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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3486718 No.3486718 [Reply] [Original]

>modern kids can't enjoy the classics


>> No.3486719

Sonic 1 is still awesome but fuck duck hunt.

>> No.3486721

The lady has a very sexy voice, any pics of her?

>> No.3486739
File: 44 KB, 306x250, 1424136115592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh fuck you I got my fucking high score you fucked it

>> No.3486821
File: 41 KB, 441x546, sexy-voice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3486826


Just look at her channel, you can see her face in some videos. That being said, I assume she's the OP so weigh your desire to give views for shilling with the desire to see what she looks like.

>> No.3486862

Bad parents fucking up another generation to the point of rotten while having the best intentions, trying to pass along nostalgia. I'm conflicted between enjoying this for the retro factor and loathing it as I see humanity degrade.

>> No.3486881

Duck Hunt sucks

>> No.3486924

That kid needs beating

>> No.3486986

This is why /vr/ should never be allowed to raise a kid

>> No.3486996

that kid is a cunt

Kids aren't interested in old games the same way you didn't want to play Pong when you were 8. There was NES, Genesis and TG16 out there, news of a Super Nintenda, cd games coming to console, Atari making a comeback etc. Retro gaming is rated young adult+

On a closing note retro scene is full of cunts so the kid fits right in.

>> No.3487608

OP here. I'm not her. Don't be so paranoid.

>> No.3487627

You just don't force your interests kids, plain & simple. They'll only like what their friends like and it'll stay that way until they go to high school, if not later. Perhaps that same kid will grow up into a trilby-wearing neckbeard once he's in college, and he'll go on to spout on about the PURITY of retro games and how his mom was SO COOL for making him play Sonic as kid. But for now, just let him play GTA4.

>> No.3487638

Retro games are for grandpas only.
I just realized last night that my hair is turning grey.
Little gray bastards, just all over my head. Trying to hide from me.
I just wanna die

>> No.3487643

yeah i'm sure you loved it when your dad forced you to watch gunsmoke or play with yo-yos or whatever the fuck he did as a kid

stop trying to enforce your nostalgia on other people

>> No.3487651


>he didn't play with yo-yos as a kid

>> No.3487656

But I did want to play pong when I was 8. It was pretty much the only game around. Projecting pretty hard there slugger.

>> No.3487678

Gunsmoke was good

>> No.3487689

>can I play GTAIV now
what a busta

>> No.3487692

>a 4chinker in the making
he'll probably even make threads about this one day

>> No.3487694

Duck Hunt is top tier.

>> No.3487771

I was born in 1982 and can't enjoy 70s era games. It's all relative OP.

>> No.3487781


Westerns are fucking awesome, you sissy faggot.

>> No.3487794

When I was 16 I was watching the TV Land channel constantly. Andy Griffith, Dream of Jeanne, Bonanza, all that good shit.

>> No.3487795

When I get my hands on some kids I'm going to force them to learn Japanese and play NEC games exclusively.

>> No.3487850

When I was that age I too cursed like a sailor buy never around adults. It's just disrespectful. Even as an adult I can't cuss around the elderly.

>> No.3487902

someone needs to tell that kid to watch his mouth

>> No.3487917

The mom sounds like she's shit at parenting honestly.

>> No.3487930

>not beating the shit out of that kid every time he swears

>> No.3487935

I loved Boomerang for cartoons too.

>> No.3487963

Every 14 year old goes through a classic rock / movie / video game phase

>> No.3487980

>he plays on hardware

>> No.3487982


dude, chill.

>> No.3488382

Salt and pepper is an attractive look, anon. Embrace it.

>> No.3488387

She says the kid is her husband's younger brother so he's technically her brother-in-law. Let's not assume how much of a hand she has in his rearing based on a 3 minute video.

>> No.3488530

Fortunately they don't allow registered sex offenders around kids so not much chance of that happening.

>> No.3488840

>no one pointing out the kid is made to play Sonic stretched out on the lagscreen when there's a real tv RIGHT NEXT TO IT

>> No.3489041

Even summerfags aren't that stupid. Troll harder.