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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3431209 No.3431209 [Reply] [Original]

What's that one game, above them all, that you want to experience for the first time again? The game that was so fucking magical that it blew your mind?

>> No.3431223
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Ocarina of Time

First time reaching hyrule field, music strikes up


>> No.3431226

Pokemon Red/Blue
Final Fantasy VII, VIII and IX

Outside of RPGs, probably if I'm honest...Spyro 2

>> No.3431228
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Either Xenogears or FF7.

I wish I was 15 again. Kind of.

>> No.3431254


>> No.3431259

Solar Jetman.

>> No.3431267

Mario 64 for the first time was honestly one of the better gaming experiences ever. The movement felt so smooth, jumping into paintings looked really cool.

Also, Chrono Trigger.. I remember getting that for my birthday, running to put it into my SNES, then watching the pendulum swing, and play into the attract mode intro. It was SO COOL looking. The music still gives me goosebumps, it's so good.

>> No.3431293

The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall

>first time seeing weather change
>that snow music
>screaming skeletons

>> No.3431336

Pokemon Red or Super Mario Bros. 3... or Super Mario World. Or Super Mario 64. Or Link to the Past.

Of all of them, though... Super Mario Bros. 3.

>> No.3431340

Probably Earthbound, partially because I love it and partially because I would want to see if it holds up minus the nostalgia factor.

Cave Story also

>> No.3431347
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>> No.3431352

Super Mario Bros. 3

>> No.3431353
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When I was in high school, Half-Life modding was huge. There was Hostile Intent and Science & Industry, but the most bold and incredible was Natural Selection.

>> No.3431415
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Dorf Fort

>> No.3431427

Crash bandicoot 2 or ff7.

>> No.3431434

Any of the Gold Box games (Specially the Dragonlance trilogy)

>> No.3431469

Chrono Trigger would have to be my pick as well.

The first moments of this game are some of my most cherished in gaming.

>> No.3431478

Super Metroid.

Beating it felt like quite the feat when I was about 8. I've never looked at videogames the same way since.

I love the open world that is gated off until you find more equipment, all the cool shortcuts, the breakable walls, it seemed like a real place.

>> No.3431506

Skies of Arcadia. And not due to nostalgia because I played it for the first time in April this year. I was so happy while playing this game, I don't even know why. It was like a happiness pill.

>> No.3431510

Mine was Majora.Sorta had that same experience when I replayed it on 3ds

>> No.3431512
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probably runescape or pokemon gold

>> No.3431549

Came here to post this. I haven't had that with any other game.

>> No.3431550

My first console was the 64 with Mario and Smash. I booted up Mario, and played it for like an hour having a great time. Then I found the Endless Aquarium and for some reason that just blew my tiny mind.

>> No.3431552

Phantasy Star Online

>> No.3431570

Super Metroid

>> No.3433552

Ys Book 1 and 2
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario Land 2
Kirby's Adventure

>> No.3433584

FF7, I had only played shooters and arcadey games before that. It was the first time I wanted to know more about a games universe and I started drawing the characters too, which ultimately got me into art.

>> No.3433689
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Man. Damn. This shit was how you knew, back then, you were in for something epic.

>> No.3433692
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The gameplay, the music, the story, the characters and dialog, the setting, all so good.

>> No.3433705
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There's been a lot of games but none as comfy as Harvest Moon 64 baby.

>> No.3433738
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Resident Evil 2.

First running into this guy was something else.
I was genuinely afraid to progress in this game.

But the best moment was when I found out you could experience the other person's story in the B scenario. I just knew the game was gold.

>> No.3433802

Wow. It would have to be Metroid. That shit terrified 6 year old me.

>> No.3434032
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My nigga

>> No.3434036


>> No.3434103
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Some people bought a Dreamcast to play Sonic Adventure. Others for Soul Calibur. I have one thanks to Jet Set Radio.

>Those cool tricks
>That sweet OST
>That Cel Shading
>That style

I love it. It's my favorite Sega game of all time.

>> No.3434112

It's not a game in particular, it's being a child.

When you're a child and don't have experience with anything even the worst game in the world is magical.

>> No.3434116

I remember watching my friend play and it was the first time I had been scared by a video game, but it was awesome.

>> No.3434124

I had my sexual awakening while playing this game

told my mom I had a gf because I romanced elli

>> No.3434139

This was my pick too. I still seem to go back to it for like 2 weeks a year and play the fuck out of it. I found out last year there was a second one, so I checked it out on twitch...its just some run of the mill shit mmo, I was pissed when I saw that.

>> No.3434942

Xenogears and Grandia

>> No.3434949

Pool of Radiance on the Commodore 64

>> No.3435413

shadowrun for SNES

>> No.3435426

Dark souls 1.

>> No.3435427


>> No.3435524

Have to go with Pokemon Crystal. I love the music in that game.

>> No.3435676

For me it's this, or OoT, Daggerfall just felt so huge, so epic, and so rich as a kid.

OoT though would be #1.

>> No.3435709
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Pokemon Gold/Silver and Link's Awakening

>> No.3435717

Gauntlet Legends (n64)

Sumner's Tower theme in the n64 version gives me so many feels.

As well as Desecrated Temple theme.

Why did all the other versions of the game fuck up those two themes? Were they meant to be n64 exclusive? They're the best songs in the game!

>> No.3435751

Quake 1 online multiplayer on dial-up

>> No.3435920

Sorry, but I thought the SEGA shadowrun was so much better. The cyberspace was amazing

>> No.3436406
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no mention of Ultima Online

you disapoint me anons

also this >>3434112

i would like to not only play UO again, but doing it with all the time a 14yo has on their hands, and preferably in 90s fully populated servers and stil no ultra automation by cheaters.

>> No.3436583
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Before I knew where everything was

Before I knew where to find the unbreakable / upgraded versions of weapons

Before I stopped being afraid of movies and video games.

>> No.3437331

Super Metroid by far. Pretty sure that game was made by lizard people, cus there is absolutely no way any human produced something that magnificent in every way.

>> No.3437350
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Guild Wars 1

I know it's not retro yet, but it's much too old for /v/. I've bought like two games in the 11 years since gw1. There's no fucking point anymore. The magicalness was thrusting too hard too fast.

>> No.3437361

Id have to pick EverQuest. The game is shit now. But it was a fucking amazing experience for the first 2 expansions on the PvP servers. It was the first time i ever played a game online, and its the reason my words per minute got decent from all the shit talking on pvp servers... so many good times on there.

>> No.3437619


Played a demo disc and was hooked immediately.

>> No.3437630

I agree on that one when i watched the movie The Wizard as a kid and they first showed the game i thought holy shit is that real.

>> No.3437871
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Sonic 3 and knuckles,mega man 2 an 3,smw,ff7

>> No.3437887
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This isn't /vr/, but San Andreas.

I remember the first time I got done with the Los Santos missions and got dumped in the wilderness, miles away from my friends and family, I knew it was going to be much more ambitious than anything GTA had done up to that point, and the series hasn't hit a high like that since.

>> No.3438028

desu. Sinistar.
I only ever experienced it in a arcade collection (Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits). I want to experience it in an arcade. It was the only game I played on that collection. I love the whole idea about Sinistar, puts a nice spin on the conventional "fly around space and shoot shit" type of game. I'd love to play it in the sit down cabinet (first arcade cabinet to implement stereo sound)

>> No.3439198
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Mine would be Majora's Mask

After a lot of time of not knowing what to do exactly in Clock Town, and discovering the bombers password.
The astral observatory and it's music was magical, it had a sense of success in the game.

>tfw i will never play Majora's Mask for the first time again and groove to the Milk Bar music.

>> No.3439232
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this gem right here

>> No.3441419

Gotta agree. The sense of dread the clock induced lost it's charm after the first time around.

>> No.3441435

I'd say Pokemon Gold and FFV Advance
Outside of RPGs it would be Crash Bandicoot 2

>> No.3441440

Or Yoshis Island

>> No.3441442

CoD: MW2

back when shooters were good and original...

>> No.3441450

This and Golden Axe II are the first games I remember playing, so either those or Pokemon Silver.

Every time I hear that Goldenrod theme I get teary eyed.

>> No.3441454
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forgot img

>> No.3441458

Ocarina of Time
Pokemon Red/Blue

>> No.3441535
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Ultima 7. At the time, it was such a massive, detail-packed world to explore, full of quests, subplots, drama, mysteries, interesting characters. My memory of opening it for my birthday is crystal clear.

Wings for the Amiga was a close second.

>> No.3441591

Valkyrie Profile