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File: 212 KB, 650x419, dreamcast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3448191 No.3448191 [Reply] [Original]

Why did it fail /vr/

>> No.3448225

Because Sega really didn't give a shit at that point. They knew there was no real copyright protection and released it anyway. Even in spite of all that it still did alright, but this was planned to be their final console.

>> No.3448243

Because Sega failed with the Saturn and they didn't really do that much with the Dreamcast. They forced it out way too quickly and had no idea what to focus the system on.

>> No.3448270

I still need to buy one of these. What's a fair price for a mint one?

>> No.3448297

Like $50 absolute tops.

>> No.3448308

Dreamcast failed because Sony killed it.

>> No.3448315

Nintendo did just fine. Dreamcast failed because sega didn't make good games and 3rd party support was shit.

>> No.3448326

>sega didn't make good games

>> No.3448335

Go ahead anon. I'll wait. And then we'll compare them to what Nintendo released at the time.

>> No.3448338
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>implying Sega doesn't have a vastly superior first-party line-up to Nintendo

>> No.3448341

People are focusing too much on the console, instead of Sega themselves. They were bleeding cash, regardless of how the DC did they would of left the console market.

>> No.3448352

Different anon.
Crazy Taxi, Shenmue, Daytona, House of the Dead, Jet Set Radio, Virtua Fighter, Phantasy Star, Sakura Taisen, Sega GT, Skies of Arcadia, Space Channel 5, and Virtual On

>> No.3448357


>> No.3448361

>Dreamcast failed because sega didn't make good games and 3rd party support was shit.

>> No.3448369

Nintendo did not do "just fine" they were just in a better place to begin with than Sega and didn't risk so much. Sega lived and died following their pattern that worked with Genesis, being early to market with powerful flawed hardware sold as a loss leader. The Dreamcast was carrying fully healthy numbers following its launch and it looked like Sega was going to be "just fine" but then the PS2 was just so goddamn good, marketed so brilliantly, licensed so smoothly nothing else stood a chance. Microsoft was basically the only company capable of competing with something like that and it was only through sheer in-the-red money shoveling.

>> No.3448382

Sony had GTA, MS had Halo, Nintendo had countless ip's, and Sega... Sega coudn't even get Sonic right. They still can't.

Not one of those is a system seller.

>> No.3448390

So many obvious troll posts in this thread.

It failed for a number of reasons.
-Saturn bombed in America causing the company to hemorrhage money.
-EA refused to support it even though they demanded the final specs and wanted a modem so their games could go online.
-Sony was a commercial success with Playstation 1 and PS2 could play DVDs (The most popular software in Japan at the time was The Matrix on PS2) resulting in a huge decline in hardware sales.

Sega eventually made a self parody in Segaga. Still waiting on a translation patch for this one.

>> No.3448393

Sakura Taisen was in JP.

>> No.3448407

That's neat. Still isn't going to sell a system. Kind of like every sonic game after knuckles.

>> No.3448426

Not one PS2 launch game is a system seller.

>> No.3448437


Irrelevant and I never even used that word. What's wrong with you?

>> No.3448439

How is it not relevant? A system seller only becomes one after the fact, so using it to determine a console's success is stupid.

>> No.3448449

Sega was so much more innovative than nintendo
All nintendo does is make rehashes of n64 games now

>> No.3448452
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>Nintendo did just fine.
Sure they did anon. They definitely weren't in a position barely any better than Sega's due to most 2nd/3rd parties backing out of their console in favor of Sony's, causing their own console to to have a pathetic library and bomb in places like Europe and Japan but only have moderate success in America.

>> No.3448462

>pathetic library

So you are retarded.

>> No.3448476

Sega could never deliver the 3rd party developers. Even the ones that started bailing on nintendo just went to sony instead. sega had a lot of good idea but a terrible marketing dept. I've always said if they had advertised properly they'd still be in the game.

Now nintendo's in their boat. legit zero 3rd party games for wii u and the staple games are just not cutting it like they used to.

>> No.3448487

>system seller
Soul Calibur

>> No.3448503
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Your console can only go so far when you have a library made up of a handful of your company's own established IPs along with 1-2 dev's other works. Even the fucking Saturn had more support from Japan.

>> No.3448505

Neither saturn nor dreamcast failed. There are dozens of awesome games for these. Why did peter moore pull the plug?
Mismanagement most likely.

>> No.3448509

>Crazy Taxi
>not a system seller

Not sure if retard or underage.

>> No.3448524

Doesn't matter in the end. One console has handfuls of games superior to the best games on the other system and this is fact and will always be in history as the way it is. Deal with it kid.

>> No.3448538

>Not sure if retard or underage.

Old enough to remember crazy taxi when it came out and you have shit taste if you consider crazy taxi to be a system seller. Only one anon came close saying Soul Calibur but even that is just a really good fighter, not a system seller and judging by the 1.3 million sales the rest of the world didn't think so either.

>> No.3448550

System seller: shitty generic game for the stupid masses to buy

>> No.3448560
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>One console has handfuls of games superior to the best games on the other system and this is fact
> superior to the best games on the other system
If you're a REALLY big fan of collectathons and Zelda I guess.

>> No.3448562

>Staple games are just not cutting it like they used too

That has a lot to do with the fact they diluted their own market with Mario games, then re-released their "AAA" titles from previous consoles. At this point they are pretty much seeing how many times they can sell us the same game, which is why I only got a Wii U after the piracy scene opened up

>> No.3448593
File: 72 KB, 174x171, roflmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>continues the tradition of arcade ports
>arcades were on the road to being niche at this point because consoles
>shitty controllers ditching the traditional Sega 6B's in favor the alright triggers
>their best accessory was an arcade stick for 95% of the library

On paper this would be living the fucking dream, but in reality it comes down flat since all of those games were better on the following consoles.

>> No.3448664

If executed properly, you could pull off a "Dreamcast 2" in the form of an OS like Steam OS.

>> No.3448829

Wasn't The Matrix DVD the top seller for PS2 at launch or something like that?

>> No.3448837

Wait never mind another anon posted it

>> No.3448839

Now, if you actually ask those that worked at Sega at the time, they'll tell you.

Dreamcast didn't sell because most consumers were already happy with the PS1 they already owned and that was at the time still getting a
constant dose of good games.

By the time consumers were ready to upgrade, it was late 2001, the PS2 already had a bunch of great games on it, and it offered PS1 BC and DVD playback to clinch the deal. So Dreamcast essentially got squeezed out by the market.

But the Dreamcast's assassin was not the PS2, it was the PS1.

>> No.3448852



they actually had one of the best Copyright protections ever created, they invented their own disc medium

>> No.3448892
File: 40 KB, 817x578, ThisIsWhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Piracy
> The PS2
> Consumer agitation over the abandonment of the SegaCD, 32X, and Saturn
> The death of arcades and the move toward cinematic gaming experiences
> Sega not having enough cash to weather the storm

and lastly

> Just being too far ahead of it's time

pic related

>> No.3448897


Adam Koralik is human garbage

>> No.3448924


He's right though

>> No.3448940

>Not a system seller
nigga what

>> No.3448989

Not much of a gamer, never really was and it's that the first time I come on this board I see this thread.
I got one in late 99, my uncle sent it to me from America (I live in South Africa) unexpectedly.
We don't come from a wealthy family at all, so it was quite a surprise.
The only problem was that he only sent 2 games - Sonic and Soul Caliber.
Couldn't ever get more games after that because no one here sold them.
Was great fun playing those 2 games.

>> No.3449001

It really wasn't. None of the games were made to sell the systems either. The system was made to sell the games.

>> No.3449151

It wasn't a DVD player

>> No.3449212

>Still isn't going to sell a system
But Sakura Taisen literally did sell the Dreamcast, what are you talking about?

>> No.3449294

Sega lost the marketing war from the ps1. The mention of the ps2 was enough to shake many people from getting a dc. Sega was running out of money.

Nintendo probably only survived because they had income from the Gameboy

>> No.3449303

>Nintendo probably only survived because they had income from the Gameboy

The N64 was very profitable. Hardware was cheap to produce (Nintendo cut every corner possible) and they were making a killing off cartridge royalties.

>> No.3449317

The PS2 came out less than a year later and had better games, a DVD player, etc.

It was also way too easy for anyone to burn pirated games.

Retrogamers love the Dreamcast and hate the PS2 mostly because the Dreamcast supports 480p via VGA in just about any game with very few exceptions. The PS2 mostly uses garbage 480i through component and SCART which looks ugly as hell through almost every modern TV. I mean sure you can get progressive mode, but it's only in about half of the PS2 library and you have to use a button combination on the controller at bootup which isn't 100% standardized.

>> No.3449348
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it was the kiss of death.

>> No.3449369

>The PS2 came out less than a year later

Not strictly true. Dreamcast was released in late 1998 while the PS2 was released in early 2000.

>> No.3449380
File: 1.76 MB, 350x232, TJ&Earl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't read the thread so it's probably already been said but:

-Sega's shit reputation of abandoning hardware
-PS2 DVD player
-PS2 backwards compatibility with PS1

The DC was awesome. I had one back in the day and all my friends loved it but no one wanted to buy one. Everyone was saving up for the PS2 and for the reasons listed above I don't blame them.

>> No.3449381

Two points

1. It wasn't so much the Dreamcast failing as it was Sega as a whole failing. The company had fucked up many times, and lost a lot of money and reputation. Not just failures like 32X, there is other less publicised stuff, like Sega's business management trying to diversify and investing in all sorts of silly shit, theme parks, a tenfold increase in staff, etc. They had nothing left to put behind Dreamcast.

2. The only really good game for Dreamcast was Phantasy Star Online. You can feel free to list others, but if you search your feelings, you know this to be true.

>> No.3449392

I hope they burned every one one of those shortly afterwards.

>> No.3449419

They still do theme parks, though.

>> No.3449423

Significant Other is a guilty pleasure of mine :^)

>> No.3449429

I guess the diversification showed in all the planned peripherals. Like swatch compatibility.

>> No.3449435

I don't think you understand how business works. Diversifying is a good thing. There's little evidence that Sega's investments in theme parks, etc were bad calls.

The real reason Sega fell is because of business incompetence in their core business (i.e. selling game consoles). They just racked up way too much financial debt on Saturn.

>> No.3449536
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SEGA lost credibility after their 3 strikes.
>SEGA Saturn

These consoles, though do have a few gems we see now, did not live up to expectations.

Customers had a bad view of the brand by then. That is something that is really hard to get back, your image as a company.

SEGA came together and decided it was time to hit the reset button and throw everything in the ring for this next console.
Unfortunately as many good ideas that came out of the Dreamcast the mistake of not adding copy protection/their brand having a bad image attached to it, it just wasn't enough.
Combine that with Sony having a proven good brand image, their next big console around the corner AND it has a DVD player for the masses to enjoy who are not even gamers, that was a wrap for the DC.

Going back and reading the interviews from old websites, VHS tapes and magazines...SEGA really did try to win back the trust of their consumer base. They really did have a big vision for the Dreamcast to have long legs into the future.

>> No.3449552


>no EA Sports

As much as I hate to say it, that goes a long way in determining how long your system will survive.

>> No.3449563

nfl 2k games was pretty good for dreamcast

>> No.3449668

What's a good game on sega that's exclusive in the U.S market?

okay, even for the multi-platform games, when I turned on a sega dreamcast the fan is pretty loud and can get irritating

>> No.3449728

It didn't, they just stopped.

>> No.3449760

Anon, please.

>> No.3449765

They didn't have enough money to compete with the PS2. The sales were pretty good but they had deficits from earlier commercial failures such as the Sega CD, 32x and Saturn. Also not enough third-party support from developers/publishers such as EA.

>> No.3449767

The lizard people who run the international Zionist conspiracy killed it. It's all there in the name you pronounce it "PSJew", clearly the Dreamcast has Illuminati imagery with all the triangles and the shape of the controllers match up with the shape of the Guatnu
ûi's home constellation.
Or maybe Sega fucked up with the Saturn, 32X, Sega CD and didn't have the money, 3rd party developers and technical specifications to take on the PS2.

>> No.3449778
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>> No.3450717

That's the exact opposite of "the best". They literally included the ability to read random data.

>> No.3450735

To me the Dreamcast seems like the last good couch co-op system. Which sucks for me because I've recently gotten into it and have no friends to couch co-op with anymore.

>> No.3450776

This. I bought the PS2 at release because i was still having a blast playing old PS1 games like FIFA98 and fucking Bloody Roar and roping friends into it. One year later, suddenly everyone was playing by themselves. There was no game that would "DO IT". I had the PS1 modded because i just couldn't get my hands on all the games i wanted in my region, but i had my ps2 modded because i was wasting fifty bucks each time on turds that i either wouldn't play, or my friends wouldn't play.

Forward to last week, i got a Dreamcast for the first time in my life. Now i'm looking into getting those sweet virtual on twin joysticks because every fucking game is a winner. My fiancee nags me to play everything i can get my hands on and now i can actually play with visitors like i did in my childhood since the games looks great even on my HDTV.

And all i am is fucking pissed.

>> No.3450820

Yeah, now imagine playing back in 2000 with your best friends every day after school and on weekends, and one of those friends having an uncle who would give him spindles of burned games