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3488478 No.3488478 [Reply] [Original]

Is sonic 3 and knuckles GOAT?

>> No.3488482
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yea is gaot

>> No.3488486


>> No.3488492


SOnic 2 is the best. sonic 3 is a game with a 7 min sonic level and has bad stages. S&K is great.

>> No.3488496

Always found sonic 2 to be meh

>> No.3488503
File: 134 KB, 640x640, sonic-twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic CD > Sonic & Knuckles > Sonic 3 > Sonic 1 > Sonic 2

There is no "Sonic 3&K" game. They were released individually and separately, so putting them together is retarded.

>> No.3488512

>Putting Sonic 3 together with Sonic & Knuckles is retarded

>> No.3488514


you're right. Not as good as sonic CD AKA vertical sonic. I sure love taking a character based on momentum and speed and have him jump around up and down stages looking for a machine and a place to run fast and long enough to time travel. what a great game!

Sonic 2 takes a shit over pretty much every other game in the series its not even funny, the contrarian 2 is the worst meme needs to fucking die.

>> No.3488517


it is. why bother playing that awful glorified intro to Sonic and Knuckles when you can toss it and its shitty digitized micheal jackson "whooo" into the garbage can?

>> No.3488518

But S&K the second half of Sonic 3

>> No.3488524

No, the second half of 3 is Carnival Night, Ice Cap, and Launch Base.

This "Sonic 3 is also S&K just because they started as the same game during development but got split up into two games later on" meme needs to die.

>> No.3488546

sanic one is the best one deal with effin it

spindash is for casuals

>> No.3488549

I'm not sure if you're defending or attacking sonic 2.

>> No.3488564
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It's not a meme but I guess you had to be there to understand. In the Level Select in Sonic 3, which everybody knew how to get to, two levels called "Mushroom Valley" and "Flying Battery" were listed but you couldn't select them. On top of this there were a number of music tracks in the sound test that weren't used anywhere and Sonic 3, in general, was a 'short' game. There was a real mythos building about Sonic 3 and how it wasn't finished, with 'that kid' in the playground claiming to know the 'secret' to playing the hidden levels and all that shit.

Because of this Sonic & Knuckles was a logical conclusion to anyone paying attention at the time, though it was admittedly seen as more of an expansion pack type deal at the time rather than the actual second half. To your point, though, SEGA themselves have called it "Sonic 3 and Knuckles" in basically every release since the original. It is, canonically speaking, the full game.

>> No.3488568
File: 14 KB, 220x267, 220px-Sonic3&KnucklesCart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting them together is retarded

Hmmmm.... What did Sega mean by this?

>> No.3488569

Erm, I was there at the time, dipshit. S&K was released as its own game 8 months after Sonic 3. I'm sorry you fail to understand such a simple concept. I don't need S3 in order to play S&K and vice-versa, hence, separate games.

>> No.3488581

What is the difference between s&k, Sonic 3 and both together?
Im looking to play them for the first time and don't know which to go for.

>> No.3488585
File: 14 KB, 480x360, sonic3-finalboss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 3 has exclusive music that is cut when you attach S&K to it. Also S3&K is missing a boss fight from 3.

You should play in this order:
Sonic 3 by itself -> Sonic 3 & Knuckles, for the full retro experience.

>> No.3488590

Sonic 3 has some small item placement differences when played by itself. Also, the boss themes and the knuckles theme is different.

Knuckles has a cutscene at the start of Sonic and Knuckles.

There's really no good reason to play them separately.

>> No.3488596

There are super emeralds and you can do a hyper transformation when you lock on.

>> No.3488597

So Sonic and Knuckles by itself has nothing extra/playworthy?

>> No.3488598


Hey, I didn't say they weren't physically separate games, I'm just trying to help you understand seeing as you're having so much trouble. It's an understood fact that they make up a full game - a fact backed up by numerous interviews, the code of both games, SEGA always referring to it by it's full title. I don't know where you got the idea it was some fan-wank that everyone just agreed with.

>> No.3488602

I can't remember. Don't you still fight that boss as Knuckles when locked-on?

>> No.3488604

A 5 second cutscene right at the start.

>> No.3488607

Playing S&K standalone is pretty much a crippled experience. I would say you can skip it altogether.

>> No.3488609


>> No.3488610

I'll give em a whirl.

>> No.3488625

>sonic cd
>muh soundtrack
>muhtal sonic

i don't get this meme

>> No.3488994

thats a waste of time. just jump into s3&k

>> No.3489003

Not really. Your Sonic 3 data will still work after you plug it into S&K, allowing you to continue where you left off.

>> No.3489040

the special stage placements are changed in s3&k. i feel s3&k did it right taking final eggman boss like that, since its all a big game anyways. whichever you do doesnt take away from the experience

>> No.3489985

>the special stage placements are changed in s3&k.

That's not true. Can you post some image comparisons?

>> No.3490015

I can't find an example but I'm pretty sure that's the case. Also different item and enemy placement

>> No.3490265


>> No.3490271

Fuck off Nostalgiafag

>> No.3490281

>There is no "Sonic 3&K" game. They were released individually and separately, so putting them together is retarded.

As the plans for the game were laid out, Yasuhara and Naka wanted to create a large, sprawling game, grander in scope than any Sonic title to date, essentially accomplishing what they had hoped to do in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 but couldn't due to time constraints. Roger Hector, a director at STI and Executive Coordinator for Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles, knew almost from the start that such an ambitious project might be impossible in the form they wanted to take it.

There were so many creative ideas that it would take too much time to develop such a massive project. The team brainstormed up two games' worth of material initially and it was decided, before the Alpha stage I think, that it would make more sense to split it into two games. „

—Roger Hector, Executive Coordinator, Sonic 3 & Knuckles


Kill yourself

Also CD is objectively worst game
3&K>1>2>CD is the objective list you can cry, you can moan, you can bitch but this fact will never change

>> No.3490312

Just do this

>Go to http://www.s3complete.org/customiser/
>select use original ice cap colors
>select change mushroom valley into mushroom hill
>select use the original palmtree icon

Press customize and get rom and then
>open rom
>go to options> gameplay options >change "Sonic/Tails" and "Knuckles" to S&K layouts
>go to options> music options > change theme/event control to "Pick by Zone"(this allows you to hear the S3 Music in the S3 Zones and then the S&K Music in the S&K zones which is the best of both worlds)

Do all this and don't bother with the vanilla Sonic 3 and Knuckles

>> No.3490317

Also don't forget to turn "Tails Assist" off since it might be annoying(it originally wasn't a feature in the original game unless you were playing with 2 players)

>> No.3490382

Does anybody else feel like theres too many parts where u just watch sonic go?
And the last couple zones kinda drag the fuck on before you finally get to the last boss.
Also are these games supposed to be as casual as possible? Or is the real challenge just to GO FAST
The rings make it so easy...
>but dont get hit shitter

>> No.3493129

>Does anybody else feel like theres too many parts where u just watch sonic go?
Not anymore than in other sonic games no

>Also are these games supposed to be as casual as possible?
Sonic was supposed to be a game for casual gamers from day one(I remember in an interview Yasuhara or Naka said this)...though so many people out there struggle at Sonic 1 and struggle to learn the controls so go figure

The games aren't designed to kill you like most games of the era...they're designed to prevent you to get the best time/score

So they're forgiving casual games but they have hidden depth for the hardcore gamer because of how complex the physics system and the level design is which makes getting the best score/time feel rewarding

>> No.3493228

Anyone who thinks CD is GOAT needs to kill themselves

>> No.3493269

Which emulator are these options under?

>> No.3494864

Under options at the title screen menu.

>> No.3494892

Sonic 3 as a stand alone game is tosh and not up to the same standard as Sonic 2 or Sonic & Knuckles.

Angel Island: Average
Hydrocity: Average
Marble Garden: Abject Tosh
Carnival Night: Ugly hell, repetitive music. Not to mention the barrel
Icecap: Above Average, but seems better because the rest of the game sucks
Special Stages: Tosh
Bonus Stage: Good

So, if we do the maths:
Sonic 3 = (Below Average + Tosh + Abject Tosh + Utter Tosh + Above Average + Average at best + Tosh + Good) ÷ 8 = Below Average.

This is clear proof that Sonic 3 is not as good as the other Mega Drive Sonic games and it is impossible to argue with science.

>> No.3494918

When did science = subjectivity
You have poor taste and nothing will fix that.

>> No.3497739

No inspiration, huh.