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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3458852 No.3458852[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should 32/64-bit systems be allowed on /vr/? They don't seem very retro.

>> No.3458856

The sticky we've had for almost -3 years- says they're fine.

Find somewhere else if you don't like it.

>> No.3458868

Do you realise how long ago 1995-96 was already?

>> No.3458869

>They don't seem very retro.
We all age in time, my friend.

>> No.3458870

Op you fucking autistic sperg

>> No.3458871

No, the current rules are shit. They encourage sixth-gen shitposters who think it's unfair Dreamcast is allowed but not the other systems of the era.

>> No.3458876

I rather we ban posters who suggest changing the rules.

>> No.3458879

Do you want to allow a bunch of 12 year old Gaylofags on /vr/? I don't.

>> No.3458880

you're too optimistic if you think changing rules will actually reduce the shitposting here

>> No.3458882

God forbid something disrupts this bastion of intelligent conversations, right?

>> No.3458883


What the hell is your definition of retro?

>> No.3458884

you could start by removing yourself

>> No.3458887
File: 645 KB, 3200x1200, shenmue2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certainly not this.

>> No.3458892

Shenmue 2 is an Xbox game so that would not be retro under the board's rules.

>> No.3458893

We should just go back to the original /vr/ rules


>> No.3458897
File: 195 KB, 587x496, shenmue2cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you.

>> No.3458898

Dreamcast came out in the 20th century so it's still fine.

>> No.3458901


Wasn't that just an error on the mod's part? He says 1999 and earlier, but 5th gen consoles all came out before 1999, in fact the reason DC is allowed is because it's from 1998.

I say, while the rules aren't perfect, they're fine as they are.

I wouldn't mind if /vr/ becomes strictly 2D though, I also see 5th gen as the earliest form of modern gaming. There was definitely a paradigm shift between 4th and 5th.

>> No.3458902


Platforms: Dreamcast, Xbox

>> No.3458903

Way to be conveniently ignorant.

>> No.3458906

5th gen games aren't really based around modern game concepts despite being 3D. Especially in that the big genre of the time was the 3D platformer and they've gone almost extinct now.

>> No.3458910

It was
>video games circa 1999 and earlier allowed but no fifth gen
Currently the rules say
>video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier allowed

There are big differences between those two.

>> No.3458913

>paradigm shift
there have been a lot of those through every console generation. If we want to go for the biggest one, it was actually between 6th and 7th, thanks to the rise of online.
>/vr/ becomes strictly 2D
that's retarded and you know it. Games that have mode 7 are 3D? SuperFX? What's the gameplay difference between 3d and 2d JRPGs?

>> No.3458914

>rules become 2D-only, even including post-y2k 2D doujin games

Would be interesting, but the current admin doesn't give a fuck about /vr/.

>> No.3458916

Where did 64 bit end? Aren't Xbone and PS4 64 bit?

I think early 32 bit systems like the Archimedes, 3DO, CD32 or Jaguar should at least be retro.
Basically anything before the SS and PS1 died when those came out. Maybe add PC-FX but nobody gives a shit about it either way

>> No.3458918

This. OP is a fucking retard. 2 out of 3 of those systems could legally drink, if they were women they would all have kids by now.

>> No.3458923

People can never agree on what a 3D game actually is.

>> No.3458924 [DELETED] 

>19-20 year olds have kids
Hellooooo, trail park.

>> No.3458932

>trail park
>actually 3000 square foot home in the woods on a lake in a city

Try leaving your basement sometime.

>> No.3458934

>19-20 year olds have kids
Hellooooo, trailer park.

>> No.3458935

You're still a kid at 19, moron.

Try 30+, that's a real adult.

>> No.3458956

>Do you want to allow a bunch of 12 year old Gaylofags on /vr/? I don't.

You sound just as mature as them.

>> No.3458963

Only if they have protected their virginity.

>> No.3458975

Only games released before 1980 should be allowed.

>> No.3458982

n64 is a just a marketing term,

xbox123 and ps4 are barely even 'consoles', they are multicore either 32bit or 64bit-word cpu in an IBM compatible architechture personal computer, a.k.a "PC", and cube, wii and ps2/ps3 are "PowerPC" similar to apple computers iirc.

64 never ended, but wii was probably still 32bit given its low specs there was no reason for 64bit

>inb4 the next microst console is called xbox123 or XboxZero

>> No.3458994

PS2 is MIPS like PS1 and N64.

>> No.3459005

>I don't know the difference btween address space, data width and instruction size
>but I comment anyway

>> No.3459009

N64 has a 64 bit CPU, but the data and address buses are 32 bit. Almost no games actually have 64 bit code in them.

>> No.3459020

i think we should just discuss pong and nothing else

>> No.3459023

>N64 has a 64 bit CPU
the "64bit" is a marketing term in itaelf. It simply means that the CPU can execute operations on 64bit wide operand in a single cycle.
All the other buses and the instruction are 32bit, and this actually means that write/read operation of 64bit wide variables take two MEMREAD/MEMWRITE cycle. it's no surprise most game don't use it

>> No.3459026

Technically the 68000 is also a 32-bit CPU but same applies here.

>> No.3459046

yep. It was even weirder because the adress space was 24-bit, because the initial 68000 discarded the upper 8-bit in the address register simply for lack of pins. Later lodels had at least the full 32-bit adress space, while the data bus remains 16-bit wide.
If I remeber correctly the Genesis doesn't even top the max 16MB anyway

>> No.3459048

The Genesis has 22 address lines connected which allows 4MB max.

>> No.3459053

No, the 68k is 16-bit, only the 68030 variant of the 68k was actually 32-bit which the Genny doesn't use.

>> No.3459054

That basically means although you can execute 32-bit instructions on a 68000, it will operate twice as slow as 16-bit operands since it takes an additional clock cycle to feed them through the data bus.

>> No.3459059
File: 1.10 MB, 450x188, james-franco-wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what OP is doing.

He knows it's only a matter of time before millenials start pining for the PS2/GCN/Xbox so he's preemptively bringing into question even the legitimacy of the gen before while not actually against them.

Smart thinking OP.

t. Anon who is on your side.

>> No.3459060

The 68000 has 32-bit registers, the address and data bus are 24/16 bit.

>> No.3459067
File: 73 KB, 249x479, vr-tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this would mean Sonyggers, objectively the worst shitposters on vidya boards, are banned

Fuck yeah, do it.

>> No.3459076

Ah, I see. Did they use the two extra adress bit to some fuckery or were just left NC and the RAM plain mirrored?

>> No.3459087

I don't give a shit about the n64 or the PS1, but I love me some saturn.

>> No.3459089

They're just not connected to anything, anyway only a small number of Genesis games exceed 4MB.

>> No.3459124

So long as we can still talk about PC-98, I don't really need Saturn.