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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3427507 No.3427507 [Reply] [Original]

This is my favourite game of all time and I would like to talk about it.

Without this game I probably wouldn't like video games as much. I was too shitty at SMB.3 as a kid and this was the only game I could beat.

This track brings tears to my eyes.

Kracko was such a tough boss for me because I wouldn't use the high jump ability.

>> No.3427549

I always liked this one


Great music though. Great game really, one of my favs when I was a kid.

>> No.3427553

Rainbow Resort makes everyone nostalgia hard. Myself included.

>> No.3427562


I personally prefer:


to the "Silver and Gold" Grape Garden song.

>> No.3427602


It just brings memories.

>> No.3427654

that's my second favourite.

>> No.3427669

Choose or die!

>> No.3427683

UFO forever, coolest thing ever.

>> No.3427713

One of the greatest on the NES. Always one of the first games I play when trying out a new emulator. I've always taken more of a liking to Super Star and Super Star Ultra though. That's one of my top 3 definitely. I haven't picked a "greatest game of all time" but it's probably between that, one of the Wario Land games, and Castlevania SotN.

>> No.3427785

Man, I only played Kirby's Adventure fairly recently for the first time and I was blown away. Such a cute little game.

>> No.3428438

I always felt superstar was too short l.

>> No.3428446
File: 208 KB, 897x1168, GP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks and deep in your heart you know it. Stop the nostalgiafagging and grow up.

>> No.3428451

patton plz

>> No.3428478

Kirbys Adventure is timeless. KSS is up there too.

Actual retard detected.

>> No.3428656

kill yourself, dumbass.

>> No.3428715

I first played this game when I was in the middle of playing Phantasy Star Online for GC. I couldn't believe that the NES was capable of playing a game this smooth and well made; it looked like it should be on the SNES, even if there was a smaller color palette.

>> No.3428723

It took me three years to beat the game. I brought it a while back and only beat it last year. It's so much harder than future Kirby games. I always died at the boss rush

>> No.3428756

Kirby's Adventure is my favorite NES game, and my favorite Kirby game. Every time I play another Kirby game, I get about two levels in and think, "I'd rather just be playing Kirby's Adventure".

>> No.3428762

Kirby Super Star was my first Kirby game, and one of the first videogames I genuinely loved as a kid.

I didn't have a chance to play another Kirby tittle until I picked up a 100 NES games in 1 disc for my hacked PlayStation. Sadly the Kirby ROM was damaged and it couldn't save, so I was stuck with replaying the first areas over and over. My personal record was until you reach the Drill boss fight.

The visuals, the abilities that were not present in KSS, the intro of "how to draw Kirby" and the minigames blew my mind.
Now that I think of it, this game was crafted really well, and has many things to offer even though it is just a NES game.

>> No.3428801
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This is a neat guide you should look into.

>> No.3428825

what the hell is silver and gold?

>> No.3428878

I had beaten some stupid games as a kid, like Rescue Rangers, but Kirby's Adventure was the first that felt like I put work into beating it and overcame a challenge. I still get a little triumphant feeling when I think about beating the final boss.

Inot retrospect is pretty easy, but I played it until I was nearly prefect at all the mini games and I found all but one of the secrets in one of the last levels. I can't do the samurai mini games half as well as I could as a kid.

>> No.3428907

Kirby has always had a special place in my heart. It's been a while since I've picked up a Kirby game (Super Star Ultra was my last), but for some reason it's one of my favorite series. Kirby is also the only character I never pick as a CPU enemy in Smash.
The series has some of my favorite soundtracks in all of gaming and even though it's mostly known for the cheerful upbeat tunes, pieces like Rainbow Resort, the credits music from Revenge of Meta Knight or 02's battle theme are just as awesome.

>> No.3428924
File: 1.59 MB, 300x505, 00facae5-9faf-474d-b280-b3f9f7d5bd7a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite childhood game, playing when I was around 4-5 years old really solidified it as one of my favorite NES games. Even know it's one of the few games I can just turn on and play and still have despite having lost count of how many times I beat it. What a phenomenal game.

I love this interview from the team behind the game, great read for any fan.

>> No.3429012

>I was too shitty at SMB.3

stopped reading there, your opinions in games is worth shit

>> No.3431192

One of my favourites of all time. Funny, I never really got to play it extensively when I was young because only my friends owned a copy, but I played it at least 50 times as a teen after discovering emulation / bittorrent.

I really love all the backgrounds in pretty much every Kirby game. Music is killer in KA, KSS, and KD3 as well.

>> No.3432052

this thread is mega comfy

are we allowed to talk about the gba remake? i think it was great. i loved the music and the metaknight mode was a cool touch.

>> No.3432225

OP, what do you think about the GBA remake?

>> No.3432245
File: 146 KB, 300x505, 658923e2-ea13-47cf-93da-274a0f06a4fc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but as a huge fan of the game I think it is quite good but inferior to the original. My bigggest problem is the new physics. The new GBA physics feel like less responsive and I feel like the momentum kirby has in the NES version is gone. Another problem I have is the GBA version having a smaller screen means the levels are smaller and a bit more cramped. Personally I like how both look, it does make me sad how some little touches in the NES version is gone in the GBA version.

As I said, it is not a terrible game and definitely a respectable remake but personally I find it inferior.

>> No.3432254

Also my favorite game. Me and my sister loved it, and we would make up stories about kirby.

>> No.3432280

OP here, I don't own the cartridge but I have a rom of it on my wii. Its nice to look at but I haven't finished it yet.

>> No.3432484

Interesting, I played the GBA one first and I find the NES physics less responsive

>> No.3432501

Patton wouldn't say that about a Kirby game, he's too based

hush imposter

>> No.3432820

>I learn that if you jump over the cutter ability that it goes on forever.
That was so cool to me for some reason. I thought I had broke the game.

>> No.3432851

Had this as a kid and played it all the time. Took it and my NES to a babysitter's house and kept trying to beat the final boss. Died so many times but when I did, it was such an amazing feeling as a kid.

>> No.3433175

Yeah thats something I noticed too, I really liked being able to slide at max speed off of the edges.

Backdrop was totally my favorite ability, sucks that like UFO it was only available in like 2 levels.

>> No.3434167

but that's what makes it so awesome. so special.

>> No.3434240

>swallow 2 rock guys at the same time
>don't stop the roulette, let it stop itself
>get UFO

>> No.3434290

I know it's useless, but I love Ball. Hi-Jump is a close second though.

>> No.3434486 [DELETED] 

This thread peaked my interest, I don't have a NES so I have to emulate. Is it normal for the framerate to chug a bit when abilities are being used?

>> No.3434489

This thread piqued my interest, I don't have a NES so I have to emulate. Is it normal for the framerate to chug a bit when abilities are being used?

>> No.3434548

The original game had very frequent lag, most modern NES emulators emulate lag faithfully but a couple have options to try and speed it up

>> No.3434554

Play the 3ds remake, same game with no slowdown

>> No.3434568

yeah it's normal but i never really noticed it in that game
kirby's adventure really pushed the hardware

>> No.3434640
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Just finished a playthrough on hardware and was playing again on emulator at work. Using the gameboy pocket shader made me wish this game had been ported to the gameboy. Would've easily joined my top 10 on that system.

>> No.3434650

The GBA remake (Nightmare in Dreamland) is bretty gud. Loooooove that Meta Knightmare mode. NOthing beats the feeling of finally beating Meta Knight on the NES version though.

>> No.3434658

Suplex/Backdrop Kirby is superior.

>> No.3434728


The Dpad on the 3DS is kinda small though, does it work well enough with the analog stick?

>> No.3434793
File: 1.47 MB, 1200x969, 13ee734f-60a1-4bd9-8f3c-dc6b96798e78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFO is in one level per world actually.

>> No.3435030
File: 1.25 MB, 966x768, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F6291c74f4d43d1f6fa5836cd85815c6a%2Ftumblr_nyadyzROsl1razu4eo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I would honestly say it's arguably the best version of the game having no slowdown and while not needed the 3d was handled pretty decent actually. One thing I hate though is not only is it on a small screen but they put a fucking border around the game too. Still, VERY high quality port.

>> No.3435230

What is that?

>> No.3435235
File: 644 B, 256x224, ApeInc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like an APE guide book.

>> No.3435603

Picked up the game because of this thread, it's adorable and fun. Should I check out any other Kirby games?

>> No.3435618

kirby and the amazing mirror, kirby super star ultra, dreamland 3 on snes, skip the n64 one imo,

>> No.3436181

Kirby games are all around high quality, even at it's worst kirby is just mediocre.
Crystal shards is great, get that shit taste out of here.

>> No.3436380

Oh wow, OP here, I'm so happy to hear that!!!

>> No.3436626

all of them
and the spinoffs
they're all great

>> No.3437731

>One thing I hate though is not only is it on a small screen but they put a fucking border around the game too
You would prefer it looking like blurry crap from scaling? It matches the original resolution that way.

>> No.3439150

Kracko was the hardest boss for me as a kid. I sucked at using high jump.

>> No.3439360

Somehow before I even clicked your link, I knew exactly what song it would be. I agree, it's a nice little tune.

>> No.3439427

Kirby 2 was relativly good enough id say, hell, it even had most the music from Adventure too

>> No.3439430

too bad the kirby 1 theme was unused

>> No.3439435

the sun and moon guys in Kirby 2 AND Kracko always gave me trouble

>> No.3439985

the sun is such an asshole.