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File: 547 KB, 1121x800, DKC3_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3436934 No.3436934 [Reply] [Original]

what are the pros and cons of this game?

>> No.3436947

The game itself is quite good. Fun and challenging.

The protagonists and setting are the lamest in the series though.

>> No.3436952

do you think that it's not as well regarded as the first two games simply because of the horrendous mongoloid baby gorilla?

>> No.3436954

it's strictly worse dkc2 but still playable

the main issues are kiddy kong being unlikeable and the music being shit

>> No.3436957

Pros are it's DKC and rare
Cons are it's not DKC1 or 2

>> No.3436972

Yes. Kiddy Kong's likeability is on par with Jar Jar Binks.

>> No.3437006


More than decent level design
Peculiar atmosphere
Tested and solid controls by now
Original boss fights


Boring and repetitive side content
Underwhelming OST
Too gimmicky

but most of all

It came out after DKC2 aka perfection

>> No.3437108

What? Dixie is a nice protagonist.

Nah, Eveline did fine with the soundtrack. She composed some of DKC1 music too and although she's noticeably less talented than David, she can still compose good songs here and there.

>> No.3437878
File: 45 KB, 141x184, kiddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3437985


*great music
*some of the best graphics on the SNES, even slightly more so than the first two DKC games
*levels are all varied, none of them plays or feels the same (except for the toboggan levels but eh, the carts in the other 2 games are like that as well). Some say this is a bad thing because it makes the game too "gimmicky". Funny that they never say that about the first 2 DKC games while it applies just as much here (looking at you Tanked Up Trouble, Klobber Karnage, Hot Balloon Ride, Stop & Go and others)
*Lot of replayability because of all the bonuses and DKC coins. The brothers bear basically replaced most of the Kong family for both better and worse.
*No banana coins bullshit. Seriously, having to pay for Funky or Wrinkly to travel between areas and save is just bullshit, especially if you're playing DKC2 for the first time
*most content in the DKC SNES trilogy so if you love collect-a-thons you won't wanna miss this

*collecting everything can be chore, especially the banana birds
*No Rambi. Sure, Ellie makes for some new gameplay but it still can't beat ramming to a bunch of enemies with that rhino. Parry feels like a useless addition. The additions in DKC2 felt more like improvements, especially Squawks and Squitter.
*Vehicles. The idea of having different ones to be able to explore more of the Northern Kremisphere is interesting but the gameplay hasn't changed much in that regard. Also, the hovercraft sucks.
*The game has much more tendency to lag, especially the American (and I believe JP as well) version. Sometimes it gets incredibly frustrating (example, the last bonus stage in one of the cave levels where a purple bomb-throwing barrel makes the game lag so much it is only 15 FPS or something). It doesn't happen as much in the PAL version but it's a serious problem that didn't occur in the first 2 DKCs.
*Takes a while to beat the game so if you're more into speedrunning you'd have more fun with the other two games

>> No.3438448
File: 273 KB, 256x238, 2604497-4948711253-DKC2-.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want that old style graphic rendering back. One of the reasons I hated the wii renditions, aside from the shitty controls, was how everything look like it was trying to be new super mario bros but worse. I rather have rasterized 3d sprites again, or at least shaders and an artsyle that's more reminiscent of the snes DK.

>> No.3438451

>less talented

Just because she composes a different genre of music than Wise doesnt make her less talented. Fucking retards with their overrated Wise.

>> No.3438470

Everything people complain/like about Yoshi's Island applies to DKC3

>> No.3438506

Hold the butthurt there, Jimmy. If you think he's overrated just compare the soundtrack of the second and third games. DKC2 has an extensive collection of great songs while DKC3 is basically a hit and miss scenario. Again, she's good, but having a different genre is not an excuse for composing noticeably less memorable songs.

>> No.3438508

B-Team Rare made it while A-Team Rare went on to develop Banjo/DK64.

>> No.3438509

>less memorable

Oh yeah, cause trumpets and synthethized pops and corks is a lot better than another digital instrument

>> No.3438512

Both the A and B team at Rare were very good. It's not like today where a B team is a bunch of non devs on the team. Everyone at the studio shared in the same culture.

>> No.3438527

Not an argument. Try actually comparing both soundtracks before spitting your meaningless gibberish.

>> No.3438539

>continuously whacking off to DKC2's soundtrack despite only having two good ones

You wouldn't be able to make the argument anyway

>> No.3438550

>continuously avoiding to provide actual arguments instead of whacking off to DKC3's forgettable soundtrack

I love your projection, by the way. DKC3 is the game people usually only name two good songs, i.e. Water World and Nuts and Bolts.

>> No.3438562

>forgetting jungle jitter, northern kremisphere, enchanted riverbank, rockface rumble, pokey pipes, cascade capers, mam--

You know what. Nvm. You're a dumbass.

>> No.3438571

>arbitrarily naming a bunch of forgettable songs
>still no argument
>y-you're a d-dumbass ;(

Your comments reek of desperation. And out of that list, only Cascade Capers and Rockface Rumble are decent and the latter was based off David's Kannon's Klaim. I'm done with you, kid.

>> No.3438573

>no, all the songs suck cause I said so and DKC2 is the greatest and I love fucking DKC2 so much it has no flaws best music best worlds

Protip: DKC3's gameplay and levels are a lot better than DKC2.

>> No.3438743

How is the GBA version? It has new levels doesn't it?

>> No.3438749

If you prefer DKC to DKC3, you might be a literal retard.

>> No.3438754

They are all water levels.

>> No.3438773

The only reason to play the GBA version is the additional levels and frankly, they're all terrible. Everything is watered down (sounds, graphics, gameplay because of even more stuff to collect as if the original didn't have that enough) and the soundtrack was completely scrapped and rewritten. Not even David Wise could save the music. It's a port that was obviously rushed.

You're better off playing the SNES version.

>> No.3438784

Dems fighting words faggot. meet me at the playground.

>> No.3438796

Pro ; fun, Best graphics
Con ;
Formula is a bit stale by this point

But kids don't give a hoot either way and that's who it's for really. Great games though. I like DK 64 best.

>> No.3440213


I agreed with your comment up until that

>> No.3440256

Complete control of the system, perfect controls, graphics and audio

Every stage has a new stupid gimmick and the new character isn't good to play with

>> No.3440405

Are you fucking kidding? That's got almost nothing to do with it. Kiddy is a shit, shit, garbage-tier character and yes it would be better with Diddy but it doesn't change the actual game design, game mechanics or anything like that. An entire game isn't changed by swapping out a few sprites.