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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 207 KB, 646x359, 130509_ttbe_megaman2_featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3468254 No.3468254 [Reply] [Original]

Just beat 2 for the first time, it has taken me a long time to beat this game in a single sitting since I gave up a lot when I started playing it, but damn what a satisfying game.
Anyway Classic Mega Man thread, X and Legends discussion is also allowed.
Honestly, I've only beaten 2 and I own X4, but I suck ass at it. I own Mega Man 64 as well, almost done with it but put it on the side for a while now. I've played the original X on emulator and I own a couple none /vr/ Mega Man games like 9 and the Zero collection on DS but again those aren't /vr/.
I usually hear that 2 & 3 are the most highly regarded of the classic series, how about the othwr entries?
What about ROM hacks?
Are there any "Mega Man-likes" that rival the quality of the series on other retro systems?

>> No.3468282
File: 70 KB, 157x199, croc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little Sampson
Mighty No. Scam
Cave Story
Mega Man Unlimited
Sorry for the shit list. It's really all there it is when it comes to Mega-likes.

>> No.3468295

>Mighty No. Scam
>Cave Story
Yeah I tried ny best to imply that I didn't want any modern Mega Man-like recommendations but if you really wanted to go their Shovel Knight is probably the best example of a Mega Man like game, but that's mire similar to Zelda 2 in gameplay than Mega Man, but it does have a similar level progression like Mega Man

>> No.3468310

2 and 3 may be the highest regarded, but I think the entire classic series is great. However, 2 is the easiest, so if you had trouble with that, idk how you're gonna feel with the rest. Go try to beat 1 or 4 and prepare for an anal raping.

>> No.3468312

the series starts to recycle stuff and drops the creativity ball at 4, probably because they wanted to keep riding the NES into the sunset. Mega Man 7 and 8 both take advantage of the space they have to work with, REALLY apparent when you marathon the games.

>> No.3468317

It was more or less just me being dumb and having shit reaction when I played it for the first time, as well as not being patient enough to get through the Wily stages. I just beat it a while ago without much trouble, especially the Robot Masters since I never had trouble with them. I forgot how long ago I got a copy as a gift, but I hadn't played much Mega Man when I recieved it, but now I'm craving a bit mire and will probably emulate them on my Wii. There's also collections available for Classic and X but I'm not too sure if those pirt are quakity or warrant the purchase when I could just emulate them.

>> No.3468320

*those ports are quality to warrant the purchase

however if I remember correctly the classic mega man collection had some bonus content like a racing game and a video abiut mega man or something.
I had it on GC but the control layout pissed me off.

>> No.3468326
File: 18 KB, 480x360, Mega-Man-V-Gameboy-Gameplay-Screenshot-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Mega Man V on the gameboy. It actually does a few interesting things with the typical MM tropes, and it also fits well as a wonderful finale to the original games.

Avoid MM 1 - 4 on the gameboy though. Those games are unplayable.

>> No.3468589

I have both GC collections, but since they are a bit pricey, I probably wouldn't recommend it over emulation, unless you really want to play on some type of hardware. The PS2 collections are dirt cheap though, iirc. The classic series is also on the 3DS eShop for $5 each.

And like >>3468326 said, the GB MMV is unique from the rest of the classic series and worth the play. Cartridge is super expensive for a GB game, so emulate it or buy the Japanese version. Fun challenging game with a unique plot of alien robot gods invading earth, while 1 - 4 GB is just watered down NES games that aren't worth the time unless you're a hardcore MM fan. Each takes 2 sets of four robot masters from consecutive NES games, eg 2 has 4 bosses from 2 and four bosses from 3, 3 has 4 from 3, and 4 from 4, etc. the levels are mostly just watered down NES stages with some minor differences. Was a good for playing MM on the go in the 90s, but don't hold up with today's abilities.

>> No.3468612

1 was standard fare for early GB games, 3 polished it up significantly despite still not being groundbreaking, and 4 is very nearly on par with 5; the only serious stinker out of the lot was 2

>> No.3468638

4 may be leagues above 1 - 3, but it's still just a rehash that I wouldn't recommend to non hardcore fans

>> No.3470347

why couldn't they make a Mega Man game that played entirely like a euro-shmup?

[second part of Tengu Man's stage]

>> No.3470350

does he live in his hat at the end of the game? and if so, how???? i haven't played Ii

>> No.3470786

He just left his helmet in the grass after taking a walk through nature after raping Dr Wily

>> No.3470831


This would probably be my favorite classic Mega Man game if it wasn't on the Game Boy. I'd love to see it in color, on a bigger screen (although I realize the game would have to be redesigned a bit), and not running at a horrible framerate most of the time.

>> No.3470883
File: 1.23 MB, 768x1024, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fc3a0a209ddab1a937d0ea3dbc828c741%2Ftumblr_nvw9ejL9XF1qjxzuyo3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good level design
>levels are good length
>varied levels
>bosses pretty fun, in buster only some become quite challenging
>great art
>good subweapons, all have a purpose and use
>not as glitchy as 2 and 3
>while weaker then 2 and 3 the OST is still very good
Explain to me how 4 isn't the best of the NES games.

>> No.3470983

You know they were actually planning a colorized GBA collection of the 5 GB MM games at the same time they released the anniversary collection on the GC? For whatever reason, they ended up stopping development.

It upsets me everytime I'm reminded of what could have been

>> No.3472336

>tfw beat Mega Man 8 last night and no longer have to deal with Wily ever again

>> No.3472406

If I remember right, it was because capcom lost the source code.

>> No.3472413

Megaman 6 is my personal favorite, although it might be a bit of nostalgia.