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3485821 No.3485821 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody played Darklands?
Is it as brutal and unforgiving as they say?
The map of germany and the medieval setting appeals to me quite a bit.

>> No.3487250


>> No.3487412

>Is it as brutal and unforgiving as they say?
Yes, but it's not super-hard if you plan things out. You may have to play a few games of it to figure out who you really need in your party; and you have to plan and build them correctly in the character creation.

Once you figure out how to survive, though, you have an awesome sandbox to play in. I love Darklands, and if you are interested in kicking around medieval Germany, you'll probably like it too. The map will come in handy, you should probably read the hint book too.

>> No.3487449


if it weren't for darklands, i would have never started using /his/.

so...is it hard?

yes and no.

a lot of the difficulty is in the fact that a shit ton of game critical data isn't listed in game at all -- you need to use the hint book. shit like equipment stats, that sort of thing.

it's also somewhat rough starting a new game. like running off immediately after starting to go fight a raubritter will indeed see you getting wrecked...but grind up some money and get geared up and it becomes simple enough.

once you know whats what and how the game mechanics work, though, it's not too bad. i was taking on demons and wrecking witches sabbaths not but a few weeks after learning to play.

difficulty can also come from simply not being in tune with 15th century HRE culture. for instance, I doubt you'll discover a satanic town without either googling spoilers or knowing some pretty detailed and obscure info about Christianity.

think of it as being less like a typical crpg and more like a 15th century HRE simulation and youll do fine...

>> No.3487528

Can I visit universities and abbeys?

>> No.3487532

yes, but their services can be cost prohibitive early on and often have skill reqs to even get service.

>> No.3487537

But I can achieve fame by being a scholar?
Or slaying minions of satan and bandits the only way?

>> No.3487543

>But I can achieve fame by being a scholar?

not as far as I'm aware. "scholarship" in this game basically amounts to buying alchemical recipes and saints information, or paying people to tutor you for skill increases.

as far as I can tell, fame is achieved by killing enemies -- town bandits, raubritters, etc, for completing missions for folks like the fuggers, medici, town burghers, etc with bigger increases for epic shit like taking on witches sabbaths.

>> No.3487545

I assume a basic knowledge of german will be usefull too.

>> No.3487554

somewhat, yeah. raubritter = robber knight.

back in the day, knights who would bankrupt themselves or otherwise go broke would basically extort unfair tolls and generally rob people in and around their land holdings.

so, raubritters sorta serve as a semi-common low to mid tier boss sort of quest, where you'll find a way into the Ritter's tower and then take him and his men on, either for the sake of a quest (cities and townsfolk naturally don't like living near a raubritter), or just because they and their men can yield a shit ton of mid to high tier gear that's worth good money.