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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 33 KB, 240x354, Pulseman_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3428725 No.3428725 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: retro games that were all style over substance.

>> No.3428727

Great game. Only with sega and greak freak and nintendo we will see this on vc.

>> No.3428728

>Style over substance is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone bases their argument on compelling language, obfuscation, and various terms of art, instead of legitimate logical analyses.

In what way would you use this argument to back your claim about Pulseman being that?
People don't even talk about it that much, it's a nice game with somewhat Megaman-esque gameplay.

>> No.3428731

Cho Aniki

>> No.3428732

Boring basic level design, lots of bugs, Pulseman himself is unoriginal, very short and unsatisfying length, game has too many flashy colours, etc.

>> No.3428742
File: 73 KB, 640x794, Shadow of the beast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Primal example.

>> No.3428790
File: 22 KB, 233x300, rareware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything developed by pic related.

>> No.3428792


Not Blast Corps, though. That game is 100% ludo.

>> No.3428840
File: 66 KB, 592x476, mortal-kombat-history-behind-the-scenes-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western fighting games, like Time Killers, Killer Instinct, War Gods, Primal Rage, Eternal Champion, Bio F.R.E.A.K.S., Way of The Warrior, Expect No Mercy, Catfight that relied on violence. Mortal Kombat is the worst offender,
Most relied on other gimmicks, usually digitized graphics and scantly clad sluts, but all were amateurish games with zero gameplay.

Mega Drive Sonic games were style AND substance, but the Dreamcast ones were pure style and now are cringey as fuck pieces of crap full of bugs.

Fear Effect. "ZOMG LESBIANS, DEVILS, VIOLENCE!", but a pretty frustrating, albeit decent, game.

Most anime games, as they were awful but sold thanks to it's licenses.

Amiga platforms. Tech demos with warping backgrounds, jumping letters and shitty level design, usually trying to copy some console game.

>flashing colors
All Gamefreak staples.

>> No.3428841
File: 6 KB, 500x300, squaresoft.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As well as these guys.

>> No.3428847


Killer Instinct has decent gameplay though. It's pretty much the only western fighter that actually tried to follow SF's formula in terms of controls.

>> No.3429462

You've never had someone love you before, right? It's okay, tone yourself down a little, get less angry over video games, and maybe someday someone will find the beautiful person you truly are somewhere under that fedora.

>> No.3429470 [DELETED] 

I don't think this ever even made it to the US.

>> No.3429471

I honestly feel like it's more of an abstract ass art piece than bad game design, regardless of what the designers intended. It's just too much fun despite being such a weird fucking atypically designed game.

>> No.3429472

But everything he said is correct, except Killer Instinct is just okay instead of pure shit and there are a few good Amiga platformers.

>> No.3429628


It did, but only through Sega Channel, which is why it didn't have an actual cart release, like Alien Soldier.

>> No.3429706
File: 129 KB, 500x500, 16235426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fair chunk of Taito games. I love this developer to death, but I won't deny that I only bother playing some of their games just jam out to Zuntata and soak in that gorgeous 80's aesthetic.

>> No.3429715


Battletoads has some of the tightest, responsive controls, and outstanding level designs of any video game made. Please don't post on this board anymore until you reach the age of 18.

>> No.3429725
File: 130 KB, 960x720, came2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>likes a meme game
>calls someone else underage

>> No.3429745

It's on the Wii Shop Channel for 900 Points.

>> No.3429756

Rare's actual best designed game is Jet Force Gemini followed closely by Perfect Dark.

>> No.3430276
File: 176 KB, 646x650, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phenomenal soundtrack
Phenomenal look
Fucking awful controls, physics, and level design.

>> No.3430278

Now this, I agree with.

>> No.3430293

>A 90's game set in a virtual world is full of neon flashing colors
What a fucking shock.

>> No.3430304

You just can't say that shit about Matsuno or Kawazu

>> No.3430320


Pic not related though.

>> No.3430326


Controls are not the best, but they're mostly fine unless you're bad.

Physics don't really come into play too much.

Level design is great, but you wont get it on just one playthrough. Play it on score attack and see how all the districts are interconnected.

>> No.3430353

>Grinding up rails
>Hold up on control stick
>Grind back down at a remarkably slow rate
>Bunny hop up rail to cross
>You can be thrown into exiting a level by accident

I like the game but in retrospect it does have a fair amount of flaws.

>> No.3430378

>meme game

Great counterargument there, buddy. Not the same guy, but Battletoads is legitimately well-designed. The game uses a wide variety of styles of gameplay while still feeling like a cohesive experience. Every area of the game has been created with a level of attention to care that was nearly unrecognised on a platform consisting of short arcade titles and shovelware, which is especially remarkable for its time. The game still holds up today as extremely fun and challenging to play.

>> No.3430450

Man, to be honest with you, I don't even know how to define SotB. I mean, the game is aesthetically amazing but has a lot of strange shit that doesn't look right.

For example, just look at some enemies and how they are placed: Giant Halloween zombie hands from earth, giant eyes from nowhere, the skeleton ship - or whatever that thing is - from nowhere too and the fucking Psygnosis logo (almost a Easter Egg, but still...). They simply are there...because they are there. There's no harmony between their design, level design and how they act.

When I see Super Mario Bros. 3's sprites, I can tell that they are from the same source because of the identical style and how they fit in the game's world. I can't do the same thing with SotB's thanks to the mishmash of different ideas.

And then there's the horrible collision system, item system, glitches and random things appearing and happening without warning. Imo, this isn't even a work of art. This is a lazy garbage that uses graphics and music to hide a atrocious game design.

>> No.3430464

>Boring basic level design
The level design suited Pulseman's gameplay style and control. Because Pulseman is able to zap around through multiple screens, they had to leave a lot of room for that. They shouldn't put something like Castlevania in there.

>lots of bugs
I never encountered any.

>Pulseman himself is unoriginal
I thought you said it had style.

>very short and unsatisfying length
You probably never even beat it.

>game has too many flashy colours
I know, it's very triggering.


>> No.3430471

nah parodius games play just fine, now musha that's damn overrated by genecucks

>> No.3430745

Fear Effect and Fear Effect 2 were remarkable in that their edginess and teen bonermaker facade DETRACTED from their really interesting, challenging and often very clever puzzle-horror game.

Which is bizarre for an additional reason: they might seriously be the absolute best-looking games on the PSX graphically. They nailed cel-shading so perfectly that it looked GOOD in a way that holds up today, despite the horror-inducing PSX limitations, had expressive faces uncommon at the time that also avoided going uncanny-valley like Siphon Filter's, well-drawn environments, and seamless overlayed models on FMV where used.

Fear Effect was more like style overshadowing substance.

>> No.3430750
File: 134 KB, 500x366, vectorman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you loved Vectorman as a kid and came back to it later
>tfw Vectorman 2 somehow killed the style with a simple voice change to be more of a soulless robot

>> No.3430759

Pretty much this
I doubt anyone remembers Fear Effect 2 for anything but LESBIANS

Which is a shame cause the game is real fun

>> No.3430778

>zero gameplay
As opposed to one or two gameplay? I think you mean 'no gameplay', as gameplay isn't quantifiable.

>> No.3430923
File: 53 KB, 640x449, superturrican2us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably one of the best looking SNES titles but essentally a gimmick game like Earthworm Jim 2 that doesn't know what it wants to be.
There's only one stage in it that has some sort of Turrican-esque gameplay and even that one is streamlined as fuck compared to the older games.

>> No.3430930
File: 1.16 MB, 1144x1603, 1457537845790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>style over substance
something that faggots say

>> No.3430995

There's no cel-shading in Fear Effect. Actually, the games use NO shading at all.

>> No.3431194

>The level design suited Pulseman's gameplay style and control. Because Pulseman is able to zap around through multiple screens, they had to leave a lot of room for that. They shouldn't put something like Castlevania in there.
Still doesn't excuse the shit level design.

>I never encountered any.
Nice anecdotal evidence.


Search bug/glitch.

>I thought you said it had style.
His gameplay is unoriginal. Transforming into a ball? Come on. Even Vectorman has cooler abilities.

>You probably never even beat it.
And you probably suck cock.

>I know, it's very triggering.
There's no direction. It's just a bunch of random bright colours everywhere and a tryhard weeb aesthetic.

Now can you list something good about Pulseman?

>> No.3431195
File: 142 KB, 816x587, giggle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting Sonic
>calling others faggots

>> No.3431220

Did you come back to it and like it?

>> No.3431538

The irony is that your pic is the perfect example of style over substance.

>> No.3431548
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also do in fact have gameplay, given that they're not movies or even slot machines.

Anyway, you can't top pic related. I'll defend Dragon's Lair over REZ.

>> No.3431606
File: 2.09 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN0646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

defend me

>> No.3432574


Sure it's all style

But goddamn, I loved me some REZ

>> No.3434107
File: 14 KB, 229x281, 256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not calling people faggots

>> No.3434110


Rez is a fine rail-shooting game, basically it's a Panzer Dragoon game.

>> No.3434162

He's not saying you shouldn't call others faggots, he's saying it's ironic that a Sonicfag is calling others faggots.

>> No.3434307
File: 128 KB, 980x551, pusher-game13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]