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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 24 KB, 250x248, Vagrantstorybox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3467601 No.3467601 [Reply] [Original]

Games which taught you valuable, life-changing lessons about video games, be it lessons about games in general or about the video game industry.

Pic related taught me that not everything Squaresoft makes is good.

>> No.3467602

>life-changing lessons about video games

The only life-changing lesson I learned about video games is that if I could, I would wish to never like them in the first place.

>> No.3467607

What didn't you like about Vagrant Story OP? Couldn't get past Snowfly Forest?

>> No.3467609

terrible taste tbqh
one of square's best and matsuno's best by far

>> No.3467631

t. casual babby

>> No.3467646

So much wasted potential with this game. Either you use the painfully slow menu system to change weapons all the time, or you forget the whole thing, max out risk, and pretend it's a rhythm game. At least Raging Ache/Crimson Pain strats are fun, if usually short lived. But even then you have to keep menuing to prevent getting oneshotted by enemy magic.

>> No.3467648

Thats one of the best squaresoft games though, probably the best playstation game ever made

>> No.3467649

It's easy to become very frustrated with Vagrant Story if you play blind and make (easily made) wrong assumptions about the mechanics.

>> No.3467652

>max out risk
lrn to vera root/vera bulb scrub

>> No.3467663
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>> No.3467874

Wew lad

>> No.3467879

lol you say this like making money or getting laid is hard

>> No.3467882

just use break arts faggot holy shit

>> No.3467883

The irony

>> No.3467929
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That game taught me that the body is but a vessel for the soul, a puppet which bends to the soul's tyranny; and lo the body is not eternal, for it must feed on the flesh of others, lest it return to the dust whence it came (therefore must the soul deceive, despise and murder men)

>> No.3467949

Basically 80% of my English proficiency comes from videogames, the problem is that most of the ones I played were text-only so my pronounce is still Soprano tier.

>> No.3468171
File: 96 KB, 640x904, HS_LennyKravitz_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP son of a bitchie don't do this with me.
I was planning buying a Psone just because this game...

>> No.3468392

OP is the embodiment of a lukewarm fagot

>> No.3468405


What is Kryten doing in a game?

>> No.3468409

i'd bone the hell out of Mullenkamp

>> No.3468440

Didn't FF VIII came before VS?

>> No.3468461

Yes why?

>> No.3469332
File: 6 KB, 173x250, lepepes (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats with japs and stupid hair? that shit is retarded as fuck. just awful.

>> No.3469358

10/10 troll thread, i laughed out loud at the bait and switch at the end. because it's square the butthurt nerds are coming out. great work op.
i haven't even played this game

>> No.3469765

No troll bro, VS just ain't my jam. Can't stand having to go into menus that incur loading time to switch out my weapon two or three times per room. It's just shitty game design.

>> No.3469779

VS came at the height of antenna hair, I think it's because their hair and everything else is pretty boring and homogenized so they likevto exaggerrate the few things it can actually do.

>> No.3469808

Fantastic game, but definately not something for the mentally challenged.

>> No.3469864

If you need to switch your weapon two or three times per room then you should keep playing games that are more of your speed, like, Pokemon or Kirby, this game is for human beans that have an IQ superior to a piece of chalk.

Then again
>Le shitty gaem design meme
I fondly remember when /vr/ actually played videogames.

>> No.3469892
File: 151 KB, 658x567, problematic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It would have been nice if the game let you to create a handful of "equipment profiles" and let you switch between them quickly depending on the situation (maybe not in real time, but at least through an overlay that wouldn't force you to summon the full menu). This would work wonders on the flow and overall experience

>> No.3469894
File: 2 KB, 256x224, tales-of-phantasia-english.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a lesson in its totality but pic related. At first I thought it was pretty cool, later that it was lame and pretentious, more than 10 years later I realized that statement is true.

>> No.3469943

> If you need to switch your weapon
> In a game literally based around having to switch your weapon to handle different enemy types
> And the constant weapon switching being one of the most highly critical points surrounding the game
Nice try shitposter

>> No.3470229

OP here.
>this guy pretending to be me.

>> No.3470551

Golden Axe, Heavy Metal Faak2, and Dungeon Keeper 2 taught me that feminists are fucking babies and always will be.

>> No.3470578

Identity has no purpose here. If you disagree with him then out with it, otherwise calm your man tits while mommy makes you some more chicken tendies.

>> No.3470580

Goddammit, I had managed to forget the abomination that was DK2

>> No.3470637
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I got past the Snowfly Forest and I still didn't like Vagrant Story.

>> No.3470665

does anyone else get strong vagrant story vibes from dark souls?

I liked vagrant story, but the gameplay really could have been better. It just needed some tweaks. I like the survivalist feeling

>> No.3470670

Are you high? It was basically square's last good games and an absolute classic in the JRPG genre. There will never be another game like this. The souls games have a similar atmosphere in parts but they will never do anything this unique again.

>> No.3470681

Nigger I'd kill to have that Squaresoft back making games of this quality. For about 15 years they shit out all kinds of 9/10 games across multiple IPs like it was nothing. Now we get remakes and Final Fantasy entries that's been in production 10 years and will still probably be garbage.

>> No.3470683

square made ffx one year later when their corporate structure was still intact before the merger/restructure. but your point still stands.

fuck dude, what a big difference a single year makes

>> No.3470751


I think vagrant story is like the Fight Club of Video Games.

It's everyone's favorite "2deep4u" game, when really it's about as shallow as a puddle.

It's not a bad game, and Fight Club isn't necessarily a bad film, but when people rave about it as the best thing ever I feel completely justified in locking out their opinions forever.

Vagrant Story did a lot of stuff I like. I like the idea of a kind of survival and scavenging mission in a cursed city. I think it just tried to do too many things. There are too many systems that don't form a cohesive net, they just clash together. Then you've got a plot that is absolutely 2deep4u which makes idiots think it's better than it actually is.

>> No.3470757

VS sucks so much dick but it's a good way to filter out all the autistic fat virgin nerds (ie the ones that sing its praises).

>> No.3471594

>Person 1: This is a good game I enjoyed playing it
>Person 2: Hurrr it's actually garbage only ugly virgins like it. Only idiots think this is good. Kill yourselves faggots.

Hate to break it to you guys, but while there are definitely some tragic losers posting ITT, it ain't the ones who say they like VS.

>> No.3471879

>Person 1: This is a bad game I didn't enjoy playing it
>Person 2: Hurr it's actually amazing only tragic losers dislike it. Only casual can't into complexity. Kill yourselves faggots.

Hate to break it to you guys, but while there are definitely some retards posting ITT, it ain't the ones who say they dislike VS.

>> No.3471885

everyone trolling here is a fat 15 year old who can't get laid and spends all his time destroying nerds online because his life has absolutely no meaning or direction

there is no way you can disprove this

>> No.3471913
File: 37 KB, 640x480, Are you a heretic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Needing to change weapons
>When simply gemming something to maximize Physical beats the shit out of anything
>When you have Chains
>When you have Counters
>When you have Warlock spells
>When you have Shaman elemental buffs
>When you can simply regem it properly if you're too dense to use any of the above.
>He didn't clear the game using only a base ungemmed Fandango
>He isn't a Holy Traveller/Proud Warrior/Pride Fighter

Some games should have a big NOT FOR PLEBS sticker on their cover to prevent this kind of retards to even get near them, let alone talk about them.

>> No.3471918

>if you're not an autistic pedant who treats a game like a glorified research project, you're a pleb
Yeah, okay Poindexter.

>> No.3471935
File: 823 KB, 1280x960, Laughing at you like the good old times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. butthurt casual babby

Again, this is a game for functional people who can do basic math and apply common sense to an elementary game system, go back to your Kirby or FF, those should be reasonably playable with your limited mental capabilities since you just need to press a button for the "game" to play itself.

>> No.3471948

It's a game that failed Interface Design 101 and the point is to have a range of weapons, not to powergame it so you have one awesome weapon.

>> No.3471956

Yeah, common sense that you pick up from a GameFAQs guide or hours of trial and error poured into the game as a kid. Okay.

>> No.3471960

not him, but why would you do any of that when the game comes with an in game manual?

>> No.3471970

Because the in-game manual only explains stuff at a basic, functional level. You know, shit that anyone could figure out from an hour of play.

>> No.3471979

I dunno, it was enough for me but ok

>> No.3471984

Like, functionally the game is fine. The problem isn't that it doesn't tell you HOW to stuff, it just doesn't tell you enough about WHEN and WHERE to do stuff.

>> No.3471992

>and the point is to have a range of weapons
Says who? Some nobody who can't even understand how the game works.
The game doesn't force you to change weapons, neither does it force you to use spells or BA or chains, but it does require a tiny bit of effort in order to learn how to play it.
If you think the game NEEDS or forces you to swap weapons then you're just talking out of your ass and you should stop talking about games you only played superficially.
Hell, you don't even need to use weapons.
>not to powergame it so you have one awesome weapon.
Most of the game's titles are literally powergaming, as in completing the game without saving once, beating optional bosses, beating the game without using spells, Break Arts or Battle Abilities and so on.
So I can play however the fuck I want and the game absolutely rewards having "deep" knowledge of its system, it even has titles for it.
Read the game's manual, use Scan and come back son.

>> No.3471997

>Read the game's manual, use Scan and come back son.
I did. I poured like 20 hours into the game as well. I did not enjoy it.

>> No.3472000

I find that the analyze spell helps a lot
you don't get it till the dragon though, which is still early but I can see how some would be frustrated by then

but I've noticed that the game conveniently gives you the things you'll need for the next boss in chests and drops a lot of the time

>> No.3472004

Vagrant Storyfags are so smug it's unbelievable

>> No.3472070

True. I absolutely love the game but this seems like a proper /v/ thread, full of insuferable cunts.

>> No.3472110

>bad interface
>you can directly open literally all the menus that should ever be necessary in battle with two button presses

other turn based rpgs also have menus anon

>> No.3472116

The most effective attributes of your weapon vs the body part you're targeting appear on screen, when you're targeting

it literally tells you what to do on screen when you're doing it

>> No.3472184

>I poured like 20 hours into the game as well. I did not enjoy it.
I'm sorry for you if that's the case, nothing you can't do if the game doesn't click with you.
>but I've noticed that the game conveniently gives you the things you'll need for the next boss in chests and drops a lot of the time
This, the game literally gives you all you need through chests and fixed drops, it took me a year or so to find out you could get even more overpowered drops from the Time Attack trials, let alone finding the templars in the Iron Maiden, I didn't even bother to really dig through the game back then because you can break it in many different ways if you simply pay attention to it, then if you bother to look at things a bit more and making 2+2 you can break the game in so many different ways you don't need 90% of the stuff the game gives you.

If there's a fault to VS is that its system is too articulated for its own good and gives you to many tools, like most games from Matsuno you end up simply having access to too many options so that the "balance" of the game doesn't really exist the moment you realize you can get around any problem in ten different ways if you just sit there a second and bother looking at simple stats and effects, not too mention that most of those tools end up being overshadowed by others.
It's a great game if you like experimental titles, but anyone who says that the game is supposed to be played in X way doesn't understand shit about it, you can play it in hundreds of ways IF and only if you know how to do so, and complaining that the game doesn't hold your hand more than it does, since it gives you a nice package of spells, gems, hilts and blades tailored for whatever boss you're going to fight in the next five minutes, is as stupid as saying that Doom is a shitty game because it doesn't have autoaim and a voice that tells you where to go.
Also this>>3472116

>> No.3472201

I'm talking about the load times and slow menu animations

>> No.3472407

This is just my memory of my experience of the game, but I wanted to play this game like any other dungeon crawler - that is to say I wanted to survive only on whatever loop drops I found. It wasn't until several hours into the game that became apparent that I was being punished for that decision. It turns out that the core of VS isn't actually the game itself, but rather its crafting system. Woe be unto folks like me who chose to ignore that crafting system, because progression will eventually become impossible if you do.

>> No.3472478

>The most effective attributes of your weapon vs the body part you're targeting appear on screen, when you're targeting
That's obvious, though. Who wouldn't pay attention to that?

What's worse is that those 20 hours consisted of like 4 restarts because I always felt like I was doing something wrong.

>> No.3472531
File: 58 KB, 380x285, gran_turismo_ps1_screenshot_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taught me about braking points, counter steer, cornering lines and apexes, entry speed.

It taught me to be a virtual racecar driver and gave me a bunch of useless trivia knowledge about a bunch of jappy cars I had never heard of before. This game is the reason I do amateur motorsport now that I have some money to do it for real.

>> No.3472694

It's obviously not a problem on an emulator/PS3, and if you're playing on a PSX it's hardly the worst offender of the PSX library for load time problems.

I'd love if every game was as snappy as SaGa Frontier but that's not gonna happen.

>> No.3472702

>is as stupid as saying that Doom is a shitty game because it doesn't have autoaim and a voice that tells you where to go.
but then you realize that there are actually people like this

>> No.3472709

I think you probably didn't explore all that well because there are tons of treasure chests that definitely have everything you need even if you never combine anything in a workshop

but almost all those chests are hidden and require you to explore carefully, solve puzzles, and rush challenge areas

so I would conjecture that you might actually be not that good at dungeon crawlers despite liking them

like for real I bet you don't like Shadow Tower either

>> No.3472847
File: 250 KB, 4059x2167, Smug Mayro and Luggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came into this thread expecting autism.

I was not disappointed.