this is the game that springs to mind. It has everything that makes 2D platformers fun. Large explorable open worlds. Moves and abilities to unlock. Various transformations to control. Fun boss battles. Addictive minigames. Time Attack. Replayability. It's here. It's engaging. It's amazing. It's a 12+ hour campaign length and up to 20+ if you want to 100% it. There is no other game, don't mention Super Mario Bros. with its shit controls and bland game design. Don't even list Metroid, Kirby, or that faggot Yoshi. This is the game. Accept it.

>> No.3492880
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Just bought a Gameboy Colour. Which Wario game is best? I want to try it out, just gotta find a place that sells GB/C games with new batteries.

>> No.3492886

I'd play them in order so you can appreciate how the series evolved.

>> No.3492890

The one above you.

Don't listen to SML3fags, they're wrong.

>> No.3492895


Definitely do what >>3492886 suggested. Each game in the series is (arguably) better than the last, but they're all amazing and all worth playing.

>> No.3492912

Who the fuck has time for that? Just play the best one.

>> No.3492917

Because "the best one" is subjective, some guy could tell you that 4 is the best but maybe 2 ends up as your favorite.

>> No.3492925

how about play the one considered the best not by one anon and if you liked it a lot play the others.

>> No.3492968
File: 61 KB, 1000x600, guide-to-wah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, mate.

>> No.3493017

WL 2 is my favorite and one of my favorite games of all time. Just restarted it today and I'm feeling extremely comfy.

>> No.3493031

Wario Land 2>4>1>3

>> No.3493038

Wrong. This article sums up why

>> No.3493046

How would you feel if Nintendo made a Conker's Bad Fur Day-esque game for wario?

>> No.3493057
File: 63 KB, 1000x1192, penguinposting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>citing a blogger

>> No.3493061

The points are valid regardless of where they come from.

>> No.3493065

The original was one of my favorite and most played games as a kid. It had all the surreal setting of mario, but amped up to 11.

>> No.3493068

>he hasn't played VB yet


>> No.3493070

Does VB even have an emulator? Truthfully i disregarded the whole system as a gimmick console

>> No.3493071

It does, and you can change the colors to greyscale instead of eye searing red and black.

>> No.3493084

After vbwl and sml3 the powerup collecting felt like a chore

>> No.3493098

You're doing it wrong. You're not supposed to tell what the problem is. You just post the penguin as is. If you're going to be an insufferable cunt, do it right.

>> No.3493295

come on wario bros, be nicer. we're better than castlevania shitters aren't we?
4 is a childhood favorite, i've been going back and playing the others. just started replaying 4 to get all the cds, too. i got wl2 for free from club nintendo, loved it and finished the main route. the exploring and immortality was awesome and i wish it was more common. i wanted a little more action from it, but that's what the other games are for. wl3 and sml3 i've only dabbled in thus far, haven't formed any opinions. so my tier list is pretty much 4>2, but the gap is small. i had no idea that vb emulation was playable, gotta try out that wario land too.

>> No.3493537

Not necessarily. It's just that most /b/ tier threads like this are started by a baby who just learned about a game by watching an LP.

>> No.3493709
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The ghost from sml3:wl is cute.

>> No.3493913
File: 155 KB, 533x480, relax-nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Beat the game in mednafen. Never watched someone else play it either. Your assumption failed.

>> No.3494542

I've been emulating 2 on Openemu with the Gambatte core and it keeps freezing on the trin levels (which is particularly annoying because those are some of my favorites). How do I stop this from happening?

>> No.3495839

You wouldn't be so defensive is that were true.