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3470313 No.3470313 [Reply] [Original]

/vr/, where's the best place to scoop up a N64 for a decent price? Do I just keep an eye on eBay or what?

One with cables, expansion pack and a singular controller would be preferable. I'm planning on getting Hori pads and an Everdrive at some point as well.

>> No.3470336

Garage sales. I got an N64, Atomic purple controller with the expanded ram pack...for $2.

>> No.3470351

N64 is on the raise on eBay.

Your best bet is probably craigslist for sure. N64's are going for like 50 CAD right now in Vancouver.

Ebay is a crapshoot for sure. you could probably get a killer deal on an auction, but at the same time, people go balls to the walls insane over winning an auction.

>> No.3470469

Wow, no shit. They weren't this expensive when I checked last time. Same with the Hori pads. What the hell happened?

Oh well. Thanks for the tips anon

>> No.3471187

only craigslist and garage sales, even then its tough.

>> No.3471408

I have an N64 with two grey controllers and an expansion pack. There are no games for it. This thread's making me think I should cling to it and sell it eventually.

>> No.3471412

>tfw live in UK
>tfw garage sales don't exist

>> No.3471508

Go to a car boot sale then anon, pretty much the same thing but all the garages are in one field.

>> No.3471565

>gumtree my city
>£100 N64 with Goldeneye

>> No.3471603


That frog is not on the N64 sir. This thread is misleading.

>> No.3472012

Here lately I've found it more convenient to just bite the bullet and buy on eBay or Amazon. Everyone says "Craigslist" and "thrift stores" but those places are fucking dead these days. Plus with Amazon and eBay you have a warranty that you don't get by buying from some crack head.

>> No.3472023

I got one at some thrift store for $10
It came with 1 controller, 1 third party controller, a rumble pak, a tilt pak, and a controller extention.
I don't know much about them, but I guess the one I got was an early one, because it came with an expansion pak pre installed with an official sticker keeping it in.

>> No.3472026

Forgot to mention, the same place also had a Sega Genesis and a Playstation 1 with games, right next to it.

>> No.3472027

At least the crack head seller isn't a jew piece of shit over-pricing his items.

>> No.3472815

amazon sells used n64s. some have pix of the goods and/or good descriptions of what you'll get. original controllers are worth more. get a s-video cable too, the one without composite yellow.

>> No.3473279

Just recently sold a spare of mine on eBay for $25 and the buyer turned out to be a filthy reseller.

Keep looking on eBay, I suppose.

>> No.3473597

Look for Mega Drives and Master Systems instead.

>> No.3473659

But they are. Every idiot thinks they can get ebay prices and just pocket the 10% ebay would eat.

>> No.3473748


Pawn shops sometimes have alright deals

>> No.3473983

Good luck. The N64 even more than the NES is getting hit by this retro craze by all the kids like me, but I was too poor for one then and consider it overrated now who grew up playing SM64 and Ocarina. Local retro shop near me says he just can't keep the things in stock whenever he gets them.

>> No.3473985

Check out some car boot sales. You might need to get up pretty but I've gotten 2 from car boot sales for less than £20

>> No.3473992

>garage sales are banned in England
>tits are becoming banned in France
>everything is banned in Germany

What is going on over there?

>> No.3474023


No we just don't like encouraging perfect strangers onto our property. Unwanted items get taken to a car boot sale on neutral territory.

>> No.3474113

>No we just don't like encouraging perfect strangers onto our property
>fellow neighbours are "strangers"
Yep, he's a yurocuck.

>> No.3474125

>>garage sales are banned in England

England always has been a police state.

>tits are becoming banned in France

That's news to me, last time I checked you could find bare tits in a kids comic book.

>everything is banned in Germany

It was like that ever since WW2 ended.

>> No.3474724

I heard some beaches are not allowing women to go topless anymore because muslims complained. I don't have a news story to post, it's just what my friend in France told me.

>> No.3474730

>because muslims complained

This has been true for almost all Europe, last 20 years at least. This needs to stop and in fact, I think even the weaker states (like France) are finally catching on to the fact that they're being colonized.

But really, we can stop anytime now. Where the games at?

>> No.3474842

How do you connect the N64 to a current TV?

>> No.3474870

Remove Kebab from europe

>> No.3474871

Oh so banning topless women is okay, but banning burkinis isnt

we need to ban kebab

>> No.3474875

with composhit to the yellow input or green on the component input, the snes hd retrovision cable should work with an rgb modded n64.