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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 827 KB, 1024x802, n64-pad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3484098 No.3484098 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start with an obvious one.

>> No.3484103

Anything made by Hori

>> No.3484104

OP falls for the memes.

>> No.3484107
File: 752 KB, 1080x1920, 1439954969290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It plays the games designed around it and has yummy M&M buttons. What's not to like?

>> No.3484117

You don't have access to all inputs without shifting your left hand around or stretching your hand uncomfortably.

>> No.3484120

the games use either D-pad + L button or Joystick + Z button. it's not an issue. unless you're playing a meme game

>> No.3484121

It is an issue. What if I want to move around with the analog stick but navigate menus with D-pad?

>> No.3484142

Surely you jestin

Hori is a perennial choice for quality alternative controllers. They even made official stuff like the super game boy.

>> No.3484145

The N64 controller is well designed. The analogue would be better on the left, but everything else is perfect, especially the z-trigger behind which should be in every controller.

>> No.3484147
File: 28 KB, 460x345, p-158144-dreamcast-controller-1vcm-460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3484151

VMUs were awesome, but besides that, yeah. It's not the worst thing ever but it could have been a lot better, too.

>> No.3484162
File: 72 KB, 616x364, PS1-d-pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3484172

Would have been a good controller if the D-pad wasn't complete dogshit.
Same problem with the Gamecube controller.

>> No.3484190

Well now we're in conflict.

>> No.3484217

there is always that one butthurt nintenfags that's going to act like a triggered bitch.

>> No.3484279

>SEGA and every other company had a normal D-pad that wasn't the equivalent of using the front buttons to control your character
lmao stay mad le nintenfag top kek XD

>> No.3484409


>every time someone says something bad about our Sony overlords, it definitely MUST be a nintendofag.

>> No.3484423

and then the Analog controller came out and then no one gave a shit about the crappy dpad

>> No.3484440

Then use the stick with your right hand :)

>> No.3484458

>What if I want to move around with the analog stick but navigate menus with D-pad?
What, at the same time? WTF kinda game are you playin?

>> No.3484506

There's a directional button on the right prong too retard.

>> No.3484531

This and then this. >>3484423

Literally no reason to use the d-pad after the DS1 came out (except for stuff like RE or Silent Hill).

>> No.3484535
File: 282 KB, 2200x1600, NES-controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual layout is obviously good and logical, but the ergonomics of this are trash.

>> No.3484546
File: 9 KB, 284x200, nesdogbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. The dog bone, however, is super comfy.

>> No.3484548

Strange, I had a ps1 growing up and almost never used the analogue controls even though I owned dual shock controllers exclusively. Most of the games I played didn't make good use of them, and when they did it usually felt more precise using the d-pad.

I guess I'm in the minority who finds the PS style d-pad to be acceptable (if not ideal), while the analog sticks feel flimsy and imprecise to me.

I also feel like the N64 controller is extremely comfortable and I can't think of a single game in my collection where I have to shift my hand position at any point. The only games I really use the D-Pad for are Bangaioh and Mischief Makers. Almost every N64 game is designed around analog controls anyway.

>> No.3484561
File: 58 KB, 900x545, Intellivision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many buttons. Too few fingers.

>> No.3484568

Then I have to shift my *right* hand back and forth betwen the buttons.

Why can't the pad just have TWO prongs? Like every other pad?

>> No.3484569

>C-buttons == D-pad

Get a load of this fucktard.

>> No.3484583
File: 1.23 MB, 1635x1368, skBwCBl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got to be bullshitting me.

>> No.3484617

Those actually are the controls for Xenoblade Chronicles 3D... which obviously isn't an N64 title.

>> No.3484619

I'm playing Xenoblade on my N64.

>> No.3484626

Are you a wizard?

>> No.3484637

pics or GTFO

>> No.3484649


Worst of all time by far.

NES Powerglove is terrible, but it's too obvious.

>> No.3484654

And Dark Souls.
And Monster Hunter.
But no N64 games.

>> No.3484668
File: 51 KB, 600x652, be9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3484669
File: 260 KB, 1280x720, 1463302570789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit was bomb

>> No.3484687

manlet detected

>> No.3485751

The Playstation family of controllers. Dualshock can fuck off and die.

>> No.3487671

>Retro Controller Designs 2000 babies can't into

This is the problem with autists and their disconnect with the real world. No games require you to use all inputs so it's irrelevant. It's like bitching that a car has a back seat when you only ever drive alone. Because no wants to be around you.

>> No.3487843
File: 32 KB, 400x267, controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Atari Jaguar had the worst controller I've ever used in my life.

>> No.3487862

Why are most people in this thread posting good controllers?

>> No.3487864

I was playing sonic adventure the other day and realized that the analog stick is not very good. everything else on it is fine, and it feels comfortable in my hand but the analog stick feels very cheap

>> No.3487869
File: 1.46 MB, 2320x2540, Atari-5200-Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>enter thread
>ctrl f 5200
>0 results

Bitches, leave.

>> No.3488330
File: 136 KB, 489x379, Screen Shot 2016-09-10 at 4.44.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3490227

not sure why a controller with so few buttons needed such an obtuse design. no game benefitted from this design and would've been better off with a more dualshock-ish design.
>b-but games are designed around it
no fucking shit. every game ever is designed around whatever controller it's made for. doesn't make the controller well-designed
that's actually better than the ps3's dpad imo

>> No.3490575

It was one of the earliest 3d controllers, and Nintendo wanted to make sure that the controller would still be good for 2d games if 3d didn't really catch on.

>> No.3491127

>no game benefitted from this design

Bangai-O and Sin and Punishment utilize the N64's control design to its fullest, although it's more of a choice, you can opt to play right or left-side.

>that's actually better than the ps3's dpad imo

You mean ps4? the playstation kept the same d-pad for 3 generations.

>> No.3491249


The most accurate d-pad, how can you hate it? Most controllers have you balancing your thumb on the highest point, in the middle. This d-pad has the lowest point in the middle, creating less room for slipping off.

>> No.3491257


A segmented d-pad can never be the most balanced or accurate.

>> No.3491261


>slipping off

Never happened to me, with any d-pad.

>> No.3491329
File: 267 KB, 3000x1688, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate:
the dpad
the analog stick
the 4 face buttons (should be 6)
the wire at the front
the shoulder buttons/how cramped your hands get when you're needing to press the shoulder triggers

Saturn 3d controller was such a better design. It's a shame

>> No.3491424

to be fair, I have a saturn 3D pad under my hands right now, and while it's pretty good, the analog stick has a fatal flaw. It has a short length. The maximum angle is the same as other controllers, but the decreased length makes picking an intermediate position harder. If it had a stalk, it would be better. Wasn't the DC analog just a saturn analog with a longer stalk? Or is just the top texture of the DC is terrible?
Also the d-pad on this thing feels almost better than the standard 2d pad, holy shit

>> No.3491454

It's not segmented, have you ever fucking used it?

>> No.3491474

I wouldn't say it's terrible, it just pales in comparison to the Saturn and Mega Drive controllers. It's a lot more comfortable than it looks, but the stick is slippery and the d-pad is a rubbish Nintendo-style cross one.

>> No.3491482

Maybe games that use them all could have been made if the shitty controller didn't cripple what developers could do, ye daft bugger.

The games that exist not requiring you to use all the inputs is not an argument in the favour of this controller!

>> No.3491484

No, the most accurate is the Saturn dpad.

>> No.3491532

Not that this shit ever maters since the system is ever going to have enough games for this to matter. N64 has like 5 games, nintendo had no problems taking advantage of the controller.

>> No.3492541

He has underage mutant turtle thumbs

>> No.3492615
File: 20 KB, 500x363, sega-genesis-3-button.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even trolling
>bulbous "handle" design which is uncomfortable to hold.
>Overly-large D-pad
>Under-sensitive D-pad at the same time
>No select button
>No shoulder buttons
>Start button placement which makes no fucking sense
and worst of all...
They either expected your face right in front of the TV, or to have the console itself practically in your lap.

>> No.3492656

>Under-sensitive D-pad at the same time

Those varied between controllers. Many different manufacturers were making them, some had wobbly shit d-pad, others were too sturdy. Cord size also differed, some had very long cords.

>No select button
>No shoulder buttons

It's a 1988 controller that was meant to compete with the NES and PC Engine. And they updated it with the 6-button pad later that also had a shoulder button.
Select is not necessary.

>Overly-large D-pad

No, it was Nintendo that had too small ones. Pressing diagonals was never as easy on any other pads as it is on the Genesis one.

>Start button placement which makes no fucking sense

Having it on the center makes no sense either, since you have to lift your thumb away from one of the primary controls to press it.

>They either expected your face right in front of the TV, or to have the console itself practically in your lap.

We used to have the console out on a table in front of the couch we sat on in the TV room.
This way we also didn't have to get up and go to the other side of the room to change games.

>> No.3492763

these aren't good for my wittle baboo hands.
also- rubber on the joystick wouldn't have been a bad idea.
other than that, yeah they're good controllers.
I personally am not a fan of the genesis controller, the gamecube will forever be the best i think

>> No.3492767

I wish "eggman" would stop being so gay and hit me up.

>> No.3492771


Sega apologists comin thru

>> No.3492809

Lack of select button is good thing, since majority of games didn't even use it or it was used as third button(keep in mind when genesis came out), so replacing it with "C" button makes more sense. Start buttons location is better than in most controllers, since its a lot easier to access and you don't have move your thumb all the way away from main buttons.

D-pad is much superior than the other controllers at time, for one it doesn't kill your thumb like nes controller. But d-pad and cord length varies by a lot since there was many variations of it.

>No shoulder buttons
No shit sherlock, keep in mind that genesis came out way before snes, and tell me, what other controllers had shoulder buttons?

>> No.3492819

But anon, I thought sega does what nintendon't... guess that doesn't apply to shoulder buttons.